Right to Religious Expression?

Right to Religious Expression?


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@deborahausten - 27.06.2024 22:02

Im not going to be respectful. Im going to be truthful. Hes a liar .

@margaretmccrann467 - 27.06.2024 18:37

Agree Fr we don't need to practice our religion ,we were not allowed Mass during Penal Times Our Holy Priests would say Mass in hedgerows and in peoples homes ,The Priests Covered there Robes and looked like Homeless But we Survived Thank God Christ is king Amen

@eileenjames9929 - 26.06.2024 23:24

can someone tell me what is so bad about the traditional mass for the pope to want to ban it what has he said in this regard I'm so confused

@owensclock - 26.06.2024 19:33

To paraphrase a line from the Wizard of OZ, "I'll crush you trads and your little mass too!" I have no idea if those words were ever spoken inside the walls of the Vatican. But it certainly seems like the thought is there.

@billyboasiako1775 - 26.06.2024 19:06

James 4:7
God Allah is Zeus Dionysus Dios goat devil 👿
Revelation 22:16
Jesus Christ is EROS Lucifer morningstar
Quran 14:22
Quran Muhammad ibn Abdullah mecca necronomicon is Satan
Religion is hallucinating

@tomburke7941 - 26.06.2024 18:37

There is no such thing as Anglican Catholics.

@carminelombardi9575 - 26.06.2024 17:38

Latin is the language satan and his demons hate the most during any exorcism, and Francis wants to eliminate it and the its Mass?
Who biding is the Pope doing it for.

@sketchartist1964 - 26.06.2024 17:32

A very sensible petition from Father Murr, but it will fall on deaf ears. Pope Francis is committed to destroying traditional Catholicism at all costs because he is a modernist through and through.

@marcokite - 26.06.2024 17:05

Why call him the 'Holy Father'? very strange

@BlancaHolland-xx9ny - 26.06.2024 16:56

The LORD JESUS told me in prayer for the Catholic brethren: that they would be coming out from the Vatican heresy spulled out from Francis: change will be coming to y'all: get into the word the Bible and follow it to your fullest.

@jeanneelias6732 - 26.06.2024 13:10

I feel it’s sinful to address him as HOLY FATHER. Lord, have mercy on our confusion.

@crazyedswonderfulworldofso9370 - 26.06.2024 10:40

Fr. Murr, you are flirting with schism. You have joined the ranks of the malcontents like Bishop Strickland, Bishop Gracida, Bishop Schneider, Father Gerald E. Murray, Father James Altman, John-Henry Westen, and Timothy J Gordon who have accused the Holy Father of heresy. Fr. Murr you have all the makings - the grandstanding and the melodramatics, as you've demonstrated in this video. You are the company you keep. The people you associate with and spend time with can influence who you become and how you are perceived by others, including those in the Vatican and the Holy Father. If you associate with people who are irresponsible, rude or engage in unethical behavior, you may start to take on some of those less desirable qualities. That could spell the end for you.

You should choose your words very carefully. You are in a public forum, you are not speaking off the record in some private conversation. You could be jeopardizing your salvation. There are proper ways and channels available to you if you find any part of the faith, or any member of the faith troubling. There were some harsh and comments aired in this video. Whenever someone openly and publicly criticizes and defies the Pope and the Holy See, they are flirting with schism. They run the risk of being automatically ex-communicated. No canonical process required.

Concerning schism, Canon Law clearly states, “... schism is the refusal of submission to the Supreme Pontiff or of communion with the members of the Church subject to him.” (Canon 751)

@themysteriousdomainmoviepalace - 26.06.2024 08:20

Its hurting klaus schwab.

@patriciamathews5975 - 26.06.2024 07:15

There will be a remnant that will preserve the Catholic Faith.

@patriciamathews5975 - 26.06.2024 07:10

Quo Primum. Francis cannot override Saint Pope Pius V.

@sleepinglioness5754 - 26.06.2024 06:03

The Latin Mass is the quintessential beauty of the Church, the common theme throughout the world in all the Masses, the link with the time when Jesus walked this earth, the writing on His Cross. Without it, where is the Church's heritage.

@oversight9406 - 26.06.2024 02:57

Their obsession with TLM is not normal and frequently at the expense of the Novus Ordo. It has become more an ideology than worship leading souls into error. Also, their constant slander against the Holy Father and the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit as they often position themselves against the charismatic ‘gifted ones’ … I am 100% supportive of our Holy Father taking disciplinary action against these influencers. At the same time, I love the TLM and many of their priests appear to have sound minds and good judgement in all humility. But, sometimes we need the ‘fasting’ to correct the ways of the errant - many of whom also struggle with the acceptance of Vatican Ii. They do not contribute in a meaningful and constructive way to the Church as they ought to. One can lead these protestants finding their way back home but, it is most difficult to take the rebellion out of the Protestant … they are a corrupting influence that ought also to be excommunicated.

@pearlsav1789 - 26.06.2024 02:44

Also, no person, even a pope, has the right to pass out unjust laws, not spoken in excathedra. If lawless laws are formed, they are not to be obeyed. Only God, the true magistarium, can pass laws. However, not against the true faith founded by God.

@pearlsav1789 - 26.06.2024 02:39

Dear Lord Jesus, help us. We of the traditional rite, have the rigth, to be right; because it is THE RITE.

@lawrencevandenberg7725 - 26.06.2024 00:40

This is begging a beggar, is it not? Showing respect? To someone begging for attention? Begging the question? He'll only beg for more.

@LauraTucker-nv2hz - 26.06.2024 00:26

God did not leave the mass to the Church hierarchy only. He left it to the Church and all her people. The priests are called to administer the mass to the people and administer the sacraments to the PEOPLE. If that mass was good enough for 1500 yrs, Padre Pio, St. Therese, the Church Fathers, and our great saints, then it's WORKING and good enough for us. Kind of a "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" situation.

@oversight9406 - 26.06.2024 00:22

Honestly, this whole scene is about sophistry… detraction, taking comments out of context … all to attempt to defame the Church founded by Christ and His Vicar on earth. May God, in His mercy, forgive you for your foolishness.

@poodledog8479 - 26.06.2024 00:10

This why the people are leaving the church ⛪️

@Melos253 - 25.06.2024 23:45

Is this a distraction from the Pope’s comments regarding “ftry” in seminaries?

@oversight9406 - 25.06.2024 23:41

Fr Murr … the Pope met with priests from the Institute of Christ the King … one of their charisms is the TLM … Pope Francis encouraged them to continue. The problem is at the diocesan level where some are weaponizing the TLM in order to cause division.

@andrewangelopacheco9960 - 25.06.2024 23:31

I don't excuse what has happened for the past 60 years. Modernism is a condemned heresy. Are we supposed to betray Christ like Judas Iscariot just to please the wolves?

@uteme - 25.06.2024 23:28

Lord, have mercy...Amen

@guineapig0199 - 25.06.2024 23:28

When Pope Paul VI declared Vatican II as "nothing extraordinary", i.e., he did not invoke papal infallibility, does it mean it doesn't have to be obeyed?

If V II is only "pastoral" and not "doctrinal", does it mean we are not obliged to follow it?


If PF bans the TLM is he going against the teachings of the Church?

So if PF's banning of the TLM is not "ex cathedra", the ban doesn't have to be obeyed?

@billkolb1305 - 25.06.2024 23:09

Thank you, Fr. Murr!

@gloriacheon5952 - 25.06.2024 23:03

This Pope renounced being The Vicar of Christ the day of his "election." He speaks as Bergolio, that is why he makes so many MISTAKES.
He also lacks respect for his predecessors ignoring their Contributions to the Catholic Church of Christ NOT the new Chirch he pretends to "start new".🙏💒🔥🌹

@tatianasouza2361 - 25.06.2024 22:53

God help us! 🤲✝️🙌💜

@lindaismail4811 - 25.06.2024 22:48

In their homes

@murzua5 - 25.06.2024 22:05

Without the TLM, we have no need for the Vatican.

@alphacharlietango969 - 25.06.2024 22:03

Jesus of Nazareth Bless Your Church ✝️
