Coping with Labor Pain WITHOUT an EPIDURAL | Birth Doula | Lamaze Childbirth Educator

Coping with Labor Pain WITHOUT an EPIDURAL | Birth Doula | Lamaze Childbirth Educator

Bridget Teyler

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@shereebreshears - 31.01.2024 22:39

Ok ive had 4 so far without an epidural but im due with my 5th in 2 months. The problem is i freak out thinking other things are going to go wrong😢 so i really hope ( since nothing has ever gone wrong) that i can do it better this time

@gdgmb - 31.01.2024 07:12

I had epi for my 1st delivery and tot I’ll try without for my 2nd but I couldn’t take the pain and took epi again halfway thru the pushing which was totally unnecessary cos my baby came out quickly and the epi was only half used. I was such a chicken lol! Now I’m waiting for the 3rd and in another country - India. My doctor here in India said no epi is available in the hospital so I have to prepare for either normal delivery without epi or opt for caesarean. I’m definitely opting for normal again so I’m trying to get ready for it without epi. Thank you for the tips and all the comments - it helps to give encouragement to people like me. May God be with me in the time needed.

@kristinezerebkina9383 - 23.01.2024 23:08

@s.elizabeth1753 - 10.01.2024 02:30

I think it's if you get the pitocin you have no choice but to get the epidural. The pitocin makes it hurt more become it rushes your body into labour

@nataliarostovskaya8963 - 30.12.2023 01:57

Essential oil (lavender) worked like magic!
Also- gripping hair brushes helps take the edge off the 'bossy contractions'. 😂
But I also birthed in the pool with my husband, who was doing all the work with me- so I guess I had everything I needed. Most, but not least, it was a dream birth at home, with Bridget in my headphones. It was beautiful, nice and slow, and powerful!
Thank you, Bridget.

Doing it all over again, 7th time around))

@nathanbrintnall7597 - 18.12.2023 06:20

As per your advice, I tried giving my wife head. The doctors were mortified and it didn't calm my wife down at all!! 1/10

@rebeccagiovanini1124 - 06.12.2023 06:31

When I had my first, the epidural made me pass out repeatedly, and I got a spinal headache which was an absolutely awful experience. I'm looking forward to taking matters into my own hands and going through labor naturally this time.

@ap3008 - 21.11.2023 21:11

What scares me the most is baby's head getting stuck into the canal. The 2nd thing that scares me is being so exposed in front of all these people...

@IzzyTheInsane97 - 07.10.2023 12:04

I had my second baby a week ago, without epidural. I prepared so many coping strategies and ended up using none of them, because I was surprisingly extremey calm and collected for the entire dilation stage (it only took 2 hrs to get from 4 to 10 cm) But I lost it at the pushing stage. was screaming through the contractions and yelling "I can't do it!" And my husband and midwife yelled back that yes I could and that in fact she was already out. It was definitely an intense, but beautiful experience ❤

@midnightgalaxy - 04.10.2023 02:30

I want to smell a plate of sushi 🍣 😅

@GamerMinfinity- - 11.09.2023 04:58

Thank you for your video! I had my baby today and my labor was quick! At home I focused on my breathing through the contractions at home and when I got to the hospital I was 8 cm already! I was in labor for an hour no time for epidural or any medication

@Brooklyn-er9md - 05.09.2023 04:33

This is baby #5 for me and my anxiety has been at an all time high. I shouodnt be this worried but I have been. Thank you so much for this video. I will definitely try mysic because I loooove music. My plan is to labour at home for as long as I can.

@wendymtzc - 18.08.2023 16:17

I had three natural births, they were all fairly easy, I didn’t learn any breathing or pain management techniques but one thing I learned fairly quickly was that laying in bed and getting into a fetal position made my contractions way more painful, what I did instead was slowly walk through the contractions with a very straight back, kind of stretching it as I walked.

@kutie216 - 16.08.2023 00:43

I gave birth 6 days ago and delivered 26 mins after arriving at the hospital, about 40
mins after my water broke. I labored at home for about 3 hours and had contractions and bloody mucus (mucus plug) discharge all
day. I did breathing exercises, got on all fours on our bed to stretch which seemed to help, and squeezed my wide tooth comb to distract from the pain of contractions. Walking around, pacing, and sitting on the toilet also helped me. The pain/contractions started in my uterus and eventually as they got stronger and closer they were in my back. I didn’t want an epidural but I would’ve considered alternatives we didn’t have time for that because baby was born shortly after she checked my cervix - baby was ready to be born. Looking back I’m really proud I did it without meds and I felt amazing after despite a 1st degree tear and extremely fast delivery. It was a complete whirlwind and honestly I can’t wait to give birth again it was the most profound experience I’ve had in my life and I am so grateful and amazed that I have the privilege to be a mother. The excitement was only multiplied by the fact that we didn’t know our baby’s sex and we were (and still are) elated to hear we have a beautiful and healthy baby boy!

I had 3 mins total of pushing and pushed slowly with contractions until baby’s shoulder got stuck for a very intense but brief 8 seconds. I pushed as hard as I could and he was born, crying as loud as he could! I was honestly in shock in for a minute.

@mariamartens3077 - 14.08.2023 04:03

Hi everyone! I'm pregnant 20 weeks with my #7 baby and with my first 3 I had natural labor and births and with the other 3 I had an apidural because my 4th baby was stillborn so I decided to have an epidural because I couldn't bear to go through those labor pains again knowing that at the end of all that pain I still couldn't be happy and hold my new baby and here him crying it was the most traumatic experience of my life 😭 after I had one apidural I was always afraid of labor even though the next two baby's babies were healthy. But I heard it's not good to have to many epidurals for your back, so I'm trying to get over my fear of labor and birth so I can maybe have this baby naturally again so I'm watching everything on coping with pain too see if i can get past the fears and maybe get some of my confidence back and not be so scared anymore 😢 please wish me luck everyone!!!

@thenascentdentist7435 - 12.08.2023 18:19

I just gave birth 2 days back without epidural (induced) to a beautiful baby gurl.. I saw your videos about breathing and positive affirmations during labor.. you have helped a lot! Way to go!

@shymaahussien756 - 08.08.2023 12:09

Thank you so much for this vedio ❤❤

@THE_Niccolo_Paganini - 22.07.2023 17:34

All i can say is that not everyone has the same pain tolerance/experience. The same with periods , some lay in bed all day and call in sick from work while others go to the gym and workout. Try to take whatever people are saying with a pinch of salt

@ericachacon8337 - 20.07.2023 17:55

I'm so glad you mentioned that light touches, particularly as labor starts ramping up, can be deeply agitating. W/ my 1st son, I was young, went into labor 6wks early & had no birth plan. My father happened to be the only person in the hospital room w/ me, when I was reaching transition; he is well meaning, but tends to make things about him. I asked him as nicely as possible to please stop petting my hair or squeezing my arm every time I had a contraction, but instead of listening he got all hurt & offended, & so at that point I was just like, "screw this- if he needs something to do he can go ask for me to get an epidural bc I'm not continuing on with this!". So i ended up with an epidural- but it's now 17yrs later & I'm pregnant with my 2nd child. I'm much better at standing up for myself & I have no doubt that I can make it through w/o pain meds- & I can make sure that my birth plan WILL be respected! 💪

@moniquebrown18 - 18.07.2023 04:45

This is all wonderful and if an unmedicated birth (they are ALL natural) is what you want then go for it. Same is true if you want a medicated birth. It’s still natural, it’s still beautiful, you are still a woman and a good mama, you are still a warrior. There is absolutely no shame in using medical advancements. They used to hack limbs off with nothing more than alcohol or a bite stick….now they have anesthesia. It’s used and people aren’t shamed or looked down on for using it. Same holds true. I did it both ways and to be honest I loved the epidural because it allowed me to really enjoy the whole experience rather than focusing on breathing and maintaining.

@heleneac - 16.07.2023 12:54

I am due in August with my first and reading a book called «positive birth». In the book, they suggest using the word «intense» rather than «pain», which is something I will focus on for the remaining time. Such a small thing is really helping me feel more mentally prepared. Also using positive angles such as “you are safe” rather than “it is not dangerous”.

@cc_roxy - 01.07.2023 14:13

Honestly if my husband wasn’t there with me, I don’t know what I would have done
I just gave birth 2 weeks ago & I had vaginal delivery zero pain medication & medication to induce labor
I had contractions for about 6 hours and dilated 2 cm
So I figured I’d wait a bit longer another 6 hours went by and dilated another cm
At this point I was informed that I’d really have to be induced
I won’t lie the contractions were painful
I was given the medicine to induce around 7am and gave birth at 2:50 pm
The contractions got so painful and ínstense for about 1 minute every 3 minutes for about 3 hours before I gave birth
My husband sat on a chair & massaged my lower back during that minute every 3 minutes for 6 hours!
Right now everything is a blur bc I remember some of it
My husband also helped me push my baby out
He took a blanket and I had to pull in order to use my abdomen to push my baby out
I can’t believe he witnessed the entire thing
I remember him saying I can see her head keep pushing
My legs were quivering I had no energy, it was such a relief when she came out
I think what made it worse was the anticipation
You hear other women screaming in such horrific agonizing pain it freaks you out
My husband saw how much pain I went through he said we could stop lol
He wanted 3 kids but after sleeping 3 hours each day after our baby girl was born his mindset started to change
Nonetheless it was a beautiful experience
My body healed quickly & I think
It was the best decision to have a natural birth
I didn’t scream at all - I think there was more grunting than anything lol
I could see the blood vessels on my face when I went to wash up

@chancelymallion - 30.06.2023 04:25

Idk why I'm watching this now being 3 weeks pp lol

@nothanks1239 - 12.06.2023 20:42

My had my first 5 years ago, and ended up having an epidural. I'm a week away from my due date now, and I'm honestly scared. I want an epidural again, but I live over an hours drive from the hospital. So the worry is that I won't get one in time. I need all the tips I can get to have a less traumatic birthing experience. Ideally, I'd like to birth without anything, but things don't always work the way you envision when it comes to the crunch. Fingers crossed for this labour. If only they could just pop out without any pain 😭

@LdyPrtrdg - 12.06.2023 15:42

Thanks to a bath, I went from 3 cm (6 hours) to 10 cm in 45 minutes

@dimah5718 - 04.05.2023 01:52

Only a few days left until my labor. Please wish me luck, I'm so scared it's my first baby

@MA-xp5vx - 28.04.2023 15:03

Just had my 4th bsby a week ago. This one went very nice for me. I thank the lord for his protection through it all and you for the useful and practical advises. God bless!

@SAndo42 - 29.03.2023 15:39

Why would anyone choose to feel pain? Isn't life hard enough without the useless and unfair pain of childbirth? Why would anyone want to add another challenge? I had vaginal delivery and dealt with the pain for an hour until I received the epidural, and the only great moment of that experience was the moment I held my child in my arms.

@annafiliga - 24.03.2023 07:17

I live in American Samoa 🇦🇸 and they don’t have epidurals on island so I kinda have to go natural so watching this scared lol

@thisoneperson8400 - 23.03.2023 04:34

I'm watching this pregnant with my 5th.
I had an epidural with my 1st, 2nd, and 4th. I slept threw my 3rd until time to push. I want to have a natural labor this time as well

@lchavinga - 19.03.2023 23:41

For all of you wanting to give birth without an epidural, but living in a country of culture where you are ridiculed for it.. it may help to know that there are countries where the expectations are the opposite. In the Netherlands, where I live, there is a long tradition of giving birth at home and without medication. Today, a lot more women chose to go to the hospital (15% give birth at home) but still, epidurals are only chosen by 20% of women. Older generations frown upon you wanting an epidural. Within that context, somehow 80% of women are able to give birth without it. Hope this gives you some confidence! Still, every birth is different, so don't beat yourself up if you end up needing one. ❤

@monab.7933 - 19.03.2023 08:08

I want to have a natural birth and I think I can handle the contractions but what I'm afraid of is the vaginal pain. Basic transvaginal ultrasounds hurt (the pain isn't unbearable but it's there), intercourse does too (in certain positions) and cervical checks are horrible. Can I still have an unmedicated birth with my sensitive cervix and vagina ?
I only see moms complain about the contractions but never about vaginal pain and it makes me feel abnormal and discouraged.

@Surprisebaby - 18.03.2023 07:28

i wanna add that lemongrass is good too for easing anxiety and stress!

@oyun7363 - 13.03.2023 15:10

I had an epidural on my first labour when I dilated 8cm, I couldn't continue anymore. Lately I found out it was back to back labour; all the pain was on my back and no break from the contractions to focus and deep breathing. Now I am 38 weeks pregnant and really hoping this time it is not back labour. Fingers cross

@thebossmommallc - 01.03.2023 07:00

Thank you for this tips! I'm gonna have my baby in 2 days! Wish me luck! 😊🙏

@BrookeBrandon - 07.02.2023 00:36

Can we combine these tools as much as possible? So long as they’re working for us?
It there such thing as too much pain management lol

@mari03ful - 03.02.2023 18:13

What a BUNCH OF BOLONEY! All bodies are different and most women do experience excruciating pain, where breathing techniques are useless! I have broken bones, had a ruptured appendix, and kidney stones, which I handled without pain meds. Child birth was a different type of pain, I was in such agony that I begged my nurse to help me dilate! Child birth pain traumatized me to the point that I could not bring myself to have another child!

@iloveamerica64 - 22.01.2023 05:22

Can't recommend double hip squeezes enough!! If you don't have a doula to do it, get your husband to learn!

@anastasiapolkanova7060 - 19.01.2023 13:03

I'm not pregnant but the very idea has always given me an enormous panic attack. Seriously, even thinking about giving birth has always made me cry and feel horrible fear. I've Googled how do people survive labour pain' and frankly all the videos were awful - they just made my anxiety so much worse. EXCEPT FOR THIS ONE. This video somehow made me feel calmer, I'm so grateful to you, thanks A LOT. It's both your manner of speech and the ideas you present that manage to comfort my spiraling brain. Hope when/if the time comes your advice will help me get through this experience

@mckinneypassios4273 - 18.01.2023 14:29

Judt texted my husband to add my favorite of his colognes to my hospital bag a big part of why I got epideral first time I'd because he was an hour away and I was scared

@stephaniem8278 - 26.12.2022 22:02

Some other tips I have gleaned:
1. Gate control theory—use a comb in the palm of your hand to trick your brain into feeling that sensation first before the contraction pain.
2. Ride the wave—every contraction rises and peaks and then declines. The peak is about 15 seconds. You can do anything for 15 seconds (mantra!)
3. Do not focus on the stats but on how you feel. If you are thinking about how you’re only 2 cm dilated that can be discouraging. But you might be 90% effaced and that is progress too. The change can happen fast so don’t focus on the numbers.
4. Move! By responding to the type of moves your body is craving, you are helping your baby get into the right position and descend, increasing pressure on your cervix to help with dilation and effacement.

@sarahp.3772 - 15.12.2022 07:13

I need this, bc I had both my babies naturally and I was hollering and crying like a baby majority of the time, especially when the pains had no break in between. On my 3rd, and I must admit that I'm scared, bc the other 2 times traumatized me a little. 😥

@KarolinaSarwar - 20.11.2022 11:37

Thank you for this video I’m preparing for this now and that video definitely helped Me😘😘

@cyat8683 - 18.09.2022 13:03

Very refreshing the way that you explain things. Keep up the great work I’m loving all your videos 😍

@neshneshnesha - 15.09.2022 23:41

Currently in labor and this is very helpful!

@yarazard - 12.09.2022 22:41

I’m pregnant with my second child. I’m planning on getting an epidural again, but I’m looking for better ways to deal with labor pain. Last time I got to 3cm and I will never forget the sensation of a bowling ball trying to crawl its way out if me 😭

@anared1990 - 07.09.2022 04:03

I remember hearing, "...keep pushing, she's got a lot of hair, she's almost here, you can touch her head, she's coming on the next one," all these things made me keep pushing through. Every new mom should know not to put themselves down. We can plan this or that but it's truly in God's hands. I planned to breastfeed and not get an epidural and keep holding out until the baby came when it was ready but it didn't happen for me. I got so depressed. My blood pressure skyrocketed and I had to be induced which ruined one plan then the pain of being induced came so wasn't gradually increasing like one would probably prefer. I had to get the epidural, it wasn't offered unless I really needed it. But they recommended it to lower my bp too, so I took it. I was so proud choosing to breastfeed which I intended on doing for 2 years and even that couldn't be done. I produced no milk whatsoever. On her third day of life, my child was starving and I had enough. My mom told me to not feel bad about it, she brought me formula for my baby girl. She slept so calmly after that and was finally fed, after that nothing else mattered to me. My baby is my priority, not my ego or pleasing others. It was an expectation of me to breastfeed but it just didn't happen and I moved on. Just after a few feedings, my daughter was sleeping better, I was sleeping better and my mind was at ease. The wet and soiled diapers finally came, I cried, never been so happy to look at poo. She grew up so quickly and I love her with all my heart. Now I'm expecting another little princess and this time I don't plan but I won't be hard on myself like before. Be the best mom you can be. You and your baby come first. God bless all moms out there

@kendallgreenewalt5044 - 06.09.2022 01:02

I was in labor for 75 hours and when I finally went into the tub things got moving and I had a baby within two hours!

@kleinemaus6094 - 30.07.2022 21:51

Something I strongly want to impress on women (I'm sure there will be nurses who disagree or are not this way, I'm glad you exist if that's the case but please recognize you are the exception, not the norm unfortunately) is this:

When laboring in a hospital, do NOT expect the staff to honor your birth plan or frankly give a crap about what makes you comfortable. I've had 4 children, one unmedicated, and all four times, four different hospitals in different states, nursing staff were unsupportive assholes. The fourth cut the cake for me. I arrived at 8cm. I wanted the tub-nit allowed because I didn't get a Covid test two days prior. I wanted to move around, not allowed because they needed to "monitor" (there was absolutely no sign of fetal distress). They made an issue out of my blood pressure (I have significant White Coat Syndrome) even though I had no protein in my urine (no preeclampsia-and I knew what to look for because I had it before) and even though I basically begged them to stop checking everything for 10 minutes and let me labor as I had at home, that the continuous monitoring was what was driving my BP up, I was flatly denied and made to lay on my side. I eventually said quite loudly "fuck this" and got on all fours. OB tried to "push my cervical lip back" without warning me and got kicked in the nose for it (accidental).

This was the running theme for all 4 labors. If you intend to labor unmedicated in a hospital, be prepared and be fierce about what you want. BE a bitch about it if they get pushy. You are not required to stay in the bed. You are not required to have an IV hooked up (you do have to have the port though just in case). You are not required to push on your back. Hospitals are trying to get you done and get on to the next patient. That's the chief motivation.

Advocate for yourself, because otherwise you'll find yourself manipulated into interventions and entirely uncomfortable situations.

@peekaboocharlie8502 - 28.07.2022 22:51

This is my 2nd birth I’m gonna be going through & I had an elective induction w/my 1st 2 years ago w/an epidural. I’m having an elective induction in about 10-12 days from today & I rly wanna try without an epidural honestly. I’m getting my tubes removed after this and I really wanna just soak in the experience and do the damn thing.
