Jordan Peterson: Advice for Hyper-Intellectual People

Jordan Peterson: Advice for Hyper-Intellectual People


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PhilosophyInsights - 29.12.2019 12:07

This channel aims at extracting central points of presentations into short clips, focusing on criticism of leftist ideology. For more content, including Jordan Peterson, subscribe and hit the bell!

Alfamoto8 - 05.11.2023 19:24

And remember my friends, it doesn't matter how high is your IQ, what matters is how low is your EGO...

James Ryland
James Ryland - 02.11.2023 00:48

Book learning is overrated

M HD - 31.10.2023 23:50

I respect working-class people and 'simple' people. I appreciate that their less intellectual work is sometimes more useful than mine. However, I find some of those people contemptible when they try to reduce intellectuals to absent-mindedness, lack of practical skills and uselessness

Jax Allan
Jax Allan - 31.10.2023 07:58

Best advice - Shut up ! ! : )

Loup-garou🍁🦅 - 30.10.2023 14:10

I think most of my mental health issues come from the fact that my mother is a whore and that Ive never actually respected her.

L. cab
L. cab - 28.10.2023 09:45

So if your IQ is below 83 you can only be a cleaning person . ... But you can be WISE 🦉 which is not as been an intellectual, who are arrogant and evil.

Vorname Nachname
Vorname Nachname - 27.10.2023 08:49

Maybe the one who judges intellectual people is the one who's really a bigmouth that don't understands what's going on. Often when I don't understood peoples ideas I thought they were useless and that these peoples just wasted their time. But over the years I figured out for many of them out what they meant and were intended for. And few of them were useless. When people consider other peoples doing useless they often just dont understand it. Maybe Mr. Peterson made the same mistake here considering others inbalanced and overintellectual just because he wasn't able to follow them. It would really underline his thesis if he himself would be the proof for it.

James West
James West - 25.10.2023 13:15

What I have noticed on my way through this life is that it doesn't really help you if you are really bright, in fact, it will constantly hurt you if the other people around you recognize that as a possibility.

GoodNewsJim - 25.10.2023 06:37

I'm likely the smartest man on Earth, no one wants me in any community.

Wisdom is using intelligence to be functional.

You're correct, "If you think Trump voters are dumb, that's elitism which is a tenent of the naz1 party"

I'm not allowed to work in Big Tech despite coding since age 4 in 1981.

It was easier of people who were of race to get jobs back at the height of racism than a Christian to get a job in Big Tech since there were many places to work back then, but only a handful now. Rampant discrimination means I don't get a chance.

But I called out all the political games, inflation, fed rates, stimulus, oil prices, etc years before they came into being.

I'm 6 months ahead of think tanks. Maybe get ahold of me, my IQ is beyond a number, way higher than 200... I'm possibly the smartest person who ever lived, and while you're right that sometimes the church gets it wrong, Jesus never does. Love is the way. I even get miracles. I have proof for lots of this stuff.

joseph sellers
joseph sellers - 23.10.2023 22:31

Real intellectuals wouldnt be seeking advice of any kind from these snake oil salesmen I dub as psycovangelists.

Mavish - 20.10.2023 19:19

I might have missed this.... but how do you develop that wisdom? How is it that one stops relying on their intellect and becomes more of a balanced person?

Hi - 20.10.2023 08:32

It's not fifty percent.

muzikelektronik - 17.10.2023 05:38

I just listened to this lecture just because, and realized that when describing the midget with the big ear, he was referring from himself. Not to himself but from himself...

Legal Fiction Natural Fact
Legal Fiction Natural Fact - 15.10.2023 22:36

"Useless" to describe many people of 160 iqs? I'm sorry, but it sounds like Peterson is bitter here. Show some kindness to people with amazing abilities and aptitudes. Their arrogance is often all in your little insecure head. LOL

"How the world works" has nothing to do with intelligence, currently.

Tadeo Okite
Tadeo Okite - 15.10.2023 21:26

Nice to have this inspiring message from you Jordan

Som - 14.10.2023 22:57

Michael Roberts
Michael Roberts - 14.10.2023 06:02

Please tell me what this man knows about philosophy it seems like absolutely nothing.

Campzzyzx - 13.10.2023 22:59

4.2 Million views of Hyper intellects looking for the instructions to unlock their hyper intellect.

Liam *
Liam * - 10.10.2023 19:20

I had always been interested in abstract ideas from a very young age. Especially in my conversations in the last 2 years, when talking to people, I would often find myself adding a hint of philosophy/deeper meaning to what people have to say. For most people, my comments would fly right over their head seeming uninterested. However, this summer, I met a guy who was into abstract ideas just like I was. When I added that hint of philosophy to the conversation, he responded very well and we found ourself in a deep tunnel of abstraction for hours. It was so weird because I genuinely liked talking to this guy where as most new people I meet, we talk about general small talk which is mostly boring to me.
