How To Reset Passive Skill Tree In Path Of Exile - POE Reset Passive points Tree 3.17

How To Reset Passive Skill Tree In Path Of Exile - POE Reset Passive points Tree 3.17

Minute Manual

2 года назад

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@ravenesguerra4451 - 28.11.2023 19:17

WTF I can't experiment builds like no one click to reset points? Nah hell nah better stop playing.

@calebswadling1708 - 20.09.2023 06:21

Welp.. Poe's greatest downfall explained right here. I was actually starting to enjoy the game too..

@llllIIIlIll - 29.08.2023 17:31

i never read them i feel dumb now

@Dreadnought422 - 19.08.2023 18:52

with other words. if you screw up your build. Ya gota start from scratch

@wesir427 - 27.07.2023 05:14

I know it's a free to play game but I feel like they'd have a lot more people interested in playing it if for like $2 you could reset your entire skill tree, having to go through the story for every single character to reach the fun part (maps) is such a grind so imagine sinking 10-20 hours into it to get there and find out your build isn't viable and the best way to change spec is to do that all over again.

@woner6 - 30.06.2023 08:05

lol this sucks im quitting this shit.

@zkennedy5671 - 08.04.2023 18:46

The game has +300 points of skill and you CANNOT reset them all at once... genius idea....

@Onlyfengsdotcom - 06.04.2023 02:03

Thanks for the info.

@BrotherFox2 - 18.03.2023 12:35

Not be able to reset your passive tree is biggest turn off for me in this game. Every time i have an itch to return in to the game, i remember how for no reason what so ever is punishing experiments with passives and i just dont want to play anymore. xD

@ALEXFVHS - 06.09.2022 06:35

I just quit the game because of this. I reached level 55 in act 7. I picked a ranger class and and went full damage skill tree build. Im sqishy as fuck, i always die to bosses at 30 times before i kill him. And up until this point there was no penalty in dying at bosses. So i was under impression this will continue for the rest of the campaign, Boy was i wrong! In act 7, there is a quest where u no longer spawm outside of the boss portal upon dying. You have to run all the way to the portal and with only 6 or so tries before it gets reset and you'll have to start all over again from scratch. If only i prioritized hp then i wouldn't have a problem. Im sure i could have farmed certain gear that gave hp bonus and acquired hp thru those means but i was completely turned off by the fact i couldn't reset my skill tree. I was evem prepared to buy a unlimited skill tree reset for convenience. I was under impression to not follow any guides on builds because i assumed i could later reset them very easily and try out what play style i like most in late game. I know u can buy orbs and shit but i cant subscribe to the idea i need to keep buying everytime i want to try a new build. Completing a campaign only grants u 20 points which is very pathetic. I dont have enough desire to start all over.
Having a very complex skill tree system with no easy way of reseting is a big penalty. Especially since i didn't know what the hell i was doing early in the game. And i still kinda don't. Fuck this

@dominicblake5 - 21.06.2022 08:03

nice. thank you, this was super helpful.

@DanielRodriguez-ru5uk - 13.06.2022 21:03

So I messed up my lvl 14 char build and now I have to start over again? Im sorry but Id rather uninstall the game, what a fucking joke

@ehabea5390 - 30.03.2022 14:51

Or you can just create a new character and start over, 'cause its a bad idea to let players RESPEC their talents like ANY OTHER video game out there

@mbars977 - 22.02.2022 12:42

Please keep making tutorials

Looking up your name on them makes me confident I will actually see how to do what I need to do

Loved your terraria days and love your current work too

Keep at it moon king 🔥🔥🔥
