What Happened to Minecraft's Ancient Builders?

What Happened to Minecraft's Ancient Builders?


3 года назад

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@chiefswiggum - 30.09.2024 02:20

must be herobrine cuz he might be a ghost

@NateTmi - 05.10.2024 20:14

how do u think the warden should fit into all that u know about the Los of the builders? & the 2 stories I see u have

@Envisionwon - 10.10.2024 23:35

The ancient builders got book banned

@GlebyGlobster - 15.10.2024 01:38

my theory is that there was a war, one side spawned a wither with the intent of using it as a weapon, it backfired and damn near killed everyone, and the wither created all of the undead we see around. also, wither roses weren't a thing when the mobestiary was made, so it was possible that with wither rose's addition the story was changed.

edit: this comment was made before my point came up briefly in the video

@K35N_C - 26.10.2024 08:58

I aint typin allat but what if the ancient builders summoned/created the wither and killed a percentage of the population and drove the races into two as villagers and pillagers and the wither was killed and the traces were the fossils in the nether and we have ruined portals as the people destroyed them to avoid the nether and because the villagers and pillagers were drove into two species they fought a war and the pillagers used necromancy as a weapon creating zombification and villagers used strongholds to hide yet they lost the battle and thats the reason alot of villages generate with outpost and tucked hands as to avoid war.

Mb if im wrong

@MegaDara999 - 31.10.2024 02:12

I’d like to see you revisit these ideas with the warden and creeking in the game now

@PritheeTab - 31.10.2024 08:39

I dont think it was th wither, i think it was the witherstorm which was made with a command block

@ALCvideoprofile - 19.11.2024 18:35

I mean villages, pillager outposts and woodland mansions were all built by Testificates which are split up into the sub races Villager Illager and Pillager.
I believe those are the equivilant of humans in the minecraft world and probably had some ancient variation on their species.
Similarly there are the piglins which are the nether-realm's counterpart, who built the bastions and possibly the nether ruins.

@BOOT23459 - 25.11.2024 06:43


@finlandmapz - 27.11.2024 10:50

Check out Minecraft: Story Mode (season 1 of course) and the last 2 episodes (its in the dlc's btw) That explains the Ancient Builders.

@vedantsshow7908 - 27.11.2024 15:47

I think there was a more powerful wither in the neither so the builders made there own
And they went to the neither to find a way to cure the zombies

@BustoMakesVideos - 08.12.2024 22:59

Here's my theroy, after jumping into the end all they could eat was chorus fruit, so they slowly became enderman

@IsmaelHanzala-ub8qj - 10.12.2024 19:44

Maybe the Wither theory could work. Here is why,
In the time of the Ancient Builders, after they built these structures (pirates?), they were at peace for a while, until, some of the ancient builders went to the nether and brought back soul sand and wither skulls. They built a wither model thinking it was for protection, only for it to attack. It wiped out all of the builders only for a powerful enity (prehistoric Herobrine?) (giant?) and killed the giant wither. It could have tried to run away but got beheaded by the entity. The heads fell before it went back to the Nether and the body fell into the Nether and got sucked into the ground, turning into the fossils (see Wifies' fossil video), only for Igor (Ivar? Someone pls remind me which on it is) to make the Wither Storm with command block.

@Im_drived_over_a_9_year_old - 13.12.2024 01:08

Bedrock wither attacked them

@443MoneyTrees - 13.12.2024 04:28

It makes most sense that there was a war bro, no zombie crowds are defeating an entire race lmao

@BubbleCraft10 - 14.12.2024 04:07

solution to zombie plague: build three blocks up 😂

@tomanddeborahmacintosh1063 - 16.12.2024 14:44

I think there was a war between the ancient builders and I also think minecraft story mode has something to do with it.

@Hejczkej - 17.12.2024 01:36

What if versions of minecraft represent timeline and the ancient builders are us in previous versions

@gacha.mei5796 - 20.12.2024 07:22

Are the builders who created the Minecraft game?

@B.A.TNinja - 26.12.2024 04:41

But what is if the villagers looked the wither in the Nether and then they died, and now there are only bones left plus the Ruinen Portals we see in the world they are broken because no one should go into the nether 👍

@emofurryboyfriendasmr - 28.12.2024 22:57

i honestly agree with a lot of people where it goes
wither summoning (perhaps a "true" wither , like the wither storm . > they defeat it but lack of food / resources causes the plague > they work on trying to undo the plague > a war breaks out, resources are limited and people get desperate (this is where illagers split from villagers, villagers wished to remain peaceful while illagers wished to fight) > the zombie plague worsens and those few remaining builders flee to the end, where they become endermen after eating chorus fruit (perhaps it was infested with endermites, like a locust swarm ) > everything slowly goes to how we know it.

@JarekHardysz - 30.12.2024 00:43


@nightMC2 - 31.12.2024 02:14

Though with this pillagers, they are in other lore to be villagers that left.

@Ybe78 - 01.01.2025 18:55

Nuh uh bro the soul sand in the nether are the soul pf the builders and the bones is its corpse that died due to starvarion UR WELCOME

@TylorHanson - 15.01.2025 03:07

Here’s my thoughts I think it goes like this a couple of ancient builders went to the nether they brought pigs for food the pigs became mutated because of the nethers unique properties then the players built the structures to protect them self’s then they found nether right and gold and gave the pigs jobs they were basically slaves but days became weeks weeks became months and the nether did the same thing it did to the pigs so as they returned they realized they had a virus on their hands they needed answers I’d say a month later they realized it came from the nether the pigs the chest oh no but it was to late they must’ve made the creepers them selfs to protect them selfs then in the end the wither but that didn’t go well so that happened and they needed another way out I don’t know about the ender men but in this timeline the builders built the strong hold they made the portals and went in some stayed in the over world went under ground of course but the warden happened but then they were stuck they tried to make another portal but they instead did the same thing the made a dragon they got the first part right but they were weaker so some flead of course they made the city’s the ships all of that but again another problem they were running out of food so they ate corse fruit they became ender men now they needed a plan to kill the ender man so they made the ender might but that wasn’t enough it was over now the world slowly began to take it’s self back there were villagers now that say ha and ha ha but something went wrong either a virus or war started you have the witch she was vanished for dark magic maybe they invented the igloo to see if they could stop this virus but it didn’t go very well then there’s the pillages they were more violent so they were vanished and then it happened World War 1 pillages began attacking villages taking advantage of the villages peacefulness and stealing crops the villages invaded the iron golem and I bet the rose helped it because less violet it worked now it was a tie for now. But then they had things like mansions towers their own iron golems and special forces now it was a win also witch’s don’t kill villagers only the players they are not with the villagers they are on their own now here’s the hard part they could have created Steve and Alex I don’t know why they can’t they have wool that matches Steve magic red stone and take a look inside all of the mansions rooms they have a test portal for both dimensions they also know about the warden I bet they were trying to test us they could have given us extra powers to like more resistance to viruses better stomachs a better brain also if a village invented say tnt only that village is gonna know and pillages can kill him before he can escape the only reason they didn’t wipe them out is because of xp villages are a xp farm why kill them now they need it for the totems remember this is a more advanced civilization then the pigs ender men villagers and even with the ancient builders also there could be more then one virus could be at least 2 for the ancient builders skeletons and zombies spiders don’t count creepers are hard to judge and the ender men have to many stories the pillagers don’t effect us like a virus and pigs are different species but have the most viruses

@as-wv8kt - 17.01.2025 22:53

They never went extinct cause that are the villagers, they built the ancient buildings but they settled somewhere else, some built villages and some are now pillagers that built mansions and outposts, the ancient buildings and settlements turned into ruins over time as they were left.

@Pat12379 - 21.01.2025 22:32

I think the acciant builders settled down the villegers still live with the builders but they started to aft different and have different ways the builders decided to leave the vilages and the villigers that stayed didnt know how to fight but they could still build just not as good and they made yhe iron golam to protect them the builders moved to different places some decided to build citys under ground some built the nottels chell and built under water mounuments and prusumbly towns but the mounuments are all thats left other yhen some small buildings with treasure chests they also probably built the ships aswell some went to the desert and built pyramids and city's but left only the pyramids and some whells where left but years pass and yhe villagers look completely different then the builders now but the builders from the caves wanted to go back above ground so they createe the warden to take over the rest of the builders citys a big war between the caves and sand builders leave the deseet citys vunrunlr and broken the cave builders won and they cept the prymaids intact as a reminder they won and they wanted to take ivee the ocean mounuments but they couldn't make water breathing posions so they couldn't attack plus the wadern cant swim so the water builders creat a virus for killing the desery builders and trying to kill them the virus turns them into zombies and it makes already dead builders awake from the dead so the desert builders and cave builders who died in the war turn to skeletons but because there soilders all they can remember is theres a war so they try and kill any builders they see some of the builders tried to escape to the nether to get away from the virus and find piglins some went back to yhe caves but the warden hade no use anymore so they tried to kill it the warden killed mosy the builders and the surviors buily a portal to the end and they killed the dragon and went to different islanda making citys and ships in the air but they staeted to change and become more long over the end and there food ran out so they decided to go back to the iver world to get more food but someone respawnee the dragon by accident so they wwhere stuck so they eat the corys fruit and gained the power to telport but forget they where ever human and in the nether they buily fortresss but they wanted more gold so they took fron the piglins that led to a war where only a few survived and tgoes few hade children they thought they couldve grown umun to the virus so they went threw yhe portal but they came back to see all there old buildings gone the virus spread threw water so thoes builder became draw and they moved into vilages some viligers hesrd there storys ane wanted to become a like the builders the builders teached them how to build and gow to fight they eventually turned into the pilligers but the virus went yhrew the portal and made all yeh dead anciany builders into wether skeltons and the wether skeltons where different they hade some kind of leader the pilligers where facanted by this and went to the nether to learn more they got wither skeltons heads and soul sand because it looked like something from a very old mysterious painting egen the builders nevee knew what it was from they brought the blocks back and followee what was in the painting the wither came and killed eveeything in its path yhe builders triee to defeat it they eventually manage to but aall the soilder where dead and only there children survived who where to young to remember and they didn't know how to speak they where raised by villigers but they didn't speak any language the builders understand the villigers can understand yhe builders but not the opsite and eventually the last builders decided to leave there village and thats when you come in bet you feel sorry for inslaving the people who raised you know

@PhoneGuyTheorist - 24.01.2025 12:59

Zombies - killed by virus
Skeletons - killed by wither

@Nachocheez1234 - 26.01.2025 07:36

When the ancient builders summoned the wither they fled to the caves and built a portal to the otherside and the warden came through and killed the wither and then the ancient builders.
Villagers are descendants of the ancient builders that escaped from the ancient cities.

@Toxicplushies - 28.01.2025 01:11

In my opinion I think I found out what happened to the ancient builders I think you know how in Minecraft Legends we fight the piglins and beat them in my opinion this went wrong and our universe AKA what happened to the ancient villagers and builders they went to war with the penguins over the fact that they just wanted more land and the penguins won but due to penguins not being able to last in the overworld they turned into zombies so what big ones didn't flee were turned into zombies an infected what was left of the players

@GageDavidHolloway - 30.01.2025 07:48

So I agree with a lot of the theories especially the one at the end, but here is my take maybe as another last resort to finishing off the creatures, the zombies and some of the Pillager the decrease the wither after going to the nether and gathering all the things you need to create such a beast, but it went wrong and it started killing them as well, so the builders had to kill it, and after killing those not money left them, but they made fortress to the ground to protect them as well, but when there’s allthe when the wither broke in and zombies came in and started to takeoff the players and kill them, but then because of the withers destruction, the cave created collapsed, walking off the entrance so was the last resort they powered up the portal and went in, and since their armor was heavily damaged, the dragon was able to kill them.

@AmesEagles-p7g - 31.01.2025 21:40

well allso how did the illagers make the virus if all there good at from what we can see in the game is that they make the low quality wallmart great value version

@Dalvasuavagunda5200homens - 04.02.2025 04:53

The wither we create is only a fraction of the true wither, since the true one could be made of thousands of souls, not to mention, steve draw the paint of wither, even not knowing, or maybe he knows, that's why he can paint it, so who is steve ?

@PhoenixBlaze1776 - 04.02.2025 22:29

I wouldn't be surprised if it was a combination of all three theories on the fall of the builders

@coreysmith1197 - 09.02.2025 17:27

I think that they died in the nether and the end

@kevingiampaoli9363 - 11.02.2025 07:21

My personal lore of minecraft theory goes something like this (it is a mix of various theorys + my own twist)
Ancient builders live thousands of years agi peacefully, very Advanced compared to us they could do things that would be called magic or a straight up miracle nowadays.
Somehow they manage to figure out nether portals but as mat pat theorized they sent in Pigs .... A lot of them....who became piglins....and when they found out and tried to bring them back they done fucked up and created the zombie virus and this wipes out 80 percent of life on earth as they knew it

They for a while avoid entering the nether portal but at somepoint get invaded by the piglins (kinda like it happens in legends)
They have this massive war and somehow the ancient builders Just manage to win
To which point they decide to enter and start exploring the nether
When they discover a whole new dimension with blocks they never seen before like soul sand
And new Mobs like wither skeletons
(I dont know how they could find a random painting and see it and Copy it, that straight up doesnt make sense)
Unless the nether fortresses arent built by the ancient race and were already there when they arrived at the nether

Anyways experiments happen
The wither is created
And fucks up the remaining population
Only 10 % of humans remain
The ones that do survive
Escape underground
Discover ancient cities in the skulk biome

Manage to open the portal
But the warden comes OUT

has this massive Battle with the wither

That basically destroys the ancient city
The wither is dead
The warden starts to crash out on the ancient builders next
They escape back out

Create strongholds to try and survive as much as they could

Till they just try one more time
To create s portal to escape
But it brings them to the end

Only one way

Unfortunatly they all couldnt escape
And MOST of them die to the ender dragon
The ones that survived created end cities and lived on chorus fruit slowly becoming the enderman

Bunch or holes in this theory but its just cause there is still a lot of missing peices cause mojang just doesnt wanna tell us ANYTHING

@PizzaMaster516 - 12.02.2025 16:18

The villages are the ancient builders.

@djsjssl - 12.02.2025 16:52

i like the theory that they learned from the summoning of the wither, and experimented with ways to "summon" or revive dead members of their community, resulting in them turning into undead creatures

@crim-jim6814 - 16.02.2025 20:02

I really like the idea of the zombie virus was created by an Ancient Bulder/villager faction to help ward off an ancient Piglin invasion/revolution (if we consider the idea that Piglins are corrupted pigs), eventually evolving to kill Builders and villagers too. And this would also make sense considering the Illagers (+ witches) are enemies of the player and villagers.

@Muuseman14 - 16.02.2025 20:35

The players or player is the last ancient builder

@Snoosha - 19.02.2025 20:54

I think the endermen were the ancient builders (that explains end cities)

@Drakontwilight - 24.02.2025 21:01

What if us respawning is another thing, the last thing, that the ancient builders did before going extinct and the ability to respawn the ender dragon was the prototype experiment for the ability we have to respawn as kind of a last ditch effort to save their species.

@coldie45 - 01.03.2025 00:30

or take the matpat lore, the wither they spawned was much bigger and powerful than the one we spawn, which could be proven from the wither-looking fossils in the nether and underground which are massive
(low taper fade)
