Demo: Compare jQuery vs Vue.js in Laravel Project

Demo: Compare jQuery vs Vue.js in Laravel Project

Laravel Daily

4 года назад

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yodog - 10.06.2023 20:41

i dont think its a fair comparison, since you have inline php code mixed with html and js. it looks messy.

The Madlad
The Madlad - 08.08.2022 10:28

I agree with more stuctured code, when i joined starrtup company, they are using jquery all over the place, and its hell, simple tasks become sooo difficult to solve and its rreally painfull to work with. i resigned in 4 months, so stress!

Michał Marcak
Michał Marcak - 09.10.2021 11:05

Witam wszystkich :)

Często w ogłoszeniach o pracę widzę że potrzeba vue... Ja stosuję jquery i bardzo mi się podoba, ale nie wiem czy to nie przez zasiedzenie :)
Vue nie znam w ogóle i tu rodzi się moje pytanie: pozostać w jquery, uczyć się vue czy całkowicie inna droga- np. laravel + REACT? Albo inny zestaw?
Podpowiedzcie którą drogą mam iść :)
Pozdrawiam autora :)

Sourav Dutt
Sourav Dutt - 06.10.2021 17:14

You are doing great work...! Thanks from 🇮🇳

Stephen Lau
Stephen Lau - 19.05.2021 12:24

Hi, Sir, Thank you so much....the Alpine so good for me, ur tutorial so helpful....I wanna to know how to build a carousel with 3 images and autoplay them use in Alpine.js ? Thank again and agin.....

মঈনুল ইসলাম
মঈনুল ইসলাম - 22.11.2020 14:04

I appreciate modern frameworks/libraries like Vue, Angular, React, but I'm from the jQuery age.
So, in the jQuery world, for the indication that this particular item has something attached to the JavaScripts I personally prepend the 'js-' with classes and/or IDs, so that there could be a hint that, this particular item has something attached to the JavaScripts. For example: I use `<button class="js-btn-like">Like</button>` instead of `<button class="btn-like">Like</button>` :)

BrainTricker - 01.09.2020 14:13

once i loved jquery now i hate :D i am selfish

Al Imran Suvro
Al Imran Suvro - 16.08.2020 02:48

I have used angular for large projects. Which is pretty much structured. VueJS, Angular, ReactJS all force me to maintain the structure of frontend and on the other hand, Jquery has the freedom to use it as a Jquery plugin and so on. The problem is jquery depends on class, id, and attributes. Whenever I change anything I have faced some problems. Apps are not working.
Angular has a problem is that I can only use it with the rest API of Laravel. It looks like a frontend framework.
Maybe I will jump to the ReactJS for best practice instead of Jquery, VueJS, Angular.

Charles-Louis Girardot
Charles-Louis Girardot - 19.07.2020 14:15

Maybe LiveWire? jQuery isn't a option for me sadly!

Alireza Panahi
Alireza Panahi - 21.05.2020 04:04

I recommend Nuxtjs that have the power of Vue with SSR, and about jQuery, I think nowadays with improved vanilla js API, you can do everything that you did with jQUery

Ernesto Flames
Ernesto Flames - 17.05.2020 19:13

What about speed? It is one faster than other? Or both have the same speed doing queries and stuff?

pastuh - 07.05.2020 17:37

Almost finished a 'little' jQuery project..
And what i can say.. decided, because all other plugins used this library.

Kwame Oteng
Kwame Oteng - 05.05.2020 15:54

Yes I agree with you 100%. I see jQuery as a shorthand for vanilla js. Even though it is not a framework but a library to be precise it makes working with JavaScript easy as pie. I see all the frameworks are good but each and everyone has it's approach in terms of DOM Manipulation and Data Manipulation. I will choose jQuery over all of them because it does all of those using a simple approach and if you know JavaScript into details you are already covered. Thank you for this video.

Alex Alex
Alex Alex - 05.05.2020 09:28

The big problem problem of vue js + laravel = not seo-friendly.. need ssr

אדם פרי
אדם פרי - 03.05.2020 15:21

vue is better

heyyy - 01.05.2020 23:04

jquery still strong, despite having more jobs, we don’t know if it is for big projects.
The OOP in front-end arrives thats the way.
A good jquery guy works in oop way.

Jose Tadeo Rodríguez
Jose Tadeo Rodríguez - 01.05.2020 17:20

Please make another example with AlpineJS

Hao Xi
Hao Xi - 01.05.2020 15:44

Most people - use jQuery when I am not familiar with the codebase.

Parth Kundariya
Parth Kundariya - 01.05.2020 15:33

agree, but not easy to move.
