NT Wright EXPOSES Rapture Doctrine

NT Wright EXPOSES Rapture Doctrine

Modern Christianity

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@MdrnChristianity - 22.12.2023 03:35

to those who are vicious towards NT Wright - 1 Corinthians 8:1 -
Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up. The man who thinks he knows something does not yet know as he ought to know. But the man who loves God is known by God

@SquadJuiced - 21.05.2024 02:39

Could NT Wright be NT Wrong?
(Sorry. I had to do it.)

@texassmokingmonkey - 20.05.2024 21:41

Agree with Dr. Wright. it's not a salvation issue. relax people.

@maxamahnken7325 - 20.05.2024 19:20

No rapture

@AlejandroGonzalez-qd4iz - 20.05.2024 17:22

Once again this does not surprise me. Mixing the second coming with rapture. There is going to be a pulling up and there will be a second coming. Why does this fly over the heads of so many? I still love you no matter where you stand on this fellow brother and sister in Christ. Just stay focused on your relationship with Christ. The holy Spirit will lead you.

@tims.449 - 18.05.2024 22:33

I see the rapture in the scripture. If you are right and I wrong. The believers are kept as a chick sheltered under Mom’s wing. In the cleft of the rock. The trib is as a curse for disobedience and unbelief. We are free from the curse of sin. Because we are not under the Kingdom program. We are under grace lone trusting that Christ paid the penalty of sin and freeing us from the curse and wrath to come.

@leroybroun4106 - 16.05.2024 17:11

oh yes, must be poetry cuz God can't use plain descriptive language. that way scholars like this can make it be anything they want. Mr NT, get out of scientism and the descriptive language in the Bible will start making sense; you won't have to invent abstract poetry. think physical firmament for example.

@distantgalaxymusic1447 - 16.05.2024 13:23

I started to realize this view of the Bible about 6 years ago.
Genesis says the sun, moon and stars are for signs and seasons. In other words, the keeping of time. Every culture from its beginning starts to count their existence in years from their own calendar. When the Bible says that a culture, nation or empire will see the sun blackened, the moon not give its light and the stars fall, it means their calendar is being ended. Their time is over. I gathered that just by reading the text as it was written and wondered what it might have meant to the people who first received it.

@grunknight - 15.05.2024 09:49

Nice clip! but I think the text is too annoying

@waiting4hispromise486 - 13.05.2024 18:33

Jesus is coming for his bride before the great tribulation of 7 year which is a shmita cycle. If you don't believe in dispensations you would believe there's no rapture but God said he would blind the eyes of the Jews bc they refused Jesus and that's when he turned to the gentiles. It's the time of the gentiles right now. The other years of Daniels weeks mentioned... Were they ever directed at the church? No.. It was always about the Jewish Nations. There's 7 years left. The year of Jacob's trouble. Matthew is written to the Jews. You have to know what books are written to whom. The Jews were the ones to give out the gospel and they refused Jesus. When the church is gone the pressure is back on the Jews. Just look at Israel right now people. There are getting surrounded by enemies for war. Isn't that enough to tell you literally and sensibly it's about the Jews!! Jews from ask over the world are going back to their homeland every day. It's about the Jews! What is special about them at all of the church is still here?? And what is the purpose of the trib people... It's to use the tribulum to break open hard hearts .. especially the Jewish people. If we are here that would mean God would use us to give the gospel... What's the use for the 144000 Jewish tribal people? Come on people.

@joshuaa3075 - 13.05.2024 14:27

Jesus’ Church will be raptured before Matthew 24:9. That point was mentioned by the great Bible teacher Reverend Dr. J. Vernon McGee. Post tribs disbelieve that saying worldwide persecution and killing is not the Jews that the verse speaks about but The Church. Look at the news in May 2024 and see that Jewish people, around the world, are experiencing frequent attacks and massive demonstrations against them ever since Gaza. They realize this is only the beginning. Some are fleeing their countries heading to Israel. Jesus’ church would stand against worldwide killing of Jewish people if they were not raptured beforehand.

Post Tribbers also laughingly think Matthew 24:31 is The Rapture. There is no coordinated instantaneous angelic airlift to bring the entire Church to God in the air at The Rapture. God Himself is there and does it all in a twinkling of an eye and all at one time; billions of angels are not involved in 1) resurrecting, 2) changing nor 3) bringing all the church before God at the rapture. Only one angel is listed as being with The Lord at the rapture and that angel shouts.

Post Tribs also NEVER accept Rev. Chapter 5 as proof that The Church is bodily in heaven and representatives are around God’s throne before the tribulation seals are opened. Post Tribs do not want to read that the 24 sing about their own redemption by His blood, talk about a much larger group they belong in, wear crowns of gold which only The Church is promised as rewards and John recognized them for John did not ask who they were. There is more evidence in the chapter as well.

Many post trib believers also believe the raptured church is The great multitude in Rev. chapter 7 But they are not recognized by John who turns to an elder to explain them.

This is very important! Nobody John knew from the early church waved at/was noticed by John The Revelator/beloved Disciple. People like Phillip the Evangelist, Timothy, Silas, the woman at the well, Mary, Mary mother of Jesus, the disciples, Gaius and thousands of other early Church members that John The Apostle knew did not wave at John because they were not in this Great multitude of Rev. Ch. 7. Had John seen anyone in that group from The Church, John would not have asked who they were!

Furthermore, The ch. 7 Great Multitude is not the church because none of them have gold crowns. They are not even in heaven but on earth for there is no night in heaven and no temple in heaven which is said about the great multitude. Chapter 7 explained how the Tribulation great multitude suffered and we can clearly understand this happens after The Church was/is raptured.

Notice also how the great multitude comes immediately after the description of the 144,000. In context this likely signifies what the 144k will do/did. Which is evangelize the world after the Rapture.

The last trumpet is not the 7th trumpet of revelation. That is wrath judgement and it is handed to an angel to sound. The Apostle Paul referenced either the trumpets sounding when the Israelite camp was to move or the last of a series of trumpets when an army was to get up, prepare to move out and finally to leave.

So, how much longer do we have before the rapture? My “guess” is God will take us a bit closer to where Israel will have their borders more secure/ Hezbollah neutralized. Why? Because the Gog Magog prophecy tells us they will be secure (no walls) before the attack from Russia led armies. But The Rapture is near and God can come any time now.

Romans 10:9 tells one how to be saved and go to heaven one day. I hope to see you there.

@JoeGeorge319 - 11.05.2024 18:29

Jeremiah 4 seems to be his reference. Knowing how many references in those few verses cascade into Revelation affirms a stronger case of a future fulfillment than what is being espoused here.

@stevegonzalez8324 - 10.05.2024 20:35

Revelation clearly shows the marriage supper of the Lamb occurring in heaven prior to Jesus returning with the armies of heaven. I believe the bride (church) is present for her own wedding.

@willherondale483 - 09.05.2024 01:10

Blessed be you, My Lord Bishops, to maintain the Church orthodox in its beliefs.

@toneyh1 - 02.05.2024 23:11

That’s the catholic view of the end times we say it in the creed each Sunday - always happy to hear when fellow Christian’s get this one right, otherwise it’s like chalk and cheese trying to explain. Jesus comes back once, and the righteous will be raptured up to meet him in his glory

@Foxxie55 - 28.04.2024 01:14

Rev. 5 explains very clearly what and when the redeeming / harpazo / rapture of the believers will take place. The believers from all nations will be redeemed into Heaven and THEN afterwards Jesus gets the 7 SEALS to open.. We shall come back down to earth and rule with Jesus for those 1000 years. Now is this to hard for anyone to not understand ? ?

NOW NOTICE: Rev 7:9 is another group that John could not number from all nations being redeemed / raptured into Heaven from the "Great Tribulation" BUT this group will NOT come back down to earth and will NOT rule with Jesus

As one studies they will see other groups in Heaven being protected or on earth being protected, but also will see lots of people being murdered as well..

@matthew-xl4od - 21.04.2024 16:41

Does he believe in
1 thess 4 and resurrection and rapture he rejects gods word

@matthew-xl4od - 21.04.2024 16:29

1 thessalonians 4 says rapture he denies it

@Morewecanthink - 18.04.2024 11:14

NOT man decides / determines 'truth'!
God's Word, the Bible, is Truth (John 17, 17).

@christinefarrall9391 - 16.04.2024 09:20

Shut Up.

@shawnlmoran8975 - 14.04.2024 08:59

If I didn’t know anything about scripture, I would be on this man’s train asap; however, even the educated need to be educated sometimes ….

@tecomaman - 11.04.2024 11:41

IF the bible was of God it would be clear and all would understand

@kennethbell1069 - 10.04.2024 18:58

I trusted Christ as saviour 40yrs ago at the age of 34. I adopted disspensationalism as my hermanuetic for understanding both old and new testament. We recently studied Isaiah and Thessalonians in home group a leading church teacher held an Amilleniam hermeneutic whilst I held a premillenial viewpoint. What united us was that the Amillenialist teacher concluded. 'You have to ask yourselves, does it matter as whatever view you take, we all end up in heaven'. Wise words.

@pricklypear7497 - 08.04.2024 17:32

It has it's origens in the 19th Century in the USA and therefore American Evangelical bad Exegesis.

@aureliehawkins3899 - 08.04.2024 04:59

Did not Jesus ascend to Heaven?
Acts 1:9-11
Read your Bible sir

@johndelancey8137 - 07.04.2024 20:32

The idea of the Rapture is the biggest heresy of American evangelism, hands down.

@DavidRudat - 05.04.2024 16:44

Thank you. Most advocates of the rapture I find have a "mean streak" in them rather enjoying they got to go and we missed it. So they can say "told you so!"

@sharroon7574 - 01.04.2024 23:11

Nonsense, pure nonsense.

@mikeworsley1773 - 29.03.2024 21:17

So what sort of second coming does NT believe in 🤷

@nomadicrecovery1586 - 26.03.2024 14:13

Nt has the most amazing gift if speaking like an English Lord , flurries if beautiful words, and saying almost nothing of value
It’s impressive really

@res1204 - 24.03.2024 05:35

Should not play music in the background it is distracting.

@privatepilot4064 - 23.03.2024 08:29

All the Bible is for us, however, all the Bible is not about us. Different dispensations for different times and different groups. Not everyone is going to be the Bride of Christ, not everyone is going to be the 144,000, not everyone is going to be the Jews. This is exactly why 2 Timothy 2:15 says, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, RIGHTLY DIVIDING the word of truth.”

@geraldarcuri9307 - 21.03.2024 00:36

Here in America, in most evangelical churches,you cannot even bring up alternative interpretations of the end times other than the J.N. Darby's so-called "Rapture" theology without being considered suspect. This is a form of fundamentalism at its worst, but it is very prevalent, and its adherents cannot imagine any other eschatology.

@tunglam8210 - 20.03.2024 14:25

Rapture fever sells a lot of books , draws a big audience, preys on ppls anxiety and draws a lot of nut jobs. It must cease asap.

@parsleyfarm328 - 20.03.2024 03:26

I think there will be a lot of really intelligent people left on earth for Daniel's 70th Week. Matthew 7:22-23

@Frank-st6gd - 12.03.2024 01:18

Proof of A Pre trib Rapture. Pay Attention to the Cloud and Clouds Jesus appears In and With. Acts chapter 1 verses 9 10 11 Cloud. In Red Luke chapter 21 verses 27 and 28 Jesus is coming In A Cloud the Rapture. In Revelation chapter 1 verse 7 Jesus is coming With the Clouds when he comes back to the Mt of Olive the second coming KJV.

@SlugaBeskorisni - 11.03.2024 10:42

Now we wait for N.T.Wright expose resurection doctrine. 😢😢😢

@fado792 - 10.03.2024 10:42

Dont look at his hands or his face. KNOW he has seven merged tailvertebra at the end of his spine. 25 mn. Years ago he became an ape as we all still are. Even Jesus had a tailbone to sit on. A reminicense of the monkey era. Halelujah!!!

@jonathanray4598 - 08.03.2024 18:30


@3TheJesusCodeWebBooks - 07.03.2024 17:27

The Pre trib rapture is deception, a form of escapism earned by mixing a scripture salad together that says you can escape tribulation.

What is refered to as the rapture is true and is going to happen but not till the 2nd coming.

So be prepared and ready. Spend your resources wisely and prepare for tribulation, pray for God's help getting through tribulation not hoping to avoid it.

@duanekuru4157 - 04.03.2024 16:13

Typically misleading title. CLEARLY speaker has a fairly simple view. Does not get into any detail and talks high level.
For a Full and detailed work on Eschatology that is worth its salt read Footsteps of the Messiah by Arnold Fructenbaum. And for an excellent refutation of this speaker and schools of the same ilk Israeology the Missing Link in Systematic Theology. By same author.
Cheers D.

@johnadams5134 - 02.03.2024 15:22

Could it be that the doctrine of a "Pre-tribulation rapture" will, if left unchecked be a major contributor of the falling away at the end time? Visualise the despair of those who believe they will vanish and be with the Lord, when it doesn't happen and the "great tribulation" is at the door?

@conservative-propaganda1255 - 01.03.2024 19:18

Hmmm...so Christ on the cross wasn't enough? God needs to pour His wrath on the Holy Spirit as well? Or does the Holy Spirit just take a 7 year vacation from Christians during the worst time in history? God just packs it up, takes back the Holy Spirit from living Christians and says "good luck'? That is exactly what you espouse in this video. The Holy Spirit is removed, so Christians who came to Christ PRIOR to the Tribulation have the Holy Spirit stolen away by God? Absurd. Also, isn't the Marriage Supper in heaven? Does that mean Jesus will take a 7 year honeymoon away from the world to hide Himself away with His bride during His 1000 year reign? Also, saying that you don't believe in the rapture because early Christians didn't understand it is like saying you won't use LED lights because Edison didn't invent them. Preposterous. But lets get back to your belief that Jesus wasn't enough and that the Holy Spirit needs wrath too. Didn't Revelation predict teachers like you who "deny the power" of Jesus? Explain all or any of this if you can, please.

@st.christopher4854 - 28.02.2024 18:07

If you really want to understand end time prophecy ... get the book "The Rapture and the Second Coming of Christ" by Finis Jennings Dake.

@Jones607 - 28.02.2024 17:13

For God did not appoint us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ,
Therefore comfort each other and edify one another, just as you also are doing.
1Thessolonians 5:9,11
This isn’t the 2nd Advent, it is the Rapture. As the Lord doesn’t set foot on the Earth. That happens at the 2nd Advent.
The Church isn’t appointed to Judgement, because it was Judged at Calvary.

@tims.449 - 27.02.2024 18:28

Acts 1 He left with angels and will return the same way. But it will be to make war against the sinners and baptize the world with fire. 2 Peter 3:10 and other places talk of a burning, Peter preached it in Acts mentioning the prophet Joel. But the fire did not come. Not yet but it will. John the Baptist said Christ will baptize with fire and the Holy Spirit.
