Mario Kart 64: The Quest for World Record Perfection

Mario Kart 64: The Quest for World Record Perfection

Summoning Salt

3 года назад

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Ziqd - 06.10.2023 07:48

As of October 5th 2023 the only two people who have records are Dan and Matthias and Matthias is still going as he set a record 2 days ago according the website

Kontritum - 06.10.2023 06:19

So checking out the comment section seems Dan is a fucking loser, and good on Mattias to come back and reclaim the crown in proper competitive spirit. Pretty lame of Dan to pretty much betray the respect and unspoken sportsmanship rules of speedrunning as a whole to steal it away, dude knew he wasnt good enough to do it legit

SSS🌙 - 06.10.2023 02:53

I have a question:
How are the times submitted. Are they automatically added or does the player send them inm

HurterOfFeelings - 04.10.2023 18:38

2 years on what's happened?

Joseph Ringhofer
Joseph Ringhofer - 03.10.2023 09:04

That tumble was so sad

poobslag - 02.10.2023 14:31

For some other world records like this, players will set a world record, and then set a BETTER world record -- but keep that higher record secret until someone beats first record. It's a cheap tactic which lets them stay on top of the learderboards longer while demoralizing other players.

I kept expecting the A1A or Matthias to stoop to this level, like where Matthias would set 5 or 6 records but then release them all simultaneously to sneakily get 32/32. I'm glad nobody did this, I think the accomplishment would have been greatly diminished by such a dirty trick. But I think it would have worked.

Woofer Pressure
Woofer Pressure - 30.09.2023 07:53

My boy abney came through! What a legend.

Alex Duos
Alex Duos - 29.09.2023 16:31

This is the kind of drama I need in my life 😂

CAMO - 28.09.2023 14:16

This shit from Albany and Dan was petty asf

dumk - 28.09.2023 01:47

why did i actually make a shocked face when you mentioned abney

MysteryPlum - 26.09.2023 13:32

MR is an absolute legend as far as I'm concerned. He was like a bowling ball the way he knocked those records down. And the spirit in which he did it was admirable; always posting the times up as soon as he got them, and then congratulating others when they beat him. He threw down the gauntlet to the rest of the scene and invited them to join him on his quest, taking them all on single-handedly. A true gent 👍

phillies4eva - 25.09.2023 21:31

Dan destroyed a cool community to get 32/32. Pretty lame way to do it but it’s an achievement. Sometimes it’s not about skill alone.

DJ Amparo
DJ Amparo - 24.09.2023 13:14

I assume the blur is someone who cheated?

Termazel *
Termazel * - 24.09.2023 00:32

Nah he got 32/32, king of Mario cart 64. Idk why he didn’t pretend to have 30/32 when in reality he has 31/32 so that he gets less pressure from the alliances during his attempts for 32/32. You could say that’s cheap but so is 1v100🤦🏻‍♂️ Matheus is too good and honest. He wanted everyone to watch him rip the last record while everyone was coming at him. Badass, can’t blame him for trying.

pilot player
pilot player - 23.09.2023 14:42

And for the 866678877 time matthias got 31/32 but abney got a world record for the 87656789776 time

wawi - 22.09.2023 03:23


Wlatcymochrlz - 22.09.2023 00:50

I think that MR didn't lost to anyone but himself. Oposite, he won in day, when A1A came into life. It was final proof, that he were so good at this game, that the rest of comunity, had to form comity to even have a chance to challenge him in his quest. Dude was just one man army.

Daniel Patterson
Daniel Patterson - 21.09.2023 20:31

Sorry, but I just can’t get behind the outright bullying from A1A against Matthias. And yes, it is bullying. It may have been friendly competition when it started, but after the fourth time he was deliberately robbed after being right on the edge, with the community literally cheering for him to fail, it’s no longer competitive and is downright bullying. What makes matters worse is that Dan has recently come out showing that he secretly got 32/32 behind everyone’s backs, which is the ultimate betrayal, especially to Matthias who was playing along with the game for so many years.

Sorry, but the runners that United against Matthias, and Dan especially, are villains and bullies. Kinda glad I wasn’t part of that community, cause it would’ve pissed me off seeing all of that happen to Matthias.

MG - 20.09.2023 21:42

Man i want him to get 32/32 so badly

Shields - 20.09.2023 10:46

this is actually heartbraking ngl

Eoin Joyce: Mapping
Eoin Joyce: Mapping - 19.09.2023 21:13

24 hours.
One frame.
Half a kart.

Charles Cannon
Charles Cannon - 19.09.2023 11:49

......It has occured to me, I have watched hundreds of hours of this channel's content and remember nothing.

Mezza_Luca - 19.09.2023 07:47

A lot of salty people down here do not understand speedrunning communities at all. If they just let him have the 32/32 it would have been hollow, they pushed him to improve as is their job as a community. If your only gripe is that they called themselves an alliance and you claim 'they don't care about the WR at all' you are a fool. Only thing to frown on here is Dan sometime after this video was released.

CluadiusMaximus - 18.09.2023 17:35

I’d be slightly annoyed

Jakub Jaworski
Jakub Jaworski - 18.09.2023 02:03

Idk, just feels like an L community moment

JayUppercase - 17.09.2023 01:48

The fact that they all joined up to stop another speed runner instead of celebrate his achievement is stupid, like they basically picked the best guy and excluded him from their little group, speed runners fucking up their own tiny community

flavored - 14.09.2023 05:05

why is matthias' profile pic blurred

Aidan Lowder
Aidan Lowder - 13.09.2023 07:20

Something great about the sportsmanship of a community pushing themselves over and over again. While personal achievement is nice, clearly the love of the game was where their minds were. MR could've broke records and hid them. Likely getting 32/32 easily, but that would've been hollow. He held 31/32 while being pushed by a united front, and they were in turn pushed by him. It was a collective effort of pushing a game to its highest level and i feel that was the end goal. 32/32 is nice, but MR achieved something beyond that and pushed an entire community and himself. MR truly was a great champion, and in games someone will be the best, but those who improve the community as a whole are remembered far more. Idk, clearly the competition was fierce but the love of the game was at heart. I could feel the fighting spirit and it was an inspiring watch.

DanVideos - 10.09.2023 05:37

Matthias i believe in you

Vodun13 - 09.09.2023 20:49

This is one of those strange situations where I don't know who to support. Matthias, or the alliance. Honestly, seeing Matthias flip that cart was soul crushing.

Piratebooty - 09.09.2023 19:58

I'm glad this story doesn't involve anyone hoarding records in order to get 32 or stop Mattias

Terraio - 09.09.2023 02:20

I rooted for both sides, but i definitely felt really bad for Matthias everytime he lost the record.
It's such a pain to lose one of your biggest goals cause everyone is against you

abney and the rest of the alliance did such an amazing job anyways. Good for them.

Devlin20102011 - 08.09.2023 09:01

To people coming to this video, while at the time it was certainly true it was a fun competition between people who liked each other and played legitimately, this later changed. Dan ended up becoming the person to get 32/32, not because he finally did what Matthias couldn't, but because he finally did what Matthias wouldn't. Dan hoarded up to 22 times, getting or tying a record and then not posting it so no one knew he was grinding for 32/32, and then posted them all at once to crush Matthias' records. Heres a quote from Matthias about it: "Some people will call me a bad loser when I refuse to congratulate, but Dan lost all my respect last year. And, for me: Sportsmanship > Gamesmanship... He feared the fair battle and sneaked to the top so that I couldn’t defend properly, and although he became a very strong competitor it’s a loss.” So, to counter Salts pinned comment, it is now quite a good take to get mad, at least at Dan, and no it was no longer the nature of the game and the competitive spirit.

Yes - 06.09.2023 15:46

Damn bro, I was rooting for MR the whole time, and it was a roller coaster of a ride, feel bad for the fella

Tariffic Typist
Tariffic Typist - 05.09.2023 07:29

The A1A
You are outnumbered 100 to 1
Matthias: I like those odds

Enjoy' - 04.09.2023 09:05

People in america shoot school for less than that holy shit, let the man having his WR

Coomr - 04.09.2023 02:48

Lmao his name was Vaj😂😂

Даниал Прохождения
Даниал Прохождения - 03.09.2023 15:53

Alt. Title:Mario Kart 64 Quest To Beat Matthias Rustemeyer

Chase Vegas
Chase Vegas - 03.09.2023 10:24

Omfg. Just let my mans get his 32. Even if it's just for a short period. Fuck. I just want 32

ambs - 02.09.2023 15:13

Tbh F those guys man just let the legend have his flowers even for just 1 day even 30 minutes anything man. Kinda fucked up the community did him like that in my personal opinion. He deserved that 32/32 even if only for a few minutes let the man achieve his dream

Thibaud - 02.09.2023 10:15

This one didn’t age quite so well.

CarlossolraC - 02.09.2023 05:32

No debate who the GOAT of this game is, he could still do it. I just can’t get over one single player being an absolute god to an entire community who also spends hundreds of hours playing. King among kings, people who could destroy you blind folded and play tracks thousands of times saw this guy as an unattainable standard only able to be delayed, not stopped. Ridiculous how well he stands his ground.

James Williams
James Williams - 02.09.2023 04:53

I'm from 2045. Mattias got 32 20 years ago now. It unlocked his true power. He is now our benevolent overlord and holds every record in the history of records.

WHIPLASH - 01.09.2023 19:22

So this is a story about a bunch of lame haters.

Red255 - 31.08.2023 22:25

Matthias is the best player in the world by a huge margin, and no one will ever take that from him, not even scumbag dan.

C - 31.08.2023 05:57

he technically did get 32/32, just not simultaneously. MR is a winner in our hearts

Mustard - 31.08.2023 04:21

Frame imperfect

Ya Girl Jessica
Ya Girl Jessica - 30.08.2023 19:02

"But thankfully, he was stopped" Why? Why thankfully? You said something like this over and over agian. I felt like you were rooting againt him the whole time. I think it's silly to grind runs all day, not because you want to improve your own time on your own maps, but because you want to prevent someone else from succeeding before a certain goal. Like seriously? Making a team, not to improve the game, not to push the limits, but to target a specific players succes before it is what? Too late? Too late for what? For you to stop him from reaching his goal? Sorry Summoning Salt but no matter how much you frame your video tward wanting him to fail and that the alliance is gods justice it doesn't change the fact that the alliance is a petty and incredibly un unsportsmanlike idea. They didn't want the records, they wanted him to fail. You can't seriously defend that but I see you do in the comments. Kinda uncharacteristic of you tbh, your usually like most other speedrunners in other games and are over the top supportive of thier sucess and fight for a record, not rooting for them to fail.

Edit: Fixed sht grammar sorta, again

Paper - 30.08.2023 14:14

Would be cool if @NathanielBandy saw this
