2004: The scream that doomed Howard Dean

2004: The scream that doomed Howard Dean


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@Jimmy_Jim - 04.01.2024 09:28

How was this a campaign killing event? 😭

Now there's a circus and a shit show every 2 seconds.

@maxxisrazr2012 - 04.01.2024 03:16


@alexshi9320 - 04.01.2024 03:07

What was wrong with the scream?

@ssgus3682 - 03.01.2024 23:48

So exactly what did he do?

@FernandoCruz-np9ev - 03.01.2024 23:46

This turns 20 years ago

@joebove4 - 03.01.2024 04:04

And to think, now you can just straight up be a twice-impeached four-time indicted fascist and your career can remain unruined.

@cuteblondecrystal - 01.01.2024 13:51

I never understood why people disliked the scream - I thought it was awesome!!
😎 👍🏻

@KevinL-sm3yb - 30.12.2023 01:35

Sounds like an insurrection in today’s standard. “We’re going to DC to take back the White House BYYAHHHH!!!!”

@nhermanc - 29.12.2023 23:55

This is one of the best campaign rally speeches of all time. Awesome. Passionate, optimistic in the face of a setback.

This so called "scream" had nothing to do with his downfall.

His downfall was due to being anti-war. Specifically against the Iraq war. Powerful enemies had plenty of resources available to destroy him. If it hadn't been this so-called "scream" it would have been something else.

This was a great, inspiring speech. Especially given that he had just suffered a big setback at the Iowa caucus.

@spiritchild9101 - 29.12.2023 22:48

Anyone else here reminiscing the 2004 Dean screwjob by the media, after the December 2023 screwjob on Nikki Haley? The corporate media are a sick lot, and the people always take the bait.

@CraigVerdi-MindfulMoney - 29.12.2023 09:08

The scream had it been used as a victory cheer would not have stopped him. It was the incredible narcissism and megalomaniacal yelling about all those states. Thank God he saved us from this evil.

@dianaivey5649 - 29.12.2023 08:08

And that was the end of it!!!!

@rageofsweets - 28.12.2023 07:50

howard dean was two decades too early

@BachelorBoysStudios - 28.12.2023 03:45

Thank you Dave Chappelle!!

@frankofam1069 - 27.12.2023 17:37




@estellar8186 - 27.12.2023 13:49

We need a Howard Dean today.

@Catinbox123-ne4le - 27.12.2023 00:25


@Catinbox123-ne4le - 27.12.2023 00:25

stupid. Shows the state of mind of Americans throwing the dude over THIS. Frankly, I am much HAPPIER with controlling elites running things. My god are people STUPID!!!!!

@francinesmith4018 - 26.12.2023 18:19

You went nowhere, lol. Unless it was on vacation.

@mattfrenden1000 - 26.12.2023 14:46

Did this scream really damage his career? I'm from Europe and I just heard about this on Rogan's podcast lol I don't see why this would be a problem for him.

@seabass5484 - 26.12.2023 00:23

Crazy how that one moment of cringe flattened his whole life 💀

@ThunderFist1978 - 25.12.2023 10:18

I never understood what was dooming about this speech. The passion was something I always appreciated.

@toddgunther8272 - 24.12.2023 06:15

Narrator: he gave up long before he went to these states.

@munsunsnight - 23.12.2023 00:33

I'm here because of Rick and Morty.

@apharaohamoungkings4086 - 22.12.2023 19:37


@TheAnukFanClub - 22.12.2023 17:03

Que churro!!! No puede parar mirando ese video porque yo quiero ir a los Estados Unidos ahora mismo!!

@nicholasagnew2792 - 21.12.2023 08:28

Beyah!...Its totally insane that this man's career was ended for something so small and silly, and now a man that broke dozens of laws, a man that stole nuclear documents, a man that while president told the nation that shooting up bleach might cure covid and after loosing an election tried stealing the presidency isn't out of the running.

@KatieDarden - 21.12.2023 05:40

Scream? ha, no way. I'm pretty much aware of politics, but I don't even remember him...maybe this was why. And to think he was censured for this? Totally disgusting and laughable... but then, I don't appreciate or follow much MSM...

@OwnTheRide - 21.12.2023 00:23

Gives you an idea of how important "acting presidential" once was. Obviously, things have changed.

(I agree, though, it was really the media that gave this thing wings).

@kore6710 - 19.12.2023 22:43

He was already losing and considered a long shot. His eagle scream just gave late night hosts and people like Howard Stern content for days and to the eyes of voters just wasn’t seen as presidential as Kerry. He was going to lose no matter what.

@housevil2 - 19.12.2023 10:28

Anyone else here from a season 7 Rick and Morty reference?

@bill291212 - 19.12.2023 07:26

I just gave a Howard Dean scream at the end of that MNF game when the Eagles lost

@Mackzodroginstomp - 13.12.2023 07:59

He was great in Breaking Bad

@monx - 13.12.2023 03:37

puts the wilhelm scream to shame imo

@l-y-d-s - 12.12.2023 08:09

CNN should retitle this: "The scream that allowed us to character assassinate a leading Presidential Candidate"

@l-y-d-s - 12.12.2023 08:03

Howard Dean was a good man and a better candidate than John Kerry who lost to one of the dumbest men to ever get elected President. I would hope that having "enthusiasm" is now no longer a capital offense in the eyes of the media because make no mistake: it was the media that clipped this and played it over and over without context to make him look nutty just because the DNC didn't want him as their candidate. We know this because Howard Dean wasn't appointed to a cabinet position while John Kerry gets appointed to repeat cabinet positions.

Thankfully, we have social media now so mass media can no longer abuse their control to the same extent. I think if you showed any passion for helping people as a politician back then, you were considered deserving of mockery & ridicule. The corporate media needed to disparage you because if you "cared" you threatened the pacification of a country that needed to be pacified so all the illegal wars could continue.

A modicum of fair analysis would actually assess this as a wholesome moment and he did some good things after: he was head of the DNC & founded the short lived organization Democracy for America, both helped Obama get elected in 2008.

His relevance totally vanished after 2016 when he endorsed Hillary Clinton.

@happybowser2353 - 12.12.2023 06:34

I like the scream, yeaaahh!

@anjyerou - 09.12.2023 01:34

the scream that gave bush a second term

@SpiralPoliFemboy - 08.12.2023 19:02

Better than Biden or Trump

@Jonathan-mt9up - 06.12.2023 19:45

The scream that showed how doomed democrats are for being so weak that one scream can ruin a political career, where any indication of male passion and strength is deemed 'toxic masculinity' and immediately dismissed.

@caitfurnox3376 - 06.12.2023 10:56

Ordinary Americans? You mean people who built a land literally on taking it from others. Ok 😂

@BattleAxeRX - 04.12.2023 05:13

I'm here because of Rick and morty season 7 episode 2. One of my favorite episodes now. His coarse yelling was a little much. But the yeah was funny.

@dentonandsasquatchshow6824 - 03.12.2023 12:50

The scream didn't ruin his chances, although it's pretty pathetic. What ruined his chances after this was he wasn't the establishments pick and they ordered their media to destroy him. The media did as told and played the scream ad nauseum until people got sick of it. YOU are being mislead and manipulated.

@etroqueen9891 - 02.12.2023 08:42

It’s hilarious that we set the standard so high that a screech like that would not be something America wanted in their leader. Compared to today, that screech is the least embarrassing thing in a political leader. Now the U.S. has bloke that runs the country and he doesn’t even know what year it is.

@levivandermolen7223 - 01.12.2023 23:31

Dude was weird as hell

@dallassurbaugh9270 - 28.11.2023 13:06

Wait, that's it? People in 2004 were harsh...

@seraph5765 - 27.11.2023 10:18

Imagine if he just screamed, “Grab ‘em by the pussy!”
