World of Warcraft Journey Part 8 Reaction - Battle For Azeroth (first half)

World of Warcraft Journey Part 8 Reaction - Battle For Azeroth (first half)

Definitely Not Definitive - Games

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EarlofBlack - 07.11.2023 22:09

Bit of a necro post, and maybe I missed the comment that mentions this, but to contextualize just how horrible and tragic of a life Jaina has had -- she's approximately 36 years old by this expansion. She's literally been in one war or another since she was 23 years old (when Warcraft III takes place). This means she saw Arthas fall at age 23, founded Theramore at 24/25, lost her father within that year, saw Arthas die when she was 29/30, suffered the loss of Theramore (Mists of Pandaria) when she was 33 and nearly went mad, lost King Varian at age 35, and experienced the start of Battle for Azeroth while she was 35/36.

Alex Silviu
Alex Silviu - 26.09.2023 22:19

You have to know that gods or intention only influence your ODDS!! for example if you want to graduate an exam and you never study anything is like 0x0=0, Rastakan managed to defeat his enemy, because he had a chance made by the death loa, so he defeated him, the rest of the situation is left to the natural laws and the situation laws, in my opinion that scene is very well explained. He defeated him, but lost his kingdom, because all he wanted was to defeat him, as always when talking to gods, loa or spirits, or even intent itself, KNOW TO PRONOUNCIATE YOUR WISH.

defenderofthenorth52 - 09.09.2023 06:36

Jaina has been through more than any other fictional character ever in my opinion like it’s just crazy 😂

The Ootsface
The Ootsface - 21.06.2023 05:38

The horde is the right side, lady. Garrosh did nothing wrong.

AM L - 31.05.2023 20:48

The videos here are not in order. The old soldier cinematic was before the Battle for Azeroth, and Jaina's nightmare was before her arrival to Kul Tiras

Yoshino - 27.05.2023 11:11

"Where were Alliance when west fold fell?" did they really do a Theoden reference? xD

Yoshino - 27.05.2023 11:03

The sword Anduin is using is what Arthas truly needed. The Ashbringer. Just like a phoenix from the ashes shall rise again. Standing as One for the Alliance!

Puro - 18.05.2023 02:24

Queen Sylvanas' side is never the wrong side.

Soul Sava
Soul Sava - 13.05.2023 00:17

“His was better.” Is objectively incorrect.

Ramazon - 04.05.2023 21:24

The biggest tragedy is that writers went with Sylvanas evil arc instead of thinking of something creative. They have wasted one of the most interesting characters in fiction on their incompetence.

TheBlaert - 16.04.2023 01:45

When she turns into banshee mode in the BFA trailer it remains for me the best part of all the cinematics

Lina Hill
Lina Hill - 10.04.2023 16:55

Because at the moment she screamed for the horde we all felt that as players. Before she was twisted by outside forces she was someone to be reckoned with.

Prudvi Raj
Prudvi Raj - 17.03.2023 19:37

sorry to break your heart, but Jaina is dreadlord!

Captain Marvel
Captain Marvel - 24.02.2023 10:05

With all that she's been through and survived, she's only ever gotten more powerful. One does not f*ck with Jaina Proudmoore.

Deborah Densten
Deborah Densten - 15.12.2022 12:55

Just one thing you need to know about Jania, she did some questionable things after Gorrash bombed her city of Theramore . Like killing Sunreavers ( blood elves) In Dalran ( mage city) even though they had nothing to do with it but simply because they were Horde!
I don't hate her though, I understand that trauma of any kind can cause us to do horrible things. This is one of the reasons I love warcraft's storytelling so much there is no truly good or evil but a lot of shades of grey, just like in real life!!!!!!! Love your videos!

Cay R
Cay R - 29.11.2022 08:32

I am horde 100% Sad they chose a side with out playing.

Vwlss Nvwls
Vwlss Nvwls - 10.11.2022 03:54

Jaina Proudmore was always my favorite as well. And I love the voice actress for her, Laura Bailey.

Kole Dirks
Kole Dirks - 04.11.2022 12:45

she doesn't suck Blizzard sucks. Also there is no honor in war war is disgusting no matter what it is so disagree with your point at the end of the reaction. Still enjoyed the reaction

ADD DASH - 31.10.2022 06:50

I'm bringing these reactions. I love how the first time they saw Jaina (when she pushed Varian to dismantle the horde), they didn't like her and called her crazy eyes and now she's the favorite hahah She's my favorite too!! I love her arc.

undergrundens brølere
undergrundens brølere - 15.10.2022 23:49

I said it again 🤪: react to All Warcraft 3 ingame cutscenes 🙏♥️❤️
