How to Avoid COVID-19

How to Avoid COVID-19

3 года назад

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s j
s j - 20.01.2021 10:31


Bd D
Bd D - 07.01.2021 07:03

Only 30% of doctors washed hands for around 9sec! Scary.

Stacey Hurd
Stacey Hurd - 17.09.2020 04:53

Haaalarious still laughing. You really had me going there. I will now be running from these auto flushers without lids!!!

angela spielbusch
angela spielbusch - 19.08.2020 15:57

Intro to please reduce

Wayne Robinson
Wayne Robinson - 07.08.2020 03:16

Shame there are no studies on testers spreading corona with there gloves from touching people’s faces while testing , perhaps that’s why we are getting so many positives 🧐

Samuel0009 - 31.07.2020 00:10


Bifurious Siren
Bifurious Siren - 18.07.2020 00:12

Dr. Greger, I hope you'll see this though I doubt you will. I've been vegan for 4+ years but not WFPB & sometimes my diet is horrible. I'm young and pretty healthy besides dysbiosis I'm still dealing with. I'm scared about covid and I need advice. At first I decided to essentially never leave my house except for groceries & occasional takeout or drive thru. Now I get curbside pickup instead for groceries. Recently I've started being social again a little bit and I worry this is the wrong choice & that I should continue to stay at home or in my car as much as possible. I don't NEED to go to my friend's house once a week, but I am, and I really can't decide if this is the wrong move. My boyfriend comes over to my house all the time and I go to his very rarely but that was it for a long time. Now I've added the once a week thing (a d&d campaign with 5 other people, me being the 6th person). Is this completely unsafe and I should stop immediately? I'm really conflicted and I need some help here. How dangerous is this behavior? How likely is it that these people are asymptomatic or are exposed to it at their jobs and could spread it to me even though we don't touch, though we don't wear masks at d&d, and we share snacks. The more I type the more dangerous it sounds but I feel like I'm losing my mind a little from lack of socialization. I really need someone to put this into perspective with facts and data. Just how stupid am I being? Thanks.

garden boots
garden boots - 16.07.2020 09:29

As usual, Dr. Greger ROCKS!! Much appreciated research and update.

John Paradise
John Paradise - 13.07.2020 17:19

It appears that Dr. Gregor has a totally conventional, mainstream-media-informed opinion on the coronavirus and how to deal with it. Not that there’s anything wrong with that!

Ismelina Cafuir
Ismelina Cafuir - 13.07.2020 04:50

Reading the transcript was equally amusing! Thanks Dr. Greger!

Kevin Yau Chee Kin
Kevin Yau Chee Kin - 12.07.2020 21:20

Stay a Covid 19 virgin. Minmal outside save core essential sorjourns. Mask up to protect yourself minimun surgical grade, prefeably N95 mask. Also wear protective goggles and a face shield. Don't enter public tiolets. Wash hands regular like with soap and water. Don't touch your muscoal membrane other then after vigrious soap and water. Live at home by yourself don't invite others in.

cate curl
cate curl - 12.07.2020 14:05

'silent-but-violent' & 'loud-but-proud' we used to say 😂

Tariq Sheikh
Tariq Sheikh - 09.07.2020 21:44

Dr. Michael Greger: "Pants are like a mask for your butt!"
Me: "Say what now?"

seam - 09.07.2020 19:11

My wife's farts are indeed powerful. If she weaponized them with Corona she could kill many hundreds or thousands.

Serge Pavlovsky
Serge Pavlovsky - 07.07.2020 16:46

not working loses lives

Brian Richards
Brian Richards - 07.07.2020 16:01

There is a much larger issue here. We have a virus, which is essentially, no more fatal than the ordinary flu which is prevalent every year, but the world has been shut down, bankrupting numerous businesses and creating worldwide havoc and the resultant imposition of anti human protocols, such as "social distancing" (sounds Orwellian to me), masking, and the promulgation of fear. One wonders if this is not prelude to a future where tyranny will prevail in the Western world. In my opinion, we have all been herded into the holding pens just prior to butchering.

Daren Waters
Daren Waters - 07.07.2020 14:16

Thanks Dr. Brilliant info.

foggymedia - 07.07.2020 12:52

A vegan spreading hypochondria in the herd. Go figure.

foggymedia - 07.07.2020 12:51

You should avoid people in general. Half the asymptomatic people you meet in flu season will be carriers of the deadly streptococcus pneumonia bacteria. Every public area will have a swarm of the bacteria every flu season. In fact people are carriers of trillions of viruses as well. Live in a cave, seal the cave, and make sure you have something to do other than watch the candle flicker on the cave walls.

K Burns
K Burns - 07.07.2020 12:34

I really wish that in a time like this you would be doing more to pick apart what the mainstream media and government is telling us about this virus and how we should deal with it. The lockdowns and distancing have caused so much harm and our rights and freedoms have been suspended. The changes to society, to how we're encouraged to be divided from one another, are far more frightening than Covid.

Things you could be covering: problematic data collection that includes presumed deaths from Covid and death with but not of confirmed Covid. Or asking the question how many people would even suffer or die from Covid (or the flu, etc.) if we actually took care of ourselves and each other - how many people might have been saved if instead of locking healthy people up we'd actually provided healthy food for nursing home residents and otherwise taken proper care of them, with additional precautions (quarantine, etc.) for those willing and wanting to undergo such measures? How many of the currently increasing hospitalizations are due to other conditions and just testing positive for Covid, not people actually in the hospital due to Covid? Why were government and health officials insisting on the necessity of a vaccine when we didn't - and still don't - know if herd immunity could take this thing out without one?

You've been a valuable source of information on the problems with our health care system, with how the wrong approach is so often taken, how dangerous therapies continue to be used, etc. You're generally in favour of "turning to nature". Why not now, too? Covid doesn't seem to pose much of a threat to most people. Why not let people decide for themselves how to live in this time, so that those who want to protect themselves can and those that want to carry on more or less normally might actually get us to herd immunity and end this pandemic rather than dragging it out?

A. L.
A. L. - 07.07.2020 10:40

Thanks Doc for all this information! This comment section cracked me up - laughter is the best medicine!

m0L3ify - 07.07.2020 09:17

"Pants are like a mask for your butt" is probably one of the funniest lines from any video you've done. Hopefully it's not the only thing people will remember you for 😂

Bonnie Mullen
Bonnie Mullen - 07.07.2020 07:32

Very good information, things people don't think about are brought out in your studies👍👏👏👏👏💐😳

Sayerdify - 07.07.2020 06:38

I'm guilty. I have really bad allergies and touch may nose all the time due to itch. UGH it drives me crazy.

Fanny S
Fanny S - 07.07.2020 06:19

Dr. Greger, you're so funny! ❤

Space Chimp
Space Chimp - 07.07.2020 06:03

the best medicine is to stay at home and close your life completely. don't eat don't work don't even breathe.

Ney Isek
Ney Isek - 07.07.2020 05:48

I appreciate this video. I appreciate you. Thank you

Heidi - 07.07.2020 02:54

Social distancing? In my area we had a large amount of death yet people are in the park playing basketball, children playing, people gathering all day and evening. Problem is enforcing distancing and many don't care at all. We wear masks and walking out of our home only to witness those people in the park living as nothing ever happen. It's frustrating, how can we control the virus if so many don't follow the rules?!

dustman - 07.07.2020 02:06

I am not clear on something. Once a respiratory droplet completely evaporates does the virus become inviable right away.

Auditinguk2020 - 07.07.2020 01:57

Omg your Credibility just plummeted (but your book is due out). Pamela Popper, at least, tells the truth and is plant based. And retired doc vernon Coleman in the UK.

Ji Fi-01
Ji Fi-01 - 07.07.2020 01:44

Nothing BUTT the facts, stripped BARE to the bone, or butt in this case. :-) I'll never feel safe again knowing there could be a COVID fart out there with everyone's name on it!

Imaginationary Man
Imaginationary Man - 07.07.2020 01:32

I thought for sure you were doing a video showing how ineffective all the things you listed were?
But you really are spreading FEARPORN!
You have just lost all credibility as any kind of doctor.
Thousands of years of natural immunity through actually contracting the flu and colds.
How sad....
I enjoyed your information for a long time.
I really do hope that thousands will unsubscribe from you FAKE NEWS channel.
CO ld VI ruse D eception 19 next year will be number 20.

numbskull20 - 07.07.2020 01:13

"Pants are like a mask for your butt." I've been saying this for years but no one ever listens.

David Fiori
David Fiori - 07.07.2020 01:10

Haha I love that Dr Karl made it onto one of these videos!! He's an Australian icon!

Stella Elkhenizy
Stella Elkhenizy - 06.07.2020 23:37

The virus lasts how long on surgical masks?!?!?! Wow

Linda PB
Linda PB - 06.07.2020 23:07


Mike Symth
Mike Symth - 06.07.2020 22:36

When millions of protestors in 100 of cities all in close contacts shouting and spreading the virus among themselves and friends like crazy, no mention was made in the fake news media or various state governors and mayors. But when states opened up, all the blame for the surge in new cases was blamed on them.

Chris S
Chris S - 06.07.2020 22:15

My mom and brother tested positive for COVID-19 2 weeks ago they had serious body aches and headaches also fever & with a little bit of cough they’re much better now after drinking homemade tea and 2 lemons with turmeric they were only sick for 8 days we expected it to be life threatening like the media proclaimed from whats happening in Italy but nope

B Juliana Leo
B Juliana Leo - 06.07.2020 21:37

Hmmmm, so perhaps we should also wear a Sanitary PAD as well...on both holes?

Lisa Lightning
Lisa Lightning - 06.07.2020 21:09


totmirmis - 06.07.2020 20:57

"pants, are like a mask for your butt" why do I get a Chandler Bing vibe from this....

Joelle Aittama
Joelle Aittama - 06.07.2020 20:42

Masks are great, but our eyes! Walking into droplets. 🤔

KinaStar - 06.07.2020 20:22

so hard not to touch your face 🥺

Ger - 06.07.2020 19:49

