Confessions of an Ex Catholic Turned Protestant | Mike Gendron

Confessions of an Ex Catholic Turned Protestant | Mike Gendron

For the Gospel

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BXD - 18.11.2023 00:17

I’m disheartened to see the confusion about the Catholic Church in this video. I encourage you all to learn more about the teachings of Catholicism and not to gloss over the truth found in the Catholic Church. Please just pray and love God with honesty and an unbiased love of the truth that is God.

Ankaah - 16.11.2023 16:55

Jesus Christ is the center of the catholics faith. The catholic mass is all based on the gospel. Dear Protestant’s Don’t separate Catholics church from Christianity. Unlike Islam, Jew, Buddhism, Hindu etc we believe in our Lord Jesus Christ just like you but more.

Bob Garrett
Bob Garrett - 13.11.2023 07:24

Mike Gendron is full of lies. There is one (1) true Church -- the Roman Catholic Church, which was instituted by Christ, who clearly appointed his apostle, Peter, to head his Church. Saint Peter's Basilica, which draws over 12 million visitors a year (including many Protestants), is a Roman Catholic Church, built in honor of St. Peter, the first pope. Pope Francis is a direct descendant of St. Peter. There're over 40,000 Christian denominations -- the Roman Catholic Church and the churches that splintered off from the true Church. They can all be traced back to the Catholic Church. Apostates such as Martin Luther, John Calvin, Andreas Karlstadt, Joseph Smith, Huldrych Zwingli, John Knox, Philipp Melanchthon, Martin Bucer, Heinrich Bullinger, and thousands of others formed thousands of denominations. All disagreed with one or another basic tenent of Christianity.
Protestants lie about the Catholic Church and continue to spread false teachings, such as works are not important for salvation. Protestants also say we need not eat Jesus's flesh or drink his blood. They claim the Eucharist is symbolic because it's a hard teaching. The Bible tells us many walked away from Jesus when he made this teaching. "Unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood..."
The Bible tells us many disciples “drew back and no longer walked with Jesus when they heard this." Jesus let them go. Jesus asks the apostles, “Will you also go away?”

Alex e Isa
Alex e Isa - 13.11.2023 05:01

I am surprised how ignorant he is of the catholic faith, The catholic church teaches we are saved by grace alone not by works, but he seems so sincere.

Hansmeister Schulz
Hansmeister Schulz - 13.11.2023 03:31

The pope/bishops are sinners in need of The Savior!

Gary Holian
Gary Holian - 12.11.2023 13:51

Gods grace be with people like Mike gendron, preaching the truth of Gods word, Catholicism is a bondage religion, I was catholic upto age 35, then by the grace of God the Lord saved me by revealing the truth of the gospel of His son jesus christ, I didn't even know the true gospel at the time , taught by going to catholic church and doing what made me feel good that I was ok , my life was all wrong, didn't know God or his word, just an empty religion that had blinded me to the truth, but all those who are not saved are in the Same boat, satan has blinded their eyes to the truth of the gospel , he offers them the world and keeps them in bondage, I often talk to Catholics bout salvation and I've yet to come across one who is truly sure of their eternal destination, they all have basically same answer, I go to catholic church just in case of when I die , like to think I was good enough, the scriptures, Gods word has given us the assurance of eternal life in his son jesus christ, all praise and glory to the Godhead for the free gift of eternal life, what an amazing God we serve, as jesus said what does it profit a man to gain the whole world but loose his soul in doing so, Catholicism will surely do one thing keep you from the truth of Gods word, trust in God's word alone, psalm 118, 8. It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man, Amen,

AgathaRongmei2.0 - 11.11.2023 20:12

I felt sorry for this poor Mike. He left the true church and joined the protestant group - a church with incomplete syllabus. They pick the items which are convenient for them and left out so many facts about Christ teachings and the apostles.

Bernadette L
Bernadette L - 11.11.2023 02:25

Christ is our Lord and savior. Put your trust in God. Read his word. Be obedient and die to self. I put my trust in no man. But in God and God alone. Got saved me 7 years ago. His word is my compass and he speaks through his word. I lift up Christ and Christ alone. Thank you Lord for your sweet mercy which saved me. You pulled me out of the system of religion and pulled me to you. Keep reaching the lost my brother in Christ I too have come out of darkness into his marvelous light.

Hoan Mai
Hoan Mai - 10.11.2023 02:45

“There are not one hundred people in the United States who hate The Catholic Church, but there are millions who hate what they wrongly perceive the Catholic Church to be.” ― Fulton J. Sheen

Aids Mark
Aids Mark - 07.11.2023 21:08

So you literally do not understand Catholicism. You say that it is works based, which is wrong along with literally everything else you claim the Catholic church professes. From what I can tell you got misguided by a bad individual church and a bad priest. These were teaching the incorrect things. The real Catholic churches in this world would never say the things that your Church told you. The issue is that you have been truly deceived by lies of what the catholic church truly believes. I am sorry that this happened to you and I know that one day you will come home to the one true church.

Sarah Gronemus
Sarah Gronemus - 04.11.2023 23:43

Well, I’m Catholic. Been Catholic my whole life and this video just breaks my heart. There are so many errors in what he states that the Catholic Church teaches and it’s clear he never understood the Mass, the Sacraments, the relationship between the Bible and Tradition and so much else. I would love to see him debate a Catholic apologist like Trent Horn.

Ace Pagano
Ace Pagano - 04.11.2023 22:57

Weak Catholics become Protestant. Strong Protestants become Catholic.

José Ferreira
José Ferreira - 30.10.2023 20:38

Real Catholics never stop being catholic

wander girl
wander girl - 29.10.2023 19:57

Catholicism is the only religion left by Jesus with St Peter as first pope. I understand how those with very poor Catholic faith and understanding would want to find something else that is easier to follow. Just read the holy words and omit other things and talk to God directly. How convenient! Believe pastors too instead of the Pope and the priests? Jesus in the bible clearly chose the apostles and asked them to leave everything and follow Him only. But non Catholics want both marriage and power to preach. Reminding you that Catholics also read the bible and talk to God directly and all the other things that made us Catholics are extra love we give for God because it has been there to follow since Jesus time. Catholic traditions are beautiful .
I do not need to follow a Luther because during Jesus time these traditions has already been there. Who am I to tell other Catholics to leave what is from Jesus. Even the love for Mary His mother, was written in scriptures. So it must be done.

elenor verri
elenor verri - 25.10.2023 10:57

the video he shared to disciple..where can i get it pls? 🙏 im a former catholic too and felt so deceived ..praise God for saving a wretched like me..and for unveiling my eyes🎉❤

Piale 36
Piale 36 - 24.10.2023 07:51

Everything is about knowing Jesus and understanding why He came into the world!

The message of the Catholic Church is
1. Priests are necessary to one's salvation!
2. Worship of God is only in the Mass.
3. The humanity of Jesus is definitely ignored in the Catholic Church.

In the process the typical Catholic sits in a pew and lets the priest do everything.

The hidden message is that we are helpless without the Catholic Church and priests.
Knowing Jesus is not necessary!

The Catholic claptrap: altar, baptismal fonts, candles, crucifixes, statues are all more important than knowing Jesus and His role in our lives!

Until a religion introduces the reality of Jesus and to understand His death and resurrection,
it is a dead religion about things and doctrine without the reality of who Jesus is in our lives.

Religion is not all about sin and the necessity of "sitting in a pew" and letting priests live our lives for us!

Onaji Fortune
Onaji Fortune - 24.10.2023 01:28

I've watched over 50 videos of Protestants vs Catholics and people converting from one to the other and vice versa. None converting to Catholicism started with "How the Lord save me from protestantism (in a condescending manner)", they usually do their homework and find out the truth shining magnificently before their very eyes and gladly choose with immense joy. Proud Catholic here and an even prouder Christian

Christine Mendis
Christine Mendis - 22.10.2023 05:55

Thanks for your courage & straight forward speach God will bless you for speaking truth a bout the false doctrine & false teachings .

Skyyy Warppp
Skyyy Warppp - 18.10.2023 13:31

Now that Pope Francis has liberalized the church with pro-LGBT nonsense we will see many more people leaving. The catholic church had a good run tho.

Phil Phil
Phil Phil - 15.10.2023 04:17

I'm converting in the opposite direction and feel he's been deceived by strawman arguments. Now I see what is meant by the phrase: strong protestants become catholic, weak catholics become protestant.

Dan Woods
Dan Woods - 11.10.2023 18:08

I love that statement "I dont have a religion, I have a relationship"

Mike DeSales
Mike DeSales - 10.10.2023 13:45

He wasn't properly educated as a Catholic, that's probably why he fell away.
It makes sense though, he looks old enough to have been going through the worst parts of Vatican 2.

Gerry - 08.10.2023 02:56

This guy is either a fully in the embrace of Satan liar. Or he's probably one of the most horrifically ignorant people to ever have claimed to have been a Catholic. If he thought Catholicism teaches "you do good works and they will outweigh your sin.." Well, the Catholic Church has never taught that. He's full of crap. If he's that ignorant of Catholicism, why should anyone believe he's an expert on the Bible? He's not. He's a fraud.

Old Place
Old Place - 04.10.2023 18:03

I had explored Roman Catholicism years ago. But the Marian Dogmas are simply contrary to scripture. Hail Holy Queen, part of the Rosary, is heresy. Mary, blessed among women is neither our life, nor our sweetness and certainly not our hope. This was adopted as incontrovertible so they can't even recant if they wanted to. And since that alone would be enough to anathematize me, there is no point at all. Of course you have papal infallibility, their decrees regarding priesthood, how they treat saints and the list goes on. I know RCCs that really love Jesus. But there is too much that is contrary to scripture and I simply couldn't agree to reject God's word.

Him Bike
Him Bike - 30.09.2023 03:26

Converts to Catholic
Dr. Scott Hahn Protestant to Catholic convert
Dr David Anders Protestant to Catholic convert
Dr. John Bergsma Protestant to Catholic convert
Dr. Thomas Howard Protestant to Catholic convert
Dr Ian Murphy Protestant to Catholic convert
Dr Douglas Beaumont Protestant to Catholic convert
Dr. Francis Beckwith Protestant to Catholic
Edith Stein Jewish to Catholic convert
Israeli Zolli Jewish to Catholic convert
Dr. Dawn Goldstein Jewish to Catholic convert
Dr. Jeff Schwehm JW to Catholic convert
Dr Peter Kreeft Protestant to Catholic convert
Dr. Kenneth Howell Protestant to Catholic convert
Dr Mary Burchard Protestant to Catholic convert
Dr David Hall Protestant to Catholic convert
Dr Ryan Messmore Protestant to Catholic convert
Dr David Mosley Protestant to Catholic convert
Dr Diego Ospina Protestant to Catholic convert
Dr. Jason Reed Protestant to Catholic convert
Dr Bill Saunders Protestant to Catholic convert
Steve Ray Protestant to Catholic convert
Tim Staples Protestant to Catholic convert
Ken Hensley Protestant to Catholic convert
St John Henry Newman Catholic convert
Leah Libresco atheist to Catholic
Bishop Jonathan Goodall
Bishop Nazir Ali
Bishop Edwin Barnes
Bishop David Silk
Bishop John Broadhurst
Bishop Kieth Newton
Bishop Andrew Burnham
GK Chesterton
Graham Greene
St. Paul
St. Augustine
Ulf Ekman ( the billy Graham of Sweden )
Malcom Muggeridge
All converted to Roman Catholic

Him Bike
Him Bike - 30.09.2023 03:24

“I just know Jesus and the CHURCH are one.”
St Joan of Arc

jim fenske
jim fenske - 27.09.2023 22:28

Lifetime evangelical here converting to Catholicism. Feels like coming home and I’m thankful. God is after the heart, but when it comes to church, the Catholic Church has MASSIVE claim on authority… Once I started to be fair to Catholicism and put aside my bias, all I saw was beauty and the grace of God.

Curtis Floyd
Curtis Floyd - 27.09.2023 01:40

Catholicism is a cult

Lizeth Sandoval
Lizeth Sandoval - 26.09.2023 02:56

How can you live without communion? 😐

Giovanny Blanco
Giovanny Blanco - 19.09.2023 10:21

I was a Southern Baptist, but before Jesus ascended into Heaven, he established his church with Peter. I am now a Catholic because I have complete faith that our Lord Jesus Christ was not lying when he said the gates of hell would not prevail against his church. The Catholic Church is the only church that can be traced all the way back to St Peter. Glory to God in the highest for leading me to the fullness of truth in His Holy Catholic Church.

kevin vest
kevin vest - 16.09.2023 20:09

Good work are a product of salvation not the cause of salvation. All you need to be saved is repent your sins is put your faith in jesus and you are saved. Im not religious i have a relationship and friendship with the lord jesus christ. He has freed me,and healed me. God bless anyone reading this. I hope every catholic finds jesus in their life.

William j Hunter
William j Hunter - 12.09.2023 19:18

"Confessions of an ex Roman turned Christian."
The Protestant label
only means: protesting Rome.
Say Christian - so Christ is not denied...dont give Rome any credit.

Irene Castelino
Irene Castelino - 12.09.2023 11:14

Blessed to Be A Catholic, than Poorly Catechized Catholic like Mike Gendron. Praying for Mike

Irene Castelino
Irene Castelino - 12.09.2023 10:49

Praying for The Conversion of Mike Gendron back to Holu Catholic Faith

Patrick Fealy
Patrick Fealy - 29.08.2023 06:18

This man is a wolf in sheeps clothing.
I see horns coming out of his head.

Patrick Fealy
Patrick Fealy - 29.08.2023 06:16

I saw the bark of Peter
on misty oceans ride
listing in the current
Abandoned was the bride
I peered through shivered timbers
where rats had come to dine
but pirates stripped her galley
and had drunken all her wine
Upon her tattered rigging
some heroes had been brave
They dangled from her halyards
till the end of all their days
but tattered sails were luffing
in the winds that lashed the sea
Two thousand years before the mast
and all that's left are these?
It was a desolation
when I beheld the sight
into the black of night
and then I lit a candle
It's better than to curse
and said a prayer for mariners
Land lovers are much worse

James Wallace
James Wallace - 28.08.2023 22:02

The Catholic Church gets the best and brightest that Protestantism has ever produced:

Cardinal John Henry Newman
G.K. Chesterton
Cardinal Avery Dulles
Fr. Richard John Neuhaus
Dr. Peter Kreeft
Dietrich Von Hildebrand
Dr. Taylor Marshall
Thomas Merton (Celebrated Trappist Monk)
Bishop John Lipscomb
Bishop Jeffrey Stevenson
Steve Ray
Dr. Robert Sungenis
Ulf Ekman (Swedish Founder of Word of Faith Evangelical Society)
Dr. Scott Hahn (Valedictorian Gordon Conwell Seminary)
Bishop Richard Pain (Diocese of Monmouth)
Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali
Deacon Alex Jones
Mark Galli (Editor of Christianity Today and former pastor)

James Wallace
James Wallace - 28.08.2023 21:54

I love the Catholic Church -- The Church that Jesus founded 2,000 years ago upon St. Peter.

Sally Chepkosgei
Sally Chepkosgei - 27.08.2023 18:03

I was also raised as a Catholic but I always wanted to have a personal relationship with my maker. While in a good Catholic girls school my thirst led me to questioning the believes and certain unbibiliical rituals practiced by the Catholics. In 1991 I gave my life to Christ and I am have hope for eternal joy in Christ Jesus. Amen.

abdel shadrack St-Leger
abdel shadrack St-Leger - 27.08.2023 16:47

I Hope you don’t stop there because if the church is the mother church it has children, find out who the children’s are you maybe will find out you need to dive deeper into bible for doctrines!!

T Lav
T Lav - 26.08.2023 14:42

Who are the saints of Revelation 14:12 , those who keep the commandments of God and their faith in Jesus?

athi fma
athi fma - 20.08.2023 23:39

Mike,I am haven't understood what Catholicism is....I am Catholic and I stand by my faith.

 Kuya Jes
Kuya Jes - 20.08.2023 15:17

The catholic church is the true church founded by Christ year 33.Protestantism and other denomination sects started only year 1517 by Luther through reading reading and riding riding the Bible.Wake up people of God God bless

Brian Dillon
Brian Dillon - 19.08.2023 23:22

May he roast in the place that Satan has that aside for him

Patrick - 18.08.2023 19:50

For those of you here saying "I was or grew up Catholic" - No you didn't.

You may have been baptized as a child, may be went to church on Sundays here and there. You were never were really educated, or properly catechized and fell prey to the slander of people like Mike Gendron.

Patrick - 18.08.2023 19:47

Only issue here, is Mike Gendron either doesn't know Catholicism or misrepresents it. Virtually everything he says about Catholicism is wrong or a misrepresentation.

If he actually was a true Catholic (Which I doubt based on how he represents Catholicism), he was probably the worst educated, or not educated at all by Catholics.

Doug McMinn
Doug McMinn - 18.08.2023 16:11

Costi/Mike - how do you explain the thinking of those Protestants that go back to the Roman church - the doctrine of purgatory should be enough in itself to halt any such action but there’s web sites that highlight the rush back - even pastors - it just amazes me that people could be so stupid - imagine going back to worship Mary, - any explanation please

Jesus Rodríguez
Jesus Rodríguez - 08.08.2023 21:38

That`s OK but I am a devout Catholic and I will NEVER become a Protestant.
