SCP-1591 │ Fallen Star │ Keter │ K Class Scenario / The Wanderers Library SCP

SCP-1591 │ Fallen Star │ Keter │ K Class Scenario / The Wanderers Library SCP


2 года назад

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@TheVolgun - 19.06.2022 21:05

I have a long upload planned for this month, so to those who like the long uploads you won't need to wait much longer! :)

@HMan2828 - 03.01.2024 07:50

Seems like the best thing to do would be to drop it in a close orbit to the sun or some other longer lived star...

@josepeixoto8893 - 27.11.2023 14:54

How tf do people know it’s weight if it’s constantly floating?

@Bump33 - 25.08.2023 09:10

@BrokenSoul79x - 23.07.2023 22:45

you keep using the word decimation, I wager you don't know what it actually means. Look it up. i.e. decimation of an army is only 10% losses. you use it like annihilation.

@Destiny15 - 05.02.2023 12:46

I wonder where living organisms vanish

@daytonmaclean9570 - 17.01.2023 03:56

Okay who is here from smash Bros ultimate world of light because if so I think we know the real life equivalent to galeem all we need now is 6 wings for the fallen star and they'll be the perfect galeem

@kbjosekiller - 27.12.2022 03:54

I dont understand, if the star disappears things its light touches, why it hasn't made a hole to earth's center? It should "purify" everything, if rock or dirt is not affected then just bury it.

@Brandon-1996 - 27.11.2022 09:19

Just chuck it into the sun. Easy. Nothing could go wrong.

in theory.

@topbossgamer15 - 17.11.2022 00:35

that kinda looks like that one area from iron lung

@spykidsa8336 - 11.11.2022 00:12

So this scp can only make solids disappear and for liquids, it cools them down until they are solid, so why don't you just put liquid helium around it Helium can never be a solid under atmospheric conditions. Well, it "can" but only at absolute 0, which cannot exist.

@Somefrostybeverage - 17.10.2022 21:28

The Foundation should invest in a "Throw it into the Sun" program.

"This thing is too dangerous to keep locked up. INTO THE SUN"

@slinkraidsagain - 11.09.2022 23:02

this model reminds me of space godzilla in his asteroid form

@wintermute7378 - 21.08.2022 09:54

Has anyone ever thought about weponizing SCP's against eachother? I can think of a few unkillable/indestructible SCP's this thing could take care of.

@balintvasvari7573 - 15.08.2022 12:49

It's probably just me, but your voice as the King narrating reminds me to a younger Sean Bean

@infinityzer054 - 12.08.2022 07:41

"bare skin cannot endure its intensity" kind-of crystal right now

@blackjohn1303 - 10.08.2022 15:29

God, that background music is so unsettling.

@bitterman213 - 08.08.2022 10:33

sometimes these procedures sound like yugioh conditions LOL

@AphidKirby - 07.08.2022 21:15

This is suuuch a cool entry! Really cool history-related backstory for this one!

@Alex-tn7pv - 21.07.2022 04:03

Superman's cradle ship.

@xainkuze2338 - 17.07.2022 22:31

This is clearly a weapon. More notably it is a heavenly weapon. But to deploy this weapon on Earth in such great numbers seems almost Overkill. You have to wonder if Lucifer was in command at the time.

@moabswashpot9002 - 17.07.2022 16:24

Does Superman know about this as it look like the ship he as a baby came to Earth in the original movie, But smaller obviously.

@floppalover2326 - 16.07.2022 01:12

Was if ya watee

@TheLastNewYorker - 05.07.2022 18:23

You have no idea how helpful this is to me....

I'll just say this.

Imagine a solo Ghostbuster battling this with a neutrino wand in the dark tunnels of the NYC subway system

@justyce_yt - 01.07.2022 01:20

This is an interesting one, that's for sure

@ivebeenbamboozled9210 - 30.06.2022 08:35


@clarkstrange2142 - 28.06.2022 04:17

I think I’ve been away from SCP too long because I’m really confused with this Serpent’s Hand and Wanderer’s Library stuff

@YouWarhammer - 27.06.2022 20:14

So i mightve missed that at some point, but is there a reason why they dont just have some class-d personel contain the star inside a box of which its inside is lined with mirrors?

@gd7985 - 26.06.2022 18:07

Time to enjoy my matcha to this, thank you, TheVolgun, for your amazing content.

@brendan5260 - 26.06.2022 11:27

So why don’t you just put it on a ship and send it far into space? I realize whoever or whatever encounters it next will have to deal with our problem, but who cares they won’t know we put it out there

@Dokattak - 26.06.2022 06:03

Heyo congrats on your 420th video!

@McGee147 - 24.06.2022 12:24

Im convinced the voice in the log is Jarvis (Vision) from Marvel.

@Zasek2112 - 24.06.2022 07:49

Curious how "Fallen Star" would interact with "When day breaks"...

@danielgonzalez6609 - 23.06.2022 18:42

someone remembers the scp that change the dimensions on the mirror depending on the color?

@Speed001 - 23.06.2022 17:19

How does this relate to the Wanderer's Library?

@Speed001 - 23.06.2022 17:19

What's everyone taking about with the Wanderer's Library?

@Speed001 - 23.06.2022 17:05

You did a great job with the model

@LoganTaylor44 - 23.06.2022 10:39

420 uploads nice

@rowboattrotter1021 - 23.06.2022 08:06, there was a good.seed in there.,...

@cokeMONSTERps3 - 22.06.2022 16:47

Glintstone Sorcerers be like:

@Zack-xv2yc - 22.06.2022 12:45

I'm going to be honest here, but I think that TheVolgun kinda messed up a bit with this SCP video. More specifically, the journal in the Addendum.

If you don't know, the journal is actually split into two parts. First is well, the journal in the SCP article itself. The second one is in the Wanderers Library wiki called "Stars". TheVolgun makes it sound like these two are just one continuous story. In reality, the journal in the Wanderers Library is telling the story from the King's perspective, while the scp article is from the perspective of one of the denizens of the kingdom that was slaughtered by the King's army.

If you're confused on why the journal took a weird turn in perspective, than now you know. Just read the article for yourself, you'll get it.

@Jacqthepossposs - 22.06.2022 11:59

so its the SCP object equivalent to a card like Damnation or God's Wrath in MTG.
pump it up enough and boom, complete board wipe

@ryanmac1228 - 22.06.2022 11:26

reminds me of the crystal mace in Amid Evil

@matylinth3qu33n6 - 21.06.2022 23:35

That was a whole ass episode of game of thrones in like 6 minutes

@HighSchoolHacks1 - 21.06.2022 16:58

now the scp foundation has space godzilla what next

@Gnorcteen1 - 21.06.2022 10:30

i need 4885 from you at some point. if anything just to see how a model of him by you would look

@spicyLEGO - 21.06.2022 10:17

Is this SCP related to SCP:1915 The Stars Do No Wait For You?

@pokefan-ix7sh - 21.06.2022 09:42


Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1591 is to be contained at Area-79, within a containment vault 100 meters below the surface level. SCP-1591 is to be placed in the center of this vault, with 30 high intensity spotlights arranged in a 1m circular pattern, above, below and around it. Once every month, the spotlights are to be replaced by D-Class personnel, due to the damage caused by SCP-1591's effect. An equivalent set of spotlights are to be kept in position outside the vault in case of containment procedures failing or being enacted incorrectly.

An R&D team headquartered within Area-79 is completely dedicated to developing and engineering the increasingly advanced containment light mechanisms and maintaining the electrical infrastructure necessary to continue SCP-1591's containment. Materials from SCP-███ have been implemented as part of their research, and use of other objects is under consideration.

Photosensitive broadcasting units are to be set up above, below and around the vault to monitor for a containment breach. If any photosensitive broadcasting units cease to function, surface teams are to prepare 75 high intensity spotlights, with an intensity 600,000 lx greater than SCP-1591's intensity, to cease the expansion of SCP-1591's effect. In the event that containment is breached, O5 Command is to be alerted to the possibility of an XK-Class end of the world scenario.

Description: SCP-1591 is a glass sculpture in the shape of a star, surrounded by 14 sheets of stained glass. The central sculpture weighs 1.2 kilograms, with the individual panels weighing 12 kilograms each. All components of SCP-1591 are suspended approximately 6 meters above the ground through an as yet unknown mechanism. To date, efforts to affect the levitation of either the sculpture or the panels have been unsuccessful.

SCP-1591 constantly produces light with gradually increasing brightness and intensity1. Any surface illuminated by SCP-1591 will appear to become inconsistently transparent, and if not removed any affected matter will disappear from observable space. Non-solid matter that makes contact with light produced by SCP-1591 will begin to rapidly decrease in temperature until it takes on a solid form. SCP-1591 is immune to its own effect.

Organisms will retain consciousness and mobility while being affected by SCP-1591, although the ability to create speech will be lost. Affected organisms will usually react in a panicked manner, attempting to flee from SCP-1591's light as quickly as possible. If an affected organism ceases being exposed to SCP-1591's light, it will quickly fade and vanish. Further research of this effect has been inhibited by the continued destruction of observational equipment. SCP-1591 being exposed to lights with a greater intensity than its own will cause the rate at which its brightness increases to be reduced by 10,000lx to 50,000lx every 24 hours. The intensity of the light produced by SCP-1591 does not decrease over distance.

SCP-1591 was recovered in 1940, from ███ ████, Italy, where it was in the possession of known Serpent's Hand operatives. During initial containment, SCP-1591's effect was negligible, taking over 82 hours to completely destroy a 3x4x3 meter wooden block. It was contained within Site-77's Safe containment wing. Focusing light on SCP-1591 was discovered to prevent its effect from spreading. Initially, the light required for containment of SCP-1591 was relatively low.

In February of 1941, Site-77 was partially damaged by Allied bombing raids. These bombs caused SCP-1591's containment to be breached resulting in most of the remaining portions of Site-77 being destroyed. After control of the facility was re-established, SCP-1591 was discovered to be significantly more hazardous and reclassified as Euclid. A second containment breach resulted in Site-77 being severely damaged and the loss of ██ personnel.

Addendum: 5/19/1941: Several documents relating to SCP-1591 were recovered by Mobile Task Force Sigma-3 ("Bibliographers"), from a location inhabited by members of the Serpent's Hand. These included photographs, diagrams and documents. One example has been included in this report.

War with Elrich. We had been at peace for almost 568 years, but they had decided to declare war upon us. The verderers tried to assure us that we would be defended, safe from the King's wrath. Killed, all killed.

I saw little boys strung up by their backs, snapping in half as they were wrenched up towards the stars. Women were struck down in the streets, lanced and stabbed until they begged to die. Men who fought back were blinded and made lame, then displayed proudly in shop windows.

My mother was shaved, boiled and eaten by a pillaging group of warriors. It was pure decimation, far beyond what had been necessary to bring vengeance to their kingdom. When the heavens saw this, they cast their eyes away, disgusted by the Elrichian carnage.

The heavens cast themselves to Earth. They could not stand to watch any longer, and soon they were falling every moment. First only on our lands, then on theirs, bringing an even worse carnage than what we had suffered. I could smell the burning from the Northern Provinces.

This star is a gift to you, from heaven. In the right hands it will be a tool to bring down senselessness. But do not forget its origin. If the hatred and carnage once again reach its light, it will cast down purity, wiping it from your lands.
