Are you gay?
Ответитьjo jinak České Archivy a Matriky a celkově všechny Registry byly digitalizované snad právě v roce 2021/22 pak jsem snad viděl video o softwaru pro analýzu údajů - tedy co je kde napsané pro vyhledávání v rámci digitalizovaných podob - scanů - pak veškerých archiv registrů - evidencí se musí schodovat jednak s originály a kopiemi v rámci Rakousko Uherských archivů ale i Německých v rámci let 1701-1916 a pak 1938-45 ale i ta mezera je v Německých archivech nakopírovaná - pak nové matriky v rámci let 1996 snad byly překopeny v rámci vstupu ČR do Schengenu
ОтветитьIdk any of my great grandparents so is it impossible.?
ОтветитьI like this site. After many hours fallowing family lines it turned out Jesus was my 73rd great grandfather. I'm not sure how accurate it is after some point.
ОтветитьWonderful! Thank you for the infos and tips. Very amazing indeed.
ОтветитьI can't hear you
ОтветитьAny other way I can find photos of my old relatives IF my family or distant relatives do not have them?? Maybe like finding a copy of ID or something like that???
ОтветитьI cant add my wife nor can she add me. Always says ID not found. Very frustrating
Ответитьyour sound is too quiet
Ответитьis there a way to make my family search tree private?
ОтветитьIt would have been good if ya had shown how to send names to the temple for them to organize the work. Not everyone can get to the temple to do their own work.
Ответитьit's not just clicking you make it look way too easy
Ответитьwebsite looks different
Ответитьis this for non members too
Ответитьvery thorough tutorial. next time reduce the clicking sound. annoying LOL
ОтветитьI can hear you but your clicking is super loud. Love the information though, thank you so much.
ОтветитьCannot hear you despite my volume turned to the highest level ... :-(
ОтветитьI’m having trouble hearing you. Please turn volume up.
Ответитьthis is very good for teens like myself who are still learning how to index
ОтветитьWish the info were audible.
ОтветитьIs there a family teee portal that doesnt sell all your personal data?
ОтветитьI'm Catholic can I get an honorary christian member account?
Ответитьvolume at 100 still very low sound
Well isn't that clever. Create an account with Ancestry and they take your tree and then when a person without an account to Ancestry wants to see it, Ancestry charges them a fee for the work you did. I have been a genealogist for more than 45 years and none of which appears online. BTW be careful when you put living relatives online, Identity theft is a big business and most of them get the information from online trees. Just saying!