The device I recommend to friends - Anbernic RG353VS in-depth review and comparison #litnxt

The device I recommend to friends - Anbernic RG353VS in-depth review and comparison #litnxt

Adin Walls

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@vhsretrogamer1664 - 24.10.2023 17:09

In my 3 yr experience with these handhelds:
-powkiddy v90 was great for it's time, but has no hardware shutdown and that caused my sd card to corrupt many times because that power button can go on and off in my pocket with little to no force applied.
-rg350m is nearly perfect with adam image, but is a bit too heavy since it's metal.
-280v is perfect for gameboy/8-16 bit consoles, but using l and r buttons is a pain.
-rg353p with jelos is perfect in almost every way and still my favourite one although at the time of purchase was a bit too expensive (over 200 eur with shipping and finnish taxes)
-rp2+ is cool and all, but not so much more power than rg353p and less comfortable/pocketable.
-rp3+ is nearly perfect, but I can't play 4:3 content on a widescreen, so it's pretty much a psp machine to me.
-rpflip is ok, but dpad is too stiff and face buttons are just too loud for my taste.
-rg35xx with garlic would be fantastic if only menu button wasn't half broken on my unit.
-mm+ with onion is fine, but my screen fell of. A little bit of glue fixed it in a few minutes though, but the vibe was forever ruined lol.
-rg405m is nice, but just like rg350m is a bit heavy and my dpad is kinda defective although still playable. Gamma OS is a must though.
-rg405v is.. still not perfect due to very loud back buttons.
-steam deck is great for 16:9 content, but waaay too big and d pad up diagonals not always working. It's basically my main bethesda game console for elder scrolls/fallout games.

Also I have psp, psvita, 2ds xl and switch, but those are their own things.

So looking back at all my retro handhelds I think rg353p is still the best one to me. And now I am thinking of buying rg353vs since it's basically same thing as rg353p, but vertical and no android. Jelos has so many pc ports making it the perfect os imo. Onion OS is the close second.

@ksajak - 04.12.2023 05:24

I can get two rg353vs for 20 each. Im having a hard time finding out if they're the same as the ones posted for much more. Confusing really. Dont want to buy two of them for 40 if they're cheap junk

@tomaswolsink7620 - 10.11.2023 00:51

Just happen tk find you,re channel, great and in dept reviews. I bought a miyo mini + and updated it to onion os it,s been amazing :)

@thetwistedsock3253 - 08.11.2023 16:29

I've ordered this with the 512 GB card for £44. It's great to see such a positive review. Looking forward to it being delivered.

@CT-2601 - 04.11.2023 12:50

What are the advantages of getting jelos over ark os?

@christianmccann9400 - 02.11.2023 22:03

I have the 353 V version its awesome .. but looking at upgrading to 405v for that large screen !

@ilmco - 30.10.2023 01:51

hoodie “pocket-ability” is the only “pocket-ability” I care about 😊

@colinmartin9797 - 28.10.2023 02:49

I'm waiting for this device to get updated with the chipset of the 405. Do that, fix the rattle, and I'd buy it for $140.

I do think the V is a better device if you plan on playing DS games that benefit from a touchscreen like pokemon black/white/heartgold/SS.

I did also recently pick up a couple RG300's for $26 each on aliexpress that I plan on re-gifting and discovered they had that transparent, colored, jewel-like design for the ABXY buttons. I adore that. I need that in everything else I own. I might transplant them into my 35xx and 405m if they'll fit.

And what I really want is for an evolution on pico 8 for like pico 16, with similar restrictions and ease of coding, but a LOT more data size. the drawback to pico 8 is no games ever feel like anything more than a tech demo simply due to the extreme data restrictions. give devs a 5mb .png to work with!

@allen0088 - 27.10.2023 08:21

I would recommend an android phone and a rishi

@alicemanson448 - 26.10.2023 00:10

For a real friend? The Vita! It's like getting several gifts.
You get the community that still makes games and ports to this very day, it's a learning experience refurbishing and hacking the handheld, and the playable library that isn't emulated is incredible!
PSP, PS1, select PS2, and the entire Vita catalog plays natively!
It's what I think would be best simply because of the experience, community, and libraries. If you want a good Anbernic, the RG505 because OLED, nuff said!

@CardfightCasual - 25.10.2023 19:45

Ive always defaulted to the big 3 reviewers when it comes to retro devices (RGC, Taki and ETA) but i must say l really enjoyed your presentation and the things you pointed out. Great video man!

@lordgeyik - 25.10.2023 19:37

I really wanted to get this but the earphone buzz kills it for me.

@Bendilin - 25.10.2023 10:16

I...JUST ordered the R36S...
(after getting an R35S and not liking the stick placement)

@jesselegood7454 - 25.10.2023 04:37

Very good video. You have made me a believer. This is top notch!

@insu_red - 24.10.2023 05:54

Great review!

I had a very hard time deciding between this one, an RG353V so I could get that atomic purple nostalgia or an RG353PS for my first device. I ended up going with the RG353PS DMG for a "Super Game Boy" feel and, while it's definitely been a great device, a part of me always pines for that game boy color nostalgia. One of these days I'll buy an RG353V just because, even if it does nothing my other devices don't already do! This hobby is dangerous for your wallet.

P.S. L1+Start+Select is a shortcut to exit pico-8!

@TechDweeb - 23.10.2023 22:39

Wow. It's crazy how different everyone is with their preferences. You loved the DPad 280V, but I can't stand it! I even grabbed it when you said this in the video to see and it's even worse (for me) than I remember. And then I often love things that many others hate. Good thing we have lots of options I guess!

@turnbasedtoddy7664 - 23.10.2023 22:07

This might sound really dumb but when would you actually use the reset button? Is that for if it freezes up or something like that?

@IS414H - 23.10.2023 22:04

I always thought about getting this one but I always passed on it because it looks silly to me, but I feel like it would be perfect for the games I tend to emulate.

@CT-2601 - 23.10.2023 19:31

Saw they added this to takealot! Makes getting it in sa so much easier

@tauthecow9581 - 23.10.2023 18:31

Baie Dankie
