Monster Hunter Rise | ALL 14 WEAPONS EXPLAINED - What Fits Your Playstyle Best?

Monster Hunter Rise | ALL 14 WEAPONS EXPLAINED - What Fits Your Playstyle Best?

Boomstick Gaming

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Zac Bowman
Zac Bowman - 19.11.2023 00:08

This is my first game, and for now, I'll stick with sword and shield. I just want a weapon that fast but also not ranged.

T Drizzy
T Drizzy - 02.11.2023 23:12

is this gameplay from the switch version?

ZarodGaming - 08.09.2023 15:27

and all equally garbage to use

伊萬理 - 06.08.2023 15:51

"If you want to defend like a tank and attack lile the other kind of tank" 😂

Exact reason why I mained the gunlance since Portable 2ndG

Rytron Gaming
Rytron Gaming - 01.07.2023 10:12

I must be a greatsword main (i am literally guts)

Shinobi Neon
Shinobi Neon - 08.06.2023 01:28

I know you bring up "knowing a monster's behavior" as something a lot of weapons benefit from... but I feel like that kinda goes without saying. Is there any weapon that DOESN'T benefit greatly from knowing a monster's move sets/behavior/animations? I can't think of a single one, except maybe insect glaive, where the goal is just to fly around, shred the monster, and bounce on them to charge up a dive.

John Gillis
John Gillis - 19.05.2023 00:19

I bought this game at launch but didnt enjoy it since i kept approaching it as i had to master all the weapons equally. Im glad to learn i can just master one if i feel like it and it will be viable.

bsnxenogear - 06.05.2023 05:42

Build Long Sword, both guns and daggers. You're good to go. MHR is a really easy game and those are the most broken weapons.

Ernest Isenhower
Ernest Isenhower - 25.04.2023 21:31

I'm a gunlance main and I can tell you
The best combo is spamming X+A-X-X-X

Oldkid Livegen
Oldkid Livegen - 17.04.2023 01:07

I bought MH Rise on Switch this weekend and I have already managed to clock in 8+ hours. I'm a LBG user only. I really like this weapon. I dodge monsters attacks all the time while shooting them in the face with gyro aiming!

ImOrangeJuice - 30.03.2023 05:55

"You cant describe a whole weapon with one word"
Me: bonk

Attaxalotl - 20.03.2023 21:58

In a nutshell:
Sword and Shield
Sword and Sword

Return to Monke
They're Groovin'
Poke, Poke, Poke, Repeat
Lance, 2
World's Smartest Neanderthal
The REALLY complicated one
Bowed Gun
Gunless Bow
The French one

Sir Justinius
Sir Justinius - 11.03.2023 18:32

Honestly, I did NOT like using ANY of these weapons. I dont know what Capcom did, but this game is the worst enrty in the series for me.

anonimonovids - 10.03.2023 19:59

Hehe dual blade go brr

Rafael Ticon
Rafael Ticon - 03.03.2023 18:34

Excellent and detailed explanation!

Hariman - 02.03.2023 15:01

Greatsword, but Rise doesn't look fun to me.

Daniel Mayer
Daniel Mayer - 17.02.2023 21:56

WHY does monster hunter STILL HAVE THE SAME COMMUNICATION ERRORS as mh world, and why is there NO info about it?

Ryan - 07.02.2023 19:30

Got to say as a dual blade user he isn't wrong about moving around like a unhinged saw blade... if it wasn't for all my stamina skills and my bro using dash juice as a support I would burn through my Stam like it was going out of style

Poke Den
Poke Den - 01.02.2023 05:03

My first MH game was Stories,Rise is my first mainline game.

QuietChaos - 27.01.2023 10:28

I've been jamming with the greatsword and I'm almost level 50, but after watching this I think I'm gonna go buy myself some hunting horns and take a new approach to laying the beat down

Gil’s Garage
Gil’s Garage - 27.01.2023 09:17

It’s good to know a few different weapon sets in case you hunt monsters that don’t quite fit the play style you are used to using.

RJinthematrix - 25.01.2023 15:03

i'm glad i watched this knowing there is really nothing new since MHW not even "dual katanas" or anything interesting relating to the lore

Mike Jenkins
Mike Jenkins - 24.01.2023 18:19

Why even have a difficulty scale of 1-5 if every one scores between 2-4? Hard to differentiate. Use the entire scale.

Kalien - 23.01.2023 17:45

get ready for the gamepass kids to come into the lobby

Delta Zero
Delta Zero - 23.01.2023 17:42

Oh heavy bowgun you forgot the other special ammo, A FUCKEN PENATRATING EXPLOSIVE ROUND

Khorne Addiction
Khorne Addiction - 23.01.2023 15:19

I have only used the great sword as a main weapon for years.

Zexelmon - 23.01.2023 09:58

I mix between dual blades, hammer, and bow

Mysterykat - 23.01.2023 08:10

I main the dual blades but always trying different weapons to get different feels this video really gave some insight on the pros and cons on other weapons thanks 👍

Adán Arterius
Adán Arterius - 23.01.2023 02:51

SNS shield freaking sucks and the start......

Axolotl - 23.01.2023 02:01

I use the dual blades but usually stay in the sky so I might switch to the insect glaive

Khaan Khaidav
Khaan Khaidav - 22.01.2023 22:43

I always played long sword but in Rise the flexibility to craft other weapons is so nice, I’ve started to main the Great Sword and I’ve really gotten into the lance and heavy bow gun. Every weapon in this game is super fun to play and it honestly offers so much replay value

Ball Sack
Ball Sack - 22.01.2023 18:30

I main the LS and hunting horn in world. But rise really let's me play the great sword with a little more speed. Which is what steered me away from great sword in mhw. My suggestion is give them all a try before you decide

EXTENDED TYM - 21.01.2023 09:20

Thx 🙏🏾 u so much really help especially when you mentioned insect blade (I PERFER THE AIR)😂😂

An Ian
An Ian - 21.01.2023 06:20

I go with Light bow gun
love the idea of shooting monsters mid air when they would otherwise be relatively safe
also those mines can force burrowing monsters to surface

Karen Ritter
Karen Ritter - 20.01.2023 08:43

Personally going to get a feel for each weapon. Currently using dual blades, sword and shield, light bow gun, or bow and arrow, for choices right now. Hunting partner uses more variety than me, but I'll try each out in the training area, and see what I like best.

zaddy daddy
zaddy daddy - 17.01.2023 07:55

Pick the lance its the best weapon

CVGL - 16.01.2023 15:19

thanks great video

Alex - 12.01.2023 17:21

Recently got Rise with a view of going greatsword or longsword. Now I’m trying new weapons and LOVE the switchaxe; it’s basically a trick weapon out of Bloodborne (one of my favourite games ever)

xSuPeRGooD Gaming
xSuPeRGooD Gaming - 09.01.2023 10:59

As a long time Monster Hunter fan, I have been playing since the original on PS2.

I originally started MH using the great sword.

I have gravitated through sword and shield, double blades, and also mained hammer.

With MH3U I started using Long Sword and loved it, and kept using it through MHW as well.

Might try focusing on Charge Blade this time around, it’s always looked freaking awesome but we will see, I am getting older and tend to not like to have to think to much about what I am going to do.

It tends to be easier to just act like I am a samurai and wreck shop with a Long Sword.

Leon Caesar
Leon Caesar - 07.01.2023 00:36

I love my switchblade

TheLMB - 03.01.2023 20:00

For me, the easiest weapons to complete the game (or learn the game) with, are: both bowguns, Insect glaive, Bow and as for the more traditional melees, probably Switch Axe because of its reach and decent overall speed

ARWINGx1 - 02.01.2023 01:27

Although I've only played a few MH games so far, (namely MH3, MH:G & MH:W) I've always preferred Bowguns as the monsters regularly jumps around/reposition themselves, forcing me to sheathe, move in close again and then start attacking again... maybe just a few hits before they jump around/reposition again.

But with a Bowgun, no need to do that. just rotate, and I'm (pretty much) back on their a--es.

iiGhostie - 29.12.2022 10:58

Thanks for this, i think the light bow gun is the one for me lol

Z Universe Gaming
Z Universe Gaming - 24.12.2022 23:51

hey, i can wield a huge hammer or god-like axe , but i dont know how to throw a punch, how does that make any sense?

Z Universe Gaming
Z Universe Gaming - 24.12.2022 23:50

why dont they have like a monk punchy punchy Ganlets like weapons I WANNA PUNCH STUFF

AKatanaLord - Elden ring
AKatanaLord - Elden ring - 18.12.2022 05:56

Watching these videos now before rise is released to console
