Linux Mint vs Ubuntu Cinnamon: Which Should YOU Use?

Linux Mint vs Ubuntu Cinnamon: Which Should YOU Use?

Planet Linux

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Alex Khouri
Alex Khouri - 08.09.2023 10:55

Supporting Cinnamon as a main desktop environment was clearly an attempt by Canonical to draw users away from Mint. The reality is that Cinnamon is only one of several reasons why people pick Mint over Ubuntu (and it isn't even really one of the bigger ones), so it seems like a waste of time to me.

Fingers crossed that LMDE eventually becomes mainline. The biggest hurdle seems to be driver management (which is currently non-existant on Debian), but I'm confident that Clement as his team can work it out.

Justin Oakes
Justin Oakes - 19.08.2023 02:27

.....was Linux desktop at some point a "no-compromises" experience? I thought compromises were the only way to use it.

Sifat Ullah
Sifat Ullah - 03.08.2023 06:28

I see no reason why I'd use Ubuntu Cinnamon instead of Linux Mint unless I absolutely can't use anything but Ubuntu.

Linux Mint is just way more polished.

Hilario Sevilla
Hilario Sevilla - 03.08.2023 04:01

I wanted to try LM but it and Zorin are unable to see my SSD on Msi Stealth 16 A13V. Pop OS, Ubuntu, all don't have this issue.

I have tried all the recommendations, like enable AHCP for the sata controller, disabled fast boot, secure boot and a few other options. I settled with Pop Os and pretty happy with it. Ubuntu Cinnamon gave me to many issues like the shop not loading. Pop Os also has problems not always loading my sound card.

Overall, coming from Windows I am enjoying Linux. The issues feel few and far between. I do like how easy Pop makes it to enable the on board graphics, which improves my battery life. For Gaming, I will just boot into windows and leave Linux for my programming journey. Maybe, I'll load up LM on a VM and mess around with it that way.

Inglorious Martin
Inglorious Martin - 22.07.2023 19:17

Just take Windows 10

Don Vineyard
Don Vineyard - 17.07.2023 23:46

I'm mixed on Wayland. I've used X11 for 30+ years. Wayland doesn't support remote-display...which I used almost daily. Yeah, I know how messy X11 is...I used to program in it back in X11r4. But it will be be a big loss for some of it's feature I love.

Don Vineyard
Don Vineyard - 17.07.2023 23:36

I have used LM Cinnamon for years. Debian 12 has cinnamon and it is good too. But my daily driver is LM. When LMDE 6 is released I plan to check it out. Ubuntu is becoming...problematic.

gigantic yufka
gigantic yufka - 17.07.2023 20:02

ubuntu cinnamon is insult to linux mint team period. what is next, lmdebuntu?

Kayote - 16.07.2023 14:18

No matter what people say, I still stick these two distros: Mint, Ubuntu, in that order.

CannedCoochie - 14.07.2023 08:01

I wonder if its possible to see linux mint with a better DE like KDE plasma.

SIGOPS - 14.07.2023 01:38

Mint is my daily OS. I also use LMDE.

Hylke Westerhuis
Hylke Westerhuis - 13.07.2023 16:52

I dumped Linux Mint when they dumped KDE. :_[ hYlkeW

MODEH7 - 12.07.2023 12:31

I started using Linux recently on my decade old laptop and it's reusable and much better than before and I tried Ubuntu and I really like it's interface but I'm thinking to install Linux alongside windows on my main computer which uses Celeron to improve gaming performance so what distro do you recommend me ?

Robert Keenan
Robert Keenan - 10.07.2023 05:17

could you please do video on LMDE VS LM.

demos113 - 09.07.2023 18:12

I'll stay with Mint.

taniadi suria
taniadi suria - 09.07.2023 10:06

using mint xfce edition right now. nice so far

Tony Wise
Tony Wise - 08.07.2023 13:56

I avoid Ubuntu. Canonical isn't far behind where RHEL is going. No thank you corporation. Stick with Community Distros, such as LMDE.

Free Will
Free Will - 06.06.2023 00:10

I will stick with the Mint version of Cinnamon as you have the Mint tools as well as the desktop.

Shawn Rogers
Shawn Rogers - 21.05.2023 05:36

It might seem silly to the younger linux users, but the only reason I still use Linux Mint Cinnamon is the cinnamon screensaver. Xscreensaver used to be standard on every Linux distro. Gnome and KDE only have "blank the screen" options now. I think it's ridiculous to have to wake up my home desktop computer screen and log back in to be able to use it when there is no security risk. I was able to get cinnamon screensaver to work in KDE, but had to install the cinnamon desktop. Xscreensaver won't work when they fully switch to wayland in the near future.

Linoslav - 20.05.2023 21:47

So we now have Kubuntu and KDE Neon, Linux Mint and Cinnamon Ubuntu, and Xubuntu and LMDE. These teams need to stop competing each other, maybe do something together.

W.A. - 20.05.2023 18:40

I don't use both but thanks for the video, subscribed :)

Steven R Anderson
Steven R Anderson - 19.05.2023 09:51

For support of the latest hardware you need to be running a arch based distro i started with mint and ubuntu but if you have hardware 2 years old you need a arch based distro i just tried to install mint i have a 6700xt graphics card it did not go so well but manjaro easy peazy.

Daniel Juarez
Daniel Juarez - 18.05.2023 21:13

It is slick and well put together. But that is subjective. One thing I love about Cinnamon that all the other desktop environments now ignore, is the ability to assign sound events to window actions such as maximize, minimize, open, close, etc. I love sounds on my desktop. KDE used to do this and more, but they removed sound events on Window events long ago. However, I use KDE currently because I have a huge screen and I DEPEND on the ability to REMEMBER an applications previous size and position. Also, I enjoy having a different wallpaper for each of my main activities. For my laptop, which is just a 15.6" screen, however, I use Linux Mint Cinnamon.
