AI Video's Newest Next Gen Model Just Arrived!

AI Video's Newest Next Gen Model Just Arrived!

Theoretically Media

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@Ruslan.Asadullin - 08.01.2025 09:49

It is always the leather pants 😂

@DevelopmentalIssues-e3y - 30.12.2024 17:38

Assinine Intelligence

@DevelopmentalIssues-e3y - 30.12.2024 17:37

Anal Intelligence

@darrenlewis1409 - 18.12.2024 22:00

When's this coming out? Any ideas

@richhughes2225 - 09.12.2024 01:44

Everything is a "game changer".

@scan4332 - 04.12.2024 16:55

I moved to China from the UK six years ago. This is the tip of the iceberg. China is so insanely advanced in technology, they have flying cars here, drone deliveries, AI chips for EVs and robots, biometric payments and when it comes to AI it is everywhere. When it comes to GenAI, I have seen some pretty serious stuff that they haven't released publicly that makes Sora etc look outdated. All this politics and posturing to try and contain China is actually under the surface making them into a Black Panther secret kingdom situation. A lot of what they are capable of now isn't being announced or released.

@anonymous.369 - 24.11.2024 18:04

I wonder how Sweet Baby Inc folks would feel now. 😂

@Republic3D - 20.11.2024 23:02

That's the nicest AI rear end I've ever seen. Or maybe ever seen anywhere. 😅

@Surfer-727 - 20.11.2024 08:09

Does anyone know were the leather AI girl video is ?

@Iqinisoashim - 20.11.2024 01:05

Love it ❤

@electricdreamer - 18.11.2024 19:11

Is Kling AI the best one out there right now? or is Gen 3 better?

@LeeCarlson - 17.11.2024 21:30

Have you ever seen the movie "Looker"?

@John-x7r7p - 16.11.2024 16:38

How gullible are you..... No..... Its a human actir and not an A.i.

@yossarian451 - 16.11.2024 06:04

Her ass is WAY TOO BIG. WTF is the fascination with big oversized asses these days?

@santifresnel2320 - 16.11.2024 01:44

fok me, feels like a few years ago we were struggling to isolate hair in photoshop. Quo vadis domineee

@BL4ckViP3R - 15.11.2024 14:43

Even if AI reached 95% or 98% of how reality looks like, the human eye will always see the missing % - instantaneously! I hope there will never be a 100% AI hollywood movie - particular actors should be real people - even with VFX there's so much possible so why replacing them with soulless AI characters? I think pushing the limits even further will have negative impacts on the society we cannot forsee now.

@darrenlewis8273 - 13.11.2024 18:30

Thanks for this, but how do i access it? I cant find it anywhere! Just articles and blogs ABOUT it...........but no official site? help! tnkjas

@John-ik1os - 07.11.2024 20:15

Well to be fair she doesn’t have 6 fingers or 2 left legs 😂

@DanielWhite-v4e - 06.11.2024 23:43

You've never been that ripped

@2017phattang - 06.11.2024 15:46

Only my personal owners business enterprise has power to change ,no one has power to change my owners personal owners business enterprise account,not for everyone stealers to talking about games for them to f*CK my customers girls on my account Google digital data money support . Stopped you talking about games changer . .

@JamieJobb - 06.11.2024 01:16

Please explain how something "artificial" can actually show up "on arrival" ...
AR = artificial reality.

@amshithkumble7478 - 28.10.2024 21:12

These look like the future is gonna be fuckd.... anything can happn

@tumzarelaxing - 25.10.2024 22:27

we dont want reviews about promises and lies to do this and that, we want Testable Stuff right now. that people can test and sea the cracks in those suspicious demos.

@tumzarelaxing - 25.10.2024 22:26

All Stories no real Usage= Sore-Ra

@mentalcog2187 - 22.10.2024 08:39

Getting to where you can't trust your own eyes.
But I guess,... that's the point.
This keeps up and Hollywood will be totally finished as creators take over. Finally!

@einarreriksson4598 - 18.10.2024 12:48

I wonder when you can make VR videos using AI?

@Kopie0830 - 17.10.2024 16:11

I feel we can make slow talky movies now. Movies without that much action, or if horror, slow horror, like when the alien in alien attacked the dude in the air vent opening his hands.

@davidpayne5964 - 15.10.2024 19:10

Unless these AI apps are for local installation, don't waste your time advertising them.

@CyberMew - 15.10.2024 17:55

I can’t wait for it to generate cool “Plex” text mini videos

@laurencecatalano2186 - 12.10.2024 18:12

these programs are all leap-frogging each other so fast, who will come up with the lastest and greatest next?

@MARZChicago - 10.10.2024 21:09

Are you aware of any way to keep characters consistent ?
For example if I create 5 characters and want to tell a story with them, I’d there any way to let the AI know which character does what in each specific scene ?

@iPEMiC. - 10.10.2024 01:59

Wander if this can do Michael Jackson - Black Or White (1991) - First full photorealistic face morphing?

@WaxLyricalAI - 09.10.2024 23:00

Amazing realism but the generated footage still has a contrasty, dreamlike quality that gives it away.

@THEJUJUMOMO - 09.10.2024 06:06

So good thank you !! 🙏🏼

@hirokim81 - 07.10.2024 21:32

A woman standing up and walking away. Wow So impressive

@WayOfTheZombie - 07.10.2024 20:47

China beats us on ALL fronts

@DemetriusSteans - 07.10.2024 08:35

Remember we once came from an age of stones and sticks and now we will enter an age of possible simulated realities. By which our computers can handle.

@DemetriusSteans - 07.10.2024 08:32

Combine this with a 3d engine and a Nero link system and alot more sentient ai and you might have a simulation.

@reyxyeshua - 06.10.2024 01:05


@AinHab - 05.10.2024 18:15

i guess everyone is here for the leather pants

@Ensignfilms - 05.10.2024 01:18

Its astonishing how many people cannot see the problem of everybody being able to make anything they want. Do you guys stand and watch avalanches come towards you whilst eating ice cream?

@phu320 - 05.10.2024 00:11

omg, her butt looks so real it could poop

@IronicleseAndSardoniclese - 04.10.2024 19:34

The nail in the coffin for stock footage creators 😬

@yutakared338 - 04.10.2024 13:11

hi i cant seem to find the link for Seaweed could you let us know thanks pal!

@thomasproshowski7538 - 04.10.2024 00:17

I think Tesla bot with real skin and man's face will star in a first short movie sooner , than Sora will come up with a full and consistent video . But I might be wrong in fast pacing AI Era

@HiProfileAI - 03.10.2024 15:46

Every new technology is the "GAME CHANGER" ...
Click-bait all the way. Every time a new version of AI video Solution is introduced its a reason for content. However we need better titles and thumbnails that are more descriptive of the video. Don't Kill Me. LOL

@jeffbull8781 - 03.10.2024 04:20

I feel like with Seaweed proper short movies will be possible. Finally I will be able to make my homage to Shaw Brothers kung fu movies 😆

@zachary3603 - 03.10.2024 02:58

How'd you get a contact in Tiktok :O?! Great video by the way :)

@cinematictrailerstudios - 02.10.2024 23:51

Everyone using mini max is goin to slow it down now 😞🤦‍♂️ great lol everyone giving away the sauce
