Starter relay wiring connection diagram
ОтветитьWhat about solenoids ground?
Ответить❤ thankyou so much sir❤
Thank you !
ОтветитьMy stuff uses the solenoids with 2 terminals i do have 1 terminal solenoids but didn't wanna waste my time hooking that up when the 2 terminal is already hooked up
Ответить3 all of mine have in all 4 terminals the 2 flat ones for black and white or blue or purple whatever wire color your mower uses to it
ОтветитьSir i have a 2 wire push startwr button..anf have a lucas starter ive noclue where and howw to connect push button, Do you whatsap i can provide pictutes maybe ?
ОтветитьHai sir I have Polaris atv 250 two stoke engine bike esterday what happen I am going to change a battery . Wrongly connected but engine start after rectifyeris burning i going to stop the engine.afer we are going to connect the correct way but self moter sound only coming.but wrong connect self moter start engine also start but correct way to connect is not working.what i going to to please give good solution
ОтветитьDoes it matter which wire goes on the bolts, is there an order?
ОтветитьJust found this. 1998 Honda prelude 5speed . Parked in 1st gear with hand brake on a level surface. The s terminal wire came loose and contact with the starter casing and engaged the starter causing the car to lunge forward and destroy my fence . Moved about 5 feet. Made repairs now car won't start. Hoping it's the starter that's frayed and not the pcm
ОтветитьWhat a crap video!
ОтветитьHi guys if the S type terminal is shaking like a loose tooth will that affect the starter?
ОтветитьNEED the SAME on 4 pole Solenoid