New World in 2023 - Two Years Later, Is It Any Good?

New World in 2023 - Two Years Later, Is It Any Good?


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@Jolsn - 09.10.2023 04:13

I know about being able to earn one transmog token per week from elite chests, but that still doesn't make the system much better in my opinion. It's still something they've timegated from the game that should be free and put it in the store. Also, I've had to delete several comments due to personal attacks. I don't mind criticisms on the video, but please keep it civil. We are disagreeing about a video game here, not some super controversial issue...

@kore9126 - 07.12.2023 02:13

great video, as a new world vet i sadly gotta agree, extremly underwhelming expansion that lacks proper endgame

@Shakor77 - 06.12.2023 18:05

Open world trains is the worst designed open world endgame ever implemented in an MMO. The dungeons were much better.

@ItzjahSon - 05.12.2023 01:13

Ive played about 50 hours now and all i can say is i am having fun and really enjoying it, but i will say it feels like there is something missing.

@spontaneousbootay - 04.12.2023 22:02

Wow that lead developer or whatever said it all. They dont know what they are doing. The group content looks awful.

@mervinvirrey4346 - 29.11.2023 13:37

Missing the first 3 months of NW, it wass the best experience..

@zestful713 - 28.11.2023 11:26

Was considering going back, but didn't realise level cap had been raised and put behind a £30 expansion! I'll pass

@balegrim1030 - 28.11.2023 01:51

I agree with many of your points. However, bugs and monetization aside, the mounts actually handle very well and the addition of a mount skill tree adds some welcome depth. Overall, I agree that New World needs a lot of work, but it seems like way too many people love to nitpick this game while never giving it any credit for what it does right. This game exceeds most popular MMOs in a variety of ways that no one ever mentions. The crafting, combat, PvP, graphics, and yes, MOUNTS, etc. in NW make games like WoW and FF14 look/feel archaic and boring.

@flailmail7069 - 26.11.2023 07:30

Cash store is a big no for me. Especially with non cosmetic items (even then). Ill keep to the ones that things are earned and cash shops do not exist. Thanks for the video.

Btw one of the reasons me (and many others i know) avoided this game is because they started saying no pay to win etc and then immediately swapped and said boosts etc right before release. If you want an explanation as to why (as said in video) the cities look copied and pasted, and like someone was forced to take shortcuts or just do poor work.

@Fire_Cabbage - 26.11.2023 03:14

My friend BEGGED me to get this game. Smacked in the face with dlc mounts. Punched in the face by the level design. And nauseated by how lackluster and charmless the scenery AND gameplay is. After 26 hours I was like,”ok what the hell is up with this game is there anything cool?”

@TormentedPenguin - 25.11.2023 19:54

I'm looking for a time sink now. This kind fits the area I'm looking for as the graphics are nice, and the subscription fee is nothing. I understand why the dlc was paid as the subscription fee being nothing means they need to once in a while charge content to keep the game running esp if their cash shop isn't producing. I'm hoping this game can scratch an itch i'm looking for.. if not GW2 will bring me back after years away.

@jonbmu - 25.11.2023 18:11

Me hesitating to try back NW after a few years getting lvl 60 in three weeks and getting bored : YOU CAN RIDE HORSES NOW ? ok ill try it back then

@jamessantangelo912 - 24.11.2023 05:26

The zerg farming reminds me of passage of conflict groups, in Dark Age of Camelot

@OiStrider - 23.11.2023 19:33

I was interested to try New World again. But after watching this video and others I have no interest to. Just lazy devs with no passion for what they have created. Lack of endgame, overpriced micro transactions, ptw...gross

@Threeqmarks - 21.11.2023 14:34

The analogy about reading a bok page and not retaining any info is kind of how i feel about your voice. Be happier pls.

@braydenjj1163 - 21.11.2023 09:24

Save your $, run from this game that has no story, should have never been released and PvP running simulator that randomly ports you ... Save your time and money, it's a pig. If you like collecting loot you'll never use, that pretty much all there is, PvP can be fun when AGS doesn't fuck you out of it, it's pretty bad, quality of life tried to get better but still completely F'd ... Just run (cause that's all you'll do) or stay away. Still 'running' myrk, cast, hello, isle ... It's a joke and still unfinished game ... Should have never released ... They F'd themselves and cannot undo it

@Madkingstow - 21.11.2023 07:46

Thank you for your honest review. You saved me alot of time and heartbreak.

@dl4doom760 - 19.11.2023 20:28

click bate

@dustinjohnson836 - 16.11.2023 04:54

It's a barren wasteland of meaningless content. The highest server counts are around 1200, and it basically just feels like there's nothing to do unless you like OPR and wars. It's not an MMO. It's a dark souls lobby based PvP game. Unfortunate because the combat is kinda good.

@maxim377 - 13.11.2023 23:14

I was halfway done downloading it to give it another go after the dumpster fire of launch and thank god I saw this, as someone who loves transmog in games like WoW and FF14 I'll just uninstall the downloaded portion of the game now rather then ever engage with another predatory transmog system, looking at you too Bungie.

@relaxxed_ - 13.11.2023 08:12

I played New World back at launch and started playing FFXIV in late summer of 2022. I enjoyed New World, got to max, max weapon mastery and crafters/gatherers, max hwm, but I just got bored. FFXIV was much more my style, although I do miss the art style and graphics of New World.

@andromeda7588 - 12.11.2023 09:46

I refuse to use the transmog system. I'll pay for a mount but that's about it. Changing your appearance should be free! The combat and exploration are fun, but I can't see myself staying very long once I reach max level

@dylanfoster6882 - 10.11.2023 20:54

Well I reinstalled NW last night, figured id watch a review about it before hopping on. Guess I'm uninstalling lmfao

@dreamforger7166 - 10.11.2023 15:14

On the graphic side, they apparently do not got a single dev who could program water or rain... it looks like something taken out from ps3 era... wish we had living and good looking wster like the ones in Sea of Thieves.. and swimming.. we need swimming

@baska- - 10.11.2023 05:46

The monetization in this game is extremely bad. AGS will never publish or develop a game that's got good monetization.
!RemindMe in 2030.

@wheeze9378 - 09.11.2023 22:35

Still a year or two to go, for New World to be worth a shot. ;-)

@brandongodfrey3475 - 08.11.2023 18:59

Definitely disagree, the game is a lot of fun

@warrpoet7001 - 06.11.2023 23:12

you sound burned out.

@francisnguyen9554 - 06.11.2023 08:28

Monetization by P2W in a game that you have already paid is unacceptable. There is no way I am going to buy this. Time to go back to Guild Wars 2.

@Dazen101 - 06.11.2023 06:51

11:15 Am I crazy? Wasn't this free at the start of the game?

@tenryuta - 05.11.2023 19:54

every weapon gets 6 possible skills.... but you can only use 3 at a time, played quite a bit liking gathering and crafting.. for a day or 2, thought it was a sandboxy styled mmo like the oldies(ultima, runescape), this game is a major step back in so many ways.

@BahaaSoliman - 05.11.2023 14:46

The moment I saw 'Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Focus and Constitution', I knew EXACTLY whose homework they copied whilst developing this game... because I'm following their path trying to make mine, but without a network

@balckandgold - 05.11.2023 04:04

Exactly! Especially the "reading a whole page and when you get to the bottom you realize that you didn't retain anything." It sucks when my mind does that, haha.

@azakatura - 03.11.2023 21:53

At this point they should just shut down New World and stay away from making anything else lmao.

@FlintingSun - 02.11.2023 23:53

Thanks for the review, and the warning. I won't be buying this.

@lichtheundead - 31.10.2023 07:58

take note they said they wont be making ANY pay2win stuff but here we are. This was said in their website "The in-game store content will not give players an advantage in PvE or PvP gameplay. Our goal is to not provide anything that players find to be “pay to win” for in-game store offers. No items in the store will give players instant lifts to their overall gear score, experience points, or impact territory control. No item in the store is a gate to experiencing game mechanics. Players should never feel they have to spend additional money to experience New World once they’ve purchased the game, as the price you pay at launch lets you play the entire released game."

I was planning to comeback to the game but after seeing them locking levels, default mounts and qol features, pseudo raid behind paywall, its a dumb decision because THIS SHT SHOULD'VE BEEN IN THE GAME'S RELEASE TO BEGIN WITH AND it locked another "end-game" system(mutations) that WAS in the game behind the paywall too just to make it more "appealing" to buy.

Also its been years and they haven't optimized the game in a meaningful level. You literally drop fps when spamming weapon swap, AND SWIMMING, THERE IS NO SWIMMING ANIMATION, you literally power walk under water till you drown. The players who pretends these is okay is way out of their minds trying to convince themselves its okay, hard copium at its finest just to give justice to their thousands of hours spent in the game. If their only excuse is "this is how mmos does it" well let me tell you new world is not like any mmos, it has waaaay less population than any other top mmo, was built to be different compared to other mmos and now its trying to be like every other mmo(in the worst way possible, being pay2win, paying for convenience, paying for god awful cosmetics that make you look like drag queens) take note the mmos its trying to copy monetization from has a "healthy" amount of population, also you've been desensitized by god awful people thinking this is normal. Not to mention the failure to revitalize population with the recent "big" update, it only solidified the negative image it left with the players that came back to this game cause they all left immediately after seeing nothing really changed other than another reason to hate the game.

Give it another year, specially when Amazon is making Lord of the rings mmo which is another fantasy themed mmo that would clearly rival NW unless they make it with different combat mechanics. My love for the game is just gone, after seeing how poorly they treated their playerbase even though we already had a diminishing trust with them. This nails it, the pay2win aspect alone after promising not doing so was enough for me to cut it, they literally betrayed trust of their customers, cope all you want, your game ain't going nowhere if they continue this path. I don't expect a comeback from new world, only downfall. I hope to be proved wrong as I genuinely love the game's old premise.

@spars3326 - 31.10.2023 06:40

definitely seems like a lot of ass hats play now. Just came back after the original max exodus. Nothing but bad experiences with players.

@tomaslekis3262 - 29.10.2023 01:32

People complaining about paid cosmetics in a game that has no sub fee is hilarious to me lol.

@itstrab - 28.10.2023 09:58

Here I was thinking about coming back to New World after a year off, but then I got to your cash store portion and completely changed my mind. It's insane that they have players pay to transmog, INSANE.

@omarnieves4438 - 28.10.2023 05:23

Nope they just killed the game for me after so many hours of farming collecting all those gear sets and now you can’t even level them up to 700 everything is worthless. I really don’t understand why these people can’t do something right. The best part of this dlc is the mounts even with all the bugs the rest disappointment this was my favorite mmo/rpg ever. Now I just hate it. Finished the races storyline SUCKED SAME RECYCLed STUFF over and over the new weapon ahhh it’s okay I guess just extremely disappointed with the gear stuff can’t level it up at all everything is garbage now back to farming it feels like a job and nolonger fun.

@herbertwest9370 - 27.10.2023 21:17

Is there dynamic weather?

@GIDEONkjv - 27.10.2023 09:45

OK let’s just admit to get any of the really good stuff in the game you have to go on the huge mob runs to get elite chests. There’s no sense of battle and most the time when I was doing it, I just found myself running around to the next chest without even fighting. Got boring really quick.. not enough stuff in the game can be done with just yourself or a small group. If they made everything accessible with just a small group so your actual fighting skills made a difference then I would be much more interested in the game. honestly, my favorite part of the game was resource gathering and doing trades or sales in the store, but that can only last so long.

@carsondinwoodie5840 - 27.10.2023 00:28

Help spread the term, transition.

An expansion is new content added such as maps uniquely new character designs and animations,

A transition is changes to already existing content. Reskinned assets, weapon tweaks, map area rearrangements.

The two are vastly different and should be better well known to the younger gamers.

@carsondinwoodie5840 - 27.10.2023 00:17

No you are very much spamming attacks based on your cool downs. Cool downs hapen in 8,5 and 3 seconds when finished your skill leveling which means your gonna hit your 8 second attack first. 5 second coold down ability then your 3 second cool down ability to optimise your combat. Maybe add a few basic attacks here and there but its still very restrictive. Enemies are still very cut and paste.

@wrongman5495 - 26.10.2023 18:08

is not dont waste your time

@Silver803 - 26.10.2023 04:17

Dang. I absolutely loved New world when it came out but once I got to 70ish the grind and bland story lost my attention. The endgame was very repetitive for barely any reward. Looks like i'll wait another year.

@93darksage - 26.10.2023 03:01

Not gonna lie, the game is not the best but you exageratted with lots of things here. Transmogs tokens are not so hard to get, the story while lacking in some parts it's at least decent if you pay attention to it, especially with the new zone which actually shows us at the end who actually is the big bad. The boosters are kinda pointless with how easy to lvl weapons and skills is now. The new expansion adds a bit more content than Brimstone sands.. dungeons are indeed lacking when it comes to boss fights, if you do the normal ones that is, mutations add more elements to it and increase difficulty and combat metrics and macros... pvp is way more fun than what you explained here ... No offense but you rushed through everything without bothering to pay attention to anything or actually enjoying it...

@Acebets70 - 25.10.2023 23:28


@npaul5962 - 25.10.2023 10:00

Very thoughtful and well organized review. I'm glad I stumbled upon this channel : )

@mervinvirrey4346 - 25.10.2023 09:28

i played this game before with my old 16gb ram 1060 6gb vram laptop and it run smoothly, but now? its unplayable, stuttering fps drop made me quit. upgrading is not an option now haaha.
