Let's Talk About WebAssembly and WASI

Let's Talk About WebAssembly and WASI

Tsoding Daily

3 года назад

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@GK-rl5du - 06.02.2024 10:43

Such an amazing introduction to WebAssembly. This has to be a must watch for learning WebAssembly from ground-up (literally).

@ExCyberino - 16.10.2023 05:35

when you provided your own functions for the wasi interface, i quivered

@homelessrobot - 04.10.2023 17:48

the funniest thing about the whole situation is that WASI exists before a standard interface to the browser even exists. You would think that an execution environment that live inside the browser would really want a standardized way to talk to the browser itself. We put all this effort over the last 30 years into building this rich set of web APIs that provide all this information and access to web applications. And WASM is completely excluded from participating.

@liveonphoenix5045 - 03.08.2023 13:11

looks like it similar to JNI in Java, it is really a native interface that bridged vice-versa with JS, WAsm, & maybe other relative scripts/languages.

@liveonphoenix5045 - 03.08.2023 12:31

S expression, looks like Segmentation layout?

@haniqassim - 30.06.2023 16:43

Superb !

@ibrahimabtula3234 - 21.06.2023 20:33

So interesting and I learned a lot. Thanks

@johanyngman7793 - 19.05.2023 15:09

Great! Request for a future video: Doing something in Haskell with the new GHC WASM backend. Keep it up!

@gargleblasta - 02.05.2023 11:46

you are underrated

@isoljator - 01.05.2023 00:36

I found this content both educative as well as thought-provoking. You intro'd and structured the subject matter well, and dissected your ideas/examples straight into code, showing and explaining every step very clearly and from the scratch.

You definitely have skills as an educator, and I consider your channel as one of the most interesting in the developer/programmer space.

Lastly, as to what you state under About > Description: Your actions of providing quality, matter-of-factly educative content free of charge and sans politics defines you way more than merely where you reside.

@peezieforestem5078 - 26.04.2023 14:18

These crazy levels of abstractions is something I hate as well, but I do understand the rationale behind them.

I think it's easy to sit and complain about it, but at the end of the day, unless we are able to provide a better alternative, it is our inconvenience vs someone else's livelihood, and so the decision to restrict freedom is correct.

You can bypass CORS restrictions by creating an `<input type="file"/>`, and then clicking on it programmatically:
let input = document.createElement("input");
input.type = "file";
delete input;
This will let the user manually confirm that they do indeed want to load the file, and it's not a malicious actor.

That being said, the legacy ideas no longer make sense:
1) JS and HTML5 were designed to be beginner-friendly. However, when you make something beginner-friendly, it naturally attracts a lot of beginners, who make all kinds of terrible choices.
2) And so to prevent the harm from those choices, the Web Consortium is forced to implement the ever-stricter policies that limit freedoms of the expert users.
3) However, they then also expect for serious development to occur in the same environment, which will not happen due to massive friction.

It's easy to see that one of these pillars has to go. Either forget the beginner-friendly thing, let the beginners make mistakes, or create a separate environment for the experts.
It ties into the idea that most problems in software come from people trying to do everything at once.

@nd8774 - 23.04.2023 19:28


@bart2019 - 22.04.2023 21:53

WASI is horrible. Not only is the overhead a whopping 1.8MB (over the internet), but what's actually in it is equally horrific: what you have to do do deal with fd_write is as close to a nightmare as it could get.
Still, I enjoy your videos, I tend to watch them from start to finish without skipping a thing.

@jordixboy - 07.04.2023 11:00

if someone is interested in virtualmachines, I recommend checking out chip-8 virtual machine, it's the "hello world" of the virtual machines.

@verageren - 26.03.2023 19:41

This is such a great stream, packed full of knowledge and fun experiments. Nice to see other programmers being bummed by lack of documentation, but keeping faith and plowing through. A lot of understanding of computer memory is shown, which is invaluable to becoming a 10x coder of course.

@workflowinmind - 17.03.2023 23:50

how did your hair grow that much in a year

@rajesh_404 - 24.02.2023 06:56

It's amazing how you enthusiastically said WASM will be the future of computing

@fgtdjkg - 21.02.2023 20:44

Dude, that is an awesome content

@StevenMartinGuitar - 18.02.2023 22:51

I love that rather than explaining a stack based VM, you just write it up from scratch

@PDettarso - 03.11.2022 15:47

It's wasmtime!

@horses_held - 09.09.2022 00:56

One of your best streams!

@parkersorto - 13.07.2022 17:54

Awesome video, thank you.

@ot44eto - 06.07.2022 18:42

This was great stream! I love the simple stack explanation and the look into binary and text wasm. I didn't use WASI yet, and this video was very useful for me. Thank you.

@andersonlameck6477 - 24.06.2022 13:43

Best WASM/WASI intro

@lucianochadru4064 - 09.04.2022 10:57

I love you. You are the best. You are beautiful. You are a king. A Jungle heater. A megalo-crafter. A tiger. Don't let anybody not call you Mister. Also runs fast inside the browser. Very good video by the way. Keep it up daddy. Use two hands to clap bitchies bro.

@gscacco - 12.03.2022 14:33

I have to thank you so much for the ever interesting content of you videos. I'm Italian ... so BRAVO !

@samferrer - 11.02.2022 12:45

Explosive introduction!!!

@venkateshhariharan4341 - 26.01.2022 12:44

great stream, I learnt a lot in a single stream

@shmuel-k - 20.01.2022 12:10

Love the passion. Thanks for this video!

@tockar5636 - 29.08.2021 12:26

tnx u

@whiteandy - 08.08.2021 00:54

Спасибо, очень интересное видео

@Brutar1 - 23.05.2021 08:20

Really good video with reveal of deeper wasm and wasi mechanics. Good work Tsoding.

@MaxCoplan - 23.05.2021 05:12

This was sick. The final success at the last minute was so satisfying

@hbobenicio - 23.05.2021 02:45

That was a really cool and educative and fun stream! Thank you for the content!
