There is Only ONE God - The Godhead, CHIM and Amaranth - Elder Scrolls Lore

There is Only ONE God - The Godhead, CHIM and Amaranth - Elder Scrolls Lore


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Brie - 22.09.2023 01:51

I think I’d rather be an individual with chim than an unconscious dreamer.

The N'wahvarine
The N'wahvarine - 21.09.2023 19:01

Dagoth Ur would like to know your location

Caliburn - 21.09.2023 02:16

I think it's inspired from Hindu mythology where it's said we are all but the stuff of Vishnu's dreams. It's more complicated than that but that about sums it up.

Falkrim - 12.09.2023 16:59

Very interesting

Oak Tree Holler
Oak Tree Holler - 08.09.2023 19:34

This reminds me of Azathoth by HP Lovecraft

Sean Mattson
Sean Mattson - 07.09.2023 02:20

Vivec is a liar, he ran.

Seb0rn - 03.09.2023 20:27

My favourite theory that i once stumbled upon on Reddit is that the Godhead, the unaware dreamer, is Mama Murphy and The Elder Scrolls is one of her chem episodes.

Pot and Politics With Mr. Brophy
Pot and Politics With Mr. Brophy - 03.09.2023 08:36

The One is Azathoth, the Demon Sultan, The Blind Idiot God. We're all just dreams of a sleeping God kept in slumber by the constant drone of discordant horns. And when, not if, it wakes; we cease to exist.

They really love their Lovecraft references.

Sam Husted
Sam Husted - 03.09.2023 04:36

So really either way, Zero Sum or CHIM, it’s just realizing nothing matters right?

Lexotos - 21.08.2023 15:53

Life could be a dream, life could be a dream...

Jonny11299 - 21.08.2023 07:59

How is a dream ontologically different from a "real world" in any sense? Couldn't a transference of consciousness (a dream) = a transference of energy, just... the universe?

like... all we are is energy moving over time, from some start to some end, probably in a loop. A dream is just energy shifting around and manifesting some experience...

I don't understand the equation of "Realizing one is a dream = realizing one's experience isn't real." A dream is an experience... reality is an experience... they are the same. Experience is all we know. How is that.... how could that destroy a person? I feel like there is no ontological difference between a dream and existing in a physical world.

TwinPhalanx - 19.08.2023 04:43

Basically you mantle the godhead like you mantle shagorath

Party of None
Party of None - 17.08.2023 13:06

We just not talking about how Todd and God rhyme?

Manav Marri
Manav Marri - 12.08.2023 19:33

If there’s a godhead then where is the godhand

xkathxgames - 07.08.2023 18:51

The Toddhead?

Expired Gatorade
Expired Gatorade - 02.08.2023 18:34

If the Dwemer experienced Zero Sum, then why did Arniel not experience Zero Sum and endure as a shade when he attempted to go the way of the Dwemer?

Running the Meta
Running the Meta - 01.08.2023 21:03

Before now I’ve kinda seen the Godhead as a stand in for the player or something like that. Kinda like how in Doom 2016 the Seraphim was analogous to the player in how he made the Doom Slayer stronger by enhancing his abilities, exactly like the player does with the upgrades in the game. Now back to the Godhead, the Elder Scrolls universe exist in its dream and those that know it’s a dream and can maintain their existed reach Chim. What do players do, create a world for the character they make. Mods can almost in a way be seen as a form of Chim by altering the world around you.

Sollarr - 28.07.2023 04:49

I like to think that the protagonist is the godhead, as everything only exists when you're playing. Although I don't know how it would work for eso

Kingadam - 22.07.2023 15:12

I am Odins dream.

David Kraß
David Kraß - 20.07.2023 15:51

The Concept of one god but other polytheistik Gods as spirits of him is an concept from the late roman empire when it was changing the puplic view from polytheistics to monotheistics. A lot polytheists believed in a Syncretissem like this.

King Brennus
King Brennus - 20.07.2023 03:36

So like, I gotta know. If one was able to achieve CHIM, could he then have epic threesomes with Mara and Dibella? 😄

Lee Reredone
Lee Reredone - 20.07.2023 02:34

This consept was explored in the SCP fandom`s pataphysics conceptions,
very cool

imSUPERcereal0 - 18.07.2023 07:33

What if the Godhead went into a pocket reality within its own dream? Leaving the original dream untouched?
We can argue that if you are apart of someone’s dream than you have no free will, but at the same time often dreams aren’t directly controlled by the dreamer.
If the godhead is dreaming the elder scrolls, perhaps free will doesn’t exist, if the godhead can actively influence peoples actions directly. But perhaps the godhead isn’t lucid to the fact that it’s dreaming, but instead is just dreaming the fundamental fabric of the elder scrolls universe. Allowing for all the actions to take place based on those rules, and if the godhead can get stuck into another pocket of their own dream, separate from the goings on in the original than maybe that would lead to full free will in the original dream?
Like a god who sets things in motion, creating the rules to the game, but then walks away from its creation.

NP - 11.07.2023 05:14

So every time Bethesda retcons and contradicts their own lore it’s just CHIM. Very smart Bethesda.

loto25 - 03.07.2023 08:10

So Azathoth

Rex Magi
Rex Magi - 28.06.2023 00:17

Am I the only one who thinks The Elder Scrolls might be an Elder Scroll itself and this is how our reality works? Idk.

Vincenzus Gaming
Vincenzus Gaming - 26.06.2023 09:12

This is how I interpreted the ideas presented in the video:

Godhead - They are the ones who made the dream. AKA the developers and the writers. Or more specifically only the writer himself. They are the ones who set the rules for the game and the entire universe of the elder scrolls itself.

CHIM - is when an individual becomes conscious that they are in a dream. AKA the players. They are usually described as having a huge ego, which equates to the player pretty much doing what they want in the world (killing NPCs, attacking anyone) because they know that the world is simply a dream, a fictional world, or for simpler terms it's just a game.

Amaranth - is when an individual who has achieved CHIM, detaches from the dream of the Godhead and creates his own dream. I think this represents the players who MOD the game or uses CONSOLE commands. Because through modding and console commands, the player begins setting their own rules. They begin to make the world or the dream itself THEIRS. So in other words, it's THEIR dream now as it no longer follows the original rules of the godhead aka the developers and writers.

Dylan D.
Dylan D. - 26.06.2023 02:05

A funny thing to think about: if the god head’s dream works that same way as actual dreams, every person in the dream is the face of someone they’ve met.

Aaron• Highcloud
Aaron• Highcloud - 20.06.2023 08:57

If I achieved Chim
I would explore…earth is interesting or Nirn but I’d find out what the planet is hiding and it’s purpose then I’d leave and explore the void beyond the planet…other galaxies? Let’s go! Lol lol colors the ultra small? Let’s go! What’s the boundary’s of reality look like? Heck yeah lol then I’d go beyond..try to keep myself together while leaving everything maybe there’s another “dreamer” out there and you can visit other realities that would be infinitely fun to explore lol

KubernetePirata - 18.06.2023 13:37

So Mchael Kirkbride is a new ager, or a Brahmanic Buddhist. Coming from a Buddhist country, these concepts are quite easy to understand. I don't think that many people in Nirn will zero summed, but they won't be Amaranth either. Think about it, the realization doesn't change their day to day lives or the relationship they have with people around them. Their dream world is still their home, their dream people are still their friends, their dream food are still their food. But since this is a fantasy world we're talking about, I think there may be more individuals driven mad with power or becoming some sort of demigods. The wars will become far deadlier as these godlike individuals can tear apart the fabric of reality while killing each other. Only through this kind of caalamity, that's when the surviving CHIMs will achieve Amaranth. Or maybe, they'll just use their CHIM powers to preserve or restore the dream world.

No-bark - 12.06.2023 07:35

The godhead is a drugged up raider from fallout on Jet

FishHook - 06.06.2023 00:52

I know I’m late this but this always confused me. If Vivec got his powers from the heart of Lorken, how did he achieve Chim but not sotha sil or the other member of the tribunal?

Um milhão de inscritos sem vídeo
Um milhão de inscritos sem vídeo - 03.06.2023 18:31

Saw Talos in Amouranth live the other ik why

Scorpion Dawnstar
Scorpion Dawnstar - 03.06.2023 10:35

So the Godhead is inspired form Azathoth of H.P. Lovecraft. The idiot god. The ever slumbering god. Once he wakes up, you cease to exist.

SSilent - 02.06.2023 18:09

Just a reminder: not canon

Unverified Personal Gnosis
Unverified Personal Gnosis - 30.05.2023 10:13

I mean, I've known this about my own existence for quite some time now, so I don't exactly need to imagine how it would go. But I still haven't managed to go mad or "zero sum." Well ... I haven't managed to zero sum, at least ... Even though I feel like there is no inherent contradiction between being a Godhead's dream and being an individual (the distinction is purely academic and making it in the first place ultimately misses the point), the realization hasn't led to any cool "CHIM" powers either ... YET. I suppose maybe it does for some people? Perhaps the Count of Saint Germain and Fulcanelli ascended in this fashion ... but I am just a lowly worm farmer, so I can only guess.

As fun as it is to apply this to a video game, by the way, this is not an Elder Scrolls theory. It's basically just metaphysics 101. Chances are, it is absolutely true. But it's not exactly a matter for proof. That having been said, even a purely materialistic description of the universe ultimately reaches the same conclusion.

"We are like the spider who weaves its web and lives in it. We are like the dreamer who dreams and then lives inside the dream." "But," as Monica Belucci so elequently added, "who is the dreamer?" Is it Laura? Is it Cooper? Is it the audience? David Lynch? Only the Godhead knows, and the Godhead says nothing.

Christian Sargent
Christian Sargent - 30.05.2023 06:17

What does it mean to be "real"? If you are existing and perceiving you are real. The context of your existence isn't relevant to the status of existence. Is Being apart of a "dream" much more absurd than being part of whatever reality is?

munstrumridcully - 28.05.2023 22:45

The reason my dreams arentvreal is because I always wake up. Your analogy of not caring would only apply to her dreamer itself not talks or vivec because they would have to real7ze that when all reality is a dream, then the dream IS reality. There is no other reality to be more real thus matter more. Just because I found out reality is thd dream of a God or thr matrix or anything else, I am real because I have unique experiences within whatever my reality is. The idea of zero summing is stupid to me in such circumstances. As Morpheus once asked, "what IS real" if the dream is all well have access to then thd dream is real. And I am real because I am mentally seperate from the other minds in the dream, so am still my own thing. Whether I'm made if true matter or dreams tuff of a God is irrelevant

Rez - 27.05.2023 00:47

The Todd Head, where all the world of the Elder Scrolls takes place.

I fixed the title for you.

kawaiiwaste - 21.05.2023 12:01

todd howard

Vladimir Dmitriev
Vladimir Dmitriev - 20.05.2023 13:14

I feel like I just got all the answers to Elder Scrolls I was so desperately seeking.

Good soup
Good soup - 17.05.2023 14:53

Todd head

Captain Kidd
Captain Kidd - 04.05.2023 03:56

So who is the one True God in The Elder Scrolls????

woodlefoof2 - 02.05.2023 23:07

I just realized something. Due to CHIM. All mods are lore friendly

Ardyn Izunia
Ardyn Izunia - 01.05.2023 12:05

If the entire Elder Scroll is just a dream, then that fact will either:
1: Never be actually important to our gameplay.
2: Be trash lore that takes all the motivation out of playing, as the godhead could just wake up.

So honesty, I think making lore based on this dream angle will ALWAYS end up in a very dissatisfying way.

Also what does CHIM stand for?

Just Gunnie
Just Gunnie - 28.04.2023 12:22

So is the player the true god head?

motifcycle - 26.04.2023 01:49

Look all I'm saying is Todd rhymes with God.

Andrew Coltzt
Andrew Coltzt - 25.04.2023 01:11

Vedanta 4 dummiez
