Should You Get an FDM Printer for Warhammer?

Should You Get an FDM Printer for Warhammer?

Battle Brother Sam

1 год назад

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@shaolinsoap - 06.12.2023 13:16

Nice video, thanks!

@ozskeeter - 15.11.2023 05:57

I started my 3D printing experience with resin and after a short time regretted it dearly. Toxic materials, needs a dedicated well ventilated workspace, safe and legal disposal in place. Much happier with a FDM printer despite the difficulty in reaching the finer detail on small miniatures achievable with resin.

@Kspice9000 - 12.11.2023 03:29

You should invest in a "dial or digital test indicator"
Works similar to the auto leveler but its stationary. So in theory if you the right spot. The bed could run all the needle and you can visually inspect for precise problem areas

@randomusernameCallin - 09.11.2023 19:02

I find that FDM is a general use item. There are so many good tool you can make on it as well as terrain

SLA is something that you need extra steps and it is limit to what to use it for. I find it is not uncommon for me to just buy a box of mini instead of using the SLA.

@vulcanraven224 - 01.11.2023 16:16

I just want to print Baneblade sized models lol. My resin printer can only handle up to landraider sized.

@user-mh4me7xp3y - 07.09.2023 02:49

Крутое видео получилось

@gus.smedstad - 05.09.2023 22:07

I was wondering if this was going to touch on printing miniatures using a 0.1mm nozzle. Nope, just terrain.

@Igniroth - 21.08.2023 15:24

Got an ender 3 neo. Time to make the worlds jankiest knight

@michaelwood57 - 21.08.2023 10:47

This video title is not good... Should you get an FDM Printer for Warhammer - No clearly we should be getting a resin printer... now that I bought a Kobra Max FDM printer hook me up with all the best places to find Miniatures for Warhammer I am hitting a brick wall everything is for "Resin" I am willing to attempt "tree" supports on free models but I am not able to really find anything good, can you hook me up with some Links to some great Patreons / Free links for FDM printing some Tyranids / Space Marines thanks!

@rickedysplit2458 - 23.07.2023 04:57

Honestly me and my father had such a bad experience with FDM Printer. Maybe it's just because it's an old one, but it's been constant problems.
But the 2 Resin Printers we have are great.

@resitkoc7606 - 22.07.2023 17:48

Picture quality of the video is good but I think it would be great if you could use a better mic for the sound, I'm having difficulties to hear what you are saying.

@dropshockers - 10.07.2023 10:28

But a resin printer is such a pain

@jpierce1336 - 14.06.2023 00:15

I'll be that guy and say I had bad luck with my FDM printers. Admittedly, the first was a bargain basement model from around 4 years ago. The second was 2 years ago and was a high end Prusa. They both gave me fits and soured me on 3d printing entirely.

I'm considering a resin one for a change of pace, but bad memories keep staying my hand.

@Tuck-Shop - 30.05.2023 20:15

Vase mode?
I prefer 5% infill for that added strength and use my patience to deal with the extra print time.

@bbaxterism - 30.05.2023 13:23

I just stopped by to leave a comment. I know the answer!!
Get both! 😊

@terrylyn - 26.05.2023 04:28

How did the vase mode work for you with 0.4mm nozzle? Did you print the Txarli models in vase mode as well? The vase mode seems very useful, I already have some Txarli models but now want to try the Sinister Cities as well.

@dankujbattles - 22.05.2023 00:46

Thanks for this video! I'm currently trying to weigh my options, but I feel as great resin printers seem to be, FDM seems more approachable on a casual/hobbyist level haha. It also helps that I can be a bit messy while crafting and I feel like resin would be a nightmare for me. I recently knocked a cup of water and my acrylic paints over and made a huge but cleanable mess, I can't even imagine if it was a tub of resin lol.

@MLaak86 - 05.05.2023 01:21

Definitely feel like an FDM printer is the way to go for big boy models

@Vokdor1 - 01.05.2023 22:03

It is completely dishonest to imply you save a fortune 3d printing gw models, unless your time is worthless and the printer is free.

@envynemo4170 - 22.04.2023 21:58

it depends on what your trying to print, small troops you definitely need an resin printer but large things and terrain FDM is your printer

@OlympusMonsTutorials - 11.04.2023 13:29

If all you have is an FDM printer and you don´t have the resources to immediately get a resin printer, you can get some suprisingly good mini´s by slowing down your build time and using a 0.2mm nozzel. I would like to see a video on this if you get a chance.

@Haruki2009 - 10.04.2023 13:11

Wouldn’t it be cool if Sam printed an iron warrior 1000p force?

@lucasvyner1502 - 09.04.2023 17:10

resin for small stuff and fine detail. FDM for larger terrain and vehicles. Most big stuff you'll struggle to fit in proper orientation on all but the largest resin options. there's ways around layer lines post process.

@WardenOfTerra - 02.04.2023 04:26

FDM printers take forever. You can get far more done with a resin printer, and you can just edit the files anyway in CAD to make it so that you just glue the terrain together. The stepping on FDM is horrible in my opinion. Everything kinda looks like an 80's toy too due to a lack of detail.

@steinflorian5555 - 25.03.2023 20:33

Hi, I also wanted to buy a 3D printing machine to print warhammer figures, would you recommend it to me, my question is, have you printed all of your figures in the background?
I would then buy elegoo saturn in order to print Warhammer figures with it, I would be happy about an answer
Greetings Florian

@jmaccsarmiesofmiddleearth - 20.02.2023 13:50

Analysis Paralysis is totaly a thing hahaha.

@mtgmac1 - 17.02.2023 23:47

Got both, an FDM and a resin printer and both have uses. FDM is crap with details but it's 1000x better than the resin in efficiency with big models. So the FDM prints terrain pieces and large models / vehicles. Resin prints everything else - small to medium models and the big ones that need details.

@jaytwokay3265 - 11.02.2023 02:38

Damn, that looks pretty cool! Love your channel.

@andyseverance1519 - 10.02.2023 17:38

I feel you with having one weird word that you struggle with. For the life of me, I can never say "rural" correctly and it drives me crazy.

@rileyturner6220 - 09.02.2023 05:15

Have you tried printing miniatures on the FDM printer? Great vid!

@Battlefang - 07.02.2023 22:13

"resin is the way to go, in my opinon" - Battle Brother Sam.

for detail rich minis, yes. resin is the undisputed king in the miniature hobby. BUT FDM is catching up fast. FDM is still long ways from resin in terms of detail capture. FDM can produce minis that will get you by. I've printed out 12 FDM mini bodies with 11 of which are of good enough quality and acceptable detail capture to be used, smack on official arms, heads and backpack along with weapons and a paint job and barely anyone would be able to tell the a partially 3d printed from a wholly official one.

FDM is the go to for terrain in 98% of the time.

@armundojones - 18.01.2023 17:25

Our FDM printer gets a lot of use making utility stuff for around the house as well as bases and terrain. I came across the Tycho Starport files which are great for what we need. They're the right size for the cubes structure in Deadzone as well as just being good for general sci fi. A friend of mine loves scratch building terrain but he has the floors scaled up along the lines of Deadzone so we can intermingle the terrain perfectly.

Someday FDM printers might get to the quality I'd be happy with for most minis and I look forward to that but they definitely have a place in my tool kit. Its too cold in the shed to print using the resin printer but the FDM one is working on a bunch of 25x50mm bases.

@Makeitgrimdark - 18.01.2023 08:40

You inspired me to get a 3D printer so thank you. I as lucky to win a voucher at work got resin and FDM. Love the FDM for terrain and my hobby desk is now so organised due to everything having a holder/container. For me with a tiny channel the ability to print to make content is going to be a game changer

@vertigo042 - 15.01.2023 04:15

Damn dude you don't have to waste all that plastic on those rafts.

@faced1964b - 14.01.2023 21:42

I use resin for models and fine detail. FDM for terrain and large objects

@Bloodworia - 14.01.2023 18:17

Dude is always looking like somebody is holding a gun to his head

@Mockthenerd - 14.01.2023 13:18

I own both types of printers and they're amazing. Small detailed models for 1 and cheap buildings for the other. For DnD (where you need to mass produce one use enemies) I'd also suggest Fatdragon games models. They're supportless and pretty good and cheaper than resin without the need for cleanup.

@thechadbuddha - 14.01.2023 13:18


@maxxammax0 - 14.01.2023 11:19

Honestly FDM prints are good enough to scratch that painting itch without breaking the bank.
Printed a Chaos knight in PLA and it just looks so cool.
And not having to deal with resin is a big plus as I don't have space suitable for fumes and waste.

@severdislike4222 - 14.01.2023 08:32

Modern cura is also so much better than cura from half a decade ago. A ton of it's more useful abilities plainly did not exist back then. See the 2023 tree supports vs the original iteration, the existence of lighting infill (support builds internally on the z axis) and plainly better software coding with fewer weird inconsistencies.

@tomusannonymous - 14.01.2023 06:07

yeh my ender 3 pro worked great for a while now it keeps getting blocked nozzles, For larger prints theres a real danger it will fail partway through. I think I know which part is the problem but its going to be trial and error to fix it. fdm is a way bigger headache than sla in my experience.

@drbeandog4209 - 14.01.2023 06:04

great video brother, like i said before I'm here for the long haul. it feels good to see a company partner with you like this. keep up the good work!

@johnlarkin2998 - 14.01.2023 05:49

The amount of filament wasted on the raft would have printed a lot of terrain

@shaneblenkinsop - 14.01.2023 02:24

I bought a Mars 3 pro and I'm kinda overwhelmed right now. It's still in the packaging right now and I hope to get to it soon. Your videos for brand new people are great. Thanks from 🇨🇦

@saiancantin7667 - 14.01.2023 01:39

Plz do a boarding operations yerrain alternative!!!!!! So many people are down for the mode but the starting price for terrain is way too high!

@Nolsie - 14.01.2023 01:04

Hi Sam! I just printed a bunch of terrain and 4 armies for the price of one from GW! Never would have taken the leap without your videos, thanks Sam!

@taco067 - 14.01.2023 00:40

This channel has been an absolute godsend for someone who’s new to resin printing and warhammer 40k!

@similhumuluslupulussimil2384 - 14.01.2023 00:29

Man, i found your videos and your attitude so positive like nowhere else, really enjoy all of your content, hope new printer will give you fun an opportunity to grow bigger as a content creator

@Max-oj9qt - 14.01.2023 00:13

The guy who made the roads also made an awesome terrain kickstarter (of course ready for the vase mode) and it's completly modular
