Reset Mechanics: The Abilities That Destroy Balance | League of Legends

Reset Mechanics: The Abilities That Destroy Balance | League of Legends


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Nick Berry
Nick Berry - 28.08.2023 05:06

I think they're fine, especially viego's reset (I play viego)

itsM1ha - 23.08.2023 23:42

Fiddle w also has a reset if it fully channels but again it means he mustnt get cc'd for like 5 seconds and only then its like 60% reduction

Retscher02 - 21.08.2023 17:48

I totally see the critics of that, but i would add, that (some) champions have to struggle with other issues althought they have such powerful reset abilities. Pyke for example has a very weak mid- and lategame and cannot gain any health during the game and Vex does have lower range than other mages (so she has to go in completely (especially with r and w)) and moreover she only has one hard cc which has a high cooldown especially in the early game.

Twilight Star
Twilight Star - 18.08.2023 17:23

that gwen pic makes me laugh because GWEN IS IMMUNE

اللهم الا عبد
اللهم الا عبد - 14.08.2023 22:08

on ryze it's balanced because 1 it takes skill 2 ryze is very weak early

Saria Onez
Saria Onez - 29.07.2023 01:19

This game is bad and broken

Gertjan Wiersma
Gertjan Wiersma - 13.06.2023 15:05

To be fair, I expected that you would flame us katarina players more in this video. But you went pretty easy on us.

Jon John
Jon John - 06.05.2023 05:57

In Smite, Achilles is a fighter-type character with a reset mechanic on his Ultimate, a dash with an execute. If HE kills with it, he gets a temporary recast AND a debuff on himself that gives him a % damage increase on himself that stacks. It’s highly conditional and the more resets he uses, the more risk that he’ll die.

Marcu Ionut
Marcu Ionut - 20.04.2023 10:38

I like this mechanic because the resets are put on champs that if they are behind, they are weak. For example, the reset makes samira more likely to take a risk for a kill to get the reset, and if she fails she will become very weak. Without resets, those champs could get to play a hypercarry style until they can kill you guaranteed. But for samira, she HAS to risk, and HAS to win the risk to be powerfull. This kind of reset would be bad on someone like yone or irelia coz they dont care about being behind (i dont count irelia q as reset, she cant q someone unmarked more than once)

jack27nikk - 17.04.2023 15:38

I watched for 3min
Boring video😂😂💀

NoSkillNoKill_ - 06.04.2023 16:19

When i play irelia i just int useally. I would say that she is like yasou. Alot strongee when there are minions around, and useless without

theoriginal Fuco
theoriginal Fuco - 27.03.2023 06:05

Viogo is so disgusting becouse he gets the reset and 1-3 seconds of untargetability between every jump

Striker PL
Striker PL - 18.03.2023 15:13

But for example katarina without her resets would be useless asf

Cherno - 15.03.2023 02:25

comparing Darius r to viego? guillotine does over 1k true damage heartbreak does 500 if you are fed

Wubble - 27.02.2023 11:04

Reset slayers are the reason I run crit pantheon, downtime doesnt matter nor the infinite dashes, just one empowered W to Q.

F - 30.01.2023 23:51

I think this also applies for buff resets. Vayne R, Yi R and even ghost, it becomes so much harder to deal with them when they can just get a kill on someone else and run you down too.

Apollo boeckmann
Apollo boeckmann - 06.01.2023 07:49

Skill resets and restricted resets are good but the rest are bad

Tsunika - 20.12.2022 21:04

Riot: Makes katarina to be a unique champion as a reseting assassin. also riot: makes 20 more later on

Madison Bache
Madison Bache - 20.12.2022 08:30

one example that will forever piss me off is that for a reset of his extremely powerful ult pyke just needs to be able to click on someone, but for rengar to get a bit more ad his assist window is less than 2 damn seconds AND his ult is like twice as long cd as pyke WITHOUT a reset.

Selina Liu
Selina Liu - 20.11.2022 17:07

I will never forget how my team was doing pretty well in ARAM and if it weren't for the enemy Pyke who got a pentalkill by ulting on all of us when we were on route for the nexus, we might have won. Alas, we could only watch as the rest of Pyke's team respawned and they destroyed our turrets and our nexus, because we were on long respawn cooldowns. Pain.

白婉清 - 12.11.2022 07:36

I would be OK if reset ability gets 60% value first cast, 120% second cast so on, but normally the reset ability have so high ratio/number that one cast is already equal to other champions. The same why I think resourceless champ (other than garen maybe, because for learning) shouldn't have sustain, as other champs are gated by mana, they already have better sustain by not having resource, doesn't make sense to give them more sustain. It's not like resourceless champs have low ratio/numbers either.

Hiimspee - 12.11.2022 00:32

vars: "but only now are people realizing the extent to which it can break balance."

me: having flashbacks to Darius at release

Avni Tütüncü
Avni Tütüncü - 30.10.2022 13:17


Hollyballsinhell - 22.10.2022 10:41

To me Viego's dmaage makes absolutely no sense to me... the ult does a ridiculous amount of damage and it reminds me of a Pyke ult resetting + BECOMMING INVULNARABLE BETWEEN CASTS !??!?!?!?!

Jus Better
Jus Better - 16.10.2022 22:37

Me and the boys queueing
Pyke Samira Akshan Viego Irelia

GG GoKu - 06.09.2022 15:07

u sound like a darius otp ngl

Cyriod - 18.08.2022 14:38

I liked the Lux's R reset so much even tho I don't play her !
I still feel like she's gonna reset out of kills when I see her using it

Antonin Braun
Antonin Braun - 18.08.2022 01:47

Everybody knows how it goes when belveth gets that one kill…

Acchan plays Genshin
Acchan plays Genshin - 08.08.2022 06:22

To be fair, Vex ult is not broken. She does get a reset but it's a skillshot which is of course not easy to land. And even if she lands it, Her passive has to be up to fear the enemy. It's a high risk high reward play.

Viego, on the other hand, I completely agree. Not only the ult cooldown is completely reset when he gets a takedown, by taking over enemy champion's body, he can keep on casting abelites without any consequences related to cooldown. Granted, you need to know how to play that enemy champion, but if you do, it's ridiculous. Also, invulnerability during possession, allowing access of items of enemy champions (Which literally means Viego can punish you for doing well)..... I don't know who in Rito thought creating this abomination of a champion was a good idea.

Dark light
Dark light - 01.08.2022 23:45


Vibing zilla
Vibing zilla - 31.07.2022 02:07

I miss the time when we only had to play around Kat's reset to win the game :(

David Queen Jr
David Queen Jr - 24.07.2022 05:56

I dont think Vex is a burst mage, I think she is closer to a battle mage, Short range and low cool downs, also her reset is a narrow skill shot, its very possible to miss it altogether.

Tenkatsudon - 13.07.2022 23:28

though i like the video i must say as a pyke main there's no better feeling than just chain chain chaining those ults together. if you can get 3, 4, or god forbid even 5 low health enemies near each other the sheer rush of dopamine i get as i fly from corpse to corpse is indescribable. i dont care if its balanced i dont care who's having fun. the moment that health bar turns red there's one thing on my mind and its to execute.

Fasoli Romanesti
Fasoli Romanesti - 12.07.2022 18:49

Vars: "Every champion gets countered by crowd control" Olaf: Am I a joke to you?

Ether - 06.07.2022 05:22


Dayzzs - 03.07.2022 13:12

fizz counter point zonzas. you have to wait two combos to kill him

bjärbie dreamhouse
bjärbie dreamhouse - 18.06.2022 06:18

resets are also just so much more unfair in low elo/solo queue... if you don't have good coordination or have a teammate who is trolling a bit, suddenly the reset champions have a way to fully stack conqueror and still have all abilities ready by just catching out your weakest teammate

jacob Lamoureux
jacob Lamoureux - 09.06.2022 19:46

as someone who play viego his ult when in a other champion form should only change himback

TrinfiniteX - 08.06.2022 17:06

Anyone else here remember AP Master YI from the first couple seasons? And his full reset on alpha if he got a kill?

Chris Deadfield
Chris Deadfield - 07.06.2022 05:55

Wholeheartedly I think resets can be hit or miss but there’s also this huge issue with items and how they interact with a lot of these abilities. (Looking at you navori and that other one for ults) like. Items like shieldbow and frozen fist provide so much durability and sustain for some characters like. Viego with a shieldbow is potentially immortal due to the amount of sustain he has which can lead to him peeing all over somebody’s team. Chogath has this issue too but ppl don’t play him enough to rlly worry about it until he becomes so much Of a problem only a three item vayne can deal with him. It’s brazy

Uzzy - 18.05.2022 06:12

Balanced because there's alot of power is in those abilities and if they can't hit the requirement because there behind then there practically useless. I think stuff like kai sa W reset and Zac is a lot more busted but people never really see it as much. Zac practically has a warmogs in his W and Kai sa can 2 shot with AP build before it got nerfed. They only resets people hate are the ones on kills because those people are already ahead and there kits mean they can chain kills much easier.

Big Wheel
Big Wheel - 23.04.2022 20:52

Playing in low diamond gave me some much needed perspective about champions like irelia, riven, fiora, yone etc. At first they are extremely anxious to deal with but once I started playing outrageous shit like gragas and kennen top, I began to realize just how terrible a lot of these players actually are. It's almost like these kits just artificially boost their win rate but the second they play into a character they cant mindless q spam into, it all comes apart. A good 90 percent of them play like they don't have minimap on its actually embarrasing. On the occasion where you find a player that actually knows what they are doing its actually quite an interesting match up, but I know if I was playing any run of the mill bruiser I would have been screwed.

S - 18.04.2022 09:42

I hate resets on kills because it basically punsihes me for my teammates mispositioning or misplaying to a champion like Kata/Pyke who can steamroll an entire team off of 1 person's mistake, if someone mispositions to a regular champ, he may die, but at least he made the enemy player use some cd in most cases and he is the only one directly punished for dying, while giving kata a free kill results in a storm of blinks that obliterates everything in AoE.

bradleysabre22 - 12.04.2022 07:59

This is why Gardevoir is in her best place since release right now, AND why Lucario has been top tier since launch!

Iris Pounsberry
Iris Pounsberry - 11.04.2022 19:49

A lot of the resets complained about here are based on champions dying, wouldn't that give better priority to champions that defy death or perhaps healers? The roster is big enough to have answers in champion select.

Tristan Tse
Tristan Tse - 05.04.2022 20:45

I thought this video was on like how these abilities can negate spells lol, like yones spirit can cancel a sleep same with when Viego ults.

Jeff TheJoKeR
Jeff TheJoKeR - 05.04.2022 17:15

Viego does have restrictions on his reset mechanics, first of all the enemy champion has to have been damaged by him atleast 3 seconds prior to his death and the other part is that you have to wait 1.5 seconds before you can even use your ult reset compared to all other kill reset champs. Which means the moment viego turns into the feeding enemy champion with all the restrictions he receives while in a soul he can get blown up quite easily in that 1.5 seconds because yes he is untargetable while taking a soul, but he also can't move at all. He can easily be outplayed because of how trash is kit is compared to his passive

Abbs - 04.04.2022 04:08

nobody talking about Katarina lol
