14 Signs Your Cats Sees You as Their Parent

14 Signs Your Cats Sees You as Their Parent

Feline Fanatics

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K.O.D. - 22.09.2023 06:29

Back In 80's Had All White Cat Name "Popcorn"💯I Remember Hearing My Mom 🙏🏾"Rest In Heaven"❤💯Was Screaming In Kitchen Cause Popcorn Brought To Door Step A Dead Bird💯

Lauren Suris
Lauren Suris - 22.09.2023 06:22

My cat does almost all of these but is HUGE on eating when we are nearby. We have a timed feeder and she will go HOURS without touching it until we come home. She will walk us over and look up at us until we pet her then she’ll start eating! The second you stop she’ll look at us like uhhhh hello!?

Marekk Nieshtschav
Marekk Nieshtschav - 22.09.2023 05:59

If it infected you with parasites, then it definitely sees you as its parent.

Brent Chaney
Brent Chaney - 22.09.2023 05:31

Yes- my two cats sleep on my battery pack, my phones, my lightsaber- I think it’s the warmth

Ultra_Friendship_2 - 22.09.2023 03:42

My cats are all rescues. My only male sucks on the tip of his tail (which is permanently dark and spiked from this habit) because he was taken from his mother too soon. But he’s the most trusting, loving cat <3 He always meows and rides our shoulders to show his love ❤️ and of course sleeps with us (as do the others)

Also, my male cat’s mate gives us love nibbles. I learned the hard way that you should only let her nibble on your pinky or else she’ll full on bite your finger 😅

T. Barry
T. Barry - 22.09.2023 03:25

Well .... my cat (aka - Thud the Wonder Kitty) has a few "rituals" with me. He always has to be near me ... typically within 6 ft. ; if he's thirsty, I have to drop whatever I'm doing and get fresh water for him ... immediately (or so he thinks); he has to get his daily dose of birds on the computer screen (no less than 20 minutes) or I'll hear about it for the rest of the day. Dogs have owners ..... cats have "staff/attendants".

a a
a a - 21.09.2023 20:19

Oh #1.... used to have a family cat that was the best hunting cat I've ever seen. Mice (mostly that), birds, moles, squirrels, snakes, chipmunks, spiders/frogs (non-venomous), etc. Yard was a giant landscape of death... that said, there was times if we left shoes or flip flops outside we'd wake up to find a half eaten mouse in them (she really only did it with my Mom and I). It was always gross but if she was there when we opened the door, she'd sit there meowing at us and looked so proud. We didn't have the heart to throw it back so we pet/brush her (she loved the brush) and then took it inside and threw it in the trash so she wouldn't know lol.

She was an outside cat (would come inside ONCE in a while, but wanted out after about 15-20 minutes) and the only time she really ever cared to be inside was VERY cold nights in a heated garage, but she was generally perfectly happy outside, rain, snow, or sunshine. There was a couple times where we'd open the door and she'd be waiting for us with a LIVE mouse and we'd have to close the door REAL quick. Only happened twice as I recall but we were like, "REALLY!?"

Renn Yukioni
Renn Yukioni - 21.09.2023 16:09

totally wasnt expecting to see the intestines of an animal being ripped out in this video XD

GrandMasterLynx - 21.09.2023 12:22

Cats Rule & Dogs Drool

ak252m - 21.09.2023 11:54

AI voice

Nevr CM3
Nevr CM3 - 21.09.2023 03:57

a cat 'colony' = pride

Ginger Kitties Four
Ginger Kitties Four - 20.09.2023 23:15

My cats meow at each other all the time.

Mel Holmes
Mel Holmes - 20.09.2023 22:51

Dogs have owners. Cats have staff.

KnightSkyOfNight - 20.09.2023 09:17

I really need to put out a video series of my story.
Long story short (well, I tried): When I was a teen, I taught my old man cat how to say "hello", "num-num", and "wadah". Why? Because I read that cats can make over 100 different sounds. I thought, "Why couldn't they learn a few words, then?" I looked at my old man cat and thought, "Who said you can't teach an old cat new tricks?" Thus, I taught him three words. But that wasn't all.

A few cats and many years later, my current old lady cat has blown me away with all that she's learned. She has surpassed all other cats I've ever had, partly because she's so smart and human-oriented, mostly because I generally underestimated the tiny brains of cats. She's taught me that cats can be smarter than you realize, but it depends on the cat, how old they are when you start teaching them, and how observant they are. She even gave a nickname to our newest feline addition to the family, and calls her over and tells her when she wants to play. Most recently, I witnessed her walk into the room just to tell her she was going to use the bathroom! She walked in, looked at her, said "Vel? ...Ba-hrmm", left the room, and I heard her in the litter box a moment later. I had to hold myself so bad from laughing or exclaiming, "What did I just watch!?" She blows me away. She's learned an overflowing handful of words, many of which she stopped using in her old age, but she's always eager to learn another thing.

Earlier this year, in January 2023, I accidentally taught her how to nod for "yeah" and in acknowledgement. I was tired and she asked me to prep her favorite soft food. Mom was planning to prep it after making dinner, and I was too tired to talk much. So, instead of saying a sentence she understands, I simply hoped she would understand when I nodded and said "yeah". I really just wanted to nod, but she had to at least know what the action meant. She looked at me with bright eyes keen interest. I knew that look. I could see her absorbing it with her big stare. I repeated it. Maybe she wouldn't need me to promise her food would come and explain what Mom was doing and when, then? (She didn't used to be insisting, but I guess impatience comes with age.) A day or more later, I said something, and she nodded. She freaking still nods! Like when she sits between the cupboard and the fridge and points at the cupboard with her ear and says "caaa'nih" (catnip), and I ask, "Oh. Sweetie catnip?" She. nods. her. head. I need to capture it on camera. But how...? Maybe I need to start recording and then ask her something...? Otherwise, I may never get the chance. She's 12 years old now, and you never know what will happen.

Drone for fun
Drone for fun - 20.09.2023 08:51

If you die alone with a cat inside your house, the cat will start eating you directly. A dog will not do it.

T.L. - 20.09.2023 08:33

Cool, my cats do just about all of these things so I guess they like me lol.

Xander O'Shields
Xander O'Shields - 20.09.2023 07:05

I have conversations with my cat about his missions as an economic hitman, destabilizing governments around the world to protect the interests of the elite.

Billy Robertson
Billy Robertson - 20.09.2023 06:33

cats only meow at humans??? apparently they have never had a feral cat that was in heat in their neighborhood.

Joshua McConnell
Joshua McConnell - 20.09.2023 01:21

This video is 80% wrong

VVhite VVabbit
VVhite VVabbit - 19.09.2023 21:48

These are all made up. Most of these things a cat would do anytime, even around visitors. Our cats meow, raise their tail, request belly rubs, follow, etc with just about anyone, as long as they aren't loud and obnoxious. These are not signs that your cat thinks of you as their parent. This is a channel making content just to make content.

WardenWolf - 19.09.2023 20:49

My cat literally thanks me when I tell him it's time to eat. He gives me headbutts and nose kisses.

Gen the Master
Gen the Master - 19.09.2023 15:30

in the wild

Damien Smyth
Damien Smyth - 19.09.2023 11:26

my rescue guy i found on a construction site, he talks to me constantly and comes running when he sees me.. the other dude though only when its food time lol..

Don Percent
Don Percent - 19.09.2023 09:45

I'm not a fan of having any animals, but 1 cat is worth 10000 dogs.

Elizabeth Adams
Elizabeth Adams - 19.09.2023 06:45

My cat will sometimes bring me one of his fabric mouse toys and we play fetch together. He brings it over, I throw it away, he brings it back. The lengths of time we play it vary depending on his mood. We all know how cats are. If he is done, he is done, lol!

DontrelleRoosevelt - 19.09.2023 06:05

This makes me miss my best buddy, even more, because he did all of these, daily, and a lot more 😢

Feral Taco
Feral Taco - 18.09.2023 18:17

Never pet the exposed belly. It's a trap.

Koumori - 18.09.2023 16:47

Clickbait title

13579Winter - 18.09.2023 15:26

Love bites hurt if they’re on the bridge of your nose. Which is the only place my cat ever does them.

Zaki Januar
Zaki Januar - 18.09.2023 12:58

my cats does all these things to all members of the household, so i guess they don't pick favorites

GMoney4980 - 18.09.2023 09:28

My 5 cats, ranging from 4yrs old to 6 months old... consider me as their life long servant.

Zay - 18.09.2023 07:12

1) yes
6)idk he doesn’t get hurt
9) whenever he feels like it most times he’s
13) sometimes
14)nah he stays inside

PotterFreak22 - 18.09.2023 07:08

My sisters cat does all of these with everybody here! I think she thinks we’re one giant family (which we kind of are) and just look like funny cats. My cat does these too and only recently did #9 and I saw something on her foot that I hadn’t seen before (like a sore or a lipoma or something) that we’re going to the vet asap as soon as we find a better one than the awful one we had before. The nurses would literally just stand around and not answer the phones! And you could see them right thru the window doing that! Also very rude, would not return calls, gave my cat the wrong medication and were just terrible.
My cat LOVES to sleep with me at night! Except she snores super loud when she really gets into her sleep and it sounds like a sharp foghorn, a sharp train whistle and it will wake me up out of a deep sleep almost immediately so I can’t have her on my bed anymore. My previous cat also loved to lay right on the foot of my bed and sometimes in the morning I’d find him sleeping on my head! He was a complete sweetheart, a goofball, a silly little boy who I loved dearly because he was my first cat that was all mine. I hope he’s been happy on the Rainbow Bridge with all the other cats. Love you buddy.
She also loves to show off her toe beans (which I love the toe beans!) when she’s sleeping and lick me all the time! On my hands, my elbows, my knees, my toes, even my head! Then she rubs all over me and we play for a bit on my bed. The only thing that really gets her off my bed is food, tuna or salmon in particular, then she comes right back!
My sisters cat meows all day every day! Even at night! She’s getting pretty old (17 last month) and we’re a bit worried she might be slightly senile or something but she really just wants attention, food and a place to lay on (my legs are too skinny for her tastes so she likes bigger boned people like my dad) and she’ll do that for hours on end if she gets the right lap or position. My cat doesn’t really meow that much, only when she can’t get in my room in the morning or when we feed them and my sisters cat starts meowing cuz we’re taking too long. Both are indoor cats so we don’t get any “presents” from them which I think my parents are happy about cuz a dead mice on their bed or in the apartment would really be a big problem!

Ant R
Ant R - 18.09.2023 03:37

My old cat once brought a dead mouse to my room. I guess that's love

Matthias Rauert
Matthias Rauert - 18.09.2023 03:33

Since my old cat died last year i adopted a stray cat from spain. In all my life i never had a cat who talks this much. She basically never leaves my room and talks to me every day for hours. Honestly i couldn't be happier with her and will never understand how someone could have kicked her out on the street.

HyperChibiAbsol - 17.09.2023 22:18

Not my cat but my brother’s cat once brought in a LIVE SNAKE into the house which I had to figure out how to get rid of

Erik Jrn
Erik Jrn - 17.09.2023 22:16

My cat does all of those, except bring me gifts.

Well, unless we count the half eaten chick I found abandoned in my living room. He's a completely incompetent hunter, though, and is more likely to fall out of a tree than successfully navigate a branch (worst balance I've ever seen in a healthy cat), so I'm pretty sure that the chick had fallen out of its nest (that's a good kind of bird kill; being taken by a cat is better than starving to death, being pecked to death by a crow, being eaten alive by ants, or one of the many nasty ends nature has in store for the unfortunate; cats tend to start with the head, which is very fast). Also, I'm not at all insulted that he didn't share the one thing he had managed to catch. I did throw it away, though, like the bad sport that I am.

Keira Morris
Keira Morris - 17.09.2023 11:26

I have 2 stray cats I take care of, they actually show these signs like having their tails up and playful bites and all the other stuff that you mentioned. But it’s also good to learn more facts!

Dave Meade
Dave Meade - 17.09.2023 10:55

The only thing my neighbours cat doesnt do with me is gifts.. never fed him, myself.. I love that cat.

Heather Murray
Heather Murray - 17.09.2023 08:41

My cat would bring birds that were alive and than look at me, as if to say….mom can we keep him?

매운 ♡
매운 ♡ - 17.09.2023 03:01

My cat definitely sees me as her employee, and I get the feeling I'm permanently one mistake away from getting fired.

Scully - 16.09.2023 23:17

My cat does all of this stuff to me (momma's boy ❤) but he only does a few of things to my hubby too. 😅

Mary Ellen Shock
Mary Ellen Shock - 16.09.2023 22:15

My cat lays down, but her ears are like radar. She doesn't miss a thing!

Mary Ellen Shock
Mary Ellen Shock - 16.09.2023 22:13

My cat doesn't like to have her belly rubbed - my fault It was a game when she was a baby, until her claws and teeth got to be too strong. Got tired of the scratches!

Mary Ellen Shock
Mary Ellen Shock - 16.09.2023 22:08

Does that include their fur?

Hayden Guerrier
Hayden Guerrier - 16.09.2023 21:36

in the wild x14
