April Fools Day On The Internet - Eddache

April Fools Day On The Internet - Eddache


1 год назад

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this channel just exists
this channel just exists - 23.09.2023 02:27

well, I looked it up, and yeah, 1937, you learn somethings from the most unassuming of sources

J F - 22.09.2023 01:07

I’m waiting for the eventual payoff to the “Really Big Cat” Easter eggs.

…or it’s referencing something I’m unfamiliar with which in that case WHOOOOOPS

tadness - 19.09.2023 09:15

Honestly, there needs to be a browser extension for search engines, video hosts, news sites, etc. that marks any content posted on or around April Fools Day. (Ideally March 30th-April 2nd just to be on the safe side.) I don't mind it much on the holiday, but it's incredibly frustrating/annoying to stumble across it weeks or months later.

Whiteythereaper - 17.09.2023 18:15

My favourite April Fools Day thing has to be Pokémon Showdown replacing all of the Pokemon spirtes with cursed stupidity, something that was so popular they made it a permanent option toggle

Henry applebottom
Henry applebottom - 16.09.2023 07:57

April fools day:
The day where everyone is stupid.
For better and for worse.

Bepo4ka - 16.09.2023 05:43

Man, i always thought that Volkswagen was Voltswagen even before i heard this prank.

Sam Lewis
Sam Lewis - 13.09.2023 21:00

Theres actually no evidence of the War of the Worlds actually tricking anyone, it's probably fake or at least wildly exaggerating.

LukasRainbow - 10.09.2023 23:43

April Fools is good and fun
Just the Internet runs almost everything

Stuntman Lopez
Stuntman Lopez - 10.09.2023 17:48

another big issue of April's fools, it's the fact that many countries don't have "aprils fools", or at least not in april, in Spain we have "El Dia De Los Santos Inocentes" which is pretty much Aprils fools, but on december 28, so for a lot of people who's not very knowledgeable about american traditions or festivities, they can fall for an aprils fools joke, because for them April 1st is just another day.

1WolfFan - 10.09.2023 14:52

I also have ASD... But I have the opposite problem. I don't believe ANYthing I see/hear on April Fools. This video not withstanding... though that, in and of itself, is a good example of media released on/near April Fools still being around far from the said date. If it's day before, or day of, or day after, I just assume April Fools first.

Anyways... Back when I did a lot of Minecraft, one of my favorite multiplayer-servers (pretty much the only one I used at the time) went through an entire rebranding... it was on the first of an April.! We're talking name-change, server-IP, logos, main website, EVERYthing involved with an MC server and legal distinctions thereof... The owner of the server actually had to get in touch with me via direct messages because of how confused I was about the situation.

PS: Fun anti-joke to play on your friends... Tie one shoe like normal, and tie the other with just a double-knot, but leave the ends flapping around. When someone inevitably stops you to tell you your shoe's untied; look them SQUARE in the eyes (or face, if you're like me) completely ignoring your feet, and tell them, "REALLY?! You expect me to fall for the oldest trick in the book? TODAY, of all days?!" - Then just walk off, and make sure the extra laces flap around just that much more. ;)
(note: make sure you can safely walk around without stepping on loose-laces in the first place, otherwise the joke will be on you, if you end up tripping)

Show theater
Show theater - 07.09.2023 06:29

April Fools day is my birthday

my life is a freacking joke

Ingimundur Arnar Ólafsson
Ingimundur Arnar Ólafsson - 06.09.2023 08:15

When Magnús Scheving announced another lazy town series and movies.
I was devastated at the April fools

Ben Marchant
Ben Marchant - 06.09.2023 04:14

2024 April fool

Eden England
Eden England - 04.09.2023 21:17

depending on what you class "controlling the weather" as, we've had machines that control weather since shortly before WW2, in fact the Geneva conventions even explicitly dissalow military use of weather altering machines due to an incident where a stormy season was forcibly extended by two months to draw governemt action away from military efforts

Jorbert Fivesevenaetree
Jorbert Fivesevenaetree - 04.09.2023 07:28

I hate April fools pranks, but if they had effort put into them and are funny, not giving people hope for something that wont happen.

Green Mountain History
Green Mountain History - 04.09.2023 00:20

I’m autistic and April fools used to be one of my favorite holidays

Glowing Kirby
Glowing Kirby - 31.08.2023 23:35

I like how it’s possible that someone could say “I hate the minions because they made me lose my job” and it’s completely true

OctaGock - 14.08.2023 14:07

i fuckin hollared when tommys little face popped up in the corner lmao

J Murray
J Murray - 06.08.2023 18:36

Personally I never cared about April fool so I’d be up for axing it entirely

It doesn’t even do anything useful like be a bank holiday

LaughingJay - 31.07.2023 05:21

Hey Eddie as a eddsworld fan I like the character you voiced

redfriday624 - 22.07.2023 18:52

i have autism and i like april fools but i cant believe anything on the 1st of april because of it

Chris Cathey
Chris Cathey - 20.07.2023 08:10

11:11 am I the only one bothered by the fact that Volkswagen OF AMERICA actually was founded in 1955 just like the article stated and that's not a lie at all?

RushMan - 09.07.2023 16:30

I can imagine that there must have been someone out there who wrote an apology email explaining the situation, but they still accidentally hit the mic drop button.

Rainy Feathers
Rainy Feathers - 07.07.2023 14:39

Google, go and stand in the corner.

Mike Armstrong
Mike Armstrong - 29.06.2023 19:23

Can you talk about the controversial episode Of Daniel tiger's Neighborhood? The episode in question is "Daniel Can't Ride Trolley/Daniel Can't Get What He Wants" The reason it was changed because the theme said that when you cannot get something you want, stop three times and make you fell better and I think an angry Facebook mother complained that stomping three times won't make her kids fell better so it was changed to take a deep breath or something

Felaffle 01
Felaffle 01 - 29.06.2023 03:05

I would agree , censoring April fools day does nothing , if you can remember the day and keep the ideas farfetched it can be a good lesson (as said ) to not take things at face value

eeveefennecfox - 28.06.2023 00:12

when your waiting for real gaming news or cartoon news,and they end up being a april fools joke then it's a god damn problem

Ryan O'Driscoll
Ryan O'Driscoll - 18.06.2023 03:00

I love April Fools, but for any prank to be funny, it can't be mean spirited or have real ramifications.
The corporate april fools that are blatantly fake are safe bets, as anyone who is genuinely fooled by them should probably take some time to reflect. Its much more difficult to come up with a genuine fool thaf is not going to backfire.
I dont think Google's mic drop joke was bad, it was pretty funny. The mistake they made was in the execution. It's all very well thinking about the people who will pick up on the joke, or even those who will fall for it. But what they failed to account for was the people who would be unaware. Which is always going to be the largest group. And I would expect a tech company like Google to have been aware of how people use their applications, particularly regarding how users reapond to subtle UI changes.

corn pop
corn pop - 17.06.2023 11:42

People just need to learn how to laugh at themselves. Now a days people are too fast to call themselves a victim, then claim everyone else needs to change when really it is yourself.

SpunkyCheetah - 16.06.2023 08:01

I've always enjoyed Internet April Fools day, because April 1st is my birthday so it's kinda like the whole internet giving my twin and I silly goofy little birthday gifts :)

BemaSaberwyn - 14.06.2023 03:59

I still single one of my favourite and I daresay the best April Fools pranks that I ever heard of was actually done by South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone. Who on the day that the premiere of the second season of South Park was set to air decided instead to make an extra episode in the season in order to play an elaborate April Fool's joke as the first episode was set to be broadcast on April Fools. So instead of getting the conclusion to the two-part episode involving Cartman's parentage. Instead they did an entire half hour episode devoted to Terrance and Phillip in Universe standings for what critics were saying about South Park itself. And fans were super pissed about this

soupy - 08.06.2023 08:01

April fools just annoys me
Esp bc i live in Australia so i always forget much of the world celebrates it on a different day to us and im like ugh right its still going...i like jokes. But its so hard to find good ones. I am just so tired of the same four shitty jokes every year from everyone. Its exhausting.

WDonaldson 2000
WDonaldson 2000 - 06.06.2023 00:14

where is rawk

JbombII - 29.05.2023 21:38

Hey, you probably dont remember me but I went to comic-con on Sunday and saw you and just want to say thank you for making such good content (I had a staff and a green t-shirt)

Joelngo98 - 27.05.2023 00:15

I was watching a video About idol animation animations and video game Then they brought up Tom and Jerry How bout you give a little road runner treatment because they said that was the only time that Tom CAUHT Jerry

Crow Smith
Crow Smith - 26.05.2023 11:15

I wonder if this is why the last few years have had less and less websites doing the gag ... I used to collect website screenshots of April Fool's stuff

CHELRY - 25.05.2023 04:20

Just wanted to point out that the 1955 date for the Volkswagen thing was specifically about the American branch, which was founded in 1955.

Cara - 19.05.2023 23:10

When I was a kid, my mom only ever ‘pranked’ me once. She filled my school lunchbox with raw broccoli. The worst part is, I didn’t get it. I was just extremely confused, and because I had to eat something I just had lots of raw broccoli for lunch that day.

Slugshit - 19.05.2023 12:03

I love you daddy

Rodrigo - 18.05.2023 23:50

i think people blow things out of proportion. yeah, things CAN go too far. does that mean every april fools prank sucks? no. Yeah, maybe you saw something really cool only for it to end up being a prank, but its not like that happens year round, its literally 1 of 365 days where artists get to do a little trolling without backlash.

Trev - 18.05.2023 23:37

Ghost watch screwed my sleep up for sooo many months. Yvette fielding was monstrous
