Easy Fresh Bread Every Night in 5 Minutes

Easy Fresh Bread Every Night in 5 Minutes

Homesteading Family

3 года назад

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The Catnip Life
The Catnip Life - 25.09.2023 21:25

Why does the dough container need to be that large when the contents look like they're less than half of the total size?

mern86 - 20.09.2023 01:21

So we’ve tried this three times now. And every time the dough stops rising and starts falling after an hour and 20 minutes. Then when we do the rise before baking nothing happens at all. And it smells kind of funky the first or second day. And it doesn’t make nearly as much dough as what she shows.

Any thoughts on what we’re doing wrong. I’m really at a loss.

Jacksonville Reclaimed Wood
Jacksonville Reclaimed Wood - 04.09.2023 22:05

I made this recipe and it’s fantastic:)

Carol Beaton
Carol Beaton - 03.09.2023 00:09

This is soooo cool. Would it work for sourdough as well?

W. L
W. L - 26.08.2023 19:27

I thought you said 5 minutes??? In fridge for 2 hours??? An hour and half before you want t eat it??? Clickbait

Randy Warren
Randy Warren - 17.08.2023 03:41

This is a great idea, but my refrigerator has tight shelves, and virtually no room for a container that size. I wondered if I could put it in a gallon sized ziploc bag, and take out the amount I would need?

Thomas Maphis
Thomas Maphis - 09.08.2023 21:13


Moonlight shadow
Moonlight shadow - 05.08.2023 04:50

What a load of rubbish. You are completely insane or just using the title for click bait!

Mrs.G - 08.07.2023 23:01

How long can that last after it baked

Shaun Jayes
Shaun Jayes - 30.06.2023 08:43

This has become my new binge watch channel.
I am amazed at how resourceful and multi-talented you are.
Your channel is full of brilliant ideas and you have such a clear and pleasant way of explaining everything.
It's brilliant.
Thank you so much for this.

Trad_Life - 25.06.2023 05:56

What if not using a Dutch oven? How long and at what temperature should we bake the bread?

Trad_Life - 14.06.2023 06:15

Can you use spelt flour for this recipe?

Chrissylee Glass
Chrissylee Glass - 01.06.2023 03:00

I have made your recipe, many batches. I follow every step and when it comes to the take out and hour or so before needing bread.. this is where I ask myself .. what did I do wrong. The dough is so incredibly sticky and I do not get it into a pretty ball because of that .. at this step what would be your recommendation??

Maiko Michelle
Maiko Michelle - 31.05.2023 05:07

Is there a quick edit for this recipe using sourdough starter instead? 🙏🏼

Michelle Vales
Michelle Vales - 27.05.2023 20:22

Can you use Bread flour instead of all purpose and what are the pros/cons of using bread over all purpose flour?

katia Isabel waltemath
katia Isabel waltemath - 21.05.2023 10:10

I made it with a mix of gluten-free flour. Perfect and healthy! Thank you so much for your recipe! It was delicious!

Angela Manus
Angela Manus - 20.05.2023 00:21

Made this! this week me and my husband can't stop eating it. Homemade butter from the Amish makes it even better.

Isabella Espinal
Isabella Espinal - 15.05.2023 02:54

Thanks so much😁😁 Love this channel.

korba sowa
korba sowa - 07.05.2023 00:14

About 3 hours or longer is not exactly 5 minutes what is the point? bread might be good but takes a lot longer than advertised Why?

Wompol - 04.05.2023 20:12

with 12 kids we always need fresh bread

The Lighthouse
The Lighthouse - 02.05.2023 15:44

So does this work with sourdough starter verses active yeast?

Kim and Frank
Kim and Frank - 01.05.2023 20:41

I use large baggies

Angelica Gouders
Angelica Gouders - 22.04.2023 01:56

Oh my God! Baked this for the first time after thinking about it for a long time (because of the big container i didn’t know i had), just tasted it. It is so so so good….. thank you Carolyn! You make life beautiful again!

Bonnie J
Bonnie J - 15.04.2023 20:58

What other types of flour has anyone tried? I have oat flour I'd like to try, anyone else?

Kaitlin Luksa
Kaitlin Luksa - 05.04.2023 20:06

Do you have a recipe for this using all purpose Einkorn flour?

Digital Content
Digital Content - 30.03.2023 21:35

After watching your video, I made my first bread, thank you and God bless you!!!!!

Robert Halny
Robert Halny - 04.03.2023 04:52

Hello again! And Happy New Year! Im a little bit confused about the time. You say to take the dough out from the fridge 1.5 hours before baking. Than you make the ball straight from the fridge and place it in the Benet on for 40 minutes. Am I to understand that in the first 1.5 hour after taking the dough out, you are actually letting the dough rise and warm up and then you make the ball and place it in the basket for 40 minutes for the second and last rise? because if you only need 40 minutes for the dough to rise why do you need 1.5 hours? Also, what temperature is optimal for the dough once it is out of the fridge? Thanks and God Bless!

Jessica Cote
Jessica Cote - 04.03.2023 01:13

Going to start trying this along with my sourdough. I know this is off topic, I was wondering if we wanted to start with any of the ancient flours, what would be the best one to start with?

Michelle Chandler-whiseant
Michelle Chandler-whiseant - 27.02.2023 01:50

Any way to modify this to sourdough or have a sourdough flavor?

ocala Kitty
ocala Kitty - 07.02.2023 23:20

I'm making the Artisan bread, same recipe from many places. What I don't understand is why buy a banneton bowl (sp) and Dutch oven, etc. To compact the loaf? I put in 2 eggs and 7 1/4 cups flour. The bread rose just as in the picture, no holes, no bowl, crunchy crust and all.
I'm making only 2 rolls for dinner because we live small & we're OLD!
You spurred me into fresh bread & I hope i helped small families to try with no extras needed.

Cathy's Creation and Vlog
Cathy's Creation and Vlog - 31.01.2023 17:48

Is there any way to make this bread without a dutch oven?

Kathy Wheeler
Kathy Wheeler - 28.01.2023 18:16

If you use a regular loaf pan that does not have a lid. What temperature and time should you bake?

Nana Tube
Nana Tube - 27.01.2023 19:13

How can I make this with some whole wheat flour

Amy Harris
Amy Harris - 26.01.2023 01:38

I am making this for the first time today. I am looking forward to having fresh bread throughout the week!

Judy Peterson
Judy Peterson - 22.01.2023 23:41

Wonder how this would work using gluten free flour? I have a hard time getting a good raise.

Joy Dean
Joy Dean - 21.01.2023 02:20

Can u add sugar to this recipe?

Ken Ashton
Ken Ashton - 19.01.2023 21:00

What if I use instant yeast? What would I change?

angela blackburn
angela blackburn - 14.01.2023 00:41

hmm, trying this out today and not getting the same rise as the photo. perhaps not warm enough? also, does dough need to sit out for an hour plus the 40 minutes of rise? My house is only about 65 degrees during winter. Dough only doubled in size before going in fridge.

Keeper of the Home at 4D Farms
Keeper of the Home at 4D Farms - 09.01.2023 15:52

I love this bread. I am not fond of the taste of whole wheat flour, so I was wondering if I could add a sweetener, and if so, when should I add it?

Cricket Momo
Cricket Momo - 04.01.2023 04:31

I've used this recipe a few times now and it works well for me :)

kim romen
kim romen - 29.12.2022 08:09

could this be done with sourdough? Is time the only difference with sourdough? If it's possible to do this with sourough I guess we could do it a couple of different ways like doing the 2d rest and then popping it back into the fridge? do you have a method/recipe for a no-knead sourdough where the dough could be prepared ahead of time and then use a grapefruit amount each day? thx!

Bama Sher
Bama Sher - 24.12.2022 16:49

Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us. I know making videos is not as easy as we make them look. There is a lot going on behind the scenes. Thank you again, you are very appreciated! God Bless

Susan Knight
Susan Knight - 20.12.2022 22:56

I watched this but it included you making rolls and other things. Would you please link me to that one? Thanks so much!

The Swampstead
The Swampstead - 13.12.2022 03:08

Can I use fresh milled flour for this?

lr folkins
lr folkins - 05.12.2022 06:32

banneton basket (for proofing/rising) Carolyn, what's the reasoning for using the rice flour to coat the basket? -- all I can think of is low fat content, so I don't have to "worry" over time about a ?rancid flour? touching my fresh milled grains.

Nancy Perreault
Nancy Perreault - 02.12.2022 08:21

Question : What is the quantity of fresh baker’s yeast (from the bakery here in France) to use for this batch of doe instead of using dry yeast, please ?

Hannah Broussard
Hannah Broussard - 01.12.2022 05:41

How long does the dough stay good for in the fridge?

Shelley Lee
Shelley Lee - 27.11.2022 19:04

I finally made this 5-minute bread dough and WOW! I made it in a gallon ice cream bucket. It was puffing out of the top after an hour. I thumped the bucket on the counter to deflate it a bit so I could attach the lid, and into the fridge it went. The next afternoon I grabbed out about half of it, roughly shaped it into a loaf and baked it in a loaf pan. This was the most delicious, soft, and chewy bread I have ever made. My husband loved it. Next batch will be half whole wheat. If I can master this, I will never have to buy bread again!
