Quiet Quitting My Job Changed My Life

Quiet Quitting My Job Changed My Life

Vincent Chan

1 год назад

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@DocOrtmeyer - 28.01.2024 02:26

why do all these dipshirts have this idea that they're entitled to profits???? buy shares!

@Hayterwave - 23.01.2024 22:58

Yeah I'm gonna quiet quit more. Fuck this job. I have a music career I'm working for and this job is only meant to supplement that. I was running this store by myself and meeting sales targets yet no raise. So I'm done lol. Time to sit on my phone 99% of the time, using this time to read, learn, and educate myself

@dalewatkins8694 - 22.01.2024 20:23

I love the quiet quitters at WalMart. 10-20 don't show up to work. A third that do show up actually do work about half of their shifts and the management rides the few care and try to do their jobs and pickup up for the ones not doing their jobs. In time the customers will have to go to the semis and back rooms to find the stuff they want or need..... If the truck drivers bother to come to work to deliver the products.....
Quiet quitting has been going on for decades. In the past others picked up the slack. Now the work just doesn't get done and more and businesses are closing and laying off their workers. It ends up being a win for both the employer no long has the losses/headaches and the workers no longer are overworked/unappreciated.

@johnberry2877 - 17.01.2024 15:05

I have been quite quitting long before it was a thing. My coworkers were always trying to shame me and I told them, “your just a number to corporate”. They finally came around when another coworker put in his notice and to retaliate, the owner confiscated his weeks of vacation time and payed out his last check in minimum wage !
Oh, that’s the new thing in healthcare now to totally screw your employees who decide to change jobs !!!

@dvillebenny1445 - 12.01.2024 09:34

You will never end up as anything, until you can work for yourself. Then and only then you will know how to for something you really want. Honestly who wants to w work for the man..

@thehuntress8850 - 29.12.2023 03:39

Remember, we live in the age of corporatism. Look at who has the biggest buildings. That is who runs the empire. At some point in history, it was
1) family dynasty's in the age of kings.
2) Empires
3) The Church
4) Political idealogy's
They control the govt., the news agency's and the propaganda that we all listen to.
So question the source of your information, and what their motives are.

@carsonho9338 - 19.12.2023 09:43

If not
Commission based, more work effort means less personal health on the same pay

@thecollapseexperiment - 16.12.2023 14:18

Employers don't get rid of lower performers, they fire the person who has been there 20 years because they make too much. This person likely does the work of several other people because they are responsible and therefore punished. Cheap and low quality keep their jobs.

@thomaslawson4253 - 15.12.2023 04:56

i spent my 20ties driving nails for 3 to 5 dollars an hour. now i have more money than i need. your generation does not want to pay your dues.i lived my working life just as kevin described and it worked out well.i think your generation is in for a hard landing in the years to come.

@demonbird166 - 12.12.2023 13:33

I thought this was just what you do anyway? Anything over an hours work extra, im submitting overtime whether they like it or not. If they dont like it, i just dont work overtime 🤷‍♂️

@ChrisTaylor-ef4zn - 08.12.2023 12:48

If you don't like your job, find another one. One should always do their best wherever they are at as a matter of personal integrity.

@sankalparora8146 - 08.12.2023 10:07

You make amazing videos! Intuitively Hilarious !

@haley2486 - 07.12.2023 22:47

Employers who expect you to go above and beyond and looking for "people pushers". It's not worth it to us if we're not compensated for the work put in.

@dragonclaws9367 - 06.12.2023 17:24

Half a Snickers Bar 😂

@mb-ef2yg - 04.12.2023 00:48

Yes. Work harder and longer hours so your boss can take two months luxurious vacation a year while you ignore your family and health

@joelkirk458 - 02.12.2023 23:28

Thank you! I totally agree. About 5 years ago, after being in the workforce for a decade, I decided to focus on just meeting other people's minimum expectations of my role rather than try and contribute as much as possible. You know, my manager didn't care and I got along with colleagues better. Oh yeah, and f*ck Kevin O'Leary. Thanks!

@tbilod - 02.12.2023 10:34

We have accepted the notion that was taught to us in school. If you work harder and commit to keep doing better and better, that we would be rewarded proportionally. However, in the real world this doesn't always work, especially when you are an employee.

@jimskyboy2 - 30.11.2023 19:38

I worked for effort and no money for 15 years with my jobs with fortune 500 companies trying to become a manager.

I quiet quit, and suddenly kaboom, I'll be a manager within a month, having boundaries, dropping the hammer when I need too doing a great job and actually completing projects.

Companies CANNOT AFFORD TO PROMOTE YOU if you do the work of 5 people

@robertneville2022 - 29.11.2023 17:34

I'm retired 😊
Guess you could say I quietly quit
I worked 33 years same job
My last day I clocked out went into the office told the the boss my social security retirement starts next month
Have a nice life seee ya and quietly walked away 😅

@goatsummoner - 27.11.2023 13:26

Companies aren't loyal to their employees. I've worked in 5 different industries, under different types of management, from large corporation to a small family run company. The only job I had that made feel appreciated was when I was an apprentice small family run riding school, but even then it was because I was cheap labour. The sense of community was there though, and the family running the company actually treated me like a person. Its a shame small businesses like that struggle because they're some of the nicest places to work.

@alexg3348 - 24.11.2023 06:12

so the Chinese and American youth... became Australian. If the boss isn't paying us down under for our hours worked... then tell 'em to get stuffed. Hi from Australia.

@EverlastGX - 21.11.2023 23:44

I don't understand people ruining their health for a job.
Which you would get replaced within a day or 2.

@bjornjoseph - 21.11.2023 20:52

I interviewed a job and thr guy wanted me to do 40 hr to see if i fit in well. He told me think about it and familarize myself.with the layout. Everyone there was in the 40 hr trial. No one got paid. I politelty declined the offer snd said it doesnt take 40 gours to gauge someone. 2 - 4 hour stage is all thats needed.

@Parabellum-oe3sw - 20.11.2023 15:26

I’m a quiet quitter since elementary school 😂 I now have a msc in engineering, I’m working 35 hrs a week and I have 20 rents saved up in case I need money. Right after work I jump on my bike and try to drive as far as I can or I go to the gym. In winter I would read a book or just chill. I’m not messing up my brain chemistry for my boss

@Grayald - 20.11.2023 02:15

The only thing willingly taking on more work will do is ensure that from then on, when the company is looking for someone to take advantage of, you'll be at the top of the list. You'll also be one of the first ones that get talked to like you've been nothing but a problem

@frz_akbar - 13.11.2023 04:22

remember guys, we have parents to care for, a house to buy, a car to buy, looking for a life partner,
Not another Lamborghini for our boss 😩

@marklarsen4424 - 12.11.2023 08:15

I don't think that I have ever quiet quit. I have been emotionally unable to perform beyond the minimum, depression suicidal thoughts, the things we were told was just being weak. I'm gen X so it was never fashionable to even have a personal life. We are probably the last wage slave generation. I don't blame the younger generations for checking out. It is not worth it to be used like we have been.

@BindingTheYoke - 12.11.2023 05:56

Boss: can you work Saturday
Me: Oh sorry I have an appointment every Saturday now until eternity 😂

@RR98guy - 08.11.2023 13:03

Employers do not give a care about their employees. If you do not care about yourself your employer will take full advantage of you. Employees are treated like the tires on a motor vehicle...replaceable at any time. Take care of yourself at and after work. Do as little as you have to at work to keep your job and always be looking for your next opportunity elsewhere. 99% of employers and companies are not worthy of our loyalty or skills.

@mimoxios - 07.11.2023 23:07

If you pay your employees with bananas, do not wonder you only get monkeys

@aaronwilliams9685 - 07.11.2023 03:13

You're just lazy!😂😂😂

@stevenpike7857 - 03.11.2023 00:21

I quite quit long before it was a thing. At around 30 years old, I realized I was being taken advantage of and working for free, when the people that benefited from my hard work would NEVER work for free. When I work for you, it's a business arrangement. You pay me for this work with these conditions, you change those conditions, then you pay for it. You think a plumber comes over and gives you a quote to fix your sink, and half way through you ask him to also check your water heater and fix a leak for free? LOL! No one works for free - stop doing it.

@spearson103 - 02.11.2023 19:06

It shouldn't take anyone more than a few years to grow up, shed the trauma of their teachers pet persona that's been beaten into them since childhood

@theoutbackbandit4791 - 01.11.2023 22:11

Back in the day, the only thing people worried about was who wrote with their left hand. Times were indeed simpler

@gaweindegraaf - 29.10.2023 18:27

Doing the job you are paid to do* not payed. Hopefully streamer learnt this.

@erikrogers8214 - 26.10.2023 15:48

Only straight up losers use terms like "quiet quitting" if you live your life in two word sayings your lost.
And what you described is passive aggressive type behavior. Let people know up front what your boundaries are. Even employers. Most people will get way more respect and have much more satisfying a life than this with this Beta male bs your trying to sell

@dreamingflurry2729 - 25.10.2023 12:48

Quiet quitting is the best idea and everybody should do it! Nobody should work overtime etc. - why? Not only because nobody gets payed for the extra work (sure they dangle the carrot of promotion in front of you, but we all know that most of the time it's not the hard workers that get promoted, but those that know the boss personally etc.), but it would also show that most companies simply hire too few people! If your company doesn't function without overtime, then you are doing it wrong!

@michaelbalfour3170 - 25.10.2023 00:14

I've always been a quiet quitter, I do the minimum not to get fired, sit around and work on my business. I'm just lazy and like to get paid to do personal admin.

@ignaciogodoy7095 - 23.10.2023 15:44

The movie office space, interview with the Bob’s are pretty much it, and that was 25 years ago

@sinisterskills17 - 19.10.2023 20:19

The shark tank guy is known to promote anything for the right price regardless of quality, so I’m not taking his word for anything.

@redisdeadeternity - 19.10.2023 14:02

Hustle culture = death .quiet quitting = happy lives wives and children with happy spouses. DEATH TO HUSTLE CULTURE

@scruf153 - 15.10.2023 03:10

I just do the job I was hired to do nothing more I do not help other co workers with there job when asked I say it is not my job I am not doing my job plus someone's else's nor do I work overtime

@calonstanni - 14.10.2023 20:42

I quiet quit my job (without actually realizing that was what I was doing, or that Quiet Quitting was the name of it) a few years ago. I went from depressed and aggressive to calm and friendly. I get my job done. I don't do more, I don't participate in corporate shin-digs, work birthdays, I don't have any of my co-workers phone numbers on my phone or participate in their group texts or happy hours. peace, quiet, calm, security. I'm' finally ok.

@richardd5693 - 14.10.2023 02:56

This is why service sucks in this country.

@bluetocop - 06.10.2023 04:42

the younger generation has choices lower un employment gives them the choices

@speeddemon7678 - 01.10.2023 03:24

You're not quiet quitting, you're doing your job. Quiet quitting is just a buzzword used by those who want to stop this trend.

@aceofspades9503 - 28.09.2023 17:13

I prefer to call it Acting your Wage 😎. But yes- 100%. I am a high performing person and in my career I very quickly realized that I wasn't going to get ANYTHING for going above and beyond my metrics. Since the only reward for working hard is more hard work, there isn't a point to working hard. I kept my metrics within the top third of my team members. I refuse to put in overtime and have worked maybe two 50 hour work weeks total in my career. I've received several promotions, awards, bonuses, and commendations for project work. You don't have to kill yourself to succeed at a career. You do have to set boundaries if you want to have a life worth living though.

@ItachiUchiha-re6fx - 25.09.2023 20:12

Just pay overtime + 25% net tax free. Thats how germans do it . Say if i earn 25 an hour . For overtime i will earn 25 euro taxable + 25% non taxable (5e) and that 25% is considered bonus . Overtime standard pay is considered normal .

@healingv1sion - 24.09.2023 01:17

Taking my lunch break away from the jobsite has been a lifechanger. Never going back to the break room 😂
