Verto Motion Pictures presents " Tathayya Gari Illu" Telugu Web Series Directed by Sky & Storyteller : Sunil Varma
Set by Not a Jocker
Releasing on 19th April 2020.
"You’re never going to kill storytelling, because it’s built in the human plan. We come with it.”
The unwritten is a storytelling series which get's you the best story that are not written by anyone but felt by everyone ❤️. Every episode of the series deals with different stories by different tellers in very engaging way for the viewers.
S1 E1 :- "Thathayagari illu "
The story is of a young boy who spent his childhood with his grandfather until his death. The narrator share his love, memories and feeling with his grandfather. This story will strike through our hearts and remember our grandfather's to us.