Ultimate Talent Development Plan - Sayaka Maizono Events [DRV3]

Ultimate Talent Development Plan - Sayaka Maizono Events [DRV3]


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@jefferyjr.939 - 17.11.2022 21:30

I think she’s hated because she cares about herself

@unrelatablecontent629 - 27.08.2022 17:51

Hajime and makoto: okay an ultimate is talking to me be cool
Me: there trying so hard

@eddsworldgaming9696 - 26.04.2022 14:26

Harmony Sentai Go-Idol

1. Red Idol: Kaede Akamatsu
2. Blue Idol Sayaka Maizono
3. Yellow Idol: Ibuki Mioda
4. Green Idol: Hibiki Otonokoji
5. Pink Idol: Kanade Otonokoji

'When the harmony brings life for music! Harmony Sentai! GOOOOO-IDOL!

@kaidouhottopicgiftcard - 18.04.2022 18:55

I didn't understand why people shipped Mukuro and Sayaka before.... I definitely do now💀

@christopherallen3933 - 12.12.2021 00:55

Naezono forever, bitches!

@sarapinkdiamond866 - 18.11.2021 21:48

i do not hate or love sayaka to me she was such a wasted character she died way to quickly her character was all about singing i bet people only like this girl simply because of her design and i bet some people hate her because of other stupid reasons im not gonna hate on others who like or hate her but these comments are just so lame and boring every time there is a video about sayaka it is always about ughhhhhhh WhY dO peoPle haTe hEr she is best girl uwu like come on i think we all should just let people have there own taste when it comes to our fav characters i mean i do find it annoying when people hate on my fav characters to for stupid reasons but dont treat them as if there bad people and terrible i even see others bully people online just for not liking sayaka or other characters this fandom is very toxic and can not respect opinions Danganronpa is a good gam but the fandom is not and that is all i have to say.

@trixxiezz6409 - 31.10.2021 20:57

now I know why ppl ship ikuzono

@viskaserk - 29.10.2021 06:57

mmmmmmmmmmm sayaka pretty

@7sson-hasson-310 - 16.10.2021 03:13

The fact That sayaka tried to kill someone but ended up to be a victem reminds me of someone in v3

@darkwhispersstories47 - 11.10.2021 09:44

There are more comments from either salty makoto x sayaka shippers or This girl is overhated comments than actual comments that hate her.
Take a chill pill there are reasons to hate her there are reasons to love her for the same thing both are valid stop acting that you are better the other party it defeats the purpose of your attempt and you just prove those haters right

@whiski6436 - 09.10.2021 19:09

goodness she’s not as heterosexual as I ever thought she would be

@thomasprigge6635 - 23.07.2021 01:03

Why did they waste mukoro’s character design and ultimate… she would have been awesome as herself like she is in the anime….

@javeman - 26.05.2021 10:43

Interesting how the only boys she interacts with are Makoto and Hajime, yet she interacts with lots of girls (and even flirts with some of them).

@abidaali8042 - 14.05.2021 18:02

Sayaka, Ibuki and Kaede forming a band is all I need

@abidaali8042 - 14.05.2021 18:01

I'm gonna say it... I have mixed feelings on Sayaka. What she did to Makoto was fucked up, but I understand her reasons. She's better than Junko, no matter how much you're obsessed with her. I kinda like Sayaka, but I Don understand why she picked to frame Makoto over someone like Byakuya

@realuniversal - 13.05.2021 06:16

Stop it I'm gonna die of cuteness like ibuki
And you haters in the comments stop bullying my friend maizono and don't call her a snake she just has long hair

@asivc - 09.05.2021 21:11

mikan and sayaka’s events together <33 they’re so cute

@Storm59-59 - 30.04.2021 20:52

It's kinda weird how this UTDP video got too many comments even it has low amount of views

@Rocky-brilliant - 06.04.2021 13:00

sorry if I am being annoying, I have a video where I'm defending Sayaka (but in spanish the Spanish fandom is really rude with Sayaka I want the hate to stop at least a little bit) so give me more likes only if you want on that video, you don't have to watch it, I just want it to be popular to spread the message fastly, that's all, and again sorry!

@Useri77u7u7 - 05.04.2021 15:48

ikuzono rights!!!!!!!!

@nintendope8837 - 13.03.2021 05:47

The just kidding part always gets left out..

@nintendope8837 - 13.03.2021 05:43

Oh ye ummm maizono ye ibuki kinda....

@nintendope8837 - 13.03.2021 05:42

Everyone's just like: ibuki take your freaking pills

@raingrldw - 27.02.2021 05:36

the result I got from this video was she is in fact gay as hell

@Alexandra_Westheart - 26.02.2021 00:58

Sayaka Maizono is best girl & my Idol.

@ren858 - 17.02.2021 20:10

I’m glad to see other people are pointing out how unfair the treatment Sayaka gets from the fandom is, I thought I was the only one who didn’t think it was right

@mishage5 - 08.02.2021 21:22

To the people hating on sayaka: come back to me when you play the game, also taeko did the same thing.

@beatricks8330 - 05.02.2021 11:13

holy fuck i realized hiyoko wanted to put thumbtacks in sayakas shoes because she was bullied in that exact way before

@MangoGacha - 05.02.2021 05:44

How is Sayaka a snake and Kokichi a UwU rat boi pure cinnamon roll all of a sudden

@kazuichiswife9924 - 31.01.2021 15:10

are you sure sayaka isn't really straight..

@dawnellecarr1137 - 31.01.2021 04:08

Me when sayaka and kyoko are on screen together
(Unintelligible happy noises)

@youtubesicka4636 - 26.01.2021 13:58

For the love of onions, this girl deserves more love

@ouranFan98 - 24.01.2021 23:36

I hope those of y'all hating on Sayaka realize that y'all are starting to sound like toko

@vv-jm2zs - 14.01.2021 08:27

I love sayaka I could care less what anyone says

@pastelteabiscuits - 10.01.2021 10:44

Can people just agree sayaka is a ok/good character and go-

@magiciansbread4631 - 02.01.2021 03:59

I love Sayaka a lot!!!

@abesfunworld9741 - 23.12.2020 02:38

Dang sayaka taller then me

@creamii7017 - 11.12.2020 17:36

if you hate sayaka, just know that you can't be trusted ❤️

edit: damn did i cause a WAR in my reply section ????? why do i have more replies than likes pipe down mfs it's a fictional character 😭😭😭😭
