The Most Convicting Testimony of Hell

The Most Convicting Testimony of Hell

Deep Believer

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@debsbrown8128 - 27.06.2024 22:15

Is he a preacher? He should be! “Call on Jesus.” His information and delivery are so palatable.😃

@waltermontesi2226 - 26.06.2024 03:40

Sir the Holly Spirit has never had any dealings with your soul. The Hollyl Spirit speaks only through the Word. The Bible. Revelation 22:18-19. You didn't see hell but if you're still unregenerate at the time of your death, you'll go to that awful place. You're a deceiver and a false prophet.

@kartboarder22g17 - 25.06.2024 22:26

What a great inteviewer, she challenges the person to go into further details

@pattisholler3623 - 25.06.2024 17:32

I think Paradise went up with those who were taken out of the center of earth. That's were everybody in spirit and soul form are right now (some where up near heaven). I believe we all are escorted in to heaven together (at the same time) once the Rapture occurs. Its probably why those who've passed are also anxious for the Rapture! I don't think anybody gets to go to heaven before another. Also, there's a void where Paradise was and now hell did enlarge itself. It continues to enlarge itself every time a volcano erupts and expells lava..!

@waltermontesi2226 - 25.06.2024 12:22

Every Single person for whom Christ died will end up in heaven. Justice demands it. Do you have any thing to say on Election and Predestination, no I guess you didn't. You make make me sick.

@waltermontesi2226 - 25.06.2024 08:31

Anyone who doesn't rejoice in Election and Predestination is going to hell. Anyone who believes someone for whom Christ died can sill end up in hell is a lier.

@katieharrington2845 - 23.06.2024 23:07

When I was 13 I was taken somewhere else I will never forget that I met Jesus Christ after stepping off of a raft or boat, I saw Jesus Christ standing on the sand with the 12 disciples all dressed in white, holding hands I never saw the face of Jesus Christ but knew it was him , I followed him on the sand and he brought me to the side of a rockface on this island 🏝️. It was heaven on he pointed out the side of the rock face a hole 🕳️ appeared and Jesus Christ told me to enter therein. He told me do not fear.
I believe that I was shown a carvenous place that towered above me it was massive and dark😢, to my left I felt heat on my temple of the head and I look up to the left and there I hear chains clanging I see a giant or fallen angel chained. it had dark goo or dark black soot covered the body, it was a giant size, it had 2 small horns upon the head, yellow, orange 🧡 golden bright evil eyes, . It wore a black Jesuit priest or Pope outfit 😢😢😢
And I felt the hatred against me from this entity or fallen angel.
I am 33 now and this happened at 13 I've never forgotten the details of this vision, dream or out of body experience, then as I see in this dark carvenous place I see Jesus Christ open door open for me on the other side so I quickly passed the fallen angel chained up. So I can relate to him seeing the chains on the fallen angels or Nephilim.
Hell needs to be taught again Tina God forsaken World. ❤❤❤

@mtimm001 - 18.06.2024 17:43

I just heard a testimony that is exxxxactly like this! Right down to the reptilian look of the demons! And that hell is here on earth. Lord, forgive me for my sins🙏

@VonOnMarz - 18.06.2024 17:36

Im 23 Years Old & These Videos Are Really Helping Me Look At Life Different , Getting My Life Together Day By Day

@dt1458 - 18.06.2024 16:47

still can’t wrap my head around eternal punishment. You could be the most virtuous heroic pagan that has saved people and made the world a better place, but you are tortured for eternity- you didn’t do anything wrong other than not follow the right god, who conveniently never showed himself to you. Seems extremely cruel for an omnipotent entity to do such a thing to a mere mortal who wasn’t immoral or harmful

@BettyBennett-ou9fs - 17.06.2024 20:43

Thank you for your program I need my family to here this?

@James-qr4sd - 16.06.2024 21:53

Where in the Bible does it say Jesus went into the heart of the earth after his human body died (hell)?

@TonyShepherd-uf7vg - 15.06.2024 23:44

I need help !

@americanmanstan2381 - 14.06.2024 09:49

Everyone always says "a third" of the angels or whomever, fell. No. It's a 3rd "part". It's a type, not an amount. There are those who seek the Lord, those who seek Satan, and those who don't seek at all. The amounts vary.

@Ken-ti9pi - 12.06.2024 04:26

I live in a City where they put the the drugged out violent gangster on a pedestal and the things of Jesus Christ is ignored culture is broken wickedly , i prefer Christ

@Green-gy5yj - 10.06.2024 15:59

I was asked by my coworker why I watch things about hell all the time I said first it’s more about the grace and mercy God and how he wants us to come to Him now on the other hand I’ve experienced and seen things and have had things happen to me I couldn’t explain or was to scared to even repeat watching testimony let’s me know I’m not crazy I’m not the only one and a lot of things I’ve seen or heard I get some kind of clarity because prior to this overload of testimonies on here I thought I was going insane now I know God was giving me chance after chance after chance

@SSmith-dh7qq - 10.06.2024 03:59

I know exactly what you’re talking about in your testimony. I had an NDE in September of 2023 and I was sent to hell also. I had two angels rescue me from the very place you’re describing. It’s hard to describe the things down there because it’s not something you can quite put into words. I’m grateful that you’re here to tell your story and share the light with others. Love and light!

@SSmith-dh7qq - 10.06.2024 03:51

I know exactly what you’re talking about in your testimony. I had an NDE in September of 2023 and I was sent to hell also. I had two angels rescue me from the very place you’re describing. It’s hard to describe the things down there because it’s not something you can quite put into words. I’m grateful that you’re here to tell your story and share the light with others. Love and light!

@user-lg7ys1zt2b - 10.06.2024 00:08

Look enjoy this life and don't give a shit about the next life. Be good in this life not the next. If you go to hell there's fuck all you can do about it, so just be joyous where you are now and don't give a fuck where you maybe, 70 years minimum on this plane barring accidents and diseases. You're in Heaven or Hell for ever. Just be good on this Earth and don't concern yourself about your death as fuck all you can do about it

@VictoriaOmange - 07.06.2024 12:01

A number of things about this not adding up. Satan did not plant any tree in the garden. He did not create any creature. The Bible says very clearly God is the creator of ALL things. The fallen angels only got deformed after their rebellion. It is very well to share a vision of hell but to go ahead and give elements therein your own interpretation which is NOT supported by scripture is perdition. Beware to all!

@MoolahZaga - 04.06.2024 18:55

Read the Gospel of all correlates

@paulgibson359 - 04.06.2024 10:10

Hell, is THE final determinant. It currently exists outside of time, therefore the experience there is of an eternal nature. However, just as pastor Cumbee said, HELL is cast in to the lake of fire and destroyed. Notice in Revelation 20:11-15, begins at the Great White Throne in vs 11. Vs13 tells us the dead are delivered up before the THRONE from three seperate places, the sea, and death and hell,(these latter two mentioned together), AND they were judged every man according to their works, (as recorded in the individual's book of life). Jumping to Vs14 And death and hell were cast in to the lake of fire. This is the second death. Vs15 is not just a summary. Instead it tells us the very last acts at the THRONE culminate in And whosoever was not found writtin the book of life was cast in to the lake of fire. The lake of fire which has first destroyed death and hell out of existence, now is yet ready to recieve any of those brought up out of hell for judgment related to their works, which includes the response to reaping the judgment of their sins in hell. Jesus intimated this in the parable of the unforgiveness of the debter, who wouldn't forgive his servents debt. Jesus said he would face the tormentors UNTIL he paid the last mite. Jesus also said in that place, some would recieve many stripes, and some others few stripes. Understanding Hell is real is important, and all who enter there will experience the domain of Lucifer, now locked in darkness, still with a spirit yet eternal, yet know without life, and literally now become the spirit of death, and all of that hate, fear of impending perdition, he imposes on every soul turned over to his domain for chastisement. Many, here will curse God and wed themselves unto death, many more, will as the rich man do, feel great loss and remorse in their seperation from the Father. The difficulty for us is recognizing there can currently exist a realm, which is in eternity, BUT, yet will not exist forever and forever, as does the heavenly realm. No amount of pleasures today are worth incurring the reaping of those sinful pleasures. God is not a gotcha God. However, he is just, and righteous, and every deed we do is "rewarded" with the fruit of each seed sown

@sistercarrieofyahuah8601 - 01.06.2024 23:14

Mary k baxer books share so much with these people i listen to

@sistercarrieofyahuah8601 - 01.06.2024 23:14

Mary k baxer books share so much with these people i listen to

@sistercarrieofyahuah8601 - 01.06.2024 23:09

I died in the hospital at age 18 of bird flu. Now im 42 and changed my life. I had pastors ask me and i would say i experience an after life but drs didn't like that so they gave me drugs to make me forget what happened. Unfortunately i don't remember. Praise Yahusha the Messiah im alive.

@JohnDavis-zo4xl - 01.06.2024 19:04

Scott I really needed your testimony today.

@thecrossfiles - 30.05.2024 17:44

Amazing testimonial!

@jaynewton5278 - 29.05.2024 23:02

Heaven and hell is in the person doing good or bad.

@josep264 - 27.05.2024 04:26

1 Corinthians 15 (KJV)
¹ Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
² By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
³ For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
⁴ And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:Romans 5 (KJV)
⁸ But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
⁹ Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.

@babsthewreckingcrew4294 - 26.05.2024 12:49

The hell they are speaking of in the Bible is what you are living in, Lucifer got casted out of “ heaven” the higher planes of consciousness to rule over this, three dimensional base level consciousness which is what we experience here on earth when we are awake we are base level three dimensional beings we are experiencing 3d level on earth… when you sleep or train yourself to meditate you are able to experience higher levels of consciousness… so human existence you are actually experiencing hell. So whenever hell is mentioned in the Bible this is what they are referring to. The Bible is not ment to be interpreted in a literal since it’s an allegorical since.

@TheAdvide - 26.05.2024 06:42

I’ve seen outer darkness before and I have heard wailing before nothing compared to what these people have seen and heard but God help me

@cbowers54 - 26.05.2024 00:58

I’m so glad I heard Scott’s message…. I have been worried that maybe I should be baptized again. Scott answered my question! When I was baptized I was still hooked on drugs. So do I need besides repentance somethings else? I want to make sure I hav a clean slate when I go to judgement ?

@happydantravels - 24.05.2024 20:46

Endless talking, but didn’t actually give a vivid description of what he saw.

@theriverafamily6401 - 24.05.2024 02:55

These questions seem to be coming from you!

@eternal0spirit252 - 23.05.2024 18:30

The earth is flat and closed in with a dome seperated from the waters from firmament. I don't know what to believe with these testimonies anymore.

@karinread5490 - 23.05.2024 02:26

I’m going to hell

@Hound_of_Christ - 22.05.2024 04:34

Why do so many people seem like they WANT to see Hell? Jesus let me see what I wanted and I got a glimpse of heaven, and a proud smile from my Master Christ Jesus. If I wanted to see Hell I'd simply remember my life before being born again. My Master, Lord and Savior, Prince of Peace, and God of Forgiveness, Christ Jesus, bless you all.

@nancycalamita5660 - 17.05.2024 17:40

Tell the truth brother about religion!

@lidiagolaszewska890 - 15.05.2024 17:55

If I can say something I will say : only God can create and satan can spoil or destroy but cannot create . God create all things good and satan spoil due to our lack of knowledge of God

@lovetteezenwa - 15.05.2024 02:00

I had an out of body experience 10 years ago. My soul came out of my body and was floating up towards the ceiling and my body was lying on the floor lifeless. My body was so heavy such that I couldn't lift my hands or even cry out for help. I started crying because I knew if my soul didn't return to my body I would be doomed. Tears rolled down my face as I began to ponder about how reckless I lived my life... I asked Jesus to forgive and save me and immediately my soul dropped back into my body, it was as though a mortar was slammed on my chest, the pain was so much. I was in pain but I was happy at the same time because I didn't die that day... I was only sober for some months after which i went back to my reckless living. I would repent today and in a few months, I would return to my vomit. Finally, this year on the 25th of March i told God i was done disobeying Him and I surrendered my life completely to Him and since then I have known peace and true freedom and deliverance.

@nancymccoy4555 - 12.05.2024 23:42

thank you God bless you

@irisposey9710 - 12.05.2024 17:07

Please look at Dominic Morrow's testimony of hell. VERY true!

@AdamGrimes-pb5ly - 10.05.2024 01:26

Good test man was so much made in gods image everyday god came down ate an apple just to show man he was created he is the creator

@mossie1954 - 08.05.2024 04:34

Over many months now I have been asked to talk about my time I had in Heaven, so I feel now is the right time::*I was trying to have a rest in the afternoon one Saturday some years ago. I certainly was Not asleep, just laying on my bed . This was not really something I did, but on this very day I was taken to Heaven!... You know when something is happening that you have never experienced. For me! this was one of those times that some people in life, have happen. To this day I have no answer...' why me'. I was serving in Ministry, going into men's max jails preaching from time to time. But I could not understand in all my years 'Why me'? I do have an inferior complex, so that didn't help. The very first thing that happened was I was standing next to a body of water, it was like a stream, all of the water was for want of a better word 'alive'. It had feelings and knowledge, so how do you explain something like that. I was given information in my head. It was like a download is the very best way to say what happened. On top of the water was like living crystals.
In huge shards, and it was so stunning to look at. It is as if it really was able to think. I know it sounds crazy, but this is really what happened. I want to say the feeling I received all through this visit was of total love-acceptance-and belonging...You really cannot find a feeling like it here on Earth, it is out-of-this-world. Once you do experience it, you will never forget to your dying day. That was one reason also I am trying so hard for others to come to Christ so that others can be in heaven with Jesus when they die..... The colors are like nothing we have here on Earth! They too are stunning, and they call you to themselves, for want of a better way to express what I saw. I can understand anyone reading this how it must seem, but it is all true.
Our imaginations cannot stretch as far as to how I felt, and what I saw. This is a whole different experience, that when you come back to normal life, depression can set in!! You want more and more, but as my experience was ending, it slowly left me...and I cried out PLEASE DO NOT GO! I wanted to stay forever in that place. The pain after it went, was dreadful to me. To find out that I had been to heaven, and now back here was just terrible. I ached for that feeling of bliss, to be honest. I was shown ''wisdom'' and it was a she. I then saw a huge big red Ruby! This confused me... a She ?...a Ruby?....Then I read much later in my bible this:
''Blessed are those who find wisdom, those who gain understanding, for she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold. She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her. Long life is in her right hand; in her left hand are riches and honor." Proverbs 3 vrs 13-16)
Time is not even given a thought there, but that peace I felt was a total desire I think all human beings not only want, but greatly need. It can never be found in this life, as it was in heaven. I did not see Jesus, what I have experienced is a place in which I was. Had levels. I knew that I could get to Jesus, and the joy of reaching Him was incredible. I then after coming back, some time later asked God to show me hell.
I had to see for myself so that when I did talk to the inmates, I could talk with a truth they could see. Inmates know if someone is telling a true story or not!
One night I was in an area, and there was a 'chase-lounge' that had a demon lying on it. It's ears are like that of a dog. It lay there, then took off the old grey blanket that was covering it with. The eyes on it were pure evil, and they looked right through me, and hatred was there in huge amounts. It said to me ''come and eat of this flesh''!! I was so upset, horrified, and in shock I know that much. I was given information that (if I was not to have this end right then...I could have a heart attack, from the shock of what I was experiencing). The FEAR of that place is nothing you will ever experience in this life. It is 1000 times worse. God doesn't send anyone to hell. They do that themselves by not believing in Christ Jesus. Hell was never made for humans, it was made for satan and his demons. If a person rejects Jesus, how can they enter heaven? The soul has to have a place to go once we die, as the soul is eternal...Heaven or Hell, is the choice every person needs to make.

@robinberry4957 - 07.05.2024 08:43

They recently found a CORE within the CORE of this planet Earth. I was in Hell in a so-called dream. Like the carnival ride but going around really fast, I was taken on a death ride. It makes you feel as if you are rising and falling fast. Fear of heights is legitimate! It was utterly terrifying! On a spinning carnival ride with no seatbelt. Afterward, I was viewing a painting that was changing. I KNEW I WAS BEING TRICKED. I said, “No, that is not the way the painting should change because JESUS...” I suddenly awoke with my heart pounding. I have more but, when he mentioned a “ride with the chains around and creature going for him, it reminded me of where I went. (a portion of HELL)

@nevertrustyoutubeandthegov - 07.05.2024 07:53

Dear God please save my soul for im a sinner and fall short of your Glory daily protect me from evil and lead me to righteouness Amen

@theeclipsedtruth - 07.05.2024 06:55

The guest spoke about things other than the Lord being your master and for money years heroin aka the devil was my master. I finally got clean from it 8 yrs ago, but it still took me 7 more years to find the Lord! Im so grateful I finally acceoted the Lord in my life. I never understood that I was serving satan for so many years. I hated my life. I prayed for death rather than being salvation. I was so mixed up and confused, the devil really had his grip on me, but never again. NEVER. PRAISE JESUS, He is just so amazing.

@divergentfuryan3546 - 04.05.2024 17:05

Thank you.
