Should You Buy Galactic Paragons (It Changes Stellaris Completely)

Should You Buy Galactic Paragons (It Changes Stellaris Completely)


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@crizzlybear - 28.09.2023 16:48

I really really really wish they would stop with their little OC characters and set empires that are sometimes guaranteed to spawn. It makes the game less of a sandbox and more of a set in stone setting. The most fun part of this game was creating your own races and empires and basically making your own galaxy, and they're taking that away more and more.

@hypersonicmonkeybrains3418 - 07.08.2023 17:33

unfortunately for me the UI screen for leaders works at about 1 frame every 5 seconds.. unplayable slideshow..

@zenethboiron8563 - 03.08.2023 19:44

bad review. the creator touted this as most divisive/distinctive blah blah blah extension in the game when all it did was allow players more control over leader management. Waste of time. If all videos are like this that is just praising all the way to the sky without much sum and substance then people need to unsubscribe this channel. Just boring infomercial sort of video.

@Kaador - 12.07.2023 14:24

S-Tier? After this video Ill buy it no matter what. Nice.
Edit: I sense the true Emperor of Mankind, with his Angels of Death...

@jaybee8862 - 12.07.2023 11:38

I hope gestalts get some love soon....

I understand getting leader buffs would be kinda broken for em... since.... theyre like... immortal n all...

But some love would be nice lol

@razark9 - 11.07.2023 14:41

I hope they'll continue to add new OST's. That's like one of the best expansion/DLC features.

@ramezhachicho1777 - 10.07.2023 23:11

It is good that the devs are listening there have been too many spreadsheet expansions .. This sounds like something that adds real meat to the game.

@Isnogood12 - 08.07.2023 14:03

They could have finally made espinage something other than a joke by allowing assassinations, but nope. Espionage still trash.

@v-force1379 - 29.06.2023 07:49

Regardless on whether its a good DLC or not, im going to buy it because i own all DLC for Stellaris, and i wont let that change lol

@VioletEyesLuna - 20.06.2023 19:15

i stop playing at federation, are all new dlc good enough content to play or nothing much really matter added later after federation?

@Josh-py9rq - 20.06.2023 00:10

I just buy all expansions 🤷‍♂️ I love the game even if I haven’t played it in months loveee the game the team more than happy to throw my cash at their expansions and add ons

@shadowmaster335 - 15.06.2023 20:39

ngl, im surprised it took paradox so long to enable us to "build" our own leaders, considering we can specialize however we want on virtually all other aspects of the game

@GottgleicherMaster - 13.06.2023 10:51

man this game keeps on giving. this is by far the best update.

@leopardpanzer9700 - 12.06.2023 09:02

Can you change a leader’s appearance now with this expansion? Ive been wanting a way to do this for a while

@viewingstorm8930 - 08.06.2023 22:30

As a console player I would like toxoids to come out

@Fatueable - 06.06.2023 10:19

Leaders were fixed by "Merged leaders levels mod" that done much more to expand their usefulness, turning your expendable paws into valuable assets. Paragons brings gameplay few steps closer to level that mod(s) reached. Only thing missing now from this expansion is CK style relations of your "court" - and their consequences. For example removed from council and/or dismissed admiral reappearing in your rival ranks. 😂

@fitzy5063 - 27.05.2023 06:39

Haven't had this much playing stellaris definitely recommend

@valk_7233 - 23.05.2023 15:50

It's S* tier for me. Why the "*"? Because while i love the "Under one rule" Origin, it's kinda obvious that it was rushed and not finished.

@victorhughgo2376 - 22.05.2023 02:37

I think it's awesome but I want a higher leader cap, at least double what it is now. From 6 to 12 to start.

@davidmor9276 - 21.05.2023 05:52

I see why people would like it but I just don't. I like having a lot of leaders and the cap is too low.

@Skyte100 - 21.05.2023 01:59

I really hate the UI changes and some of the choices they made for leaders, like changing how science research had worked since the beginning. Like adding leader cap is just stupid since they had one years ago and removed it.

The massive UI overhaul was honestly stupidly risky since if you hate it enough then they just lost that portion of their fan base going forward. Not only would those people not buy that DLC, they won't buy any future dlc since they'll keep it on the previous version.

@UnknownTuber450 - 19.05.2023 18:32

Holy shat, empire heirs can be used for something!

@h3rteby - 18.05.2023 06:51

The problem I see with this though is that you have way too many leaders to care about them individually, since you go through multiple generations in one game.

@TheAderwolf - 16.05.2023 13:03

i have close to 2k hrs now. the empire bilding is good and all but radical dlcs like these is what keep me playing and coming back to this game again and again.

@rake483 - 14.05.2023 22:05

No Aspec, we can't "sail past it" because Paradox forced this new leader system on everyone.

@Bayofthe91st - 14.05.2023 09:46

Wanna know how bad the backlash for the sectors overhaul is? Just look at the trending mods in workshop right now lol

@edenrh - 14.05.2023 08:23

Will the new leaders interact with the different factions? There's great opportunity there

@RockSmacker - 13.05.2023 21:08

Just found your channel from this video and I really love your style. It's great that you actually advocate for the expansion and present it at its best, based on what you think it does well and your opinion, not just a summary that you'd find on the Steam store page. You also assume some knowledge and experience with the game and its mechanics from your audience, which is great for long-time players like me since I want you to get into what makes this expansion new and special, not just what the game already has. Sold me on the expansion and earned a subscriber :)

@ODST226 - 13.05.2023 19:16

Hey dev team! Can you please stop trying to turn stellaris into a different game?! I don't want even more micro!

@BigChapDidNothingWrong - 13.05.2023 00:09

I had hoped they'd focus on factions and the internal politicking of a civilization. Making heroes out of leaders kinda takes away from the civilization itself being the focus of attention.

@Jay_Johnson - 12.05.2023 13:11

Absolutely crazy they did this. I started making a mod for the game that was going to give the faction leaders ethics related bonuses and then id way through they announce this....

@vander34th - 12.05.2023 08:27

While this DLC has the potential to be S Tier it is currently game breaking and F Tier for me. I don't think the rework of star bases was this divisive. This is the first time I refunded a DLC for this game in the 7 years of playing it. Looking forward to getting it once they fix the leader cap and penalties issue. The Devs made it clear they do not care about player feedback, so I'm letting my money do the talking.

@ybwang7124 - 12.05.2023 07:41

it slows it up completely.

@AndyBakos82 - 11.05.2023 21:28

I am still following the development of Stellaris, but I really wish they addressed the overcomplicated economics. I cannot believe a game that requires a PhD and tons of time to manage an empire of 10+ planets is considered fun..

@TheBestMCScavenger - 11.05.2023 20:38

i’m a role player and i started playing the game again when first contact dropped because i thought the fear the dark origin was cool and i wished that there was a leader expansion, a few days later this was announced and i’m glad it looks like everything I hoped a leader expansion would be

@eligoldman9200 - 11.05.2023 19:36

Paradox has really stepped up their DLC game. This and the crusader kings 3 dlc are some of the best content they have made.

@eligoldman9200 - 11.05.2023 19:31

They basically added internal politics and I’m here for it.

@Idkwhtpsipto - 11.05.2023 18:53

So as if you weren’t already busy enough, now you can be much busier. I’ll take it.

@Racketeerof89 - 11.05.2023 16:48

Is too much dept a thing? How many layers can be added before it is too much?

I am good with all of these game changing addons as long as we can turn it off at different levels. Sometimes I like to use Spy Networks, sometimes it just feels like an unnecessary step.

@hugmonger - 11.05.2023 16:11

Honestly this is exactly the kind of thing I wanted. I like playing Megacorps with lots of Spying and Diplomacy and stuff cuz I love meeting the different characters and so on. I wish we could interact with more of the enemies characters and like... do bribes and stuff. But I know.... Crusader Kings already exists... But ya know, Im still waiting for CK in Space.

@HellEarthHeaven - 11.05.2023 06:53

For me I dislike galactic paragon since I like that trait were randomized with relevant traits to what they did clicking a button to make them a genius just feels cheap to me since they aren't a genius and I didn't even have gene modding it's the first dlc I disabled since it ruined my immersion. The council was cool though they could be fleshed out a bit.

@machionrender6409 - 11.05.2023 06:43

Stellaris: Galactic Paragons is the best dlc ever does deserves a S tier for sure

@clairehill5663 - 11.05.2023 05:19

I keep spawning in with an empire trying to eat or purify me so i will wait to see if there is an aggression bug when i saw a 9k fleet solo my 22.2k station i quit. minght try to re install an older version

@isuckatusernames4297 - 10.05.2023 23:11

do you like gatcha games ?
if yes, then get a life, if it's too hard, the new stellaris dlc might be for you.

@vampiricalchemist - 10.05.2023 22:58

Enjoying it so far. The new Origin might be my new default origin whenever I don't know what to pick. Love it.

Though I have to agree, we need a sort of auto upgrader system because it's getting tedious. I'm glad for the new auto-explore options though as it does ease up the micro some. Great overall update imo.

@kyle.bowles - 10.05.2023 20:41

Strong F tier. Too many changes to the base game. No way to opt out of this leader rework, and now my previously well-rounded game now feels broken.

@JBCreatieve - 10.05.2023 17:41

how strong is planetshield agains invading an bombarments ,its worthed to add planetshields ???? ,because bombardments have more influence now .

@eliezermartinez1565 - 10.05.2023 16:22

I want a paragon that looks like the guy from the overlord trailers!

@lachezartzvetkov617 - 10.05.2023 16:18

No way I'm giving paradox money ever again. I may pirate it, but considering what a fiasco Stellaris life cycle has been so far.. no thanks
