Paul McCartney died in 1966 - Ringo Starr shows Faul who's the boss

Paul McCartney died in 1966 - Ringo Starr shows Faul who's the boss

Justice for James Paul McCartney

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William Billy Shears
William Billy Shears - 23.01.2022 09:48

I love your channel. Thank you so much for posting this. My original awakening to the Faul vs. Paul Conspiracy for me started as a 10-year-old boy back in 1967. I saw the cover of Sgt. Peppers and my throat became soar, I literally could not speak for a bit and had to go lay down. I'm sure you have seen the documentary the winged beatle and I've watched and listened to many comparisons based on speech, vocal range, and his height. It is also interesting to note that Wired Magazine in Italy (as a joke) did an analysis of Paul McCartney. The reporters were shocked to learn that his teeth, jaw line, and hair lines were not the original Paul. Keep up the great work! Peace Brother, you passed the audition! :)

Cosmic Depot
Cosmic Depot - 12.09.2023 23:04

we knew it all the walrus was Paul.

Eva Zen
Eva Zen - 10.08.2023 18:00

Seems many know as Ringo is always named first...

Mind Mesh
Mind Mesh - 02.08.2023 19:05

Look!! It’s Billy Shears and Ringo!!!🤣😂😜

bob wir
bob wir - 13.06.2023 16:28

watching the video obviously faul (when they had to present on public together) really scare if ringo unexpected will spill the truth about him, ringo in the old times wellknown as the shy and quiet beatle and old paul loves to tease and comment anything to other beatle.idk if faul die first, would be ringo tell the world what is really happen in 1966 or keep his mouth shut forever as MI6 orders remain beatle to keep silent in the past about tragedy of old paul.

G Smith
G Smith - 07.06.2023 20:40

Well, it was always odd that prior Paul McCartney played bass. Then out of the blue he became a piano virtuoso. To achieve that level of playing takes years.

Josh Denby
Josh Denby - 28.04.2023 17:47

this is undeniable proof

LIDIA GUÍZAR - 02.03.2023 06:37

Is so obvious how faul is pretty uncomfortable and out of place being beside Ringo! And also, did he became shy in front of Ringo after all these years of solo success? Of course not!

MAD4MALAGATANI - 12.02.2023 10:11

On the passing of Burt Bacharach, Faul’s cleverly worded statement…Paul McCartney Pays Tribute to Burt Bacharach: ‘His Songs Were an Inspiration to People Like Me’

maurelle - 10.02.2023 05:41

Faul didn't plan this
It happened
They agreed, they made tons of money doing what they love
Ans well, Faul... he's talented, no doubt.
It's not his fault Paul died.

KarmicSalt - 30.01.2023 23:02

Ringo seems so tiny

rhrh2025 - 28.01.2023 22:25

The biggest evidence that this is true is the drastic change in musical styles, starting with Magical Mystery Tour. Paul was a "bubblegum" writer and that influence just disappeared!

Marino Polo Rivas
Marino Polo Rivas - 27.01.2023 00:49

Ey master I got a question for you, by myself I've been investigating this question long time ago since the moment that i found out that farnezzi and Gavazzeni both of them made a autopsy informe to both Paul McCartneys, obviously the question of Paul McCartney it's true and even in the lyrics of Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album the lyrics tell the truth outloud, but if the Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band are The Beatles if in the song present themselves the one and only William shears was foul then who's the Sergeant Pepper's who represent the Sergeant Pepper's? Mai be the person or the group who was behind and who madevthe decisions? That's the cuestión

Virginia McCann
Virginia McCann - 27.01.2023 00:39

Faul/Billy Shears seems very aloof, and not involved with agreeing or disagreeing
about Ringo is saying.
Billy DOES NOT or...Ringo DOES NOT WANT Him To Say A Word.
Which is a fool-proof thing to do.

Greg - 26.01.2023 23:45

Are there details about the accident, like witnesses or anyone speaking of it back then. Also about Paul's funeral, any details, info etc......?

Nathy Silvio
Nathy Silvio - 17.12.2022 01:21

Ringo knows he is the last Beatle alive.... He knows

Pop Corn
Pop Corn - 13.12.2022 04:06

But then back in the day Ringo was always stoned. 😂 But THEN the comment by the guy driving saying he joined the Beatles who were already in existence was certainly incriminating!!! 😳

Dan OT
Dan OT - 13.12.2022 00:43


Trump2024 - 08.12.2022 19:39

Interesting 🤔

Philip Atkins
Philip Atkins - 03.12.2022 13:31

Gives us some truth

Marvin Neurer
Marvin Neurer - 17.11.2022 10:21

I had to laugh, how Ringo, pushes his shoulder up to take front position,. As to say I'm talking now,. He always seems to be a great guy,. Cool, Loving, Friendly,. Love & peace, my friend,.

Zog - 12.11.2022 16:46

Of all the big lies this one is the most brutal for me. I suppose if Bill drops the act they will just kill him and much worse and he knows it.

Slashtitan10 - 04.11.2022 19:52

Honestly I always thought it was weird how nowadays Ringo is the spokesperson for the band and Paul just stands behind him letting him do the talking, when back in the day it was the compete opposite.

Metsan Met
Metsan Met - 30.10.2022 18:20

Writing this with no hate at all, just for knowing better.
What about real paul's family?
What about the song "how do you sleep" in which John lennon diss Paul by saying the only thing he did was yesterday? Looks like he's dissing the original Paul here?
Interesting channel, i will look for other content for sure.

LAZY PHILOMATH - 15.10.2022 04:34

The one and only Billy shears, as a musician its hard to fathom the gravity of what they say they accomplished. mathematically impossible but i flunked math

John Lopes
John Lopes - 08.09.2022 22:03

It's a good thing I'm burning cause I was confused by the Beatles and some guys ganged up on me so now I can say good job good job

Diane S
Diane S - 12.06.2022 19:05

George would refer to Fake Paul as Faul.

Michael Davis
Michael Davis - 12.06.2022 19:02

Billy Shears did a wonderful job taking the role nobody wanted.

A.mostpeculiar - 01.06.2022 13:25

I don’t know, but I sometimes feel bad for “faul”

Little Bird
Little Bird - 29.05.2022 12:22

It may well be James Paul died in a car crash 1966 ...BUT .. the fact that Sir Paul .. is a ring in .. does not necessarily mean our Pauly did not fake his death ... to buy back his freedom to be "Free as a Bird" ... please look and listen intently to the interviews and promo's regarding Free as a Bird .... yes a John composition ... but John is NOT alive .. hardly Free as a Bird ... was this a clue .. and why so MANY clues about Paul's death .. really seems to be that is what they want us to believe ... If he really is still alive .. would anyone close to him .. blow his cover .. specially if it meant any ever lastly income .. musicologist .. may or maybe not lying .. when after extensive analysis .. testify the original Paul's voice is on all the published Beatles records and not fraud committed .... I just want to be a paper back writer ....usually publish under a made up name if I get a double .. I will continue to write and record for the Beatles .. business as usual ... and then the Wings ., stuff the hits again .. experts say same .. composer .. but somethings stinks in the state if Demark ... Paul's power of attorney .. was transferred to his body guard .. was it with a gun at his head .. or intentional .. the bodyguard lived only a few weeks after Nov 66 ... does that mean the relatives of Paul have been ripped of by our old mate Sir Paul ... if you were the real Paul's son or daughter Bettina .. how would you feel .. not to say Sir Paul may have them fixed up .. generously well ... personally it think Sir Paul has been through enough sh.t .. i think he is a good guy .. but he really blundered .. regarding John .. word on the street was that John's last Album " DOUBLE FANTASY" ... came out .. and it WAS just like starting over .. word is he rang Sir Paul and said you have 2 weeks heads up to get your story straight told him he will hold a press conference and tell the world .. Sir Paul is a great guy and great singer and performer .. he at OUR request stood in for real Paul after a horrific car accident in 66 ... no one's to blame ...and Billy can be appreciated in his own right .. Sir Paul .. it appears sh.t himself and told MI6 .. John was assassinated 10 days latter .. I am not saying any of this is true .. but just as Sherlock would say after analysing the facts what is left over not matter how unlikely must be the truth ... if our Pually did master mind him FREEDOM I am sure he secured his and his relatives income .. it would make him not only the greatest hit writer but one of the very few who beat the system and bought off the powers that be! ... Let it Be .. I'm Free as a Bird!!!!

Coast Daze
Coast Daze - 04.04.2022 09:45

When I saw the cover of the St. Pepper album, the first thing I thought to myself as a young teen was, "What happened to Paul McCartney, that's not Paul." Something was very weird to me and I never bought that album or another Beatles album. Even as a young kid I knew something was off and I felt the Beatles were doing something weird. Well years later when I heard the story of Paul's death in 1966, it all made sense to me. The infighting between Lennon and "McCartney"...two guys who had been mates and never showed any signs of a problem. Then the Beatles stopped touring in 1966, only 2 years after they took the world by storm. I remember along with millions of fans wondering why they would stop touring...Paul died in 1966. Brian Epstein is rumored to be the instigator in bringing in Billy Shears to cover until "they could figure out what to do." Follow the money...Billy never left, the queen knighted an imposter and "Faul's" former wife, Heather (remember her?) threatened Faul with the secret she knew if he didn't treat her right in the divorce (she got millions!). So all these people, including John, George & Ringo, went along with the lie. And Paul McCartney never got the honor due to him and the memorial service that a man of his caliber deserved. Shame on them all. They threw their good mate, 1/2 of probably the greatest song writing team we'll ever know, under the bus. All the clues, etc. they left in their songs do not make up for their dishonoring Paul McCartney. They should never have replaced Paul and then carried on the con all these decades later.

Rick Fortine
Rick Fortine - 19.03.2022 09:39

I remember a long long time ago the whole Paul / Faul issue was one of my first big research projects right after the JFK Jr plane crash debacle ... I must say that both truly sharpened my skills !!!

Mark Steventon
Mark Steventon - 01.03.2022 18:56

look how faul towers over ringo all the beatles were within an inch or 2 of each other

Adamantium - 16.02.2022 18:48

This have ruined my jude

G knowone
G knowone - 01.02.2022 15:51

"I joined the Beatles as an already.....setup.....affair" - he realises what he's saying but can't stop himself from finishing the sentence -😂🤦‍♂️

yestotruth - 31.01.2022 05:23

Funny story how George claims the reason for going to India to meet the Maharishi was to somehow invoke the spirit of Paul to take possession of Faul & of course it failed. Does this just show how desperate the situation may have been at the time among the remaining members. One of the best dreams I ever had in my life was when the Beatles came to my place for dinner all wearing their suits & being very charming sitting at the dinner table, it felt so real It was like we were old friends.

ReCogNation - 30.01.2022 23:14

It's getting obvious maybe more can see.

Declan Powell
Declan Powell - 29.01.2022 11:53

Great video.. just wondering when the Beatles Broke up and they went solo. The likes of songs like Live and Let die, Pipes of peace, No more lonely nights, Frog Chorus, were all hits for Faul.. Surely he didn't write these..??

Katia Katiuoanova
Katia Katiuoanova - 22.01.2022 21:57

Poor Ringo,i don't know how he stopped himself of breaking his arm...I would do it,if he put his arm on my sholder right away!I love when Ringo mentioned that he didn't achieve to have an older brother,well,this is sad,but you remember that Faul called him ''little brother'',this was so big news,here!!!

I identify as cringe
I identify as cringe - 19.01.2022 12:44

There's obviously something off about the guy, for sure.

Archangel - 19.01.2022 02:15

I heard of this theory before, I would like to believe that Paul is alive, but the truth seems to be the opposite.

Nancy Chandler
Nancy Chandler - 23.12.2021 20:44

Billy Shears broke up the Beatles. John hated him.

Michael - 13.12.2021 21:02

Dude it's amazing...Paul was the original spokesman for the band, FAUL is a sideline.

Loraine Ashton
Loraine Ashton - 13.12.2021 02:20

Wow this is just fantastic 👏 👌
