reptile keeper reacts to Petco

reptile keeper reacts to Petco

Leafy Street

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@joshjones3189 - 07.06.2024 14:42

Yall are stupid those animals dont stay "together" for along time people come in and buy them, these are temporary housing conditions for them dummies!

@majesticlunatic4985 - 08.06.2024 00:00

At least the one in my area houses snakes alone... And everything else has a decent collection of roommates

@candalalala - 09.06.2024 07:27

I’m a guinea pig person and they encourage horrible care in the pamphlets. I hate it! I try to discourage people from buying live animals from pet stores….

@vhies - 10.06.2024 20:58

actually doesn’t look as bad as others i’ve seen but still uneducated as shit

@Body_and_Blood - 10.06.2024 22:23

I’m gonna be a new reptile owner, I’m getting a crested gecko in a month or so, do you have any tips or suggestions that would help me take care of the gecko properly?

@amberj5145 - 11.06.2024 06:40

Did anyone else notice the blood on the glass with the mouse

@avanders457 - 11.06.2024 22:21

Why is he hating on cohab?

@cockatoode705 - 12.06.2024 20:33

Bro did not comment on the blood splatter on the mouse cage 😂

@Archer_vr420 - 13.06.2024 11:37

“Look at the balls on you!”

@bhutch216 - 14.06.2024 01:24

Most of those animals are there for a matter of days and it’s not cost effective to have things alone. Not really a big deal.

@basaltcrust1915 - 15.06.2024 07:43

As someone who has no knowledge in anything this guys saying heres what i got: "co-habs" are bad, the plants suck, the fish are fish, and this guy has a fascination with rat balls

Very interesting, Mr.Reptilekeeper, your therapist must have a lot if fun

@Seastar5743 - 15.06.2024 16:50

Bro at petsmart 6 leopard geckos were all in the same tank..😢

@LuvsPreppy - 15.06.2024 23:56

Mine is not as bad and I don’t believe there are many cohabitation situations

@chrazzl - 16.06.2024 00:45

Biggest mistake I made was buying those awful plants from Petco.. the only decent ones are the ones kept in the same sort of container they keep bettas in.

@jaydenbarkoski6236 - 16.06.2024 20:37

Petco & PetSmart actually purposly do not take good care of their animals very well so people that are actually educated want to “rescue” them. When in reality, you are actually fundin’ them to get more animals. 😢 Its a sick cycle.

@Space-Milk - 16.06.2024 22:59

I laughed, but then my jaws dropped. Holy cow those are some massive balls

@Melaniesb3stie - 17.06.2024 19:37

The leopard gecko one makes me so sad

@flopsuma - 17.06.2024 22:52

The rodents always have the worst enclosures its so sad, they even keep solitary animals like hamsters together

@TheJestersDoor - 19.06.2024 02:05

Back in 2011 I went to a petco in waco tx. The retail associate was trying to sell a hatchling water monitor to a grandma and grandchild. I made sure to explain to grandma that water monitors get up to 6 FEET LONG🫤 insane business

@armymedic_bnw - 19.06.2024 21:53

Don't even get me STARTED on the tarantulas. Those poor things are ABUSED. No places to dig, barely any place to hide. It's a CRIME.

@enigmaticbutterfly - 20.06.2024 05:02

"wow, beauty" he says about a butterflyfish thats starving to death

@38tacos95 - 20.06.2024 14:46

big man on campus.

@ThinMint501 - 20.06.2024 19:15

Imo ,petsmart takes better care of their reptiles than petco. Atleast where I live anyway

@fizzle-lb2xz - 21.06.2024 07:16

I'm pretty sure Petco places the animals together because the animals aren't old enough to actually reproduce yet....once they are of age they get separated, I don't agree because the stress on the animals is important but makes sense for a huge box store and people continually buying the animals lol!

@Tootnscoot - 21.06.2024 09:12

1. Ball pythons, particularly males are semi arboreal. 2. You can successfully cohab ball pythons without them stressing out but the younger you do it the better and the enclosure has to be big enough for both snakes individually. So a 120 gallonbfor adult 240 for 2 adults and so on

@wolfymudkips4266 - 21.06.2024 20:19

Pets at home in england is like this

@JasTheSass - 21.06.2024 22:59

I swear, sometimes I think that pet stores should be separated by certain animal types. Like I would trust buying fish from a place that specializes in fish care far more than I would a store that has to figure out rodents, cats, dogs, reptiles, fish, and birds with employees that know little about them. Or at the very least, employees for different sections of the store that focus on different animals.

@mrmcdingle9832 - 22.06.2024 16:55

I interviewed with Petco once, for the sales associate position. Except it turned into me blasting the manager for how bad the animal care was at the store. The day I walked in for the interview they were cohabing two ball pythons, except one was dead and was halfway rotten to where you can see the bones. In all honesty Petco needs to be shut down as a whole.

@Melancholy_melody - 22.06.2024 23:57

I feel like co habit isn’t as bad if it’s not for long, but with prices/economy/etc, they sit for so long it’s a terrible choice. It’s like the glass boxes full of mice/rats.

@sillymelonjam - 23.06.2024 19:21

bro is cute and a good dad

@rubyquaix - 26.06.2024 20:25

Does the glass in the rat cage have blood?

@wtff - 27.06.2024 22:31

People, please never buy a pet from a chain store. You are not "saving" the animal, you are supporting the company abusing these animals and telling them to supply more.

@batsandroses - 28.06.2024 22:24

apparently sometimes these horrible conditions are a "company policy". ive asked employees at pet stores about it before and ive been told this, most of the time they hate it as much as we do. its awful the way that capitalism treats the creatures of earth-- including humans.

@rabbit0664 - 29.06.2024 02:09

This is why I like the local reptile shop. You can come to them for any questions. Plus they individually house animals and will offer a check up.

@mbrooks5897 - 30.06.2024 05:43

Corporate greed those stockholders & ceo don’t give a F..K bout those animals never will I feel so sorry for for those animals when I’m in that store

@noahnelson1746 - 05.07.2024 19:33

I use to work for Petco unfortunately. They're excuse was, "why would we set up a permanent home for the animals if they don't stay here for that long, it's wasting product and resources"

@yezothebear - 06.07.2024 05:36

@lionheartedstudios - 07.07.2024 21:30

It's honestly so wild to see this because last month I had to make a pit stop at a PetSmart in Evergreen Park, which is a suburb of Chicago, and I've always jokingly said how I wanted to check out a PetSmart/Petco in a larger city like Chicago to see how different they are from the ones where I live. I live like 3 hours south of Chicago in what's known as the Peoria Metropolitan Area of Illinois. The PetSmart closest to me I absolutely LOVE. They have all of their socially grouped animals actually cohabbed, and their solitary animals are actually solitary. Its been like that for years. They take really good care of their animals and it really shows. I've had friends buy animals from them and none of them ever complained about the animal. I think it's part of it has to do with the fact that that PetSmart is one of very few in the area. You have that store, then another store 15 minutes away, but then a third store almost 45 minutes away, and then hardly anything at all, and there's only two Petco locations in the area as well. Major chain pet stores are pretty few and far between here, but this area is BIG with pets and farm animals alike. So all of the employees actually know what they're talking about, and it shows. I don't own any reptiles or fish (my mom won't let me) but whenever I'm waiting for any of my dogs to get done grooming I like to watch the reptiles, and the employees and I always talk up a storm. And this year, their reptiles are getting adopted a lot more often than before, and some employees have admitted they're a little concerned for why that is, because just because people are adopting these animals it doesn't mean they're going to good homes, but it isn't like they can check up on the person who bought a gecko or a ball python, because that would be weird. It's amazing to see just how much the employees care for this store, and it really shows.

Meanwhile, I went to that PetSmart in Evergreen Park, and while that store was HUGE and I saw products that I've never seen my local store sell, their animals were so much worse. They had a lot more enclosures, but that just meant that they could put a lot more animals in the enclosures. The store was so busy it looked like the employees hardly ever had time to deal with the animals. I mean, I feel kinda bad for the employees, cause they were clearly understaffed at the time, cause they had like 5 checkout lanes open, lines in all 5, and I saw the manager literally trying to juggle three different tasks at once, but I don't really see that as an excuse. I mean, it looked more like they "overstocked" on their reptiles and whatnot. It was stressful.

@Antjuan_Thy_Drummer - 08.07.2024 15:03

As someone who worked at petco before. They dont care at all for their animals and treat their employees like expendable trash. Such a horrible corporation

@scottpaddlety8741 - 08.07.2024 18:24

It's a petco lol not a zoo 😂🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️

@NotSure876 - 08.07.2024 23:00

It’s not the company, it’s the person in charge at a particular store. The CO’s n Smarts near me are both excellent

@constanceschickens6556 - 08.07.2024 23:05

What I’ve found is that pet co cohabs a lot more reptiles than PetSmart, or atleast at the ones near me.

@mollycblaeser - 09.07.2024 03:36

Not the chameleons 😭

@UniquelyAutisticlyMe - 09.07.2024 18:48

Those poor lizards. They don't look well. My local PetSmart has a good animal adoption center and I have never seen them have sick or starved animals. They have workers at the housing center at all times to care for the animals and the workers are foster parents so they can take home the animals to bond with humans. They also work for the SPCA. I adopted my recent cat Storm from the local PetSmart. I wouldn't trust any other pet store because they are not just a store they are a shelter and training center. The workers are trained to know about the animals as well. They even had two large fish tanks with beautiful healthy fish, one was a saltwater tank and the other fresh. They have a diagram about how to build each tank so people can see the results. They have beautiful coral and exotic plants and fish. They don't like to overstock the store with animals. The workers are very proud of their jobs. They would never put solitary animals in a group either. They have lots of large enclosures for the animals. They even told me they only allow a certain amount of animals to be housed in the store at a time. They have paperwork about the history of each animal as well. I know everything about my cat because they gave me his documents for his adoption. It's like adopting a child. He cost almost a hundred dollars too. He came with extra benefits to help me care for him. It was the exact stuff that actually costs more. He's worth it. ❤😊

@theseerllama - 12.07.2024 00:27

used to work at a pet store and they at least had the knowledge not to put most of the non-fish animals together (except for the ferrets, guineas and gerbils). however our store also sold actual fishbowls. we didn't want to sell them but we had them in stock

@dragonzhannahanimations - 12.07.2024 03:07

Is no one gonna mention the literal BLOOD on the glass of the rat cage!?

@backroadscreative - 13.07.2024 02:12

I’m getting a ball python!!!!

@Sweet_loverr - 14.07.2024 07:20

“I love how quiet they are”
Literally the birds chirping in the background 💀❤️

@Reptartheleo - 14.07.2024 21:32

The only way I can possibly defend Petco is that those animals are going to be sold and they’re too lazy and it probably wasn’t a big enough store that they rented out to buy an individual tank for each animal but still you could just say they’re being lazy, but that’s really the only way I could defend Petco but my point is is that they’re going to be sold so they won’t be together forever
