Luis J. Gomez's 3 Day Long Acid Trip

Luis J. Gomez's 3 Day Long Acid Trip


10 месяцев назад

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CptKirk Pyro
CptKirk Pyro - 28.10.2023 20:23

this dude is a lying lunatic....

Mdme. X
Mdme. X - 28.10.2023 15:40

Part of the reason psychedelics work so well, is it clears the mind of bs* clutter of daily life. You're 110% focused on a beam of light shining down on a section of sidewalk at a park... and it looks extraordinary.
The other reason is change in perception and loss of ego/ greed. You sorta lose the evil part of yourself.

Mdme. X
Mdme. X - 28.10.2023 15:37

Everything is everything. Love is ALL that matters ❤✌🌏

Matthew Acker
Matthew Acker - 27.10.2023 23:58

Look up 30 hits of acid for the original story not the fake attention seeking one

This whole story he concocted is just a fake version of a original story
from 13 years ago

Geo T.
Geo T. - 27.10.2023 07:21

the way he described it makes it sounds like this story is not true and he’s making it up as he goes

Khravos - 26.10.2023 20:17

I never see anything on lsd or shrooms i just feel energetic, i know drugs affect everyone differently but i feel like people like this are just straight bullshitting to tell a "good" story and its annoying and decieveing to people who never done drugs like lsd. I was ready to see aliens my first time but im jsut disappointed

CrustyToesTasty - 26.10.2023 14:56

I remember back in the day i used to take alot of acid. 90 percent of trips were perfectly fine and awesome. One day tho, something similiar like that happened to me, and i took around 450-500ug of acid. I went on to have the next 16 hours of pure mindfuck. For the upcoming day or two after said trip i was mute. I simply wouldnt speak due to having been so scared and mindraped. Please everyone, make sure you know what you are doing

Zach Black
Zach Black - 26.10.2023 14:15

This story is complete bullshit .First off you don't sell acid like this . You don't bring a vile or acid to sell , hand it over to two guys , let them take what they want and then have them give to back to count what's left to decide what they owe. Utterly bullshit . No one selling acid is gonna risk loosing , spilling or getting caught with a medicine bottle full of acid . Also who would hand over hundreds of dollars worth of acid to two guys and expect they would accurately and honestly pay for the amount they used , that's even if they give it back . That's like a cocaine dealer bring a kilo or pounds of cocaine to a party , handing it over to a couple guys and saying ' do what you want and give it back we will figure out the price then ' . Yeah right ..

Also when Rogan asks him what it was like he stumbled stalls and then says ' I can't remember ' ..? Gomez brought the story up he had all the time in the world to get his story straight. .

The elements of this story are pinched from other well known stories like " 30 hits of acid " video . Most of his generic discriptions of his trip are common discriptions you can hear about on popular acid documentaries like ' LSD effects on the brain ' and others .

I guess Gomez is riding on the fact that the listeners don't buy and sell drugs, lack critical thinking skills , believe everything they hear on that internet or are just plain stupid and gullible.

J Saoulis
J Saoulis - 26.10.2023 13:52

I've not taken much acid but when I did I got terrible trapped wind that ruined my experience. Something always really questionable happened too, simple things like walking down the street passed parked cars, yet one of the cars is some random funny shaped car I've never seen before, really tall with tiny wheels. Or walking through the woods and finding a man in wedding attire saying that he ran away from his wedding and ended up in the woods. Why does this kind of thing only happen on acid?

Andrew Miller
Andrew Miller - 26.10.2023 10:41

Learn how to move or shift perception with will. That's a real trip into hyperspace. Perception is mailable with a little bit of pressure you can mold it.

Jess - 26.10.2023 05:10

Bro... if i was high for 3 days.... I'd never do acid again. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

John Whalen
John Whalen - 25.10.2023 23:18

I've taken over 200 hits of LSD in my life.....I would love a flashback

Philip David
Philip David - 25.10.2023 21:49

Why did I think this was Eric Andre

HERNANDEZ369 - 25.10.2023 15:42

If you can take shrooms then you can definitely drop acid.

Speaky On Val
Speaky On Val - 24.10.2023 05:10

Stolen story from zach black 😒

Aaron Montgomery
Aaron Montgomery - 24.10.2023 00:55

I know a guy that took 10 tabs or more and he never came back, his name was Hector I don't even know if he's still alive. May the Lord protect him

Porkchop's Papi
Porkchop's Papi - 22.10.2023 11:56

3 days is a good start. 5 days is a round trip ticket.

Reverend Zombie
Reverend Zombie - 22.10.2023 11:51

It's odd that he has trouble remembering his trip, I could remember the minute details of my trips even now and I'm 55, think he might be telling porkies, even my bad trips I remember it all. But I could be wrong he might just have a hard time describing the experience cos some things you see only came into existence then and some of it you have to describe it the best you can this thing you see, yep it's a strange drug, feeling like your upside down and the sky is the sea where I saw balls of light shoot forward and splash into the seasky and the splash was like a firework exploding but with silver water mixed in and one when I was looking at the stars and I started floating up through the clouds, I freaked out and jumped off the wall I was laying on, when I calmed down I tried to get it to happen again to see how high I could go but it never repeated, thanks for reading my story, 🤘🤪🇬🇧🎇

BigDaddyBones - 22.10.2023 11:43

on a different planet doesnt begin to discribe what a high enough does of lsd will have you on. imagine falling into an infinite fractal that descends into the fabric of the universe and you come out of the other side seeing a new dimension that the english language does not have words to describe. things that should not exist. kind of humbling i’ve only done it once and never felt the need again. changed my entire life’s trajectory
