Destiny 2 Lore - The Origins of Rhulk, The First Disciple of The Witness & Lubrae's Ruin!

Destiny 2 Lore - The Origins of Rhulk, The First Disciple of The Witness & Lubrae's Ruin!

My name is Byf

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G K - 02.09.2023 06:23

Could the blue sun be the traveler? The traveler looks kinda cracked in the sky

BBBey - 14.08.2023 20:43

If the Traveler was not present on Lubrae when it was destroyed, and if the mural in Rhulk’s pyramid depicts Lubrae’s death, then the Traveler isn’t pictured in the mural. So then, what is that prism-looking thing supposed to be?

Warlcokedbtz - 28.06.2023 17:43

When they say a “dark star” they are probably referring to a “brown star” which, when a star dies out and has burned out past its second to last phase (a white star) the burning ceases and causes a tinder like flame to happen on the surface of it, think of it as cooling.

Pearodox - 27.06.2023 00:18

Rhulk: *extremely powerful being that can destroy a star and planet, has murdered billions, etc.

The Guardian: "Oh no! Anyway..."

ExcessiveHandshakes - 22.06.2023 19:50

I think we now know that rainbow circle in the artwork portrays the veil

sewerlrat - 17.06.2023 00:46

what glaive is that?

Eeyore_ Complex
Eeyore_ Complex - 14.06.2023 23:00

What is that div ornament?

The long haired freak
The long haired freak - 10.06.2023 12:10

I know this is really late but when it comes to the dark sun, I think that it was the carcass of a star ( yes suns can die and turn into dead stars, look it up) that was infused with the pure power of the witness, that’s why it left a killing night but that’s just my theory, A DESTINY THEORY! Thanks for reading

Nick Sabin
Nick Sabin - 03.06.2023 08:00

I think this might be one of the best videos on the chancel. Top 20 ish …

simpel disaster
simpel disaster - 27.05.2023 08:06

I genuinely feel bad for Young rhulk. He was a sociopath who knew what he was and wanted to be better for his family but at every turn he was rejected, betrayed, beaten down. Until a cosmic being validated him.

Kyle Kamins
Kyle Kamins - 26.05.2023 21:58

Wtf is that sub machine gun and how do i get it?

Anna Danyliak
Anna Danyliak - 25.05.2023 05:12

Amazing act

marygoround1292 - 14.05.2023 05:18

The Witness, the great gaslighter. Plays each of his disciples like a guitar. Finds their darkest thoughts and desires, cherry picks through their memories to achieve its goal. The narrator of this lore book (Rhulk? The Witness?) is unreliable.

Yog - 23.04.2023 09:59

Giga Rhulk

Storm - 10.04.2023 20:49

Savathun is so feared and yet we killed her so easily.

call to serve
call to serve - 09.04.2023 05:10

John 3:16; Romans 10:9; John 14:15; Ephesians 5:4; Matthew 19:17-19; Exodus 20:2-17
Please read them if you want

BBBey - 02.04.2023 21:37

]]]Long Slow Whisper[[[

——-˙ɹǝʌoɔ ǝɥʇ uo sı ןıǝΛ ǝɥ⊥——-

Zach South
Zach South - 02.04.2023 21:34

Why does the witness seek disciples? For a being so unimaginably powerful, why would it seek others

Anti Aleks
Anti Aleks - 02.04.2023 12:16

Imagine being Rhulk and you're ready to squash these insect sized creatures only for some reason half of them are wielding a gun that you could swear looks vaguely reminiscent of you.

Jon Morrow (VeKtOr580)
Jon Morrow (VeKtOr580) - 26.03.2023 23:32

I need My Name is Byf to read all my lore in game cause... immersion and stuff. Long time watcher, 1st time commenter. Once again, another homerun lore video. GG.

B-List Jester
B-List Jester - 22.03.2023 21:49

So for the planet orbiting a black hole it wouldn't necessarily pull everything around it in, if the mass was more similar to that of a star the planet would just orbit it normally as it would not pass over the event horizon and thus not be sucked in

Fëanor’s Ego
Fëanor’s Ego - 20.03.2023 16:35

why didnt rhulk just go full power on us?, he's aware we're godslayers and will genocide entire races for a gun, is he stupid?

smith549371 - 15.03.2023 21:07

The taken should have ended with Oryx

KorinTheGrimm - 14.03.2023 19:10

Gotta love Rhulks voice and his VA too, yk. He sounds so fucking cool

Midshipman - 12.03.2023 21:26

the roll of ruhlks father is oddly similar to the treacherous councilor of the hive gods.

Gale TheImpaler
Gale TheImpaler - 11.03.2023 21:32

Then why they keep calling Nezarec the first disciple in the lore? I swear Bungie writers just tell whatever they come up after smoking some herbs in no particular order or sense, Lightfall is a proof of that.

Byf, I respect the amount of work you put on these but I honestly think you're wasting your time covering Bungie's bs storytelling.

Asterothe91 - 11.03.2023 12:05

here to explain the confusion of how a planet could survive being close to a black hole. black holes arent just gravitational monsters. they have a point of incalculable density, the mass of which can very. meaning the gravitational pull on surrounding objects veries based on its mass. it makes sense that its binary star twin is a blue star bc they often have large amounts of mass as well justifying the potential difference in mass between the 2. blue stars frequently die into neutron stars or black holes if the mass is high enough. (though if the black hole in question went super nova and became a black hole its likely the supernova explosion would've disrupted the orbit of the twin blue star.....there are other potential outcomes though...anyway) a planet can still orbit a black hole just like any other star, the issue is how it would get its light if it were to support life to which and active acresion disc is needed. so yes its possible but likely extremely rare

Denal - 10.03.2023 03:46

I think the darkness is going to get expanded on in the near future and possibly a key plot point for the next Destiny game. I really want to see guardians fall to the dark or some kind of guardian civil war, idk tho it sounds pretty far-fetched.

Ryan O
Ryan O - 10.03.2023 02:12

10^99 is effectively infinite. It's such an incomprehensibley high number that its meaningless. There are approximately 2.4 x 10^67 ATOMS in the entire Milky Way Galaxy. If you consider our galaxy average, that means one billion galaxies contain about 10^76 atoms. 10^99 makes my brain hurt

Alex Griffin
Alex Griffin - 25.02.2023 22:57

In a thousand years, someone's gonna stumble across destiny and make a religion out of it

Arctic - 24.02.2023 18:11

I think the black sun referred to in the lore could be a black hole, but I'm under the impression that it's probably a black dwarf, aka a star at the end of its life cycle and pretty much dead.

Prince Singh
Prince Singh - 23.02.2023 19:19

Life pro tip. Watch this video at 1.25x speed. You're welcome

Shadix-YT - 18.02.2023 19:36

The black Sun is either a singularity or a black/brown dwarf, a remnant of an even older sun that is about to petter out.

DA-RIZZLY-BEAR - 07.02.2023 15:12

I watched the full video but still don’t understand

Dog with Sunglasses
Dog with Sunglasses - 26.01.2023 14:09

It could be that the dark sun radiates on a spectrum to low or to high for normal species to see the light, meaning its still a star and hot and shit, but doesnt radiate like any normal sun would do. It could also be that Rhulks species has a lower spectrum on what they can see.
If this is scientifcally possible, i dont really care cause its a fantasy game

D Matthews
D Matthews - 23.01.2023 05:02

Very interesting stuff. I don’t think it was Rhulks father or family who threw him into the abyss but Rhulk himself. My guess is whatever they said must’ve made him realize how wrong he was and that he’d allowed himself to become what he wanted to destroy.

The betrayal he speaks of but can’t remember was the realization of he he’d betrayed himself, which led him to try and end his own life. At the same time, some part of his mind still tried to rationalize what he’d done and repress what happened as a coping mechanism to ward off the guilt.

This is why he expresses sorrow and remorse after destroying his world, yet still tries to justify his anger towards everyone. He knows what he did is wrong, but is trying to tell himself otherwise and repressing the memories that prove it.

Kai matter manipulation
Kai matter manipulation - 21.01.2023 00:59

in real life it's nomal to have a black hole and blue star in a binary orbit and the planets would be just fine.

Daseox - 20.01.2023 16:56

Loved this video thank you 🤘🏾🥹🙏🏾

Crytpic0III - 12.01.2023 05:04

such great lore. wish we could see this stuff in cutscenes

David - 11.01.2023 07:47

There is a hypothesis that dark matter and energy can result in the creation of a dark star. like the opposite of normal matter. Where it would only interact with dark matter. Almost like two “dimensions”

Ralph Arnoux
Ralph Arnoux - 09.01.2023 16:55

Black sun = Black Hole

Real - 28.12.2022 21:00

So coming back to add something to the thing about the two suns. There is definitely quite a few blue stars out in our solar system and universe they typically burn whitish blue. And recently we have discovered the possibility of a thing called a Black hole Sun. Also referred to as quasi-stars.

trevor Erratt
trevor Erratt - 06.12.2022 07:22

If my astronomy is correct (it most times isn’t) a brown dwarf is in opposition to a white dwarf star…. It’s a star that doesn’t have enough fuel to sustain nuclear fusion. There’s fuel just not enough to make it a full blown star. There’s enough though to produce energy or light

Wraith - 01.12.2022 19:42

Rhulk lore summed up
Killed planet by splitting sun
Killed wormgod
