Unique Decisions Guide for Crusader Kings 3

Unique Decisions Guide for Crusader Kings 3


3 года назад

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@ghosctgaming - 08.01.2024 03:35

Im one step away from Mending the Schism,i have control of all of the territories after forming the holy roman empire starting out in Hispaniola. Just need catholic rule over constaniople. It was fairly easy once I consolidated all powers minus norway before fabricating claims on each of the required counties.

@DrGrabAss. - 27.10.2023 06:37

Well, I'm two years late, but I did, in fact not only create the Kingdom of Naples, I stumbled ass-backwards into it. I started in Salerno, slowly built up the Siciliy area with the intent of taking Rome and rebuilding the Roman Empire. In the process, with little idea of what I was doing, I gobbled up Apulia, Benevento, the lower boot, and Siciliy itself. And, create Parliament appeared. I selected it, and poof! Naples created. I have since gone on to accidentally create several kingdoms, and just created the Empire of Naples. I have options right now of creating the Kingdom of Italy, and at least one other, along with several duchies. I have watched many of your videos and I still am not entirely sure what I'm doing. I just know that despite my awesomeness (I refused to give up any duchies on mainland Italy and own 18 holdings, I'm sooooo rich), I can't get reknown and development to move in any substantial way. I have no idea how I'm supposed to speed up innovation, I feel like I'm doing something wrong. I have the cultural head power to speed one up, but beyond that, it's barely moving. And my reknown is at about 6 per month, which I know is pathetic. But it's been fun!

@MrMrSpok - 18.10.2023 14:04

Hi Spartacus, I have a note about the decision Empower the Sicilian Parliament: If the Kingdom of Sicily is not completely controlled:
Destroys the Kingdom of Sicily and you receive the Kingdom of Trinacria if capital is Palermo, or Kingdom of Naples if capital is Naples (the choice). Well, I don't hold the whole Kingdom of Sicily because a part of the Duchy of Benevento is being held by the Pope, how the hell am I supposed to get this piece of territory from the Pope? Without holding the entire territory of the kingdom of sicily, I will definitely not trigger this decision.

@jamesnapier3730 - 06.10.2023 21:01

The greatest Khan really isn't that hard. I started as a vassal of great Liao, the one that has the family name of Temujin (for full immersion) started a dissolution faction and then from there it was just war after war until I bred the perfect candidate for the decision. Wars after that aren't even fun they are so easy 🤣🤣

@nicholasricardo8443 - 14.07.2023 10:54

Sicilian Parliament decision gives you the choice of a capital in Naples or Palermo, you get the Kingdom of Naples as your new kingdom title if you pick naples, and trinacria if you pick palermo, you can always create the new second kingdom from the title menu, it reflects when the Kingdom of Sicily was split in two by the Sicilian vespers (a member of the French royal family, Charles of Anjou was kicked out of the island of Sicily but still controlled the Mezzogiorno, the king of Aragon became the new king of the island of sicily, they were both, very confusingly, called the Kingdom of Sicily. They reunited in the early 19th century).

@mordreek - 28.06.2023 00:28

For the starting israel, I actually had fun being norse, conquering azov and then the nearby rhadanite province to put a local in charge, switch to have them covert to rabbisim and then set them up as a vassal and doign what i could to give them the boosts they needed in not only conquering Israel, but also sinai for the reform priesthood. I RP'd that the nearby muslim rulers were like "WHY?!" and my character just gives them a smug "Because."

@stevqtalent - 31.03.2023 21:08

in my first game in ironman, when i didn't about playing tall or any of that, i accidentally mended the great schism as orthodox Sardinia. that silver mine + small culture are great conditions for all the mediterranean quests.

@argumentativetoaster8510 - 15.02.2023 20:33

Nothing about unified burgundy?

@J0krswy1d - 05.09.2022 22:02

Saving that dirty joke for near the end.

@natas12rm - 22.07.2022 17:30

Is there a way to create the ottoman empire?

@soitalwaysgoes - 12.07.2022 02:17

Afghani is the currency. Afghan is the culture.

@gagemccormick9020 - 23.02.2022 15:48

You forgot about the, "Become Archduke of Austria" decision.

@MyPisceanNature - 19.02.2022 11:26

Given there have been many attempts to mend the Great Schism in the real world, and all have failed miserably, accomplishing it should be difficult.

@HiteshJetwaniTechtesh - 10.02.2022 22:12

I once messed up my entire game by empowering the Sicilian parliament

@deusvult6920 - 01.02.2022 20:27

This isn't related to the video in any way but I'm extremely annoyed with a playthrough I'm doing with the superchad Irish dude. My heir and super son (genius, 17 stewardship) son and his mother were in an incestuous relationship so I did the only thing a Catholic King could do

I exposed them. Threw the woman in prison. Realized I had given him a barony so he was an ally and I couldn't imprison him so I had to disinherit him. Ended up divorcing the mom and beheading her.

There was a boy and a girl remaining and they were young so I kept them around remembering I need an heir. So I find a wide and she turns out to be a lesbian. So I'm stuck with my bad son 😑 I wanted to just start over a new family with a new woman and disinherit the other son as well but no I married a lesbian

@frankiecedeno3724 - 15.12.2021 17:51

You should have put the chain decisions in order. Restore Sicilian Parliament into Unify Italy into Restore the Roman Empire into Mend the Great Schism into Dismantle the Greek Pretenders.

@justinmalangoni9467 - 10.11.2021 14:58

do you do an ck3 campaign playthroughs? i looked on your channel and didn't see any. thanks for the content.

@owenleech6569 - 01.10.2021 08:26

1. Conquer Neustria as a Norseman and form the norman culture

2. conquer England as a norman and form the English culture

3. succeed in a crusade, become a crusader state and then form the outremer culture

4. Profit

5. You could have used this time to do something productive, for shame

@tonyfriendly4409 - 30.09.2021 00:38

Norse > Norman > English > Outremer

@TheJHZHZ - 29.09.2021 04:47

How to forget when my Gengiskhan was Greek and restored the Roman Empire

@vegetapt9144 - 22.09.2021 23:22

Is there any way to create the portuguese empire?(I know about hispania but I would really like to make it as portuguese empire) also is there any mod that adds americas and south of africa?

@pawelt.5385 - 05.09.2021 15:30

Mend Great Schism was great. I started to play as a pagan Duke from Greater Poland region. I conquered all around, then Papacy and turned to Christianity and feudal. Next I grabbed most of Balcans and arranged relation between my son and Bizantium princess(3rd in line) so when her father and brother died in strange circumstances - I united Slavs under Empire and killed myself to give to my son all of power. Trip to Alexandria via Jerusalem after that was just piece of cake.

@gaberobison680 - 19.08.2021 10:17

I find Switzerland to be a really fun game. It’s pretty easy to play tall, cozy your way into an alliance with France and just smash people with pikemen in the mountains! (Play a custom ruler, most vanilla rulers suck. I go for Brave, Gregarious, Humble, Tier 3 Martial Education, Age 16. Stat total of 13/18/13/7/10 12 prowess. Immediately give away some levies to guarantee council position and become the steward of the HRE so you actually have the money to do anything)

@lucasmilone5902 - 16.08.2021 18:18

You can’t actually create both the Sultanate and Greater Armenia in the same play through though, both require you to be at most of king rank.

@dorianleakey - 13.08.2021 03:50

He can pronounce the Indian words respectably but pronounces de Jure like its a Germainic word, i dont understand.

@choisaucechoiski1911 - 10.07.2021 11:12

how to get glass monument, i am a lunatic king but the decision didn't pop.... (it feels weird saying I am a lunatic king xd)

@OzzieTheHead - 22.06.2021 23:07

It makes no sense that being an Empire prevents forming the Rum. Shouldn't it just destroy the older title?

@OzzieTheHead - 22.06.2021 22:49


@jonathankilby6636 - 21.06.2021 13:19

Managed to forge britannia as the Welsh yesterday, very chuffed. The king was called Arthwr also :)

@kristaliorm - 19.06.2021 13:37

Here I go watching this again, great video! Would be great to see another for when there are a bunch of new or uncovered decisions.

@KamenosTypas - 10.06.2021 21:06

"Armani emirate"? Well, that explains why he is so well-dressed! :-P

@edinpandzic5838 - 06.06.2021 02:48

all I wanted was the ottoman empire

@danman2524 - 23.05.2021 19:14

To add on to the "Empower Sicilian Parliament" decision, yes it does make the Kingdom of Naples. It also splits the Kingdom of Sicily into two, Making the Island of Sicily itself into its own kingdom called "Trinacria". Naples also becomes de jure land for The Empire of Italia, however Trinacria stays de jure byzantine.

@Bill-zp2mt - 09.05.2021 05:38

Lol, spending 50min on a video which could've been 10 min

@superspeedish - 04.05.2021 15:33

Kept starting in England wanting to reclaim Britannia, and having a time with raiders. Now in Italy looking to reunite Italia. Thanks for the list of other things to look at.

@ihackeraliman - 05.04.2021 14:35

Haha I like to start shitty to form khan empire 😂

@CheefCoach - 02.04.2021 23:26

Grubbing all that HRE land as king of France can be much easier than expected, but establishing Carolinigan border is quote tricky. Problem is that you get voted as Holy Roman Emperor, and you get all that land, but you don't have that decision any more. Destroying HRE cost around 11k prestige, but if you do that, you don't get that decision back.

@ryancox5158 - 28.03.2021 05:51

Theres a few you missed, such as establishing the Kingdom of Aragon, uniting the Slavs, the Litgallian or Slav Holy order decisions etc.

@gymleadermwa3149 - 26.03.2021 21:41

Great video! Do you have one on things like creating Kingdom of Cornwall? Etc

@marumi808 - 08.03.2021 12:59

Found Outremer seems so out of reach... first you need to win holy war and in my experience they never succeed, because the AI is fucking shit when it comes to war. Then you need to start taking land in a region where its almost impossible to win wars without having some really strong allies. Even if you had Byzantium as an ally against the Seljuks might not be enough.

@nathanstewart1680 - 03.03.2021 02:34

My favorite by far is “Destroy the Papacy”, I find it fun bringing down the entire Catholic religion by taking over the whole of Italia as a different religion.

@cakdwik2050 - 07.02.2021 20:27

I ever snitch some key county of HRE as French empire and end up elected as HREmperor so I got a lot of land in shoty time 😂😂

@nullpo2478 - 25.01.2021 04:56

I think when you cover mend the great schism you can also cover restore the roman empire since if you can mend the great schism you're also likely to restore roman empire

@SPQSpartacus - 09.01.2021 09:57

Starting to play, made it to King of Ireland so far, and got el Cid to be my Marshal using a marriage. Thanks for all the advice!

@Endermaximum56 - 07.01.2021 18:50

Forming Norman culture is especially powerful if you start 867 and dont get into feudal for a good chunk of time. In my game I got hung up by a few bad rulers and couldnt get feudal (Meaning I was stuck in tribal tech), once I got out I was still so far behind everyone else. Forming the Norman culture catapulted me an entire era and made me competitive with the other european rulers

@grey3247 - 06.01.2021 02:09

You should also be allowed to form Bactria as a Greek culture group because that's how it happened historically

@user_____M - 01.01.2021 02:53

The Hungarian culture is also formable by decision.

@linguinnilucas4324 - 20.12.2020 01:42

Once you use “empower Sicilian culture” I believe Sicily becomes a dejuere county for the itialia empire.
