COVID-19 update, Jan 11: Malaysia imposes two-week lockdown on Kuala Lumpur, five states

COVID-19 update, Jan 11: Malaysia imposes two-week lockdown on Kuala Lumpur, five states


3 года назад

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Malaysia will reimpose a full lockdown in Kuala Lumpur and five states to curb a third wave of COVID-19 infections. The two-week lockdown begins on Jan 13. Inter-state travel will also be banned nationwide. Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin said, at the current rate of infection, daily cases could rise to around 5,000 in months. He warned that the healthcare system is at breaking point, with several major hospitals already nearing maximum capacity.

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@babihutan4108 - 11.07.2021 19:49

sudah2 la bohong rakyat....emmm

@psychobike2567 - 02.07.2021 08:32

Im from future..the number of case covid in 1.7.2021 is 6988...

@jox8206 - 19.06.2021 18:41

The world has discovered that Corona is the biggest lie issued by the terrorist organization for health, after it became clear to it that it wanted to trade in vaccines consisting of viruses and toxins in order to reduce the proportion of the population in the world, but some countries rushed to stop this vaccine, which they considered a crime against the terrorist organization for health against the peoples of the world. European countries, South America and some African and Asian countries do not want to recognize this corona and do not want to buy and trade their vaccines to protect their people
And some corrupt regimes, such as the Malaysian, French, and Algerian regimes, and some countries take the Corona epidemic seriously and support it despite its lies in order to serve their personal interests.

@warrior-pq3pl - 29.05.2021 12:48

Money is not important make sure our malaysia save free from covid 19. Then only everything will be alright...🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
# free covid 19.

@Kuasarakyat2 - 24.05.2021 21:28

Useless backdoor govt

@rfmonimoni4973 - 10.04.2021 02:53


@DH-uq1zw - 14.02.2021 22:00

Journalists these days talk like politicians, as if they are the ones making the decisions for us. Maybe it is problem with this reporter’s English but they do it in other countries like the UK too. I’m fed up with unelected journalists talking like this, it is unhelpful, often inaccurate and insensitive to the people that have lost so much or need to travel or be joined by loved ones who they haven’t seen for a very long time (stories that the journalists mostly ignore completely).

Now that there is a vaccine, the most vulnerable are being vaccinated and treatments are better than they were countries are running out of excuses for at least trying get back to normal, albeit with sensible (as opposed to blanket/disproportionate) precautions.

@mdhjfj2427 - 04.02.2021 12:23

Make sure bilionier me. I'm American Canadian London bilionier citizencan from bd

@skymugen - 03.02.2021 11:00

Hi CNA..its not a lockdown. Its half baked lockdown..we still can go night market

@jennifercheong8120 - 24.01.2021 04:56

Have to continue lock down... there is no choice... nobody can predicted next what will be happen, virus.can be change rapidly time to time...

@junickchannel2320 - 22.01.2021 08:09

Sabah bukan malaysia. Sabah is not malaysia

@ricotrandtrade1339 - 21.01.2021 22:16

Corona mutasi baru ,,, tidak menyerang pernapasan ,,,, bermutasi menyerang sel ,,, pasien sdh setengah kayak kena plaka

@ricotrandtrade1339 - 21.01.2021 22:15

Corona mutasi baru ,,, tidak menyerang pernapasan ,,,, bermutasi menyerang sel ,,, pasien sdh setengah kayak kena plaka

@noranibintiramli4986 - 19.01.2021 17:40

Bersabar Dan sertai lah doa..pada tuhan penentu segala..

@koopoo-official - 19.01.2021 10:51

pandemi dimana-mana

@romyhamid1888 - 18.01.2021 12:53

Will never work......

@reubensher8144 - 18.01.2021 04:58

..a dumb by a dumb pm and dumb Drs...cant expect much....

@bond1865 - 16.01.2021 18:52

They dont care about us - Micheal Jackson.

@fhadri559 - 16.01.2021 03:19

Your video thumbnail is very controversial

@sanujitroy6830 - 15.01.2021 20:41

Surge an issue

@aeryn770 - 15.01.2021 08:46

I miss my school. I haven't been to school for five months. In total ten months since march last year🥲🥲

@KUXHENSEM - 15.01.2021 05:57

send dalit and Taiwanese back

@carlsong5182 - 14.01.2021 19:15

LMAO at least the medical industry revenue is going up since covid 19 that's something

@jovimathews - 14.01.2021 11:27

If Malaysia continues to shutdown, Singapore island will be in ruin. Economic crisis will prolong. Let’s pray it will end soon. God blessed 🙏

@JosephKongsingchiong - 14.01.2021 09:22


@fatimatunga3917 - 14.01.2021 05:00

I know Malaysia hate my country Philippines,stay strong, be safe, stay at home Malaysia.
Lord Jesus is with us SEA.

@vimalkirti4845 - 13.01.2021 18:15

German Lawyer Sues The World Over Coronavirus

@rameshhansaravendra - 13.01.2021 17:54

If the number of cases increased during the lockdown, doesn't this show that lockdowns aren't working?

@angahsyber68 - 13.01.2021 17:23

All because politicians not the citizenship 😡😡

@nurmark322 - 13.01.2021 17:22

Another lockdown that will affect our children. So bad, I don't feel the lockdown anyways because I still make my money daily. Just for the children sake. Something needs to be done on this because our children are the leaders of tomorrow and they need to be educationally grounded.

@explosivedog7221 - 13.01.2021 16:18

I didn't choose MCO, MCO choose me

@PeacefulHumanLife - 13.01.2021 16:16

If following the rules as a slave then no need to die ah ??????? Please realize yourself in your mind what is the truth! What is human knowledge limite! Next moment what Will happen do you know that! One day everyone must be die any human knowledge medical system can not save anyone if you die doctor can not make you alive! Doctors also have to die then they how to cure you??? Please realize the truth yourself in your mind

@islamshah13 - 13.01.2021 16:10

.... you super dumbs don't become a conditioned puppet by blindly believing in hoax type propaganda .....
Learn about honest politics and new kind of knowledge from HGP Foundation.
Facts for example, none of 160,000,000 current population in Bangladesh at the end of 100 years from this date will still exist as alive; therefore, everyday 4,500 living humans have to die on a average day, where as only 25 people on average a day are dying from Covid -who would die from other causes anyways if Corona Virus didn't surface thus time. Similar is the statistics elsewhere globally where in the colder months, normal rates of deaths increase naturally.
Excerpts from texts to my good political friends: Hey jb and jt, by all kind of intimidations via socially embedded or disguised evil-alleies' processing of conditioning you guys are ongoing as usual in Our Canada (via top to bottom, lawlessly-bullying crown corporation+) and USA (FBI+).
So, both of do not give a damn but 'precautions in own capacities' will be enough for all would be incidents. Nothing worse shall take place -Guaranteed by HGP! !!!!
* Trump shall be brought to American Justice, none can stop it.
* Covid things shall be totally in control within a few months.

200,000 out of 7 Billion humans die everyday on earth! How many in total a day in UK? or Australia? New Zealand? or Our Canada and USA?
Trump -the ugly, bullying product of British root  has to be brought to American Justice as soon as his presidential immunity is lost in the near future!
What lowly, filthy, confusing tricks can be played by a small group of old royalist englo thugs are what's happening in UK and USA.
 The so called Covid virus with different form /strains has attacked U.K. with a terrorizing agenda of vigoriously infecting the entire global populace! Or at least, successsfully creating another global panic? Or get hit back like a boomerang and all's ending in a great fiasco!
However, the Englo-hebru-royalish masterminds are now safer in rat-holes as they are busy minding their own business of systemic manipulations for own financial gains and do not care at all about any other races or nations including the Christians, Jews or Europeans, even the English -where exist their own safe-haven!
Yes, once again the "unsuspectable, the best spot, homeland of Great Britain with densely all-ethnic-population has been sprayed with laboratory-modified-covid-virus in exactly the same way as the entire world and especially some of the targeted populated areas were vigorously sprayed with Covid-19 during the end of 2019 and beginning of 2020 from the sky in the similar methods -how were taken the real pictures of landscapes seen in Google World Map.
 And the longterm purpose is a pure business of making huge money exclusively at the same time causing global virus terror for immediately helping a few small groups such as related to Bloomberg, royalish, secretive hebruish type other ones including Internet, Google, Insurance Underwriters etc. and manipulate furtively the control on world's political power vacuum mechanism once again by filthy, elusive means.
  Examples: Bill Gates is one of the master culprits -who first successfully made easy earnings of billions of dollars from creating so named computer virus (computer signal jamming cookies) and then selling went unchallenged, mainly through British crooks of the so called computer-anti-virus softwares, a nonsense 'so called soft product' without being held responsible by any authority for their defrauding business  practices -which encouged the same elusive group of culprits plot a new evil scheme that involved humanly transmit able flu or anthrax tyoe viruse. Then, tests of human-virus: Ebola was performed in some locations in Africa with satisfactory results -which in a labiratory modified and developed form with a new name: Covid-19 has been tested in recent past on crowded places like Cruise Ships and markets with successful outcome.
 And eventually, at this time in 2020 when the power of Eastern economic strengths accumulated in the brutal hands of Xin.J., V.Putin, and Ruhani, Modi type religiously blind guys in most parts of the world, that shrinking englo-hebruish evil group secretly kept doing the initial phase of heinous job of aerially spraying Covid virus worldwide using wind direction patterns, air flow circulations from higher altitudes on China (Xin.J. was aware), Iran, spain and Italy (unaware) via satelite controlled undetectable space crafts, commercial drone type things, then continues without raising any suspicions of ordinary homeland folks the aerial spraying targeting easily accessible areas like vincinities of "own hometowns of the said group of master culprits" along the coastlines at both sides of Atlantic Ocean such as Gulf of Mexico, English Chennels etc.
 It's certain that unlike Chinese Xin J., Donald Trump was totally unaware of such aerial Covid Spraying job despite the fact of his household advisers being of the same ever-elusive hebruish origin on which application of "the englo-hebruish 'divide secretly and defeat' rule has been absolutely successful at the last minute dismay of Trump.
For further information dig deeper below:
Think logically until you are able to realise that this notoriously clever and greedy businessman Bill Gates has long been involved in the Virus-infection-spreading-business along with that moral characterless, small englo-hebruish group (that include ex-NY mayor Rudi Giuliani, ex-potus gw Bush etc. -which were fully involved in free of personal costs -demolishing job of that NY Twin Towers where almost no hebru-speaking but thousands of innocent American were killed) and in current global crises of virus, doubtlessly bg had an active evil hand on the laboratory-production of Covid-19 germs that as of April 2020, are still being sprayed from the sky at higher altitudes on easily accessible homeland areas such as New York (Readers of this informational thought-work should try to be prudently proactive thought-wise with awreness and help generate alert for the unsuspecting fellow citizens and thereby assist in awakening of average global folks, and ordinary ones in all corners of the world and should remain vigilant to mysterious objects like harmless looking pleasure or farming aircrafts, unusual flights, drones, abandoned containers in crowded public places etc. by which the highly secretive jobs of "Covid virus spreading" were done inside Cruiseships, Passerger flights, Public Places in early 2020 and the absence of extra-careful vigilants' eyes such an attempt has again been made just before the arrival of year 2021 when pains of economic hardship from too selfishly planned Brexit deal was due to be felt by all ordinary and poor Britons!

@adhamadnan5015 - 13.01.2021 16:00

However student will go back to school soon

@kesatria_gelap - 13.01.2021 14:50

malaysians immune with this covid

@mnzen2442 - 13.01.2021 14:24

The nifty sidecar preferably fire because copy broadly pass including a chilly bun. slim, next time

@orangeloaf - 13.01.2021 12:19

Pray for healthcare malaysian government or private.. Their are tired and stress to work on and treat patience like worst then suicide about forever to handle stubborn malaysian citizen covid19 .. 🙁🙁😢😢

@shawnbaubeiyee6845 - 13.01.2021 10:41

The innate meat importantly trust because cucumber summarily steer worth a acceptable shovel. past, six price

@kokmenglew8240 - 13.01.2021 09:52

Malaysia has so many non certified illegals how on earth to keep track!
Just political face it🤔

@danielyee9159 - 13.01.2021 09:44

Call for emergency to save his bloody skin. Not to contain the covid pandemic. This is what a traitor will do whatever to hold on to the idam idam post.

@adamauzai8849 - 13.01.2021 07:30

I hate government, now our economy will collapse..the citizens also the problems, why you guys go travel in this situation..what a low mindeset... If you can't think abt yourself just think abt everyone else..

@philippinesunfiltered421 - 13.01.2021 07:09


@ryosap6397 - 13.01.2021 02:45

Indonesia can't relate

@alexteramos4047 - 13.01.2021 01:28

The phobic eyelash accordingly fix because airplane generically admit aboard a standing bakery. warlike, brawny apparatus

@ahmadshauki5612 - 13.01.2021 00:07

The Government can impose 100 lockdowns and COVID-19 problems will never be solved. Why ? 2 states are almost COVID-19 free, ie Sarawak and Perlis. Why ? Those states are 'foreigner tree'. Sarawak State Government is very strict on outsiders going into the State, therefore, Sarawak is almost without foreign workers. Perlis was formerly a small district of Kedah, this State is unattractive to foreign workers. Perlis is a slow, lethargic State. The needs for foreigners to be employed does not exist. No COVID-19 issue.
If you were to look at all other States you will realise a high correlation between the number of foreign workers s and the number of COVID-19 cases. Correlation is not causation, COVID-19 cases are high amongst foreign workers due to bad living conditions. It is impossible for the Government to check all foreign workers. Why ?
In neighbouring countries like Singapore or Brunei foreign workers are human beings not commodity. Foreign workers sell their services in exchange for money In those Countries foreign workers were brought into the Countries by the would-be employers in a very well-regulated and organised manners, therefore, the foreign workers are traceable.
In the case of Malaysia foreign workers are not humans, they are traded as a commodity. The Government issues 'import permits' to selected few. Those 'permit-holders' are cronies or wives of UMNO-based political masters. The permit-holders were given the rights to import and traffick human beings. All permit-holders are millionaires or billionaires. A wife of a powerful minister may have permit to import a few hundreds of thousands Bangladeshis, she may have RM 700 million in a few banks and she may be just a housewife. Any would-be employer in needs of foreign workers will be forced to 'buy' foreign workers from those legal human traffickers. It is impossible for any government agency to trace the foreign workers, the importers normally sell their imported human commodity to the highest bidder.
Malaysia is a trading nation, therefore, everything is traceable. Nothing is sacred and nothing is profane. Money talks and talks loudly.

@rockystelone21 - 12.01.2021 17:21

Mask dont work
Gloves dont work
Lock downs sure in phuck dont work
But a air burst bomb should do the trick...what else is left

@metalstamping - 12.01.2021 17:02

He is reading from

@maricarpatubo7581 - 12.01.2021 16:54

That's for all stubborn people like wat I know just they don't care really they don't care sleeping somebody in middle of pandemic ha really really insane hope more longer mco since valintines it's coming take note guys

@wolf8900 - 12.01.2021 16:40

Asean who can survive in economy
