How To Stop Being Insecure About Your Height

How To Stop Being Insecure About Your Height

Andro Diaz

3 года назад

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@HamzaKhan-bc5xq - 08.06.2021 03:06

Thanks for this video

@AbyennJerry - 15.06.2021 17:41

i'm turning 17 this June 22, and my height is 176.5 (5'9.5), my parents would get mad at me if I don't take my supplements for growing, I mean it's useless because I've been using it for quite a while and nothing happens

@oj_simpson - 17.06.2021 08:31

As a 6'2", i must say that Andro Diaz gives off the vibe of being a 6'5" master.

@luiznunes1404 - 18.10.2021 01:43

I just discovered your channel and by seeing that you didn’t change your body in 2 years of natural training (I presume?) I decided to start a cycle of steroids in the next month. Thanks bro. 🙏

@taqwaman. - 21.10.2021 12:42

I'v been battling with my thoughts about why I'm not towering enough that makes me Stop away from making new friends or approaching someone or putting my creativity out there that makes me superior or banana in my circle and now my insecurity leadin me to anxiety to dead that cause my anxiety x insecurity made me a bottom guy to hook up with a towering guys for overcome my insecurity but not having pleasure while sex with partner but makes me more sad. Now I'v been trying overcome my insecurity thru making my relationship with god strongly day by day and take my words it's helping me to focus on improving, loving and worthy of the way God created me. You said right that don't try to control those things that is uncontrollable. Love you brother from Pakistan 💓

@omarahmed-it8il - 23.11.2021 02:50

Im 18 , my height is 5'7 that's Average in my country , but next year I'm going to Germany , and in Europe they're machines I feel really down about that 😢

@juliomendez1997 - 27.11.2021 14:05

im only 5 ft tall i feel like im toast

@chevaliersmasques7487 - 03.02.2022 18:05

I'm 5f8 and isn't a problem, I accept that and like that

@IntegraDIY - 18.02.2022 05:54

I think I’m short. Never had an issue with getting females. It’s 50% confidence, 50% game

@FNGJoshXD - 09.03.2022 02:47

What happened to all the other vids

@Nomulus64 - 19.03.2022 05:16

Height insecurity solution: 😄🔫

@nomo4u886 - 20.03.2022 01:18

I’m 5’9 thanks for giving me advice bro

@jatt-jatt-jatt3181 - 08.04.2022 11:20

being tall is good until it isn't.

@howtosuck8274 - 17.04.2022 16:23

I live in Europe 😭 near everyone is at least 6 foot
But looking at my parents im lucky to be this tall

@RicoJuan1998 - 21.04.2022 19:58

Im 1.82 or 6'2 and dont get any bitches so dont mind your heigth

@devanshubhatt5392 - 22.04.2022 15:03

I'll Rather have a masculine jaw and best beard than height

@abhinikam105 - 01.05.2022 18:22

What is your height

@BINARYmotivationaltamil - 09.05.2022 22:06

hey forearm man im actually i was waiting for your new videos

@rykazou183 - 11.08.2022 13:36

I honestly don't have any problems with my height. It's just how people project how important it is. Sometimes I wish I could change it...

@norskibox1780 - 25.08.2022 15:30

Some call me tall some call me short, I would say im average-short. I'm turning 17 and i'm sitting at 5'6-5'7 while some of my mates are past 6 foot. My younger sibling's friend came to visit today, he was a bit taller than me and he's barely 13. I rlly needed this video thank you.

@davestridr - 26.08.2022 01:24

am i the only girl here?.. i’m 5’2” and super about being short. i wish i could be at least 170cm but no im 159cm </3

@mach6893 - 07.09.2022 05:36

What if I told you that most of the world's billionaires are UNDER 6 foot? 😁

@jasielcardona1964 - 08.11.2022 05:38

Thanks man. I’m 17, a senior in HS. I’m around 5’7 and have always been super insecure about my height, especially since I got with my HS sweetheart and her ex was significantly taller than me, among other things. But know i feel like my mind is trained to see if I’m taller than anyone else. I know it’s hard but I till try to use your tips to get over it and be happy with myself so thank you.

@theguynextdoor4978 - 12.11.2022 16:46

What do I do? I'm 5'7, and recently had a few girls tell me that I'm not in their league. One said that she only give love to tall, athletic, rich and handsome men. She said she finds me kinda cute, but she need to go for men who are at her own quality level, and that she can't be seen with someone less than at least a 9 out of 10 who makes six figures. But I have dated women in the past, and been in relationships. But I only want women who I'm actually attracted to.

@brennanlettucetomato - 23.11.2022 01:34

Lol, I turned 15 about 4 months ago. I am 5'6.5" to 5'7" (average height male) and my girlfriend who turned 13 a month ago is the same height or half an inch taller than I am. I don’t care about my height that much anymore like I used to, but I do still fixate and worry about how my height is previewed in the eyes of others. I used to Google how to grow taller when I was 11 and 4'9", and it was bs. Deep down tho, I realize that even considering the biggest winners in life everybody even they have flaws or things they should change about themselves. I find that if I was taller; breakdancing would be much harder, fitting in smaller areas would be tough, I would feel uncomfortable in my body at times, and finding clothes would be more complicated. I realize too it’s just a body length that doesn’t outlaw your whole appearance, and grooming, physical appearance and health, and looks matter more.

@itstheriddler1 - 29.11.2022 10:39

I can't believe his parents criticised him for it that's messed up

@elliottjakabhazy6726 - 12.12.2022 06:33

I’m happy you made this video. I am just 2 min in and can totally relate to the person who emailed you. My parents sometimes told me I was slightly tiny but I used to take it with a grain of salt. Now as I have gotten older and am currently 17.6 years old, I am starting to feel more disappointed about my height. I am only about 168-170 cm (5 ft 6-5 ft 7) and am starting to feel hopeless about it. This all started over a facts I found online about my height (stating that I was only in the 20th to 30th percentile for my age). Now I know that there are more people my size than I am probably aware of, but to think that most men are taller than me is disappointing. I am now constantly comparing myself to others, and as a result I get weird looks. This is very disappointing for me and I feel like I can’t live life because I am always so worried about this one thing. I wish I could grow (and I am still hoping that that is the case), but for now, I can only live in the present and I can only try to focus on what is in front of me. If you got this far in my comment, I thank you for that. It is really nice that you took time out to read this. Let me know what your thoughts are on this and if there are any ways you can help me manage my thoughts. Thanks.

@toproforugames8937 - 11.02.2023 09:41

As 5'3 guy with big arms in tank still no girl said yes ha oh well theybwent for dad bod or taller guy

@Retrosenescent - 17.05.2023 04:43

It’s so fucked up that men’s entire worth to women is in something we have 0 control over as is completely luck of the draw.

@Leo-19953 - 02.07.2023 07:54

Look at the camera!

@brandonconwell3818 - 03.07.2023 00:11

I use to be like 5'8 I truly believe now im like 5'6.5 maybe 5'7 bc I've gained weight and shrunk down

@Ty-wf6mg - 23.09.2023 06:33

Tall men telling short men “it’s all about confidence” or “mindset” is infuriating. You have zero idea what it’s like. No amount of confidence and mindset is going to change how people perceive you.

@izzalrahizam8865 - 20.10.2023 20:11

I'm 4"11 (male) :) so yeah, i dont need anything. I need inch.

@anon1123a - 26.10.2023 21:55

thanks man this was really helpful

@theshade8200 - 27.10.2023 02:30

You have no idea how much I needed this

@faisalmohamed4595 - 11.12.2023 12:02

You are right i am trying to accept it as 17 guy being 5'7 170cm but being in collage and everyone is taller than you its kinda hard i hope to grow taller at least 5 cm

@technoshankar5871 - 15.12.2023 09:09

5'4 😊 FELT good

@TayWoode - 18.12.2023 00:21

A lot of it is women who have ridiculous expectations of only wanting men over 6ft4 🤷🏾‍♂️

@lunadabaybrandon - 18.01.2024 21:45

If you’re lean and have good posture, you can give all the 6’1, 6’2 dudes a run for their money.

@marioncarbonell6047 - 28.01.2024 06:05

Just remember, most Latinos are literally 5’3 ft. - 5’7 ft. and always end up pulling cute ass girls.

@ARYneon - 08.02.2024 17:58

I am 13. Last year i was 143cm, and now I am 143cm I was sad but now I feel okay

@mr.introvert6173 - 02.03.2024 23:03

Wow fresh advice 🤮🤮🤮🤮get lost

@moi-ev3pi - 02.03.2024 23:22

I am 16 and 5'7 and i am fine with my height, but others aren't. It's crazy that people care so much about me

@LewisMoore-cu7xx - 25.03.2024 09:19

Oh bloody hell, im 21 5ft 7 with special needs, and im working part-time, and I've got a girlfreind grow a pair u cant control your height and be the best version of yourself and the right girl for will see that

@megaapp9185 - 05.04.2024 17:10

Being under 6'0 is a death sentence.

@CoachPernaLonga - 09.04.2024 15:27

Thankyou very much for this content man. I've been through a long journey to become confident being 5'5. I've maxed my body (I got lots of muscles and 10% bf, so I achieve my six pack), I'm gonna get my first job, which pays a lot because It's very hard to get It, and I studied a lot for It so to get the first places. I'm currently 20 yo. Guys, please listen to me cause I'm going to say the most important thing if you are short like me and want to become a strong and masculine man: be brave no matter WHAT you go through. Make your brain believe that you are a truly man's man, that you can do anything and go through anything. If a woman makes jokes about you, do not let if affect you, react like It doesn't even botter you, and she will see that you can't be controlled or offended. I started to do all of these since last year, and guess what? I made out for the first time with a VERY beautiful woman who was 4 years older tham me, she was much taller (I'm 5'5, she is 5'10) and had and amazing slim body. If I was sad because of my height, she would had see me as a "weak" and less man, but I stood tight and displayed confidence, Always thinking "I can do It, I already Did It, I can do anything" and It worked, and has work since! Improve your style, always smell good, and talk to women with confidence and intention, do not be afraid to show that you want her as a man to woman interaction. Excellent video my man! Can you make another video talking about how short guys can attractive taller women? Since some guys are the same height or a little shorter than most women. I'm currently working on It and got quite well results approaching taller women and not being afraid of It, because I always seek to display confident no matter what.

@aceishere - 13.04.2024 06:24

Thanks for making this video Andro. I’m 5'9" at 21, so I’ve stopped growing unfortunately.

@sidchillingwitholdies5520 - 04.06.2024 09:57

Man u like a chad

@johnnygodto5688 - 17.06.2024 09:31

5'8" ain't short. Below 5'5" is the point where you're completely screwed no matter how you feel about it or how much you self improve.
