Nightmare vs. Night Terror

Nightmare vs. Night Terror

Lee Health

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@stealthy1498 - 30.09.2023 23:26

I had about three instances of night terrors spanning between the age of 7-14. I don’t know if I had a combination of nightmares and night terrors but there are three things I can distinctly remember.
1. Just before the onset of the terror there was (for me) an immense feeling of binding helplessness that usually made me feel as though there was a very large and very heavy force constricting my upper body movement (chest expansion and neck movement). I can’t describe this force as being heavy weight-wise. It was more of a squeezing sensation especially strong in my back, shoulder and neck regions.

2. I do remember being in a half awake status all three times. I remember pacing and being aware of obstacles in my path such as walls, hallways, beds, and even stairs. I also remember recognizing the voices, figures, and faces of my parents. On one occasion I remember my father holding up fingers and counting out loud in an attempt to check my responsiveness. Despite all that I was incapable of responding, but it wasn’t because I couldn’t. It was more of a feeling of disconnection between my own limited brain activity and reality.

3. The onset of panic usually came with a vague vision of impossibly large and sometimes moving objects held up right before my mind’s eye. I often felt as though those objects and sensations weren’t supposed to be that large and for some reason that caused panic. It’s not really something I can describe but after reading this comment section I believe others who have had night terrors have experienced the same thing. You know what I’m talking about.

I have a few other things that I remember but they’re really disconnected in my mind and don’t make sense at all.

@ziggyjumbo - 25.12.2022 21:36

I had a night terror of me just floating across the room and I cant even explain it and I wake up scared and confused.

@davidheard709 - 04.10.2022 20:59

The worst thing about night terrors is a rush of insomnia.

@nourata.5893 - 27.02.2022 09:14

I still get these and I’m 20 years old :(. I’ve ran out of my bed , I’ve punched my mom . My vocal cords hurt from screaming so much . Its horrible

@barsozuguler4744 - 23.12.2020 05:00

Nightmares are terrifying for child and night terrors are terrifying to parents. Sometimes I just wake up with random loud noise and scream without any horror content even though Im 19.
I experienced night terror around 16-18 year and I was running in corridors in the house and I could stomp someone and not stop running if someone was wandering. You keep halucatianing while perfectly awake and there is no sleepy feeling despite of just woke up from sleep

@lightningFox-ii6wt - 26.09.2020 05:13

Listen up once I had a night terror and at the end I felt like I had died BC of the creepy thing so I got medicine

@asingleverse - 03.09.2020 20:50

While I have zero memory of it, last night I apparently experienced a night terror episode. My boyfriend said he thought I was having a seizure. I'm 32 and as far as I know I've never had an issue with this before. The only thing I have any memory of is throwing the blankets off of me because I was so hot I was sweating, but I'd come out of it by then because I got up to use the bathroom. I wake up sweating fairly often (I also have pernicious anemia though, and night sweats are a symptom) so I'm not sure if I have regular terrors or if this is just stress induced.

@briebiggs4470 - 13.08.2020 08:35

I wake up screaming and jerking in my sleep and the only reason Ik why I have night terrors is because I grab my knee and the reason is I was at a prep rally (I’m a cheerleader) and I dislocated, fractured, and tore all my muscles and ligaments in my knee and the whole gym was packed with students, parents, and all the teachers were around me screaming scared in what to do I spent nights in the hospital 3 months in a wheelchair and still every other day physical therapy does anyone know how to help me I actually have a dog I sleep with for that reason but it doesn’t stop the night terrors it only reduces them

@dmitribrook2910 - 31.07.2020 12:25

My night terrors have never really went away and I'm now 17. I can remember some of them, they were not normal. My mum used to tell me that my screams were bloodcurdling, as if I were 'being murdered'. Whenever I wake up from these terrors I get very paranoid. One time I was terrified of going onto my bed but I didn't know why. It was as if every part of my body were giving red flags towards that bed, which was unreasonable. I had another dream where I was hiding from this thing and I wouldn't dare look to see where it was. For all I knew, it could've been right behind me and one little movement would've given me away. So for what felt like hours I had to keep my eyes closed which was torture in itself. Even when I woke up I was still petrified of moving and all of my body was stiff and sore. If you don't have any night terrors, just take a moment to appreciate that, because my poor family has been cursed with my 'flaps' (as they call them) for around 10 years.

@Kwispee - 26.07.2020 05:55

Bruh i remember when i was in 4th grade n had this one night terror ill never forget. Very confusing to me at the time but for some reason it just scared the shit outta me. A big hand of some sorts in a large white empty space. It was pointing at me and the hand was getting bigger. As it grew my ears kept hearing this high pitched noise until they popped and gave me a hangover type of headache. Before i knew it, i was waking up crying and screaming that my parents had to ask wat was wrong. Had the same terror a few more times until that was it.

@jughead3177 - 24.06.2020 06:19

Please, chilling the room will help alot, try it,

@tvsoul5823 - 20.06.2020 02:03

i got a few when i was like 4-6 and all i saw was this grey and dark thing everytime there was a large amount of dark coming i got a panic attack it looked the same as pressing your eyes

@rcd6831 - 19.06.2020 13:30

I thought soul calibur 3

@pinkeyfelicia2113 - 10.06.2020 01:46

Can adults get night terrors ??

@bobbymengel7054 - 16.05.2020 21:36

I remember all of them

@kaylag5043 - 14.05.2020 07:17

I have had night terrors and they are not fun.

@claydice1315 - 09.05.2020 07:26

I’m 28 years old. Wife and 2 kids. I myself have night terrors. Have had them as long as I can remember. Sometimes I actually remember them but I dont remember my real life actions while having them. My wife has told me some pretty scary things. I’ve walked outside shouting at “bad guys” that aren’t there, I’ve put both of my children in my closet and pushed my wife into our closet and stood outside the closet with a big knife, or a bag (I’ve done this twice apparently). It’s pretty traumatic as a kid. But try having a night terror that you can’t get out of about your wife and kids being slaughtered in front of you over and over while you try your hardest to protect in the realm of a “dream”.

@patchthevelociraptor4764 - 25.04.2020 14:24

Just had a night terror last night. I was walking through my school and they were using it as a field hospital. There was blood smothered all over the floors and the walls and there were dead kids. There were zeds walking around in the school hallways. (My biggest fear is zeds). It was like a nightmare that came from hell

@glimmerrrgirl5288 - 25.04.2020 09:39

I remember my night terrors. Always the same dream, and it’s so hard to explain, you can’t really you have to experience it first hand. My mom and dad were terrified though I would be sit upright in my bed with the most horrified look in my eyes, I would be crying hysterically one minute and then the next laughing. Lol a religious person would think I was possessed I eventually didn’t have them I don’t think it lasted that long of my child hood only a few years and not often.

@jerseylea7179 - 01.04.2020 09:05

I am so scared for the night cause I know I have to go to bed and I’m 13. It has been happening for about a month now

@clownist1615 - 10.03.2020 15:13

I'm 22 and still have every couple months. It's hell.

@totoducks7896 - 09.03.2020 01:11

ouch i had a night terror sleeping over at my friends house. he has big pitbulls and they started peeing themselves when i screamed

@Winmatters - 08.03.2020 00:34

Do you remember that you are demons?

@ljhoser5842 - 06.03.2020 07:16

my friend had one as an adult and kept trying to barricade himself somewhere

@thegreenmanofnorwich - 19.02.2020 04:02

I'm not sure I feel like I know much more about how to distinguish the two. I certainly wouldn't be very confident in which a kid was having.

@luasimon - 18.02.2020 10:44

I have had nightmares since I have memory . I can’t sleep anymore. It’s awful

@pavkin2525 - 15.02.2020 07:42

Night terrors are horrifying. My parents recorded me and i went into their bedroom and i dont remember any of it. I was basically a zombie.

@shaunryan3395 - 14.02.2020 10:15

The best way to deal with anyone going through a night terror is to touch them. When i was 5 paralized in that terror i just needed someone to touch me out of it

@andrewattenboroughtwothumb4697 - 10.02.2020 07:09

there are psychic paranormal abilities that most children have as I did as a kid that can cause them just know to trust your guides and call on god for protection

@caydenadams9960 - 05.02.2020 08:11

I remember this one I had it’s a little scary (I was on a bunk bed when I was like (6) and then I sat up & then fell head first ,and now I have bran bleed from trauma)🥴🥴

@Systems1 - 16.01.2020 23:57

My night terrors were from remembering being born (no shit, I remember just being....then being squeezed, then utter chaos as my entire existence changed forever). Imagine the terror of everything you've known ending and being aware of it in a very basic manner (sensory). I have often felt that swaddling children was a way of helping this transition. BTW, Salvia Divinorum produces a very similar effect, disconnect, helplessness, as a night terror.

@wazzupplayz386 - 02.01.2020 08:54

I had a night terror once, I still remember it

@lunarskies4803 - 27.12.2019 10:24

My daughter just had one. The best you can do is just watch them and keep them in bed. A night terror they will cry and cry and not have any interactions or be aware.

@shhh3965 - 08.12.2019 22:40

I’m always crying I always have night terrors I had it today

@illapt4671 - 29.11.2019 19:09

I used to have a night terrors about the villains in Scooby Doo chasing me around my room. I got up on my bed and started to hit them with a drum stick. I made so much noise and my parents thought I was awake so I got in trouble the next day. They thought I was just making stuff up.😔

@ples6703 - 29.11.2019 11:36

I have sleep paralysis. I find a night terror almost as bad but not quite.

@smallone3608 - 18.11.2019 14:08

I dont sleep very often because I'm afraid that I'll have a night terror because I tend to get hurt when I have them. I'll wake up with bruises and cuts on my face and neck and it's a terrifying feeling

@sizzlingyeti4177 - 14.11.2019 12:25

I just woke up from the scariest nightmare I've had it's 225 am

@memeulovealexandwill7432 - 13.11.2019 05:52

I just woke up to one, it’s 2:58 am I’m just scared

@yourlocalfern3764 - 31.10.2019 11:41

Can we start a support group where we can tell are story's about this where we can actually feel comfortable and not like we are going crazy because you're the only ones who are dealing with it

@yourlocalfern3764 - 31.10.2019 11:40

I remember one where I had been sick lately with a bad feaver and my night tarors had become more often because of this my mom was the only one who could calm me down once it had ended because I was in such a panic and that night I had another one where I had to divide the hole world between each person in the world (most of the one's I had that I remembered was about ridiculous math) but I just couldn't figure it out and locked myself in the bathroom while crying
Also i will put what my night terrors are like in the comments of this post and why I locked my self in the bathroom will make sense

@amarbuchi8654 - 28.10.2019 00:24

I had one idk if it was nightmare or night terror like i screamed and wake up it happened at 3 and i think i never had one until today.

@alejandrosantana9119 - 18.10.2019 09:31

Why am i the only one who is only scared of nightmares instead of night terrors i mean i pretty much expirience this when i was a little kid and have them but that dosent change the fact that you have to sacrifice in your own sleep you can believe that you can make it through even tho its scary just fight for it (do not fight your dreams) communicate with them and thats how they get your attention .....i know its sounds weird and i know i had the worst expirience of my life and never had them again...


@grxwcannabis - 11.10.2019 15:32

Please help. Im almost 22 this month and I still have night terrors. My grandma reminds me later in the day. I don't know if it's from trauma or what but I need this to go away before I have a girlfriend or wife. It would be so embarrassing 😞I've tried CBD this has been something going on since I was a kid. I smoke weed and just switched from cigarettes to vaping. I'm gonna start taking melatonin to

@unknowngirl7940 - 07.10.2019 17:51

Whats it called when you see short vivid scary dreams and you're trying to scream out loud but you cant and then you wake up sweaty and trying to breathe again cause you couldnt breathe....
Btw this is not sleep apnea because I rarely get this....

@omgdangcheapkicks5196 - 03.10.2019 20:07

I had the same night terror over and over when I was about 9 where I was in a closet and this girl with a white dress and black eyes and extremely pale skin was just staring at me I couldn't move at all this went on for a couple of minutes then clothes appeared over me and I dug out of them and then I woke up I had this dream 4 times in a row it got so bad that I didn't even wanna go to sleep in fear that I'd have to go through that again.

@nibble8884 - 27.09.2019 06:50

my brother has night terrors and always speaks a foreign language?....

@vivda3512 - 22.09.2019 17:22

I have kind of night terror things, most of them I don’t remember but my parents wake up to me screaming or crying and/or standing on my bed, I’m a little bit scared cause I’m going on school camp and we’ll be in a big dorm of like 18 people
