Amouranth Situation is Horrible

Amouranth Situation is Horrible


1 год назад

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Bradley Sweat
Bradley Sweat - 01.11.2023 20:27

i had an ex like this she would flip over literally nothing (The breaking point was me asking if she was okay after 2h in the bathrom a simple polite babe are you okay in there?) she called me controlling and judgemental ghosted me all day while cheating on me just out of spite then said that i hurt her (Emotionally) and i need help. meanwhile im sitting there the entire day and night like "so caring about your girlfriend is wrong i guess? no wonder us nice ones always lose" she also tried to blame her not having a job on me cause she would call out every day to be with me despite me insisting and doing everything i can to convince her to go to work so she doesnt lose her job then when it happend suddenly its my fault???!!?!?!

drthraxine - 01.11.2023 15:09

You guys really think this was an accident ? How stupid humanity is

Jaraxel - 01.11.2023 07:04

god... I have zero interest in only fans but this poor woman makes me want to sub just to support her. what a horrific excuse of a trash her husband was.

bravo for her to stream it out publicly and I hope her situation got much better.

TLamb2008 - 01.11.2023 02:28

The worst part is that I wanna feel bad but now I find out she’s putting her vaginal yeast in beer

enpi - 31.10.2023 22:16

Why would someone stream their private couple problems like that..?
Just keep it personal, record and go to the police/social services...

I just don't understand people.

Uncanny Biscuit
Uncanny Biscuit - 31.10.2023 20:32

he sounds like fucking homelander, wtf is going on

random dude  🇦🇱
random dude 🇦🇱 - 30.10.2023 23:18

I like how she has a jigglypuff plush

Lui Ullman
Lui Ullman - 30.10.2023 16:13

This is going to sound crazy but seeing this video actually helped me. For years, my dad and step mom verbally abused me and then would turn it around on me like it was my fault. They'd say my "high pitched whining" and crying meant I was lying or hiding something.

But now I see that that's not true. I was legitimately scared and panicked and they made it worse by continuously berating me and calling me a liar. I feel for Amouranth and I'm glad she got out of there.

Dan Moraru
Dan Moraru - 30.10.2023 14:50

Another hot girl that responds to getting treated like garbage

Spork9k - 30.10.2023 05:09

Charlie’s insult game leveled up after this one. But i feel bad for amouranth

Weston Fairris
Weston Fairris - 30.10.2023 04:36

I don't feel too bad for her because she married this loser. Which means that they dated for a period of time, then were engaged for a period of time, and now are married for a period of time. She has had plenty of time to realize what kind of person he is. People with some childhood or emotional issues being attracted to other people with their own issues. There is no excuse. During this videos recording that guy was obviously not around, so she could have easily gone to the police department, in car or walk, and file a report. There is plenty of evidence to at least do something to help her. At best a restraining order. Her stuff in the house will be fine. The dogs will be fine. Just go get help. No excuse other than she is also a troubled person and deep down inside she likes the abuse as well as the drama. I do not talorate or condone abuse of any kind towards women. What he is doing to her is not ok but she has had many opportunities to get out of this relationship, get help, get safe and get this punk get out of her life. Instead she is broadcasting on the internet cause she knows she can profit from the drama and secretly likes it. I'll bet there is a police station within walking distance or a short uber ride away. She could have been there faster than this guy could get home. No excuse. All of us are feeding into her bullshit and giving her sympathy, that she will profit off of, and focusing on how shitty the guy is( which he is) instead of recognizing that she is also just as fucked up. Thankfully I don't know who she is. THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR HER NOT GETTING HELP! Just to clarify: this guy is a tremendous piece of shit pussy coward fuck who verbally and physically abuses women and probably animals as well and would promptly have is ass choked out if I ever witnessed any of this in person. This guy is a bitch and will hopefully get what's coming to him. Seriously, in the time it took me to write this she could have gone to a neighborhoods house and got help, walked or driven to police station, called a family member, ask for help from the many people watching live stream....any of these things to get help but she didn't. You all should be asking why?

Jared Mundi
Jared Mundi - 30.10.2023 03:11

I don't like this. She needs to get away from this asshole. I dont particularly like her content but nobody deserves to be in a relationship like this. I had no idea she was being pimped by her husband. Thats rough.

Susan Sucks
Susan Sucks - 29.10.2023 16:12

Mr. Dildo in your Face has commentsa on check? loool

Turicane LynK
Turicane LynK - 29.10.2023 16:11

one year later and Amouranth is a respected laywer..
she is a Mia Khalifa 2.0 and Charlie and everybody else is a joke for defending her

Realm - 29.10.2023 13:39

That literally sounds like tyler1, this seems fake as shit.

De-de - 29.10.2023 12:38

I hope people know even if the abuse is real let’s not act like she was FORCED to go live, she WANTED to do these type of content and that’s fine but don’t defend/excuse her behaviour with “her ex husband forced her or “but she was abused 🥺” cause that’s literally enabling. She’s a sh*tty person by default.

Midnight The Wolf
Midnight The Wolf - 29.10.2023 08:35

i know it probably isnt but it seems kind of faked. I do hope shes okay though this guy makes my blood boil.

Daddy Dubs
Daddy Dubs - 29.10.2023 07:16

Charlie I love you dude but you have no self awareness, he acts so shocked in his latest Amouranth video like it's some sort of shocker she's selling her rancid (redacted) beer. This whole thing was just an act by her for attention, she's still married to this guy.
