Eng subtitles available, English description below as well!
Ulljaan on tagasi Saksamaa reisilt ja tal on oma hoovis midagi uut ja ilmselgelt see on auto. Aga mis auto? See auto on olnud Ulljaani lapsepõlve unistuste auto. Tegelt on natuke võimsam variant sellest ta unistuste auto, aga praeguseks on see parim järgmine asi! Tegelikult on Ulljaanil juba üks selline auto olnud, ning tema elu kõige suurem kahetsus on see, et ta seda autot lõpule ei viinud.
Nb! Kõik trikid on tehtud proffessionaalide poolt suletud teedel. Kodus mitte järgi proovida!
Ulljaan is back from the Germany trip and he has something new in his yard and of course it's a car. But waht car? This car is Ulljaans childhood dream car. Actually, a version slightly more powerful is his dream car, but for now, this is the next best thing! Actually, Ulljaan has had one of these cars before and his biggest regret in life is not finishing that car.
Nb! All stunts performed by professionals on closed roads. Do not attempt at home.
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Intro music: Open Wide by Silent Partner
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