Reign of Chaos - Episode 6

Reign of Chaos - Episode 6


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@dranwulf777 - 03.07.2018 04:09

For all of the people saying that Grom Hellscream shouldn't have ran and that went against everything he is. No Grom was a brilliant tactician and yes will never stop fighting. But he would back out to fight another day. For Grom Hellscream to actually yell Lok'tar Ogar he would be willing to fight to the death if there was no other way for his people to win. Kilrogg may have been known for his strategic thinking in the Warcraft. Grom was known for his battle prowess and tactfulness.

@timur7564 - 08.09.2021 21:35

Шикарно. Спасибо за труд.

@giovannimejiapereira8343 - 07.08.2021 15:07

I loved the cinematic version of the paladin abilities :') great work!

@ruidasilvamartins - 21.03.2021 20:59

Awesome, good job

@nikoladujmovic847 - 26.11.2020 21:06

Is this just an assumption that Grom story crosses with Arthas or this really happened offscreen?

@alexandarvoncarsteinzarovi3723 - 25.08.2020 21:34

Wait was Falric really going to 1v1 Grom, on side note did Uther use a potion of invisibility, ,

@alexandarvoncarsteinzarovi3723 - 09.06.2020 10:34

As great as that ONE THING BUGS ME,.....when did Uther learn cross-class training to use stealth-like that?

@aadler8986 - 23.04.2020 06:59

This is how Warcraft should've been made.

@aadler8986 - 23.04.2020 06:56

Amazing job buddy. that's just like watching a movie.... beautiful

@SmokeBloody - 04.02.2020 23:14

It's not that I'm ready to give 0.5/10 to the Reforged, but if a bunch of fans could make these cutscenes, I don't get why they couldn't have done it in the Reforged

@sgakanon - 04.02.2020 00:34

Wow, comparado con el nuevo juego esto es una obra maestra, la historia, las animaciones, esto parece de una superproducción. Ojalá tenga mas vistas.

@DaggersEdge - 03.02.2020 14:43

THIS IS A MASTERPIECE! The music, the expressions, the movements, the timing, the battle sequences... Wow! You have a gift!

@Stormsong93 - 24.12.2019 17:09

It's so nice to see supporting characters like Falric (the Captain in WC3) get a much more prominent role in the story.

@zacharyisenbletter8944 - 23.10.2019 22:01

for the people who are still saying that grom should've stayed and fought to the death and not ran like a coward well he knew that was a losing battle there is a difference between cowardice and stupidity. Cowardice is leave your fellow orcs to fight and die and stupidity is facing an army who out numbers you with no backup. grom fought along side his fellow orcs but when the tide turned he was alone and faced a foe with more numbers than him so you chose the best decision "live to fight another day." .

@dimitriwarchief301 - 18.10.2019 04:11

Sorry but i have to make this joke
Grom: oh Thank God i lost him, now i can regain my strength and fight aga-

@dimitriwarchief301 - 18.10.2019 04:10

Actually game: grom just captured
You, makes it that he was with the blackrock orcs (and to extent, warsong orcs)
I love your stuff, sorry alot people are annoyed with your interpretations, im one of those who love it though

@dimitriwarchief301 - 18.10.2019 04:08

Man i love this, ^^ its such a cool secen and reimagining of the first game, thanks, the only problem is it’s alittle choatic to the point it’s almost hard to tell what’s happening, but only alittle, that and that you didn’t do the pointless fluff like the side missions, I understand completely why you didn’t do them.... i just always liked them.

Also its weird to see grom humched over, im used to him upright, i still love him, but i cant stop seeing him like he was in warcraft 3..... good job as always

@trolldrool - 11.06.2019 19:39

I don't know if I've already commented on this video, so at the risk of repeating myself I'll say this. While Grom's inclusion here does contradict the lore, I can see why you made this change as it does provide an explanation for how he got captured without having to make that its own video without any of the original dialogue from the game (These are after all recreations of cutscenes from Warcraft 3), but also lets us see Grom in action and show why he was still feared by the Alliance nearly two decades after they defeated the Horde in the Second War. I'll just suspend my disbelief and say he was catching up with some old friends without approving of their use of demon magic, likely seeing it as a weakness and act of foolish desperation.

@TheScoutnation - 10.06.2019 16:24

This is great, it really is, but moving grom to the blackrock clan sacrifice seems unessary. Other then that really bloody good

@ianrahl7456 - 07.06.2019 20:48

Arthas and Uther were fighting the Blackrock clan. A clan that didn't follow Thrall's vision of the Horde freeing itself of the demon's influence. Grom and his Warsong clan (who followed Thrall) were likely imprisoned by remnants of Blackmoore's forces.

@thevlaka - 06.06.2019 19:46


@danielgalvez7953 - 05.06.2019 08:11

SUPER EPIC ANIMATION GG M8S, all we need are more HD props from WOW gosh darn it.

@alexandarvoncarsteinzarovi3723 - 26.05.2019 08:36

Holy shit that was awesome, I love how Captain Falric wanted to 1v1 Grom like a badass, lol Uther has rogue skills!
Amazing work,

@mohawmmadmahdi4618 - 13.03.2019 12:18

Lotta creativity here

@soniablanche5672 - 13.03.2019 04:44

wtf footman with a gun ?

@manuelsalcedo2567 - 10.03.2019 08:55

That almost looked like varynn at the end... but he was still a boy at that time

@spellwhisperrr - 09.03.2019 23:20

One more proof that Blizzard is a shadow of former self and spirit of War Craft lives in there fans and not in Blizzard.

@nathanielferrufinozenteno5695 - 09.03.2019 22:45


@utkugulgec5508 - 24.01.2019 02:41

man... you need to get hired by major animation or game studios... immediately... a big thumbs up to your work.

@xandmaxis - 23.12.2018 15:09

man that fight scenes are so amazing... keep going please... ty for sharing =D

@Masterwar15 - 20.11.2018 10:44

While I love the animation I don't like the idea that Grom is there, I mean, that's supposed to be the Blackrock clan, who already had all it's connections destroyed with Thrall and Grom's Horde (they were pretty much their own Horde, plus Grom despised demons at this point too). Everything happens in entirely different locations too, so I dunno, I like it anyways.

@blackknightwithheart1625 - 19.11.2018 23:15


@jemmanuel7914 - 14.11.2018 08:34

Grom hellscream is tough

@vitstepanov7734 - 11.11.2018 18:41

There are always some stupid people downvoting. That always amazed me, how stupid someone can be to downvote someones hard work, art. Like, if you don't like it, why bother. Maybe you just don't like warcraft universe then, asshole.

@alexanderathanasiou - 11.11.2018 09:06

this was the coolest thing i’ve ever seen holy

@estongyamot9123 - 09.11.2018 04:52

love the wing effect on Arthas

@Cerealcasual - 08.11.2018 02:50

This is someones interpretation of wc3 lore. Stop getting your fuckin panties in a bunch.

If u dont like it go animate one yourself

@Fuel4TLC - 06.11.2018 17:49

와 ㅋㅋㅋ 와우 영화보다 더 낫네 ㅋㅋ
그냥 블리자드는 영화 만들지 말고 이렇게 전 와우스토리 풀 시즌으로 만들면 안되나. Its preety awesome!

@Vertanc - 06.11.2018 17:43

Interesting movie, Grom leav the Lordaeron, after come back fight in Blackrock camp? This is very good production, just pls dont make ret'con

@Brugar18 - 06.11.2018 17:31

I somewhat don't like the fact that grom was alongside the same orc that sacrificed humans to demons I think it would be logical that grom would've already sailed away before human campaign began, but on the other hand who else would've captured grom

@pinestriker2789 - 06.11.2018 16:21

Ok I’ve been watching recently from episode 1 and I gotta say this one takes the cake for sure you’ve done an amazing job with these scenes

@N1t3Owl - 06.11.2018 02:54

lol at female soldiers

@TonyFelony19 - 06.11.2018 01:32

you got Grommash totally wrong, man, totally wrong. Grommash would never run from a fight, he would kill all those footmen weaklings

@JoveRogers97 - 05.11.2018 20:49

Dionysius said that their "manner of fighting, being in large measure that of wild beasts and frenzied, was an erratic procedure, quite lacking in military science. Thus, at one moment they would raise their swords aloft and smite after the manner of wild boars, throwing the whole weight of their bodies into the blow like hewers of wood or men digging with mattocks, and again they would deliver crosswise blows aimed at no target, as if they intended to cut to pieces the entire bodies of their adversaries, protective armour and all."
While technically about the ancient continental Celts, I can imagine humans writing the above passage about orcs.

@Sunbeam_Cheese - 05.11.2018 18:31

