Understanding & Conquering Depression

Understanding & Conquering Depression

Andrew Huberman

2 года назад

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Boe Jiden
Boe Jiden - 19.10.2023 01:17

Very interesting video. I'm currently trying to understand my own mental health and am 21. I think I've got a form of depression but not clinical depression.

Elijah Wilensky
Elijah Wilensky - 18.10.2023 23:54

Essential Phatty Acids

Katie Kut
Katie Kut - 18.10.2023 00:53

You are awesome!

MK - 17.10.2023 14:43

PLEASE DO A POD ON BENZODIAZEPINE WITHDRAWAL. This is the new Opioid epidemic. Makes coming off all other meds feel like a beautiful day at the beach. We really need more info put out there. Thank you.

Donna Gibbs
Donna Gibbs - 14.10.2023 22:16

Dr Huberman, thank you so much for this. You are a great teacher. Kind karma. Donna

abenn - 13.10.2023 18:52

Andrew, you’re one of the people the universe blesses the rest of us with. 🙏🏻

Rockio Shots
Rockio Shots - 13.10.2023 04:53

Is Lexapro a good drug for major depression? I am on day 4 today

Hydra.School - 12.10.2023 05:43

Guess who´s back,, hahahahah, I´m your fan number one, greetings, hughes and the best wishes for you my professor, master I´d like to share you all my recent book that´s related to your topics and field, I´m profesor too and you´re my daily roomate hahaha btw I´m from Colombia and currently living here

Andrea Lyday
Andrea Lyday - 10.10.2023 20:58


Barbara Russell
Barbara Russell - 09.10.2023 06:09

I think what makes me depressed is that I am lonely as heck and can't find my beautiful partner man.

Brooklyn Bambini
Brooklyn Bambini - 06.10.2023 11:10

I am in the 1/3 of the population for whom SSRI’s had no positive effect, and in fact caused profound harm including daily rumination on death and suicidal ideation—for hours and hours a day, for 5 years. I renegades with life Only when I stopped taking both antidepressants I was prescribed—as the primary one needed a ‘booster’ to ‘help’ it. This 1/3 of the population that gets labeled ‘treatment resistant’ is most probably a much higher percentage, as doctors don’t traditionally like reporting they were unable to move the needle on a patient’s wellness. My feeling is that the number is probably more like 50%. Additionally, there is no mention of what may be responsible with respect to why this class of drugs works for some people—belief. Simply put, some patients put enormous faith in what they are told. And when they believe wholesale what their prescribing doctors tell them, their belief overrides the lack of actual improvement and they report and perceive themselves as feeling better. Vilify me if you will—6 years of my precious life were taken by an array of psychopharmeceuticals flattening my aspect to the point that I was very nearly non-verbal for 18 months, ruminating all day on death. Reversal only occurred when I stopped ingesting these toxic compounds. Body work, mindfulness, energy work—these modalities are THE frontline modalities to turn to when a pervasive low mood first presents. No one can say I don’t know what I am talking about and that I don’t have credentials to back up what I’m saying. I walked this path personally. What psychiatrist or psychopharmacologist or exert out there espousing the befits of compounds taht flatten aspect, inspire suicidal ideation and worse, can say that they’ve submitted themselves to these compounds for years in order to amplify their BOOK learning? I’d venture to say that figure is zero.

Тетяна Попенко
Тетяна Попенко - 05.10.2023 18:47

Ppl have to stop using word depression loosely. Because is much more bigger then just a bad mood. There r number of symptoms, feels like your brain got sick and u can’t handle it that’s why want it to end. I know from my experience

Santiago Piedra
Santiago Piedra - 05.10.2023 05:18

Shout out to the ones with depression that made it through this entire video 😅

Killa Massacre
Killa Massacre - 04.10.2023 04:01

I click with everything you said. Thats sad :( its super hard to control, but i keep going everyday even though im not happy. I miss feeling happy. I 🙏 for everyone to have a healthy life and i hope yall never feel like this.

Diane - 04.10.2023 02:27

Is it OK to take venlafaxine with 125mg of natural GABA?

Natasha Whalley
Natasha Whalley - 02.10.2023 21:16

You mentioned that people with depression have a cortisol peak at 9pm - do you have advice on how to manage this? Is this something that will 'normalise' if the symptoms of depression are managed/ reduced or is this something that will always remain ? Should people continue with the morning protocols you discuss (in other episodes) or try something slightly different? thanks!

Adonis - 02.10.2023 12:32

Me watching this while taking my SSRIs

Mrjdmichaelson - 02.10.2023 07:25

What about MCT? Can that fall in the EPA CHAIN? Since its a medium Chain triglyceride its not?

Robin Joy
Robin Joy - 01.10.2023 04:34

5 -10 mg daily Creatine Monohydrate, EPA (not DHA) omega oil, and exercise are the recommendations he gives for depression .
Let me add those to my Zoloft, 5htp, cordycep mushroom, Sam-e, mood boost digestive supplement and green juice .
Ugh. I just want to not suffer depression and anxiety 🙃

CajunCraft - 30.09.2023 20:30

I would love to see a show on benzodiazepines.

FollowerOfTheLight - 28.09.2023 02:35

Great podcast. Riveted.

kennethmbox - 27.09.2023 17:53

Can we ask if you can make podcast on schizophrenia? 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🕊️🕊️

Jean - 27.09.2023 13:59

What about Low Dose Naltrexone?

Will - 26.09.2023 15:26

Thank you for speaking on so many relevant topics and providing implementable strategies.

crustum cremo
crustum cremo - 26.09.2023 01:43

I wonder when spirituality and the Self in the world becomes a factor of consideration regarding depression. Perhaps that it is linked to a Bigger picture aspect of being here in this world and all the chemical and neurological signs are just symptoms of a deeper issue pertaining to one's existence here. I think there is a lot to regard with philosophers like Schopenhauer and Nietzsche with relevance to personal power and asserting oneself as being necessary parts of a healthy psychology that is condemned as egotism/evil when it is a vital fundamental in a world that for the most part is wholly adversarial to everything living within it.

Trọng Nguyễn
Trọng Nguyễn - 24.09.2023 16:09

Not relevant but, his pen clip looks weird

Lunar Ribbon
Lunar Ribbon - 24.09.2023 05:23

Thanks for creating this, Dr. Huberman! Your contribution to science and humanity is wonderful. Hoping these notes can help others summarize this great information :)

Types of depression
1 Major depression
Unipolar (lows)

2 Bipolar depression

Chemicals of depression
1 Norepinephrine
Psychomotor retardation, can’t get out of bed, lethargy

2 Dopamine
No motivation to do anything
Lack of ability to experience pleasure - anhedonia

3 Serotonin
Grief and guilt, emotional aspect

Other factors relating to depression
4 Pain (pleasure and pain scale and homeostasis)

5 Hormones
Low thyroid hormone, hypothyroidism, Hashimoto thyroiditis, thyroid related to metabolism

6 Stress

7 Anxiety

8 Genetics
Gene called 5HTTLPR polymorphism increases susceptibility for depression, it’s a serotonin transporter

9 Inflammation in immune system
Glymphatic system is link between immune system and brain
Inflammatory markers
TNF tumor necrosis alpha
C-reactive protein (high amount in autoimmune diseases)
Prostaglandins (causes intense cramps in menstrual cycle)

Pharmacological changes
1 Focus on changing some core biological function (traditional methods)
1 TCA and MAO increase levels of norepinephrine/noradrenaline in the brain
2 SSRI does not increase amount of serotonin, just increases efficacy of serotonin that’s already there

2 Rewire neural circuitry (newer methods, research currently being done in these fields, highly regulated and done in controlled setting/controlled dosage)
1 Doing things to NMDA receptor, impacting layer 5 neurons in neocortex
a) Ketamine and PCP block NMDA receptor, antagonist
Ketamine, change the spines on neurons in the prefrontal cortex, increases neuroplasticity, and changes in how we think, feel, and behave
Dissociative anesthetic states, emotions don’t weigh so heavily, shift in neural circuitry

b) Psychedelics
Psilocybin aka magic mushrooms
Layer 5 neurons in the neocortex – first layer of brain, connects to different areas of the brain, serotonin 5h2a receptor is there
Helps the person to exist in past present future, helps them find solutions to what’s bothering them

c) MDMA for trauma

Ketamine is more for distancing
Psilocybin is for immersing self

Lifestyle changes
1 Creatine
Helps with exercise output, might be bad for kidneys

2 Food
Omega 3 fatty acids good you, relief from depressive symptoms
Amino acid Tryptophan converted to serotonin
Fermented food good for gut bacteria
Ketogenic diet can help with pediatric epilepsy
Increases GABA transmission, it is inhibitory neurotransmitter
Alcohol increases GABA, lower social inhibitions, suppresses self-monitoring pathways
Also, benzodiazepines, Xanax, and valium increase GABA transmission

3 Exercise

Jacob Jakus
Jacob Jakus - 23.09.2023 22:14

the incredible how i want to pay so much more attention because the intense eye contact level. it's like he's talkin right to me and i just wanna focus on just him explaining it. @andrew is it with that eyecontact AI tech? kidding but what do your notes look like for these?

Chris Sayer Anderson
Chris Sayer Anderson - 21.09.2023 15:11

Everybody is equal in and life and death. Depression affects all of us at some point .

Michael - 21.09.2023 07:00

This Is so lame and fake, doesn't relate at all to real depression. I couldn't connect or relate at all with this fake video

Laura Delarosa
Laura Delarosa - 21.09.2023 04:42

The RX part of this is interesting. In a Major Depression episode where a person experiences all the above symptoms is there 1 magic pill or are doctors tending to prescribe a plethora of them to combat the symptoms?

Tara B
Tara B - 21.09.2023 01:06

I eat well, blood work is perfect, health is great, I’m just always tired. No reason for the fatigue, I live a healthy lifestyle limiting screen time… I’m just always exhausted. The only time I feel good is every couple of months I fast for a couple days.

The VonnieVonVon Show
The VonnieVonVon Show - 20.09.2023 11:50

I swear by Fish Oil Supplements 💯

Irina Iordanescu
Irina Iordanescu - 20.09.2023 07:48

Dr Huberman, thank you for your podcast. What about farmacogenetics for the tratment of mood disorders or other psychiatric diseases? Thank you

Owen Harper
Owen Harper - 19.09.2023 05:21

As a paramedic from Australia, I continue to learn from your amazing podcasts.

Testing Babu
Testing Babu - 16.09.2023 21:51

Dr. Huberman's technique, "avoid dopamine highs," look like it is working for me. I stopped watching porn. Even though I never do it beyond 2 hours per session and per day, which I believe is not too much, I suspected that it still probably made me sick. So I wanted to see what happens if I stop it. After just 5 days of stopping it, there is a small but recognizable difference in my mood. First I felt better about myself and my self-control, and then noticed a tiny spike in motivation to go and change my life. I will continue it and post results.

David Udechi
David Udechi - 16.09.2023 07:35

I got out of depression and fell back into it. I was so sad. I think I’m stressed and also in anxiety mode because of where I live. I don’t find pleasure here and my home I wish I will find pleasure over there when I go. God help me.

GEAR of TONES - 14.09.2023 11:20

Was gonna listen but when you're trying to sell stuff on the back of it. Forget it.

AssyrianKing4ever - 14.09.2023 02:26

Lots of notes taken. I will get it going and see where this takes me.
Consistency will be the key.

Sooth & Zen
Sooth & Zen - 13.09.2023 18:16

Hi, we actually have a group of people that we help to battle Anhedonia, now their Anhedonia was caused by SSRI medications and COVID. What happens then when Anhedonia wasn’t created by an excess of dopamine ?

Michelle Pimentel
Michelle Pimentel - 12.09.2023 21:58

Learning about mechanism has helped me understand myself and the world
I find it fascinating and immensely validating

Michelle Pimentel
Michelle Pimentel - 12.09.2023 21:56

Thank you for validating my life experience. Your discussion about episodes of stress related to depression- explains what I have been through and how I ended up in a severe depression. Long story here but the pathway makes a lot of sense

karina muñoz
karina muñoz - 11.09.2023 01:30

You are amazing ❤ Thanks for this episode as it helps me to understand better this condition, in order to help someone who is close to me . Thank u for sharing your knowledge and experience . You are 1 in a million ❤

mike engelhardt
mike engelhardt - 10.09.2023 19:13

Love this guy

FlyingMoon - 09.09.2023 08:09

Can you help with what brands of EPA and creatine is good quality?

D Jones
D Jones - 08.09.2023 08:00

Excellent podcast. Exactly what I was looking for. You are the best! Thank you.

kln mn
kln mn - 08.09.2023 07:19

I love that Huberman truly does stick to the science. Nothing really philosophical, moral, nor opinion based. Purely fact driven. It’s such a breath of fresh air.

Chris Wright
Chris Wright - 07.09.2023 16:35

I'm so glad to have discovered these conversations and find them incredibly useful with my clients to help them learn about how their own psychology and bodies work in conjunction with each other. Thank you for sharing your valuable knowledge.

apogeeangel - 05.09.2023 16:39

Oh Dear God😲, TWO HOURS ---
I'll Forget The First Hour, Going Into The Second Hour😬😁

Thom Butler
Thom Butler - 05.09.2023 15:30

Thank you so much for your informative podcasts, Dr. Huberman. I'm currently dealing with potential physiological symptoms of stress-induced depression. Understanding the mechanisms helps me feel more confident in my ability to push back against the affliction. Your work is important- thank you again.
