যদি রা/শি/য়া না থাকে, পৃ/থি/বী থাকবে না। হাইপারসনিক হা/ম/লা শুরু

যদি রা/শি/য়া না থাকে, পৃ/থি/বী থাকবে না। হাইপারসনিক হা/ম/লা শুরু


54 года назад

180,296 Просмотров

এই ভিডিও এর তথ্যসূত্র লিংক 👇👇👇

যদি রা/শি/য়া না থাকে, পৃ/থি/বী থাকবে না। হাইপারসনিক হা/ম/লা শুরু

Hello Friends, I am Hasnat Khan, Welcome to My Channel,

আমাদের ফেসবুকে লিংকন 👇👇
About this video:
Bangladesh, to the east of India on the Bay of Bengal, is a South Asian country marked by lush greenery and many waterways. Its Padma (Ganges), Meghna and Jamuna rivers create fertile plains, and travel by boat is common. On the southern coast, the Sundarbans, an enormous mangrove forest shared with Eastern India, is home to the royal Bengal tiger.
Upcoming Top 10 Mega Projects of #Bangladesh #PadmaMultipurposeBridge #DhakaMetroRail #PadmaRailLink #MatarbariDeepSeaPort #HazratShahjalalInternationalAirportTerminal3 #DhakaElevatedExpressway #RooppurNuclearPowerPlant #DhakatoChittagongExpressRailway #KarnaphuliTunnel #BangabandhuRailwayBridgeProject

About my channel:
I upload two military technology videos to this channel every week, Also I have economics, About my channel:
I upload two military technology videos to this channel every week, Also I have #hasnatkhan #bangladesharmy #bangladesh #dhakametrorail #bangladeshairforce #mrcaupdate #dollarvstaka #russiaukarinewarupdatetoday #mynmar #bangladeshrohingya #iran #israelnews #turkey #turkeybangladeshnews #china #chintaiwantension #nuclearpowerplant, #bangladesheconomyreaction #bayofbengal #indiachinabordernews #bangladeshviralvideo
#hasnatkhan #Bangladeshdevelopmentvideo #Bangladesheconomy2030 #Bangladeshdefenceupdate #UkraineRussbanglades


#hasnat_Khan_video #BNP_meeting #Bangladesh_election_2023 #Sheikh_Hasina_power #Bangladesh_India #Bangladesh_viral_video #Bangladesh_development_video #Bangladesh_economy_2023 #Ukraine_Russia_war_video #Bangladesh_defence_update #Bangladesh_nuclear_power #world_current_affairs #Indo-Pacific_Strategy #India_China_border #India_Pakistan_border #Bangladesh_us_relation #Bangladesh_export_2023 #world_new_technology_2023 #USA_New_military_Technology #Bangladesh_future_Mega_project
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