Jocko Podcast 457: Slogging Through Ambushes. GUNS UP! w Vietnam Machine Gunner, Johnnie Clark

Jocko Podcast 457: Slogging Through Ambushes. GUNS UP! w Vietnam Machine Gunner, Johnnie Clark

Jocko Podcast

4 месяца назад

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@s.k.mcduffie6475 - 08.10.2024 03:16

Thanks Jocko , we as a a society need these stories of our heroes to remind us of the cost . No matter how long ago these men and womens stories are forever relevant and necessary! Godspeed and God bless our heroes and vets! And finally please milk SOGCAST for every drop .

@jasonwilliams1370 - 08.10.2024 19:41

Mag not clip

@MMontana4 - 09.10.2024 08:01

I don't think Jocko understands what he is doing for history and the families of these heroes....capturing these interviews is priceless.

@jamesmcfarland1521 - 10.10.2024 23:02

Wow thiz one haz mi aware more thoughtful more paying attention more Focuz more 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🧲

@rickieowens4243 - 11.10.2024 13:51

Do you want me to come RESCUE YOU?

@rickieowens4243 - 11.10.2024 13:59

A Navy Seal, versus a knife, during training, deployment, defiance, escape, leave, pressure relief, ride home...

@fouchpouch7034 - 12.10.2024 21:55

Would love a second episode with Johnny and Chan.

@BruceWorful - 13.10.2024 18:19

Another great podcast. These stories of sacrifice, Valor, and unbelievable physical stamina power me through the toughest workouts. When my brain starts trying to tell me I'm exhausted I just focus on what these heros demonstrate what's possible . God bless and thanks to all our veterans.

@eklypised - 15.10.2024 00:53

U should have Clint Majors on....he was in X-Ray Platoon in Vietnam

@ericearhart - 15.10.2024 08:27

I read it decades ago and it was powerful. I was a M60 gunner in the national guard, and toted the pig for 27 months. That book inspired me.

@eklypised - 15.10.2024 19:14

Great great podcast...Jocko always rocks these book reads

@Jon-wt4rx - 24.10.2024 22:57

Amazing podcast.
Johnnys laugh sounds exactly like Shawn Ryan’s 😂

@TheFordtough25 - 30.10.2024 14:40

This was a great episode! God bless our veterans and Vietnam to boot!

@raiders753334 - 06.11.2024 14:43

I feel like I don't deserve to hear these stories. A time when men were men, big swinging D alpha males, drinkin, fightin, phuckin, and taking names. These are alpha males and dammit we need more of em.

@BryanNickel_Hydroplate - 15.11.2024 22:56

Guns Up was one of the first Vietnam accounts I ever read.... back in the early 90's. Read many other military accounts since then. Few were as well written as Johnnie's. Mr Clark proves that a detailed, gritty, book about the brutality of combat can be written without cursing.

@blakemeredith1532 - 18.11.2024 03:12

Great story

@chillymoe0331 - 19.11.2024 07:05

Good book...I read it when I was in the USMC.

@Vettejocke - 21.11.2024 19:50

Vietnam themed podcasts are beyond interesting, you guys are documenting history.

@FormerVicePresidentDickVeiny - 25.11.2024 05:24

I was a kid when i read guns up. What made me question his service was when he called the sks a bolt action weapon

@joecamel328 - 27.11.2024 03:22

Throwing stuff at wounded men while standing behind a fence and being protected by the people that they hate..... Leftists haven't changed a bit.

@Millennial87 - 29.11.2024 00:32

Amazing interview

@angelageisler9637 - 01.12.2024 07:52

Is it me or do I just know that these long episodes are going to be a commitment, but the absolute best interviews?

@bubbalovesoatmealadventure108 - 03.12.2024 22:52

For some reason..."Do not recommend this Channel" does not work here? Please Ban my account? I am tired of these vids popping up ALL THE TIME. I don't hate them...just don't want to watch them. Thanks.

@OfficialJaWare - 07.12.2024 02:11

God bless OUR TROOPS. It’s incredibly humbling listening stories like this.

@lcpmepbri - 07.12.2024 20:19

Sgt Jesus Quintana Jr A 1/5 1st Marines Division past away Nov 2024

@trevpritchard2940 - 12.12.2024 03:31

Sir , My Son is Joseph Szatmary. He knows I'm his Dad but we never met. Please don't discuss this with him. I. 50 yes old now and just watched his video. I'm so so proud you sponsor him there is a God !!!!!! Thank you thank you thank you I saw the pic of you Two .Blessed God Is Great And You KickAss Hardcore. I WORK for Marine Lumber And Piling NJ Barnegat. I Pray I will meet Joe Someday. YOUR POSITIVE AND OTHERS GOGINS ECT IS ALL IM GONAA LISTEN TO. THANK YOU FOR BEING YOU SIR .LOVE YA TREVDOG

@kilcar - 23.12.2024 01:06

My dad was with CB 20 IN JUNE 1944 and sharing a chow line with Marines on Pavuvu, Russel Islands, Pacific. The Marines had just returned from combat somewhere. They lined up for chow and an Officer severely chided a Marine for throwing food away, saying it was shite.
Ordering the Marine to retrieve the food from the garage can and eat it. The Marine unslung his Thompson subgun and fired, cutting the Officer in half.
My dad was an engineer CPO in the SEABEES, and never told tales or exaggerated. Thanks for interviewing this great old Salty Marine. Hes a gallant poet warrior.

@edwardlowery6510 - 23.12.2024 13:57

what’s up is it a mess

@edwardlowery6510 - 23.12.2024 13:57


@edwardlowery6510 - 23.12.2024 14:02

you all got some gas if your point and I’m done

@edwardlowery6510 - 23.12.2024 14:03

I’m not doin for some slouch

@edwardlowery6510 - 23.12.2024 14:04

I’m not a buy in think

@edwardlowery6510 - 23.12.2024 14:07

mos is it

@edwardlowery6510 - 23.12.2024 14:09

this navy shit keep talkin

@edwardlowery6510 - 23.12.2024 14:11

dumb ass navy

@edwardlowery6510 - 23.12.2024 14:12


@edwardlowery6510 - 23.12.2024 14:14

if you ain’t diggen it

@edwardlowery6510 - 23.12.2024 14:21

where you all at

@vildmod4661 - 29.12.2024 19:13

Thanks Johnnie for sharing your story. My words are not enough to express how your book touched, and inspired me. God bless you.

@richardmarkham3540 - 08.01.2025 20:39

Jockos reading of war stories is absolutely amazing. he should have 5 million instead of 2. keep it up JOCKO

@Joe-f8h2n - 09.01.2025 04:49

Jocko. It’s taken me a long time to get up with the internet but I just wanted to personally thank you for all you have done for all of us veterans. My uncle Reid Rex Ross was in Vietnam. We fianally just had his bridge dedication ceremony this past fall. He was a 6’7” Marine who died saving his brothers. If you get a chance I recommend reading his commendation. He’s the reason I joined the Corps in 1998. Thank you for all you do for all of us veterans and our stories

@MaxwellGroh - 24.01.2025 18:58

An honest stark conversation would bear out all the mistakes we made in vietnam, and fault i think would be found everywhere else but the american fighting man. Why is that? Look at the casualties the chinese communist goliath suffered by men of little drained Vietnam. Men who faught Americans such as Johnny, and Swift Eagle, Jackson, Sam , and Big Red.. not noting too many to be mentioned here. Thank you all.

@baseballstream174 - 25.01.2025 22:26

Banger of an episode. Listened to the whole thing through. Love Jocko war storytime man nothing beat these type of episodes

@tennessee_tom6126 - 27.01.2025 02:28

May Jesus Chris of Nazareth bless you both mr Clark and Mr Chan. Guns up warrior poets

@philliphipskind-pi6eg - 29.01.2025 01:11

I disagree with the whole “wars are different” for different people. Jocko just explained the exact case in Iraq, REMF’s living the life is while the grunts suffer on the line. It’s always this way

@ThorneYoung - 28.02.2025 23:44

I'm a grown ass man and I almost cried when Jocko said he was alive. After all the loss he went through in country, it's so good that at least his best friend got home alive.
