My brother took us to the gold rush,We made some oil layer snacks for everyone to taste.

My brother took us to the gold rush,We made some oil layer snacks for everyone to taste.


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My brother took us to the gold rush,We made some oil layer snacks for everyone to taste.
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@Lucy-t5d4v - 16.11.2024 19:40


@lorettadavis6944 - 16.11.2024 19:40

So these girls married the guys from China so that they could own land and businesses in their African country and villages. What business has either of the African women have opened in China.

@pepidiazgonzalez591 - 16.11.2024 19:44

Pordios esto para una de nuncia el maltrato en la in fancia esa será la madre con un palo feli tan bien le pega Asus hijo con sapatilla en uropa eso está prohibido eso es maltrato y asunto sociales le retira los hilos ase año que os sigo pero ebisto el maltrato y hago públicamente una de nuncia para no vean buestros video padre niño

@pepidiazgonzalez591 - 16.11.2024 19:48

Mala madre soy unos maltratadore fuerasaaa ya de Twitter toda la familia

@sherryhoward7298 - 16.11.2024 19:59

Those cow tails are poisonous

@nananazimam2060 - 16.11.2024 20:01

Why did you film. That kind of act? What are you trying to mean?

@pepidiazgonzalez591 - 16.11.2024 20:01

A los niños se castiga de otra manera😮 pero nunca pegándole con un palo eso no se puede con senti fuera sus video la de nuncia desde andalucia España

@pepidiazgonzalez591 - 16.11.2024 20:05

Ya no megusta los vídeos de esta familia es terrible como tratan a los hijos por dios Fuera de tuite

@ASP7052 - 16.11.2024 20:07

Why did they flim that....that should never being shown...everybody going to have their own opion on this...can someone tell them that it is not everything they should put out there....they should have some privacy on some of these things

@marciahorton656 - 16.11.2024 20:12

Mother you too extra

@cyanfire280 - 16.11.2024 20:15

You can make a pillow

@mariaaparecidamartins9306 - 16.11.2024 20:22


@ibiromkeajokeolaleye1615 - 16.11.2024 20:42

Grandma pls this is not acceptable it is called child abuse the boy can be injured in the process

@RandolphGrandeur - 16.11.2024 20:50

We have a very big problem with youth and children behaviour in France, Belgium and The Netherlands.. They don't learn anymore and hate to listen to their teachers... It bring our countries to a lower level of civilisation. and a enormous level of drugscrime, whitewashing and corruption since 20 years...

@maryzulu3917 - 16.11.2024 20:54

That's a proper African mother. That's how you discipline a child. He skipped school. Way to go mom.

@wilhelminajames1277 - 16.11.2024 21:13

If you like the videos, you must also be willing to understand the culture. The children are happy and playful . But there are things you may not understand or like. Does not mean that they are bad people.

@lucemarie3831 - 16.11.2024 21:14

c est maltraité un enfant mineur .la loi française c est un procès très vite chère dame. cette méthode.

@lucemarie3831 - 16.11.2024 21:20

quelle exemple pour la chine cette violence sur un gamin mangy

@Гульнар-ч1е - 16.11.2024 21:28

Обратная сторона этой семьи.Мама Феллис вроде добрый человек,почему она била ребенка палкой?

@lucemarie3831 - 16.11.2024 21:28

Traduction en francais Google svp

@LanroyHudson - 16.11.2024 21:43

So lovely im so happy you guys always doing good things to improve your lives❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤so much fun

@joanemanuel4719 - 16.11.2024 22:26

This is Africa, their culture, it's ok for them....I bet that child will not be skipping school anytime in the near future, and he will thank mom for that when he is an adult.

@joanemanuel4719 - 16.11.2024 22:28

Bible said .."train the child in the way he should go"
This is not the West where children disrespect their parents.....❣️🤲🏼👏🏼👏🏼

@Jejujejuzero - 17.11.2024 00:16

I love all the videos ❤❤❤ and love the authenticity of the video. This is life and still is life. Those complaining are the ones who consider putting a child in a naughty corner as punishment or even consider even that as emotional abuse. Our children these days are becoming more narcissistic and privileged that we need to teach life consequences. Even teaching in South Korea, I got to make the kids kneel down with hand on their head. I'm sure China is the same. I never struggled with behaviour in these countries. Do not come to teach in England. You will be spit on and continously shout instead of teach.
I was smacked as a child and abuse as a child. I can tell you soundly smacking a child for missing school if you are paying is punishment. I was beaten the same way in this video for not being able to cook and no one ever taught me and i made the food spicy one day or I dropped a 17kg bucket of water at age 9 wish i was carrying or I was beaten and molested because they left us in the house and the kind neighbour took us to their 7 days church and was beaten because we went to that church.
Please understand the differences in child abuse. 80% of the world still functions this way to smack child. I used the wooden spoon and called it Juicy Lucy for my daughter if she misbehave. I would get Juicy Lucy, which she was instantly scared of, and behaviour well. I still hand smacked her, and I am blessed by her multitude of respect and patience for others. I am open and honest with her as she is with me. Let them know rightly WAY you are beating them to prevent them from becoming criminals and showing them love to understand.
Also, criminals are abused people, but there is a difference.

@alesiyawa1301 - 17.11.2024 00:25


@campbell1337 - 17.11.2024 00:59

Child abused

@ChristianlifeinDenmark - 17.11.2024 01:14

If you beat a child like that in Denmark the police will come and take that child away and you can go to jail. Why beat child like that

@rhondaclipper2421 - 17.11.2024 01:42

The Problem Is That This Is On The "INTERNET". Unless You Don't Mind This Child Getting "BULLIED, BEAT UP BY OTHER KIDS OLDER THAN HIM. The " HUMILIATION IS REAL". You Won't Get Justice For Him Getting Bullied Or Beat Up..... You Are Advertising It. All I Have On The Subject. He May Have Done Wrong. For The Rest Of His Life Condemned By Strangers He Doesn't Know. With All Due Respect.🙏🏼 I Have Spanked My Children, But Not In Front Of An Audience.

@SD-lt1nk - 17.11.2024 01:46

People commenting how that’s a crime and not discipline are stupid . That kid will definitely not skip school now . He got discipline from his grandma and hitting your child like that won’t kill him . He definitely will learn this lesson!

@SD-lt1nk - 17.11.2024 01:51

That’s called discipline. Some kids needs this kind of discipline to learn and there’s nothing wrong with that. There would be more discipline children in this world if they were taught earlier and disciplined early in their young life. Without this training there wouldn’t be so much messed up people in this world . Good job grandma ! 😊

@mrsc7517 - 17.11.2024 02:17

Its a disgusting way to discipline children.

Parents are supposed to be nurturers.
Its a lazy response to 'solve' an issue.
Physical violence ,does not teach morality.

There might have been many reasons why he bunked off from school.

Because it has always been that way ,is no excuse to have not evolved.
Is it any wonder that a disproportion-
ate number of our youth end up hurting each other because they lack the ability to reason , and the vocabulary to use words as a means of arriving at a solution.

@daleteandrade8871 - 17.11.2024 02:41

E covardia bater em uma criança
Não gostei disso

@moonstars6279 - 17.11.2024 03:25

Noticed felista quite stubborn and quick temper

@marrionwatima797 - 17.11.2024 03:40

Lawu's photographer is a kind guy and funny ❤❤❤

@cphoebememel - 17.11.2024 03:59

There is no point reporting them. Those people have been educated like this for decades. They don't know other way of educating their children. They all went through this. The reason why they're so respectful to others from children to adultes. It's not europe or america it's africa. I know they should not have recorded this, but this is the true reality. The same way you don’t understand this is the same they don’t understand you. Just watch the video and shut up.

@lusimyer - 17.11.2024 04:11

Well..I knew within the first sec this video was going to be controversial.
Even me,who is quite well aware of how African discipline is, found watching her hit him a bit confronting, not pleasant to watch at all. Even worse as it was the opening scene of the vlog, 😮and you get smacked in the face with that discipline.
Obviously, they arent aware of the worldwide (western) view of this kind of discipline most of us will have.
It wasnt in their favour to post that online,and they shouldnt have the posted it?.
African discipline is very much physical, especially with the older folk,or 😮more traditional ones.
Its predominantly a normal thing for them,and they dont really flinch at it.
I think they too would also be shocked to know that so many people are offended by it,or see it as abuse.
They arent all aware of the westen concepts of "talking to your child" or some kind of punishment in a different form.
Its a topic that very much will divide the viewers for sure! 🤔🙄

@jaimienommik1578 - 17.11.2024 05:01

Mama abused the little boy. She needs to be jailed.

@jaimienommik1578 - 17.11.2024 05:02

Call 911 for mama 😢😢😢😢😢😢

@sheilamulanga7975 - 17.11.2024 05:30


@Natishaderricks - 17.11.2024 05:50

Great video! That's nice how you show a lot about the culture. Some people leave out a lot of things in their videos which doesn't show some things other parts of the world don't know about that need to be known about. I appreciate the content you all bring. Those 🍩 looked so tasty 😊

@jenniferpassard2940 - 17.11.2024 06:17

I enjoyed watching this video .

@beckybecks2917 - 17.11.2024 07:22

The soil is very red!

@lalina1304 - 17.11.2024 08:23

So, judging by the comments, the world thought African's are joking when they say they get beaten up as kids.😅

@livelaughlove1259 - 17.11.2024 12:41

My brother got the same type of spanking when he cursed the school teacher. He never disrespected the teacher ever again and became a police officer in America.

@kennyyem8509 - 17.11.2024 13:44

I know alot of people will come under this comment and cry why not go to their country and report them beating their own child...this is Africa deal with it or stop watching their video .

@ShazSA868 - 17.11.2024 16:18

That stick is big mama😭

@sally3024-h4c - 18.11.2024 05:06

I love seeing Feier. I hope she can reunite with Grandpa soon

@WinnyMuringai - 18.11.2024 12:20

Please, Don't beat child😢,

Stop abuse child

@angelamalande4470 - 19.11.2024 12:08

No what kind of discipline is that am not happy
