Selling Music As An Independent Record Label

Selling Music As An Independent Record Label

Will Rich

6 месяцев назад

143 Просмотров

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@blackhustlebsg - 23.02.2024 07:09

Been watching your videos for a while and hope for the channel to blow up soon. I'm an independent label owner in Jamaica and not only learn here but get to validate a lot of decisions I've made. Really struggling with scaling somewhat though. Would love to chop it up sometime whether private or on camera for it to be an Inclusive learning experience for others.

@djanon22 - 26.02.2024 06:43

I used to produce for Chris Moon (Prince) and Butch Vig (Nirvana, Green Day) and they both said the same thing you are. Music is the product of a for-profit business. I find it so interesting how there is this false narrative of prioritizing making music for yourself, and how being authentic is what matters most. Maybe for yourself, or as a hobby, as a professional it's absurd.

A friend of mine who has a masters from Berklee College of Music told me to imagine if he told his professor the grade didn't matter, his understanding of musical concepts were irrelevant, cause he tried really hard and felt proud of himself. Like what lol. Imagine Netflix hiring you to score a show and saying they don't like the compositions and you say "I mean, those are just so me, I put my heart into them, so, therefore they are good." Bruh xD

I have over 2,000 songs in my label and average around 500k streams a week. It's only going up, as I keep putting 100% of my profits into acquisition. I have a small team of talented writers, producers, and vocalists, and they all get paid upfront. They're happy, I'm happy, the listeners are happy.

I still play my guitar. I still make music for myself, but, I often do not share it. I have a folder of songs I have never posted. They are mine. I made them for me, which by definition means they are for me, not anyone else. When you make music for others, your interests or opinion are not even relevant. It's oddly egotistical to claim you want to make music that helps other people, and yet also say it's all about you.

An artist creates to simply create, without expectation. A company just wants to make money. A professional knows how to make a company money, and a product that people want to have. It really is that simple.

@unnecessary-roughness3303 - 27.02.2024 04:35

brom your site doesnt have an SSL cert. fire your dev

@Alexanderthetitan - 27.02.2024 06:01

This is a great message
