Inception and Philosophy | Kyle Johnson | Talks at Google

Inception and Philosophy | Kyle Johnson | Talks at Google

Talks at Google

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@randomaccessfemale - 29.10.2020 13:58

You can tell if you are in your own dream by doing reality checks like looking at your hands or pushing through a wall. Of course, this does not answer whether our conscious reality is a dream/simulation. If it is, it is fundamentally different than our petty dreams and requires a deeper realization.

@LifeSaver-EliYah - 04.11.2020 23:07

David Kyle Johnson Ph.D.

Is a fraud.

@laugyt - 12.11.2020 04:38

I'm obsessed with Dr. Johnson. He's brilliant and an incredible scholar.

@StaticBlaster - 03.12.2020 07:15

I agree with the points made in the book only if it pertains to a hypothetical dreamworld scenario. I don't agree with the points made if you relate it to our objective reality that we all experience. Of course, people would want to be happy. But if it's not real, you're just deluding yourself. My rebuttal also involves drug usage. Certain drugs make you feel euphoric but it's not real and can be dangerous. People need to deal with reality even if it sucks.

@30guarino - 05.12.2020 04:28

Look up Canadian Lad channel..... he watches this movie in .25 speed and has a lot of great finds and insights!.... This was a great seminar!

@vitaly_p - 11.12.2020 23:25

You've done great job professor! Thank you a lot for this incredible explicit explanation of the movie! I would never have gone that far on my own! I thought it was inexplicably until I found the video. Such an elaborate picture with so many tricks. Christopher Nolan is indeed a distinguished, spectacular director who diligently designed all of outstanding pictures! Thank you professor for such profound revealing!

@ChemBustaRhymes - 30.12.2020 21:07

Anyone else waiting for 'Tenet and Philosophy'?

@realSimoneCherie - 06.01.2021 02:40

The film was so perfectly accurate to the dream experience: the experience of time, the challenge of maintaining a lucid dream and remaining calm, how volatile and frightening the subconscious is...the list goes on. It was marvelous!

@shubhamnegi5920 - 29.01.2021 08:16

Cobb was still dreaming bcoz the totems didn't work in your own dream that's why we couldn't see ring in the real world(Cobb's dream)

@No1_Inpa_Ticular - 24.04.2021 02:39

Inception is the best movie Becca. What's the scoop?

@nytlyf2085 - 13.05.2021 22:48

Damn Kyle... time flew more faster in your presentation rather than if it would in fourth level of dream

@nytlyf2085 - 13.05.2021 22:48

Well, it is 2021 I am still trying to understand the movie.

@MorphingReality - 15.05.2021 03:01

the "sloppy" (not actually sloppy but anyway :) editing Kyle mentions happens is a recurring feature in Tenet.

the first big one is when protagonist goes from coat check to rolling into the lower level of the opera

@jedje - 03.07.2021 10:05

[Metal Gyroscope] A rotating body not only attracts things but also sets up a field of force. It is a bit like a magnetic field, spinning around one point, the rotation of the whole world inside us.

In other words, if this process of rotation did not exist there could be no balance [Rorschach plot] between the rotating frames of reference and the point at rest. Therefore I state that there must be a centrifugal force, to cause the rotation between all frames of reference {projections}, which requires awareness to be perceived. The existence of a centrifugal force can be deduced from this same reasoning.

What else could be producing the centrifugal force while spinning around in one’s mind?

You should really perceive into stillness, a point of non-locality, and it’s only at that point, standing in the middle of reference {projections}, that you will get aware of the centrifugal force as the effect of passing through the frames of reference. In this configuration each observer sees his/her entire universe as rotating around him.

You want to see another movie exploring the same "characteristic" of movie-making which mixes the element of memory more explicitly; check out The Best Offer (Italian: La migliore offerta). Think about it; What is the shape of the Kubrick's maze in The Shining?

@dannyberinger4634 - 05.07.2021 15:09

Lots of assumptions

@Rollexxx - 21.08.2021 20:54

PKA anyone?

@bradyf6861 - 23.08.2021 02:50

The top is actually pretty stupid considering everyone knows that the top can’t just spin forever

@pbsimons1 - 23.08.2021 20:26

POV: You're here in the hope that this is Type One fun

@Jman7241 - 23.08.2021 21:35

PKA 557 sent me here thanks Woody

@vikasrajput6135 - 04.10.2021 21:53

He is selling a book 📕😖

@rockyfjord3753 - 19.10.2021 05:17

The video clips about the movie by a critic didn't work for me, and this guy's explaining
is not going to work for me either. I don't think this is cinema.

@dhoff0311 - 21.12.2021 08:58

In the words of the great Chappelle "'Cocaine is a helluva drug'"

@realmsofficialmusic1398 - 02.01.2022 19:44

I love this man.

@ollierieger946 - 30.01.2022 20:37

You left out a major aspect. Cobb's totem wasn't the top, it was his wedding ring. You notice this is you watch closely. You also notice at the end of the film, he gets rid of it. Same way Mal locked her totem in limbo. Cobb is in limbo forever.

@YouB3anz - 01.05.2022 02:07

Reddit posting IRL

@austinbaker8042 - 05.06.2022 02:31

This was the nerdiest thing I've ever seen in my life.

@jasonluong3862 - 05.06.2022 03:29

The speaker missed a wonderful opportunity to go meta on the talk. He should have had the same group of people walking through the room in the background carrying the same Mac laptops over and over to see if anyone in the audience catches that.

@autofocus4556 - 27.06.2022 01:57

I did notice the hotel room across the street and the walls closing in.

@JamesBlacklock - 16.07.2022 08:56

This video is so underrated—for me, it changed inception from being a run-of-the-mill action film to being one of the most brilliant works I have seen. Whatever happened to this David Kyle Johnson fellow? I'd love to see an interview between him and Nolan.

@dingus6520 - 04.10.2022 20:54

This video lines up perfectly with the original score for the movie.

@Dave-dc2rs - 02.06.2023 18:46

I actually read an interview with Nolan where he said there IS one particular answer to all the clues

@deejaykaydee - 30.06.2023 19:00

lol best picture. Naw fam. there's a lot more to best picture than just spinning tops and dreams

@moonmothh - 21.07.2023 09:18

this film haunts so many of us and lives in our subconscious over a decade later. remains nolan's best work to date.

@AAronR396 - 20.08.2023 18:19

Inception is possibly the best movie ever made!

@adamx9793 - 22.12.2023 07:46

Is he manic?

@Dsuranix - 25.12.2023 07:34

i've decided that cobb's actual totem is his children's faces, and that the totem he showed off was a faux totem, because if everyone thinks that's your totem, they can't fool you with it. a substitute in front of everyone's faces. also, i think that basement of men dreaming might be relevant. let's say sato has arranged with cobb for cobb to stay in sato's dream as per a former "arrangement". what does cobb want more than to be with his children forever? i think it's possible they're all in the old folks' dream space, or somehow cobb is in a layered sato's dream. maybe it's all to incept into cobb's mind that he is now with his kids. an inception within a dream to sustain a new dream

@PatrickAshe41 - 06.02.2024 06:57

Sharon: "Just because an idea is over convoluted and complex doesn't make it cool. Going into multiple dream levels sounds like a really stupid idea."
Cobb: "You don't get it because you're not smart enough."

- South Park, Insheeption (I'd call it The Emperor's New Wool)

The central problem with this movie is that an otherwise talented filmmaker took a canvas of infinite possibilities, i.e. the world of human dreams, and filled it with rules and exposition, folded streets and guns, glossed over with 1D characters he mentions (which makes a very convenient excuse for lazy writing; and yes, Nolan does have a "humanization" issue with writing original stories like this, not pre-set mythologies like Batman, history like Dunkirk and Oppenheimer, etc.). Nearly every other film on the topic (e.g. Paprika, The Cell, Source Code, The Matrix, even Nightmare on Elm Street) does it better.

And the "was it ALL a dream?" was the very first suggestion people muttered walking out of the theater. I don't understand how that could blow anyone's mind.

@grey.mithrandir - 02.03.2024 09:24

Eames actually touches Fischer though, right when they are entering the cabin, he blocks Fischer's way.

@acevaptsarov8410 - 10.03.2024 20:51

Inception should have won best picture lol love that!

@abduraufmannofov5853 - 29.03.2024 22:27

Thanks Kyle Johnson. Now Inception is my favourite movie of all time.

@xxxmochibaby - 17.05.2024 06:32

There’s a lot of good points in this but a lot of critical errors too. I fear we will never have a complete understanding of this story 😅 every explanation confuses a fundamental premise or rule or makes an unwarranted assumption

@gabemuldoon120 - 28.05.2024 22:05

I remember seeing somewhere that Cobbs Totem was actually his wedding ring. He only wore it in dreams where Mal was still “alive”. Still he could possibly be in his own dream because based on the video, a totem doesn’t tell if you’re dreaming.

@JayVala520 - 05.07.2024 20:49

🏆 It's 2024 and I have to watch the movie again. Brilliant works.

@scienc-ification2539 - 06.07.2024 19:16

This video is amazing. The ideas are so riveting. My second watch. And the presentation is crazy. Awesome. Thanks
