The Greater Insult

The Greater Insult


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Gabriel Helmuth
Gabriel Helmuth - 12.10.2023 03:34

This video is heinous.

Gabriel Helmuth
Gabriel Helmuth - 12.10.2023 03:34

This video is heinous.

LipeBrickStudios - 11.10.2023 20:48

what are you trying to say? What if you are wrong? What do i think?

Đăng Khoa
Đăng Khoa - 11.10.2023 15:11

Despite being a Christian, I know alot of Atheist that definitely deserve heaven

And alot of religious people that dont.

ทาสแมว - 11.10.2023 14:27


Fearlessabiter2 [AF]
Fearlessabiter2 [AF] - 11.10.2023 06:39

So what am I supposed to believe? Worshipping and loving the name of God? Or living in sin and slandering his name daily? This basically says that God reward people who hate him and cast away those who obey his commandments.

Wild Pickle
Wild Pickle - 11.10.2023 02:18

As devout Catholic, I never really felt God sent people to hell. Nor do I feel he sent non believers to hell. I always thought of it this way:
The church is there to build a community of people who want to do good, and have a stronger relationship with the creator.

Julio Martel
Julio Martel - 11.10.2023 01:40

"When he fixed the foundations of earth, then was I beside him as artisan; I was his delight day by day, playing before him all the while, playing over the whole of his earth, having my delight with human beings." (Proverbs 8:29c-31, NABRE)

The Word became flesh to make us "partakers of the divine nature":"For this is why the Word became man, and the Son of God became the Son of man: so that man, by entering into communion with the Word and thus receiving divine sonship, might become a son of God." "For the Son of God became man so that we might become God." "The only-begotten Son of God, wanting to make us sharers in his divinity, assumed our nature, so that he, made man, might make men gods." (CCC 460)

"All who sin outside the law will also perish without reference to it, and all who sin under the law will be judged in accordance with it. For it is not those who hear the law who are just in the sight of God; rather, those who observe the law will be justified. For when the Gentiles who do not have the law by nature observe the prescriptions of the law, they are a law for themselves even though they do not have the law. They show that the demands of the law are written in their hearts, while their conscience also bears witness and their conflicting thoughts accuse or even defend them on the day when, according to my gospel, God will judge people’s hidden works through Christ Jesus." (Romans 2:12-16, NABRE)

Star Flowers
Star Flowers - 10.10.2023 20:26

God looked like Morgan Freemen and we all know Morgan is one od the most based people on earth.

This god was very based

Egoo - 10.10.2023 16:44


AlexTheUKRainbowGod - 10.10.2023 03:43

This is amazing 🎉

henry - 09.10.2023 18:36

Been doubting my faith in Christianity ever since I had my social science classes. aye!!!!!!!!!!!

Jason Blizzard
Jason Blizzard - 09.10.2023 08:45

God does have a gun to your head. He says, "Worship ME... go to heaven.
Don't... go to hell, for eternity."

Shmeeby - 09.10.2023 07:53

Damn, God be poppin' off on the theists.

Reverse Munki
Reverse Munki - 09.10.2023 03:16


Master Pugster
Master Pugster - 09.10.2023 02:37

As a Christian I can/will (if anyone is looking for it) find passages that contradict what is told in here. For example hell is a place with an absence of God. Sin does not come from God and therefore if you live a sinful life you live in the absence of God. Also there are scripture that state and give reason as to why it is impossible not to see God. If you’re looking for these scripture or what else is inaccurate about a true faithful Christian. I don’t finding the scriptures.

ThunderG4M3R - 09.10.2023 01:53

I... I'm 15 years old and i'm a christian... well, i don't know what has my age to do here but i leve it. Well, I.. somehow, tried starting a friendship with God or the holly spirit, trying to talk to him like I would with a friend, I dont really know if its just my imagination or its really him, but making that makes me feel somehow better sometimes (also if anythings wrong english is not my main lenguage, i hope you can understand what i'm saying)

JamesTheGoo - 09.10.2023 00:21

Very deep and thought-provoking take on God and Religion, Might not be fully on board but It's still pretty good.

Gintoki Sakata
Gintoki Sakata - 08.10.2023 21:56

marcus is not a christian since he does not have a relationship with God. What has been depicted here is that this person has no idea what a christian is. we are not zombies or puppets. we are free thinkers guided by the word of God and the holy spirit.

Gintoki Sakata
Gintoki Sakata - 08.10.2023 21:51

the projection here goes hard here 😂

ibr7780m Al-iraqi
ibr7780m Al-iraqi - 08.10.2023 19:02

Allah is greater than you describe
Allah Akbar
Your naivety makes me laugh
Are you making a video about God?
You say about God what you did not see and what you did not know
God gave you a mind
Please use it
Or turn it on
Your minds are a never-ending problem like the Palestine war and the Jewish settlers

ibr7780m Al-iraqi
ibr7780m Al-iraqi - 08.10.2023 18:52

This is the mind of the unbeliever

ibr7780m Al-iraqi
ibr7780m Al-iraqi - 08.10.2023 18:51


ibr7780m Al-iraqi
ibr7780m Al-iraqi - 08.10.2023 18:50

Aliens have a body like humans Animals have a body like humans God for Christians and Hindus are just powerful creatures with a body like humans🤣🤣
The one who will speak to the unbelievers in their death is Satan
He will gather you and tell you
I lied to you and your Lord told the truth
And I didn't own your bodies
Or your souls
And you followed me
So taste the evil of your deeds
He will enter Hell and you will follow him
Satan does not have a human body
Every creature has its form
But you are naive🤢

ibr7780m Al-iraqi
ibr7780m Al-iraqi - 08.10.2023 18:33

When will you understand that God is not a human?
Man is the weakest creature in the universe
Likening God to humans is a sin you will regret when you die

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime - 08.10.2023 15:45

More depictions of god need to be like this

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime - 08.10.2023 15:44

This is a great depiction of god

LOL GAMING - 08.10.2023 12:09

first thing where that come from right and wrong knowledge how the law come from if that revolution evolution fact there is no right and wrong why should i be good person lol i can do whatever i want death is end then where is justice im not afraid of god bcz of hell im afraid of hell bcz of god loves i dont want to separate from god even there is no god i would be good i don’t want to do bad which religious called sin i feel atheist is one of the against god and this video is very good for atheist😂😂😂

Nombre - 08.10.2023 00:51

I dont hate the beliving but i hate the institutions made only for profit

The Exploding Tuber
The Exploding Tuber - 08.10.2023 00:33

I thought God didn't send anyone to hell but not believing in him would like make him just not accept you into heaven

The Exploding Tuber
The Exploding Tuber - 08.10.2023 00:30

I thought you were supposed to fear God tho

Mr.Monkey - 07.10.2023 18:26

Crazy how mf saying "this almost made me an atheist" stop crying its just an animation lol

c4t.b0n3z - 07.10.2023 14:34

I recently felt non religious and was in fear of going to hell and still having to do religious activities but this made me feel better about it. Making me feel like I am not going to suffer forever, all my religious friends were saying “I hate LGBTQ+ because it’s not Christian” although I don’t want anything to happen to them in the end, they’d be mad if I showed them this.

Mohamed - 07.10.2023 11:30


slamka232 urman232
slamka232 urman232 - 07.10.2023 11:13

ggs thats blasphemy against godhood have a great day and try understand the meaning of religions and fear of god next time

Malios - 06.10.2023 05:36

Every time he says "Both" he says it with an L. And I do that too, so I gathered that this is an Ozark Accent.

GoatGeta - 06.10.2023 00:12

This video would only convince a child or man who lacks morals.

thevalarauka101 - 05.10.2023 21:35

I'm a Catholic. And while this makes many great points, I think it does suffer from the strawman fallacy. Most of the arguments here are based on a misunderstanding of beliefs about God. Or at least mine, since I think deeds are more important than faith, and very few if any are likely to go to hell forever if God is forgiving.

Actually, a lot of militant atheism suffers from similar misunderstandings. Christianity has changed a lot since the Middle Ages. And militant atheism, those who think religion is evil, is one of the few belief systems that actually gets on my nerves.

haha issa
haha issa - 05.10.2023 11:31

Religious people do not misunderstand the nature of God, God in religion does exactly what he says he doesn't do in this video, the actual God would've put samuel in hell, you think God wants us to be friends with him?! LOL, if there is a God, then he only see's us as slaves, and worshipers, God does put people in hell and torture, if you don't believe that God does so, then you simply do not believe in God, where does it say in any religion that God would forgive those who do not believe in him?! You are just trying to modernize the image of God to suit your modern life that's filled with doubt, sin, greed, and lust. Either accept God for how he REALLY is, or just stop believing in him, who knows?! maybe he would tell you in the end "be at piece!" lmfao!!!!

Ender Sultan
Ender Sultan - 05.10.2023 08:34

I'm in love with this video ❤

Doggo - 05.10.2023 05:58

We need to make THIS a religion.

TheSwissThing - 04.10.2023 19:55

Enjoyed watching this creative video, regardless of my devout Catholic beliefs! 😄 It's always interesting to see varied perspectives on God and faith. It's essential to note that in Christian theology, God doesn’t send anyone to hell; rather, individuals have the free will to choose their path. Hell, from this viewpoint, is perceived as eternal separation from God. It’s a journey of exploration and understanding, and everyone has the liberty to forge their beliefs and conceptualizations about divinity and the universe. Peace and respect to all beliefs and non-beliefs! 🌟✌

call me dj
call me dj - 04.10.2023 19:49

I generally believe this is how God is I'm Christian but I don't think god is this person that sends people to hell for all eternity to be tortured I think he is misunderstood and he is someone that forgives no matter what if you killed someone he can help you forgive instead of sending you to hell not saying go kill someone and you will be forgiven instantly I think that is how God is he sends people to eternal peace he created earth the universe that is god

Rusdy Huang
Rusdy Huang - 04.10.2023 19:19

Heaven and hell are not merely just space and time, no man know what are heaven and hell looks like.
The bible said that, if you believe in Jesus you will be save from death and live eternally with the present of Jesus, in the other hand if you do not choose Jesus then you will be separate eternally from Jesus. Everyone is free to believe or not, no one is force to believe. if you think that you dont want to live eternally with Jesus then do not believe in Jesus.

it's just as simple as that, heaven is eternal present of God and hell is the absent of GOD. I read the bible and and choose to believe that Jesus is God and God is good, He died on a cross to paid the wages of our sins, He loves everyone and He offered to save everyone from death if we accept Jesus, so that we can have eternal life with Him.

from the other hand, hell is the eternal separation from Jesus. what does hell looks like? is it really a torture house presented by the hollywood and movies? don't just believe the hollywood and pop culture, you are also free to think that Hell is a paradise, a place full of joy/happiness, freedom or whatever you want or a torture house however you can imagine. One thing i'm 100percents sure is that Hell is the absent of God/ the eternal separation from God. Ask youself, do you want to be separate from God eternally?

Everyone have choices to make, so make yours. remember that when it's time to face God, we can't make any excuse for the choices we had made.

DatAlles - 03.10.2023 20:27

and yet this is someone else's view of who they think god is. But in the end there is only one God and there is actual evidence for the death and resurrection of Jesus so His words are as truthful as His feet walking on this planet and thus I can have Faith in Christ Jesus.

MiracleMysterious 7 Years &
MiracleMysterious 7 Years & - 03.10.2023 18:06

As an Athiest, This is the kind of god i would love to believe in.

TheEmperorPrime - 03.10.2023 10:41

One blunder that the creator of this video makes is showcasing religious people as bumbling idiots who do things because they are told to do it... while it is true for someone, it simply isn't true for many others.

"Why would you worship someone who tortures people?"
Torture could mean anything but in this context, it is the concept of hell. Any religious person with working brain cells would point out the nature of the people who are sent to hell... you don't call a police officer a hero because he shot someone, you respect him because he shot a criminal as in the same way, we praise God not that he tortures a 'person' but he gives the rightful consequences (justice) to the said person due to him/her being an asshole.

"Since when does love have anything to do with inflicting agony for eternity?"
1st point: Hell is the place for people who've had way too many chances during their lifetime to be better and overcome the personal problems affecting them and everyone around them (pretty badly); yet those people resistively rejected those chances. Hell is a consequence of the series of choices you have made throughout your entire life where you had very little inclination to be better than what you think you are. If you think that's still bad, then the simple counter to that would be asking why do lifetime sentences exist and exactly who are the people who get them? If you agree with the idea of lifetime sentences for irredeemable assholes then it is pretty much doublethink to argue against the concept of Hell unless you don't believe in God entirely.
2nd point: Love is only for those who deserve it and if you disagree in the context of God then tell me why it is bad advice to tell someone to go back to their ex. Hell is the consequence of the series of choices made in your life

"You believe Sam would go to hell because he is an atheist"
As I have implied; Hell is a final verdict, judged upon everything you have done in life and its outcomes. You can be an Atheist and still be a good person same way a religious person can be completely dogshit. You find peace in good actions, not in an identity associated with a good thing. To believe otherwise as a religious person (Christians & Muslims), they are gravely ignorant.

"I did not author a massive diverse universe just to have one type of people think one type of way”
Think one type of way how? All people think about food when they are hungry, they think about water when they are thirsty... Religion has produced philosophers, warriors, inventors, geniuses, rulers and so on; to suggest by thinking one type of way is suggesting that all of these people are the same because they believe in God and the consequences of bad behaviour. Diversity is and should never be at the expense of well-being.

"Sam didn't know I existed, should I feel insulted?"
This is referring to Atheists being condemned because they are people who don't believe in a God. Atheists aren't hated for their identity but they are hated from the assumption that to not believe in God is not to believe in what God is associated with like justice, happiness, peace and so on. For someone who says I don't believe in the Law (not about its execution but about the premise of it as a whole), any normal person would think you don't desire peace and safety in society. However, as I have said before, you are judged by your actions, not your identity.

"Desires the eternal worship from others"
It doesn't hurt no one and it certainly doesn't hurt the people who have chosen to not do it. It is like someone who does something for you and all he asks for a high five in the end, like why not (I can be a lot more nuanced about this but for the sake of making a post, I am keeping it simple)

“It was the believers who nailed Jesus to the cross”
A quick search on Google would disprove that instantly and entirely, why would God say such a thing lmao

“They have used me to claim that their opinions were objective truths”
It is true that people historically have used God’s name to justify their shitty behaviour as I am sure God would be offended. However, believing a person without knowing anything much about their point or knowing the situation only from what they tell you makes you susceptible to being lied to regardless of whether God was referred to in their lie. Talking about it and having questions is the best way of differentiating between truth and fiction in anything.
